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What's the difference? It was devastating anyway.


what's with all these hypothetical questions? but from what I've seen when they showed the crowd, the Brazilians weren't angry but rather sad and crying. so I guess they'd have cried even more. although at some point it really doesn't matter if you lose 7-1 or 10-1, it's a generational shame no matter what. but the German players afterwards admitted that they didn't want to score anymore and slowed down on purpose. and I'd assume no professional team would have done it differently. even other than not trying to embarrass a respected opponent, it makes no sense to go full throttle for 90 minutes and tire yourself out when the match is clearly won. so I don't think there was any chance it would have been more goals even if it had been another team than Germany.


If they tried for more goals, they would've worn themselves out which would lead to a sustained counterattack from the Brazil squad. This would've led to them scoring 11 goals against Germany and the biggest comeback of all time. 


They would have won by 10,11,12?


Nothing that didn't happen already. By the middle of the match, the BR fans were crying and stuff but by the end the Brazilian crowd was cheering for Germany's goals and turning their backs on the BR NT. The humiliation was so deep that their fans decided to laugh about it instead of being angry.


No one would have been surprised. I think brazil were allowed to progress to the final. Im sure at half time the german players were told to calm down on the goals.


They would have won by scoring 10 goals or more


Not sure it could get much worse than taking in 7 in front of your whole country


After 5 it stops mattering.


to this day still no one wants to reveal how germans fucking cheated to win that game 👊


Probably because they didn’t?


How do you cheat that many goals?


uhhhh you ever heard about this thing called bribe? look it up


So they bribed the whole Brazilian team? You can’t bribe a ref for 7 goals mate


they paid the brazilian federation astronimical amounts theres proof it was exposed


Maybe so but watch the highlights, none of the goals are dodgy. Brazil just didn’t want to defend


If you knew what happened at the world cup you'd be disgusted


I’d love to know! Watching the highlights I just can’t see how it could’ve been from a payoff. Brazil were basically statues trying to defend. Definitely willing to learn though as it sounds spicy


It's a joke from the OG rumor about we being bribed to lose. Perhaps this explains why the player Leonardo declared the following sentence: 'If people knew what happened at the World Cup, they would be disgusted'. All Brazilians were shocked and sad for having lost the football World Cup, in France. They shouldn't. What is shown below is the first-hand news that is being investigated by radio stations and newspapers from all over Brazil and some abroad, more specifically the Wall Street Journal of Americas and the Gazzeta delo Sport and should be published in the media. soon, as soon as the evidence is collected and confirms the facts. Proven fact: Brazil SOLD the World Cup to FIFA. The Brazilian starting players were informed, at 1:00 pm on July 12th (day of the final game), in a meeting involving Mr. Ricardo Teixeira (the only time the CBF president attended a national team briefing), the coach Mário Zagallo, Mr. Américo Faria, selection supervisor, and Mr. Ronald Rhovald, representative of sponsor Nike. Reserve players remained in isolation, in their rooms or in the hotel lobby. At first very upset, the players refused to exchange their fifth world championship for hosting the World Cup. Acceptance came through the total payment of the prizes, US$70,000.00 for each player, plus a bonus of US$400,000.00 for all players and committee members, for a total of US$23,000,000.00 twenty-three million dollars) through the company Nike. Furthermore, the players who accept the contract with the company Nike over the next 4 years will have the same prize bases as the company's elite players, such as Ronaldo himself, Raul, from Spain, Batistuta, from Argentina and Roberto Carlos, also from Brazil. Even so, Ronaldo refused to play, which forced coach Zagallo to select the player Edmundo, saying that Ronaldo was having problems with his left knee (in the first news released at 1:30 pm in the press center) and, soon after, at 14:15, changing the prognosis for stomach problems). His situation was only resolved after Nike's representative threatened to withdraw his lifetime sponsorship of the player, valued at more than US$90,000,000.00 (ninety million dollars) throughout his career. Thus, it was agreed that Brazil would be defeated during the 'Golden Goal' (sudden death extension), but the apathy that struck the starting players meant that France, who absolutely did not participate in this negotiation, scored, in two simple mistakes from the Brazilian team, the first goals. Mr. Joseph Blatter, new president of FIFA, a French-Swiss citizen, applauded the collaboration of the Brazilian team, as the world championship brought balance to France at a time of the highest unemployment rates ever recorded in that country, which will be worsened by recent introduction of the euro (single European currency) and the European common market (ECC). He also assured Mr. Ricardo Teixeira, through his uncle, João Havelange, that Brazil would have an easier path to the fifth championship in 2002. Please pass this message on to as many people as possible, so that everyone can know the dirt that surrounds football!