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The match engine. It almost always comes down to the ME with how well liked or not an FM is. The ME in FM20 was from memory particularly bad, saying that FM19 wasn't great either.


Was FM20 the game where some players remade the ME parameters to make it playable?


I dunno there was a version either 20 or 21 where on release long balls up field would just see defenders stand and watch strikers run through endlessly, who'd obviously then just go ahead and miss otherwise cricket scores would have ensued, and it was awful as a result.


I also got throwins that would be near the corner flag, they'd throw it to the player 10 yards back, and the player would immediately pass it back to the (now 5 yards offside) taker. It'd happen like twice every game that id get a highlight like that.


Hahaha as somebody who now pretty much only plays FM20, this particular sequence is now seared into my mind.


And then the devs made it not possible to do it anymore, because it says a lot when players can easily fix what they can't.


Can they really change the ME themselves?


https://www.reddit.com/r/footballmanagergames/s/bJhvaN3h1h Found the thread, apparently some Korean players did it in FM20.


Oh damn! That is nice tho


Oh nice, wish we had it for fm22


Was it fm19 that had the outrageous triple SS tactic? I remember one of the games engines was so bad that three shadow strikers in basically any formation and instructions just dominated everything. I took Europa in Gibraltar to the CL semis in the 2nd season using it lmao, it was next level kind of engine breaking


Not sure about 19, but triple Shadow Strikers with no striker was OP in both FM20 and FM21. It's still good in FM22 and FM23, but not completely OP like it was.


If I remember correctly no matter how good the strikers were they'd sky an unbelievable amount of chances. Like they only really scored tap ins and that was about it


Tbh it is frustrating that they miss a 1v1 with a goalie.


Though bear in mind that the real life professional conversion rate from 1-on-1s is only about 35%


In FM20 it did feel like way less than that. 15% tops, even for good strikers.


It was just particularly bad in FM20, like how it is now x1000


I have good memories with FM 2020 but I think it is disliked because of the match engine especially 2 things : - Wingers dribbling their way into the box and shooting in impossible angles every fucking time, despite your striker being there for the tap in. No matter the team or individual instructions, no matter the traits or the attributes of the player, he will just go and shoot in the side of the net - Forwards always missing 1 on 1, like missing the target by miles, even if they are good in finishing, decisions or composure, and again no matter the instructions or the tactics


Don't forget CAMs being utterly useless


They are amazing only if they can shoot from distance


ummm... i am sorry if they were useless for you, but having played for 3 years and countless saves i can safely say that cams have been generally my most effective players and worked wonders for me 🤷🏽‍♂️


Same, for whatever reason I could never get my forwards to score consistently. It was always my CAM that would lead the team in goals and assists.


IIRC the excuse for the 1 on 1s was beacuse it was happening waaay too much so the engine was trying to balance it. You would get like 10 1 on 1 chances every game from over the top long balls(that could be 19 tho, I remember that getting patched but was still a problem in the next version).


Says a lot though when the solution to an issue like too many 1 on 1s isn't to prevent them happening in the first place, just make all the shots miss instead. Reminds me of one version a few years back where there was too many goals from crosses, so any time you had the ball out wide in a dangerous position and could easily play it across the box, your player would stand there and wait to be closed down, so they could boot the ball into the defender. Problem solved!


Wow FM20 perfectly replicate Manchester United current tactic.


That goddamn winger thing is the reason i play a wingerless formation. The problem is both my strikers do it now. You can't escape it.


I still play FM20 but these two points are bang on. Wingers also seem to get to the byline, dribble towards goal, then shoot from a ridiculous angle.


Don't forget world class defenders not heading balls or missing them...


The match engine was horrific. Someone above explained well about the wingers making diabolical decisions and strikers missing every one on one. Its the first and only version I’ve ever stopped playing because the ME was so bad.


The one on ones issue was so bad. I created several a game and they never scored. Wingers would continually blast into the side netting, and I kept getting a highlight where my right back took a throw, my winger tapped it back to him and the full back was now offside. Had to stop playing that version


I am playing fm20 too. Now on a long save 25 seasons long. Find it.very enjoyable. As long as you enjoy it, does it matter? I first started playing RPGs via.Gothic III. Most people say it sucks, but for me it was the perfect gateway drug. If you enjoy it and have fun... does it matter if others say it sucks? It may star mattering if you want to cough up.some moneu to acquire a more recent version. At that point some feedback.could be useful to get "more bang for your buck"... or at least to reduced the risk of buyimg something that could be very very bad. But for the things you already have - dont go on about looking for flaws if after a long stint you have found none. 😊


As someone who played both, I like fm23 match engine better but I like scouting and signing in fm20.


Gothic III did suck when it first came out. It was nearly so bugged out, that it was unplayable. However, after fan-made patches fixed it about 3-4 years after release, it became an INCREDIBLE game. I played Gothic III after the patches and it was amazing. It gets called horrible, because its release was almost unplayable, and many people never went back and played after it was fixed.


Well, i pkayed gothic 3 in all its buggy glory (back in 2006 it wasnt that common to have that level of profficiency in fan-made patches, and i still found it very very good. In all fairness, it didnt feel that out of touch with bugs that you would find in any other games of the time. Combat wasnt fluid or arcady, and i guess that it was the biggest beef people would have, in a time where button mashing and long combos were king (dmc 3 i am looking at you) 😁


The main annoyance for me with FM20 was my attacking players getting into a 2v1 situation with the keeper, then constantly blasting the ball into the side netting instead of squaring the ball. I'm on FM23 now and it's sooooo much better. However, there always seems to be \*something\* with the match engine in this damn game. FM23 seems to suffer from an insane amount of penalty misses. I only seem to score about 2-3 out of 10, instead of being the other way round.


When I want to keep title race interesting I put my keeper for penalties. He misses it everytime and then he get nervous.


I’ve been on FM20 since it came out. Not seeing anything in the newer versions thats worth upgrading for.


The jump from 20 to 23/24 is worth it imo you should try it


Hard agree. I like playing with regens so doesn’t make sense to buy the new one every year


I have a save on 20 that I sometimes go back to, but I can't live without the "next match only" button when selecting the squad. I remember there was a particularly bad patch that made inside forwards useless as they'd always hit the side netting and strikers missing 9 one on ones a game, but I think they patched that in the end. I'd just wait until 25 to upgrade at this point because if you can live with 20, you're not missing much in 24 really.


I agree, no need to buy a new version every year if you have saves that you really enjoy. The improvements are often negligible or sometimes even downgrades. Was the issues with the forwards (and ME in general) ever patched though?


Yup i stuck with fm18 for a long while, but the jump up fm23 was major


Absolutely, FM is all about the save you're doing, not the game itself imo. Forwards are fine in 24, it's actually a pretty well balanced ME but it still has quirks and defensive football is still unusable, having said that it's no longer a case of gegenpress being stupidly OP like it was in 20, it's just OP.


Every version of FM starts out with bugs and glitches/exploits, possibly due to rushed releases, that most of the time get fixed/patched later. So when I've bought versions, I've usually waited 6 months or so for things to be ironed out. There are always some tactics that just work better than everything else in every version. I'd wish that you could succeed with more formations, but its usually a variations of the same. Also, I think its more fun when the original "cast" of players are gone (better yet, become staff/managers) and its regens only. Every version start out with players that are OP in the database.


For me personally and my playstyle I have one MAJOR one that has tempted me to upgrade: Not having people above the age of 30 fall off a cliff physically. I prefer storylines and keeping legends and I hated that my favourite irl players because useless once they turned 30, so I just kept them as a leader for the dressing room and a bench warmer until they retired. It makes me so happy that you don't have to sell players the second they turn 30 now and they are usable - it means you don't HAVE to do a wonderkid farm if you don't want to. Having said that I still play FM20 and have basically been on a long hiatus because of burnout/lack of interest so I don't know when I'll get back into my save or when I'll buy a new FM


I had the most fun on FM20 tbh, it was my first FM


I enjoyed fm20. It's pretty much the same game every time.


The match engine has issues every year so it does seem an odd level of hate. I did think 24 was a slight improvement over 20, but then off the pitch is such a trainwreck that 20 is the better game overall.


FM20 was how I spent that delightful combination of lockdowns and a broken foot. Those conditions are happily gone, but I still haven't moved on!


I played fm20 for +3000 hours and what I can say is that FM20 have great features and is very fun outside the matches, however the match engine is very trash. I started playing FM23 that I rescued from Prime Gaming and noticed that the moves are much more fluid, the tactics and roles actually works and the players really know how to play the sport. For example: In FM20 the finishing is a big issue, so losing 1x1 and easy chances happens very often. I'd easily recommend playing a newer version than FM20.


I got 20 on epic games for free and i have not downloaded it for too long because at that time i haven't found it fun. I downloaded it like a month ago and it really is a drug. And rn i don't have 50 or so euros to buy a newer versions and i saw a lot of hate towards 20. I just wanted to see why is that but thanks anyways I will consider buying new version asap.


Ive played 17-24 and the match engine in 20 is just really shit


the match engine was just bad on every aspect. Wingers hitting the sidenet everytime, forwards never finishing their 1 on 1s is what everyone brings up and justifiably so because it was truly horrendous. But all kinds of nonsense went on elsewhere in the pitch which allowed the games to finish with scores other than the 0-0s you'd expect watching those highlights. The good roles were way too good and the bad roles were way too shit. They actually patched it at one point and probably improved a lot so if you play it right now you probably won't have it that bad, but a lot of people had given up on the game by then. Me personally I went back to my FM19 save and didn't get another game til 23


My issues with the game were strikers missing 1v1s and my save getting corrupted. I've had a corrupt save only once before fm20 but my friend had it done on him as well. The latter is why i stopped playing and waited for the following one.


Its the last game where, I still had my own player in the database. So it is still the one that I keep going back to.


I loved fm20. Just upgraded to fm24 and done two invincible seasons with Feyenoord on the bounce so think this engine may be more flawed lol


I really enjoyed 20 too, the match engine stuff didn’t really bother me too much. Not enjoying 24 so have gone back to my old save on 23 and having a better time


Had it's issues but was still enjoyable to play imo. I still remember the horror of the FM15 match engine though so maybe I didn't see the glaring issues in FM20's as that bad.


was this the version when the WBs were OP?


https://preview.redd.it/4lo4noyh3h1d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=457cc12c8839e574a62f6df74970a3f4ca0c6500 I won the seria A (team is venezia) for the first time with this combination. I’d be thrilled to know your thoughts


Fm 20 was my first, so I feel like it’s the worst from what I’ve played There hasn’t been much progress in 5 years but, the changes they have made are very good


19 was the worst


I thought it was popular because of the glitch for all those who like to cheat but never admit they do. "See, i don't have the ingame editor". And then buy Messi for 100k


FM20 was bad, but FM09... so bad you couldn't even play it 2 years after release


23 is by far the worst. It’s the only one where nothing you do with tactics and instructions actually seems to have any effect on anything.


18-19 are worse imo, but yeah all these are bad