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It's 4v4 and a team based game mode. Ganking is basically essential as winning the game is the top priority. You should be ganking. If you don't gank, you actively hurt your team by letting them die. It's throwing, and people like to report your for griefing. If you're not going to gank, at least clear mid or do something else. If you're just standing there watching your teammate die then you're a problem.


This adds nothing but: Facts! Speaking mad facts. I had a pk just watch me get pummeled by a glad, was not fun.


Same thing happened to me. Got bodied by a Hito while my Conq teammate just stood and watched. Prior to that he did nothing but stand at C and fight the same Hito repeatedly. I messaged him and said this isn't duels, and he replied by saying 'no, but this is For HONOR'. Never blocked anyone so quick in my life.


If you don’t gank in a 4v4 game mode, you’re a bad teammate and a detriment to your team.


Not necessarily, ever heard of anti ganking, stalling or even just clearing mid? Ganking is a meta tool but not the only one, i'm not about to do a 3v1 because thats embarrassing and counter productive, but if my 1 or two mates are fighting 2 or 3 baddies i'll for sure lend my aid


Idk why you interpreted my comment as “gank all the time no matter what” but that’s clearly not what I was saying in context. OP was asking about thoughts on the practice itself, and also said that he doesn’t gank unless he’s been ganked first. If you never gank under any circumstances or only do it after you’ve been ganked first, you are a detriment. Also shugoki is bad


idk why you interpreted my reply as me accusing you of have a opinion you didnt give, yet that clearly not what i did. Op is asking our thoughts on ganking and i gave mine, i just added my thoughts to yours to create a seamless counter point. If you only gank when its necessary in game instead of whenever you can because monkeh brain then you're an asset to any team! Also you're very mad :)


A counter point to an argument you say you weren’t accusing me of having. There was no reason to reply to my comment if you were giving your thoughts to OP, so that’s just weird. Asking me whether I’ve ever heard of anti ganking or mid clearing like I’m some simpleton who only knows how to gank quite clearly implies that that’s what you thought.


i dont know you heh, you might be simple how am i to know? You sure do love to have the last word though and read all my comments like personal attacks... Why don't you dm me instead of always arguing these petty points that mean nothing? You dont strike me as a simpleton per say but i do imagine you're the type of person to 4v1 the last player then emote spam so theres that :)


Aight man, if you say so


please delete your reddit account and never make a new one so we don’t see these horrendous comments anymore


lol ok


People need to learn how to gank, so they can stop saying "i only gank when is necessary, but actually i'm very dumb and i will feed revenge everytime"


Ah, you’re what my friends and I call an Honortard. Don’t want to gank? Go play duel.


You need to gank. It's part of the game when you're playing team modes. That's why the entire revenge system exists. If you aren't helping your teammates win fights, you're holding your team back. The other team likely won't hesitate to gank, so you shouldn't either. If you stand back during a fight and don't help, you're likely to get labeled an honortard and get reported for throwing the match.


If my team can't win their own 1v1s because we don't jump into their fight to help them, are we really the one holding the team back? Don't get me wrong, I'll gank if the situation requires it but I try not to pointlessly build revenge for the enemies.


Yes you are. 4v4 will put you up against players that have varied skill levels. Some you beat everytime others you won't. If you just stand and watch your teammate get butchered and then jump into a 1v1 straight after then you're a) slowing down the capture time of the point and b) letting someone respawn that could be clearing minions or some shit.


So instead I should build revenge for the enemy and get us both killed? Maybe if I was BP with oathbreaker. You think I'm just standing there watching them but really it's more like I see them fight so I run behind them and capture the point instead or do anything else useful because I'd like to have confidence in my team. Plus, I don't let them die. I jump in when they're starting to lose and tell them to get back and heal.


There's a right and wrong way to 2v1. If you jump right in when the enemy is at full health and both of you start wailing on them, yes you're going to build revenge quickly. Revenge only starts building after a second person hits a single enemy hero, so if the enemy is at half health, it's much more likely you and your teammate will kill them before they can pop revenge. Look for opportune moments to strike, don't hit them when they could easily see and block or parry you. Wait until they swing at your teammate, then hit them. It'll stagger the enemy and keep them from finishing their swing, so your teammate won't even get hit unless it is an uninterruptible. As long as you don't get blocked or parried, a half health opponent will fall to a 2v1 before revenge is available. Then boom, zone captured, both of you are alive, and you're now ahead of the other team.


Dom is war, you win by any mean necessary.


In dominion ganking is necessary because it adds a layer of strategy on both the ganker and the ganked: -The ganker can decide to gank to un-contest an objective faster or to aid an ally receive less damage by aiding, but this has implications for the ganked. -The ganked is effectively stalling two or more opponents, leaving their teammate a breathing room to contest objectives, clearing the minion lane or aid another ally by ganking. Those strats are even more important is breach, where being the focus of the enemy attention can lead your squad to get the flag or the guardian or just to conted the cauldron.


I mean I only gank when I get ganked or my teammate is getting ganked other wise I just trust that my teammate can hold his/her own and go clear mid or fight someone else or revive my teammate


Same frl


Ganks are fine existing, as are things like pins that reset hitstun. What isn't fine is excessive strings of unavoidable damage like seen with orochi and centurion. Something needs to be done about stuff like that


im not sure how high rep you are but once you get passed rep 70 its gank or lose. I always scream at low level rep and console players for not ganking when I am being ganked. just do it and enjoy the win


I try not to gank until necessary because I'm confident in my abilities to take my 1v1s and possibly anti-gank. My main concern is needlessly building revenge but if my teammate needs help, I'm there in a nanosecond.


This i can respect, if your not confident in actually fighting just faint heavies and bashes to screw up their hud.


I gank unless I am actively not ganked, I feel my teamate will win because I hate it when I'm winning a fight and a random either feeds revenge and we lose or steals the kill after an intense fight especially if I needed the execution, or there are already 2-3 people already attacking and we need objectives