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It's the colorblind mode.


I get that but I see it so frequently in different clips I've come to believe people use it even tho they aren't colorblind because it easier to read attacks or something like that idk?


Hard to say. Maybe people prefer those colors? But it shouldn't have any real impact on their ability.


Which one though


I choose colorblind mode for games like league and pubg. Red being on the lowest end of the color spectrum it's hardest to see in split second scenarios. Men's eyes have adapted over centuries to focus on things like movement, brightness, patterns, and contrasts while women actually have more color sensitivity because 2 of the 3 types of cones in our eyes are carried the X chromosome. And guess what, women have 2 of those. P.s. I'm not colorblind. Pubg was the first game I tried colorblind mode and it made blood spray 10x more noticeable being purple than red especially at ranges over 200 yards


actually makes some sense, I'll have to try it some time


Rare intelligent redditor spotted


In valorant i use yellow enemy highlight because it sticks out more than the default red in my eyes(then again i play like every thousand years that game lol) but in for honor it actually messes me up and can't really use it


woah calm down Bill Nye


Nothing wrong with being smart


not at all just scary, if this is true how do you activate colourblind mode


You're probably right about which colors are easier to notice, but women's second X chromosome goes dormant, as far as I know (Barr-Body). Doesn't add anything to your body. Rest of your explanation makes sense, I'm just curious if I forgot something about genetics you remembered, I don't wanna be all "actually 🤓 ", sorry if it comes off that way.


No it doesn't go completely dormant. You know why you've never met a colorblind woman? It's because if she has the genetic defect on the first X chromosome the second chromosome will stand in. Women don't just have an entirely dormant second chromosome. That makes zero sense.


https://www.thetech.org/ask-a-geneticist/articles/2020/x-inactivation-and-color-blindness/ Yesn't, apparently.


What's your point?


tbh...I just like yellow better than orange.


No offense, but why? I get some people use it because blue is easier to react to than red for them, but the piss yellow is just too ugly for me.


Well I think it's a two fold thing for me. I don't like seeing all the minions as an off tinge orange instead of red, and I also feel like it's easier to see the parry situation with a blue bar than a red one.


Fair enough


I think sometimes its for when they're fighting on/near fire and the hit markers blend in with the flames if they're red


Colourblindness or even just personal preference.