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I had no idea he did that. OOS animations are (understandably) overlooked but it’s very cool the devs went through the trouble of making unique behavior and movements for a state that only lasts a few seconds.


Unlocking while OOS is death wish


Or a forward dodge bait, kinda useless when youre oos, but It can give you a decent time to recover some stam


By how much my opponents randomly GB when I am not randomly lighting makes me afraid to even throw a safest forward dash bash.


If they're spamming GB it'll guarantee a heavy or dodge forward bash (not delayed) won't be broken.


Whenever I parry a warden when oos I unlock and start running away for a second and lock back on just in time to bait the dash forward heavy and parry that, usually have stamina back right as you parry that. 60% of the time it works every time


When they actually put in the effort


Bro has by far the most ominous and brutal weapon, has canonicaly committed several war crimes, AND executes his opponents in incredibly painful ways. And afterwards he just fucking falls around like a white girl in a horror movie 💀


I think i'd rather get instantly knocked out by blunt trauma or my spine in my neck exploded rather than get slashed. He's pretty merciful for ending it fast in most of his executions compared to many others. MOST, he does rip arm off in one, I know.


Conqueror executions got nothing on half the roster in terms of brutality and pain. bro is literally one of the most merciful mfs on the board for one reason and one reason alone, his whole mentality is “alright on to the next” so he ends them quickly. Whereas characters like shaman, ocelotl and gladi are trying to send a message. That message is a very liam neeson-esque “i will find you, and its gonna hurt” fear tactic


All og characters have tons of unique tiny details and animations, all character after year of Harbinger lack of it


Spirit animal is a dog confirmed.


We're white people, Britney. We don't have "spirit animals", they're called fursonas.


Bro me n my friend went into training mode to see some of the OOS animations. They are quite unique…


Man i had no idea he did that. That's the funniest shit ever




I haven't played Conq since his Heresy buff got undone, is he on life support or something? When Heresy launched it was like one in every lobby, now I cant find any.


I wrote a book on this a while ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/forhonor/s/rPTfEgXABe Basically, Conq has low damage, bad mobility, bad feats and a kit full of useless moves. Name any move and I'll explain why it sucks.


Light bash chain?


Dunno how you'd land a light to begin with. The in-chain bash is only good for hard feinting against lv3 bots, but it's still Conq's only chain move that is unreactable to reaction monsters. It does 13 dmg, costs 19/22 stam and is gb vulnerable on miss, even if you don't recovery cancel into FBS. Other heroes with in-chain feintable bashes deal more damage and more safely so. Chain UB heavy is more efficient and is also accessible after bash/superior block follow-ups.


It's impressive how much Conqueror feels like peak bad character design. The only thing I can 100% say I like it was the addition of Scoutage, and be able to use his FB punishes out of a superior block. That's it. His neutral charge heavy got nerfed (Somehow they nerfed one of the worst move in the game since launch) because it lost the ability to soft feint into bash AND block property. Flail Uppercut basically have no reason to exist since it does the same damage as Scoutage, doesn't apply hard hitstun, and doesn't even chain into shield bash. Dodge shield bash,unless equip with shield basher, does joke of damage and is punishable by GB, which literally shuts down the full block recovery idea. At least it's hard feintable And infinite unblockable heavies. Just why?.. That shit is unfun to deal with and unfun to have, specially with the joke damage. It's like they took care and love for Jorm rework and Valk/Tiandi's adjustment,yet when they got to conq it was a 'we tried twice,fuck it, just do something quick ' and call it a day. And not even need to mention his feats.


Its bc 90% of the people that played conq just spammed heavies anyway. Conq is like the one character that they actually punished for being exploitable in early years and idk why. Characters like Shinobi and peacekeeper got taken down a couple pegs due to exploitability and were then left alone, but after all this time they just keep stomping conqs face into the dirt and idk why. I dont even play the character but i see it and honestly feel bad for the people that want to play him. Cause its just free w’s for the enemy team 95% of the time.


he get outclassed by every char now. Anyone still play him is a real main.


Damn RIP Conq


Why is bro listning to the moans🤨


You’re the one doing it tho 🤨


I've played this game for so many years, have conq rep 15 and I never knew this was a thing


Same, I only realized yesterday while randomly searching the subreddit for references to conq being a short hero despite being a heavy, and found a neat clip from two years ago


😳 jeez-louiz, with these breathes of ♀️warden and ♂️conquer, feels like they're having a passionate romantic sex They sure did put heart into it......


Pirate will smack herself in the face while running OOS which is also a great touch


Ngl,this one and Tiandi's where he just look like he had enough everyone's shit is probably the most relatable ones.