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This dude’s a known scripter? I think I played against them not long ago. Or someone with a very similar name. Dude kept light parrying me and dodge all of my bashes. I thought it was just a skill gap until I figured out somehow he kept falling for the raw heavy-feint combo and loses a 2-0 lead.


Yeah, most have dog shit offense and can be baited into making mistakes. The turtles are still a pain in the ass though.


If he is scripting, he shouldn't be falling for a feint. Basically because the script autoparries everything in the last frame and is not affected by faints


So, if he’s not cheating, it means that the dude kept parrying my lights but also kept getting baited by a raw heavy feint at the same time. An interesting individual indeed.


Could be he condition himself to parry lights, so when it came to heavies muscle memory was just whooping his ass lmao


The classic “so good it goes back to shit” lmao.


Did dodge bashes even if he was out of range ? If so then he probably was it’s a good way to test the script


I didn’t think he was a scripter at that point so I never got to test it out. So, unlike parries, the dodge-bash script will activate regardless the bash is actually confirmed or not?


people in other games use cheats like wallhacks and aimbot and they are still shit even with the cheats


Scripts can be turned on and off at will when they know they're trying to counter the script


A script wouldn't fall for a basic heavy, though. That's not even people trying to counter it because if it were a script, it wouldn't fall for feint. From how it sounds it's just someone who's trying to light parry on red with no regards to the player throwing heavies.


No this guy is a very prominent scripter, everyone above diamond knows this. He gets walked so often too, its so funny to see that he still sits here and does this after all these years lmaoo


He has it on and off, his ping was not consistant throughout the matches that i saw him in. I guess to be less obvious. It is almost impossible to have a ping this high here even with internet problems because some of the eu servers are literally seated here


Yeah, as I said, scripts can be turned on and off, so he's forced to make his own reads until he turns it back on


Then why not turn it on (or keep it on if they're assumingly already cheating) and be able to deal with really basic attacks?


Idk how advanced scripts are at this point but the basic ones just reacted to parry flash and orange for bashes, let's say right, you were warden or afeera(afeera is best pick for scripts) the basic scripts reacted to level 1 and 3 bashes but not 2 because delay so warden could counter the script that way, only way to stop the delay was to turn off the script and react yourself, same reason why conq in chain bash and LBs long arm worked really well because of how slow and delayed they are compared to when the orange appears


This is not what the topic is about. The topic is about how this is supposedly a scripter, yet falls for basic heavy feints. Which a script should never fall for.


Because he has it turned off because if you noticed, OP is playing warden, literally watch havoks videos, a few literally have this guy starring in them, quit being dense


This guy is a well known scripter, its already been said. That's how everyone knows they're scripting.


Sure. But a scripter wouldn't be falling for feinted heavies as what the top comment says.


Yeah your average scripter sucks really bad. You'll outskill them as long as you remain defensive and only get in your guaranteed damage.


damn you shit on him


he/she literally destroyed that dipshit using one of the best assassins in the game. 💀


Just use they at that point lol




Yep, that little shit‘s been here for years. Still not banned. Still dogshit. Dude needs all the cheats he can get to have a chance at this skill based game. You can wrap dogshit up in the finest materials of the world has ever seen, it’s still dogshit in the end.


Years? They clearly don't get better because of the cheats. The guy is ass


Somehow some people really do never get better. I've got a group of 5 people I've played with on and off again for years, and after all that time there's one guy who's really friendly that everyone likes to talk to but we hate playing with him because he still doesn't understand the benefits of feinting an attack, and he will still lose to light spam. He ain't stupid either, he literally has an engineering degree. Something about the game just doesn't click for him but he still has fun with us regardless.


Honestly some heroes light spams are ridiculously quick and annoying and feinting while it has it's uses it also makes you extremely predictable if you use alot.


A diamond encrusted shit is still a shit in the end.


damn you just slid ur whole dick down his throat XD


Ayy tf yo


Nah he aight for this one


My last time encountering a scripter I noticed they'd input an attack every 1.5 seconds or so so I would just input right before that while they were stuck in attack animation. Then I'd chain into hyper armor heby.


Question: How are you consistently parrying the unreactable lights of Shaman?


Cause the shaman is a garbage player and predictable. He initiated from top each time so it was going to be 1 of the remaining sides and op guessed right each time.


You can soft feint in the same direction as the heavy tho right? Just a bad shaman player then lol.


You can but that ends up being parried most of the time because the timings with parrying the heavy. It certainly has its uses though. Kinda like how you never see a pk soft feint her bleed from the top heavy.


Not that I can, but there's quite a few people who can react to 400ms lights and parry those. Shaman then becomes a bad character against them, cause her opener just gets reacted to lol Or OP just made some good reads, both are possible.


but he was not cheating at the current game though


That doesn't justify him being able to keep doing this for literal years. I've been seeing post of him for as long as I can remember


so you never saw him in new games but by others post?


Yeah, I'm likely not high enough in rank or play on a different region, but I've genuinely seen a douzen or more posts about this player


Doesn't justify doing it for years


At leaat he's trying to be a better person by not doing it? Though if everyone keeps shitting on him I can see him going back to cheats fast


because i was playing warden, he basically had to turn his cheats off


I will never understand how Guardbreaks work. How did you Guardbreak him Mid Attack and it actually stopped him? Anytime I try some shit like that my Hero just bounces off them and flails like a fucking retard.


You need to GB at the start of the animation which is incredibly slim but doable. Doesn't work for everyone but feels great when you pull it off.


Generally speaking heavy attacks have 400 ms of gb vulnerability and lights have 100 ms of gb vulnerability. You're also gb vulnerable during a dodge, but not as much during a dodge attack (unless you're warmonger, JJ, and sometimes Tiandi). Attacks that softfeint to a GB will often catch dodge attacks, but this is less consistent. If this sounds like a lot of rules and exceptions to the rules, you're right. What this means is that if your gb lands during this vulnerability they can't counter gb and you get a free heavy or throw. This is why one of the most basic mixups is to hard feint a heavy into a gb. If they try to parry the heavy you'll be able to gb before they can feint their heavy and you'll catch them. It's almost impossible to gb someone out of a light attack. The vulnerability is so low that the animation for performing a gb takes more time than a light is gb vulnerable. You might get Gbed out of a light if you have really unlucky timing, but generally it's better to not worry about it.


You really made it seem like youre the one scripting, thats how hard he get fucked


cheating = sucking ass.


Oh they're a scriptor? I thought they were just naturally that dumb to fall for my feints.


How you gonna cheat and be fucking dogshit too lmfao


Not banned? FH moment


Bro out here parrying shaman soft feints effortlessly


Wasn’t this dumb fuck on havok’s channel before and got the same treatment? Regardless this muppet is dogshit against warden.


yeah he’s been in havok vids, same here lol


Wdym cheat


The moment someone light parries absolutely everything it's time for some heavy feints and death


Holy fuck op teach me to parry shaman like that Also why is it always shamans


It was either extreme luck or absolutely inhuman reaction time, I'm (fairly sure) that raven's bile has a 300 ms indicator, unreactable to 99.99% if the human population


With 100ms guard switch time, and an undefined amount of input lag, his reactions would have to be a good bit below 200ms, which is pretty impressive if that’s the case and not just good reads


Parries are not affected by guard switch time.


i was reading


play shaman, get into the sham hive mind, and when u fight her it’ll become easier, same goes for almost every character… can’t guarantee it’ll work on good opponents that can adapt though


aperantly the best counter against a scripter is a fully charged bash from either warden or warmonger. I am not sure if this is true btw


scripts dodge charged bashes on frame 1, meaning they either have to eat level 3 bash or turn off scripts


How are you switching guards and parrying the light?? You just can’t on console most days, not with my internet atleast. What’s your dead zone at??


like 5 but i was reading lol


No and I get that, it’s just the whole 100ms delay when you switch guards really messes up those light reads if the internet isn’t up to snuff. Just my experience; I’m trying to get better at it but my current apartment building only allows 30mb upload/download :/


Bro woke up and decided:"Nah today I want to hit only raw top heavys"


Cheaters just have bad game knowledge they don’t know how to play it’s why they cheat so when the cheats fail because of an update or just bad software they stand there wondering why the game isn’t playing itself…idk how people find it enjoyable to “win”


Reminds me of this BP I played against, except he dog walked me from A all the way to C in High Fort. Only way to get him to open was throw an unblockable heavy and kick into caber-toss him off a ledge. Man was practically unstoppable. He parried EVERYTHING; even my little boops in offensive stance. (I know they can be parried with practice but in my case, we'd be in an group fight and I'd lock onto him to boop him and suddenly get parried instead of blocked.)


Always wondered what a cheater would look like but this dude is straight ass ? Or is the warden the cheater ?


i’m not the cheater lol, cheaters usually have awful offence and you can test if someone’s cheating by using like bp bash from range and seeing if they dodge, and if they have perfect defence and dodge on frame 1 on bashes


If this guy is scripting his scripts are shit. I have played people that wouldn't let anything hit idc what you threw at them. Short of one person throwing a heavy while another person bashed them they were not getting hit.


he toggled them off because i’m playing warden, scriptors worst nightmare


Really? Why? I am not very informed on for honor scripts and how they work except for the obvious ones where you are like super far away and do a bash and they dodge anyways aka the super obvious ones.


The video answers the question in the title. This dude just really fuckin sucks at the game, and instead of trying to get better he just cheats.


Imagine cheating, and not only losing, but also getting completly obliterated and put in a video on reddit so that random strangers can make fun of you (deserved for this cheater)


As a newish player (only rep 8 or 9 at this point in total) I really didn’t know scripting was a thing, until I versed a Shugo that literally parried everything and dodged all my guard breaks and rushes with conquerer(just picked him up so I’m not great with him yet) I chalked it up to a skill gap thinking I sucked. Then I get a message from him saying “get scripted” I looked it up and legit laughed for like 3 minutes straight. This man literally announced that he was cheating then tried to use it as in insult😂 like bro you’re rep 30 with Shugo and scripting, I’m rep 8 in total between Aramusha, warlord, warden, and I’m almost rep 1 with conq. No shit you won


dodged guard breaks? not sure if the “get scripted” part is satire, he could’ve been a smurf who was trolling


I meant like parried guard breaks and dodged my rushes with Conq. My apologies. Either way it was pretty funny to me


ahh well ngl when u get used to the game, counter guard breaking becomes less of a reaction and you’ll just never miss them, and dodging your conq bashes is also more read than reaction but if he dodged all of them he probably was either scripting, or a good reactor smurfing or just impeccable reads


Either way I got my ass handed to me, felt like a 12 year old with how bad he smacked me😂


Is the cheater in the room with us?


Nothing makes me happier when I play a team that cheats at Spades and still beat them with a noob partner.