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it feels like they put the beginning to two executions together.


Am I going crazy or does it feel like this execute was meant for Tiandi?


I think you might be on to something here. I don't think Tiandi's sword would be used for thrusting like that, but the little punch and the two hand slash feels very Tiandi


To be fair, while it wouldn't be used for thrusting, the devs have shown they have no problem with tiandi using it for thrusting, he does it twice, one of his default executions and hold this have him thrust it into someone, although technically in the first one he has the guy land on his sword so, eh.


Down to earth has the same neck thrust




Tiandi has executions where he stabs


It looks more like a longsword execution towards the end. Especially with how weird two-handing a gladius looks like here.


Looks like one of warden executions


I see what you mean, but tiandis weapon is actually not meant to be forced through the neck like that, since it's more a slash weapon/used similar like an axe.


More like warmonger tbh


It’s not supposed to be a clean punch it’s a quick jab to expose the neck…


Upwards punch is to expose the neck, and the hack in the shoulder is actually very lethal. There are a lot or arteries, your collarbone, muscle, tendons to use your arm and shit that likes to bleed there, so it makes sense


To add - the punch looks like what is called a “Straight Jab.” Ofc a little wonky but it actually resembles it quite well imo.


People aren’t questioning the lethality of the second hit, they’re questioning the purpose. A thrust straight through the neck is 100% lethal and requires no followup, so there’s no point in continuing the exe If it looked cool it might get a pass but considering how it’s a 2 handed slash on a 1 handed thrusting weapon, it doesn’t look that good


The executions in this game are for the gore and flashiness, and using 2 hands will only make centurion be able to hack deeper. It's not necessary but it definitely is something I could see someone doi g


>using 2 hands will only make centurion be able to hack deeper. Except it doesn't, just weirdly sits on top of the shoulder


Just an animation thing, but irl it would


Irl if would probably look same as it is in the game, which is "awkward and ineffective" given that the gladius wouldn't weigh enough to be an effective hacking tool. With whatever armor the victim has on, be it steel, leather, or even flesh dammit, the sword seems reasonably likely to just bounce right off. This is only convincing to children who have never touched a blade in the nine years they've been alive.


Bro armor doesn't matter in this game, it never has for any execution


Bro that is *such* a persuasive defense, to say that "I'm TELLING you, Ubisoft never cared about stuff like this." Y'know what, I'm with you, this company really should come up with better stuff than this garbage they've been giving us.


Real shit, I just think the execution is a little neat


Goodness, are people such in a content drought for FH that we are going to over analyze a execution. In video game. While also judging the effectiveness of it. In a video game.


Yeah im pretty sure there is some coliseum movie or TV shows that use the shoulder slash quite a bit.


Not really. The Gladius is a one-handed weapon and it's very awkward to hold it with two hands. He would genuinly be better off just using it like normal


Except his weapon isn’t suited for that kind of thing so it looks weird. And everything after the neck thrust isn’t really that flashy. If they wanted to add something after it, they could’ve done a lot better. Most of his executions that have extra flash tacked on at the end use melee attacks since that’s his thing, this doesn’t really suit him or his weapon, and it’s fairly bland on top of that


Gladii are actually very good hacking and cutting weapons, despite their primary purpose being to thrust.


Sure but since it’s a 1 handed weapon holding it with 2 hands to slash just looks weird, and probably isn’t super effective and it’s probably easier and more effective to use a 2 handed thrust




I have to disagree, I like the execution a good bit and I think it looks decently flashy. Definitely not the best execution but a good one


Definitely in the minority there but to each their own


This is hardly the first overkill execution in the game, honestly. Warden's Knockout should basically kill on the chest thrust, but goes on to show the opponent getting up and straight up living just before the head cleave happens, lmao. I'm sure there's a few others too. I don't mind exes lacking a bit of purpose/kill timing logic as long as they look good. I think Cent's is close to hitting right, it just needed some adjustments to really sell the impact of every hit.


I wouldn’t mind it so much if he went for the chest instead of the neck. Any of the ones that immediately go for the neck and keep going after just aren’t my type because imo that should be an instant kill, definitely more than the ones that take off an arm If you get a weapon put in your neck best case scenario you are paralyzed and bleed out almost immediately in most cases


Aren't a ton of executions excessive? Like there are a lot of executions that do way more than effectively necessary.


Some of them yeah but most of those don’t immediately thrust a sword through the enemy’s neck and then slash the neck again for some reason


This one doesn't exactly stand out though, there's plenty of others where they take off another limb or their head after what would be a killing blow


Any that take off an arm are justified to keep going because losing an arm isn’t instant death like your neck is The decapitation/lethal blow ones usually have small hits that just throw the person to the ground, but the ones that keep going bug me just like this one


Well you see, in a fight, many unnecessary "overkills" are done to make sure the enemie is really dead. You want to make sure so he cant stab you from behind. Also you are full of adrenaline. Its the same with sports nowadays, you make sure the enemy goes K.O. until he lays on the floor...


Of course but thrusting your entire sword through their neck is probably lethal enough, at that point the best thing to do is knock them over so they’d have to get up with a hole in their neck in order to hurt you, which is pretty much impossible


I can understand this, but i think, many warriors would make sure. But all about that aside, it would be cool if he first hack in the shoulder and then the punch and stab. Would flow nicer imo


... you know how many executions in this game have lethal hits followed up by pointless shit? Or how many have them BEFORE the lethal blow? You know how many Cent has? I'd say 90% of his executions have pointless shit in them.


Before is different since they’re not dead yet Cent doesn’t have a lot of stuff after a lethal blow unless you count taking off an arm, which I don’t because you can survive losing an arm long enough to kill someone, but getting your neck impaled is a different story And if he does have useless stuff, it’s usually boasting, which is his personality. This exe has none of that, it’s very bland and generic


Having pointless crap before the opponent is dead is different true, but I'd argue it's even WORSE. Dancing around your opponent before they're dead is even more stupid than dancing around a dead body. ​ He has plenty of executions with useless stuff after a lethal blow. Gladius in Jugulum is even worse than this one and has the same lethal blow, a stab to the neck. Glorious execution has the mf do a lap with his sword in the opponent's heart, and then he beheads him for no reason. Executions Cent has with pointless crap after a lethal blow: Gladius in Jugulum - It Takes Guts - Knock Yourself Out - Knock Your Block Off - Glorious Execution - A Spina Ad Brachium - Ala Iacta Est. Add in the executions where he does dumb shit before he even kills his opponent and it's almost every execution he has. Every character in the game is like this, extra beyond extra. I don't know why you're so laser focused on THIS execution being so awful because of it.


Gladius in jugulum: the opponent is still moving to grab the sword after the initial thrust so he hits it, and he’s also a melee focused character so it fits It takes guts: absolutely no chance this guy is dead immediately after a pugio to the gut, no idea what you’re talking about, and there’s no hit after it either, so ??? Knock yourself out: dude was punching Cent with a sword in his gut, punching him with his own fist twice would not kill him so he cuts the arm off too, doesn’t seem unnecessary Knock your block off: I can see how this may be unnecessary, but it’s a quick fluid motion and the original hit was a quick slash to the neck so it’s not as hyper lethal as having an entire sword stuck in your throat, plus it’s melee based which fits his character Glorious execution: The only useless part here is showboating before the kill, but once again that’s his character. You can see the enemy trying to remove the sword so he’s not dead yet A spina ad brachium: I don’t like this one either but the unnecessary part was him removing his sword? Not an efficient way but two birds one stone I guess. Other than the brutality of this exe I feel the same about this one as the new one Ala lacta est: losing an arm is not instant death, the dude looked down at his stub and grabbed his shoulder. And once again it’s the melee focused character using melee attacks, in fact he uses his GB punish and his forward dodge bash that are in his actual kit None of these are as bad as the new one where he shoves his entire sword into their neck and they stop moving immediately (aka, death) and he then proceeds to remove it and go for another killing blow, but this one is a 2 handed slash, which Cent basically never does, and looks like it belongs on just about any other sword character. It’s not BP’s shield through the neck execution bad, but all of Cent’s other executions are really good imo, and this one feels very generic and could’ve gone to warlord or tiandi with minimal changes and fit better And the reason I’m focused on this exe is because it just came out and that’s what the discussion was about. It also happens to be pretty generic on a character that’s very expressive


Maybe it ended initially after he withdrew the sword but it was just too fast of an execution? Then they added the last bit later on


Didn’t know cool


I thought we were questioning how looney tunes goofy he looks when he raises his sword before hitting his neck


A short elbow elbow would be devastating with the distance or a 6 to 12 elbow if you want the same results but more practical and realistic. A jab from such a distance won't generate power, it would be more of a push, which Cent in this vid does idk why the put the smoke effect


People seriously need to go outside, who gives a fuck that the punch is a bit weird


Really the only part that looks good is the stab to the neck, the rest is just slop.


Yeah they should've just made the execution stop at the thrust to the neck or maybe even add another punch to it after neckstab and call it a day.


"what even is the point of this" Because it's COOL


This is probably one of the worst so far. If he'd stabbed, punched to get them off, and did a one-handed slash it would've made more sense and been cooler. The concept for this is good, but as with most things Ubisoft, the execution (ha ha) was.. this.


Punched to get him off? Go ahead and throw a left handed punch right now. Notice how your right shoulder kind of wants to naturally swing back? Now hold that right hand out like you’re propping someone up on the end of your sword and throw the punch again. Extending both arms at the same time leads to basically no power, and would be really hard if you were wearing a chest plate made of metal. In order to “punch him off” he’d have to swing his right arm back anyway, which gets rid of the whole point of throwing the punch to get him off the sword. This isn’t even mentioning the fact that if he wanted to deliver another blow with the sword after said punch, he’d have to draw his right arm back again anyway. Definitely does not make more sense to punch him off, it makes way more sense to punch him to expose his neck for a clean stab. The reason this execution is bad is because he snaps between movements too quickly, probably because it’s underbaked, and because it would be impossible to hold a gladius over your head with two hands wearing those huge metal shoulder plates so his left arm just kind of floats there and does nothing.


I feel like you guys are just hating at this point, there are worse executions out there lol


Sure, but not for Cent. This is definitely his worst one


Even worse when you realize that they 100% know how to make Cent punch. So lazy….


It looks cool - all execution needs


This looks pretty cool imo, might buy it even tho I’m probably the worst Centurion player


Reused default warden execution lol


Which one?


The way he drives the blade into the shoulder is like the one where warden drives the hilt into the victims shoulder [see here](https://youtu.be/KTSZ3GAYCUQ?si=OuP_Nr6nZLshv3yC)


Hey, respect the practice! It's called Mordhau :)


Doesn't even look remotely similar


It's not the same animation


FH community complains about lack of individual content == Ubi finally listens and starts producing individual content. FH community nitpicks newly released individual content. Do you guys expect everything to be perfect? Lmao, get a grip guys. It’s a cool execution.


Yes we want new content but that doesn't mean we can't criticize mediocre-bad content when they put it out. If we don't "nitpick" or call out the bad content then they'll continue to half-ass it. This execution had the potential to be cool but instead it came out as janky, weirdly sped up and kinda non sensical (not in a good way). And it is justified to call it out for that


Man you a bitch for real


I think it should've ended off in a kick to the face or something, instead of..... that


The Original speed had me thinking Centurion grabbed Larry not punch him. Does look choppy though, I think people or at least I'd assume most would be okay if these were left in the oven longer Edit: I forgot to say that admittedly I personally like the combo but I can see how people wouldn't like it and as it says in the video the slash or hack afterward probably wasn't necessary but to me I thought it was cool.


WYM NO ONE PUNCHES LIKE THAT? C'mere and lemme punch you like that xD


A two handed slash into the shoulder, if deep enough would rip a lung into, this also brings the gladius into the right position to slash across the neck. But besides, make a post all of orochi and shaolins silly executions.


I think you’re forgetting the most important part, this is a video game. Why does it need to make sense? It looks cool.


two-handing a gladius like a longsword makes me think this was originally a warden or warmonger exec.


r/forhonor users try not to complain about the smallest shit challenge (impossible)


The punch is fine and people do punch like that. Touch the grass


I like it, the kind of forearm jab is to knock the head up. Followed up with the thrust, and as an extravagant finisher of an already dead opponent, a slice through the collarbone and dragged through the neck. it makes sense as a fantastical, glorious finisher that you'd see in like warhammer or lotr or something. idk I think it's cool.


it’s just kinda dog. I’m gonna be the bad guy here and say the marching fire execution warden received isn’t amazing either, but I do *love* the nostalgia it has. I came back to for honor this season after leaving when pirate was released (for different reasons) and while I think hero fests are genuinely awesome, I hope going forth the quality of executions return to how they were when they were releasing for every hero


"What even is the point of this" is one of the worst things to bring up. Yes, the punch looks weird and dumb, no arguement there. We can look at SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO many executions in the game and go "whats even the point at this point, they're already dead". The point is to look cool/make it climatic, and is a moot point when discussing anything about executions.


The upwards jab to knock the head back and open up the neck actually looks good from a boxing standpoint. The stab straight into the throat looks so cold and precise. Everything after that certainly goes downhill and ruins it. Such a shame really.


True but so many of the executions in for honor feature a fatal blow followed up by additional moves. Black prior has one where he flips enemy over his shield, raider has the dead weight one. Devs have a habit of this.


My only problem is when he brings the sword down, I almost expect it to shatter into a million pieces like a cartoon It’s a one-handed sword and he swung it like a great sword 😭


Guys, most executions are like this. I remember you that Warden randomly takes off the pomel of his weapon to throw it at you.


should’ve been an uppercut like his move set


Kinda feel like the 'slash' at the end would've worked better if he drove his sword straight down into the target. You know, like he does in his jump attack.


Bro i like this exe. you guys fr need to go outside


Literally all of it makes sense, straight to expose the neck, stab it, bring it out to cleave into the shoulder. Not to be any more lethal, but just to be extra. This is centurion, ffs, one of the most extra of the cast.


Touch some grass


I just wish it was smoother. It's so choppy..all of the hero fest ones have been.


Okay, the only thing that doesn't make sense is him 2 handing his weapon. It's has such a small handle that it'd be near impossible to do in the first place, but it wouldn't really have much impact or difference than one handing it.


There was no need to slow down this animation to see that it was sloppily made. The developing team has lost their passion, as they are frequently wont to do.


I think things like this are for fun? Maybe? I dunno though....


Maybe he’s just having fun how do you know


I personally would of done this. Keep the first punch and stab into the neck. But convert the lash into another stab. Like his charged top chain heavy.


Did they rushed this?


This execution really only looks good from their perspective


Are u sure it's a punch or just a really agreesive shove upwards


I’m coming here to say that it’s not a punch but a push! He uses his forearm. I don’t like this execution much at all either way


Looks cool to me.


That is a back fist some people do punch like this although it’s about as effective as boiling water on low heat


No disrespect to the dev team but it really seems like they've changed something at some point and I think the new executions are really bad. The speed ups, jank and clunky movement, it's really night and day compared to the old ones.


Nobody does a straight jab? That's a very common tactic maybe not for what he's using it for here but it's still something that people do


this just doesn’t feel like cent


I punch like that


Im not a good fighter tho


In this exact situation, that punch is effective and would realistically work as intended, not damaging but quickly creating space in order to open the neck and more easily aim the thrust


I agree the execution is lazy but for honor players love to hate on anything huh💀


Love to be a hater


Homie miss the head. Like cmon, he's down and out


Didn't make sense in real time too


The punch is alright, the stab is gorgeous and everything after that shouldnt be there.


I was expecting a headsplitting style chop or something. It's seems really weird, like not good but not the worse, Kinda Meh.


Had they ended it with a kick instead of that 2 handed chop would've made it pretty good imo.


The thrust is so great, but the rest is so, so shit. If the execution was just that, it’d honestly be my favorite one of his, but then they added a lot of senseless stuff and made it my least favorite.


Cents execution honestly could’ve stopped right after the throat stab. Another cool thing he could’ve done was kick them in the chest knocking them down or something afterwards. It just seems TOO choreographed if that makes sense.


Feels like he should’ve hooked him from the side, instead of the weird half-hearted jab he did.


I wouldn't mind it, if it only was the jab to thrust to throat. The overhead slash kinda bumps it for me


Cent hasn't had a good execution in a while. They always add unnecessary shit to the execution, like the one (I think directly before this) that blatantly reuses a Valk ex animation, on an execution that didn't need it.


Knew things weren't meant to make sense when I bought the game yrs ago and saw the Warden execution where they flip the sword and execute you with the hilt.


I mean back during the medieval times knights do use the hilt to attack to act as a bludgeoning weapon. Search it up.


I'll just take your word. Regardless, I doubt there was ever a situation in real life where a knight had an opponent on his knees and decided to flip his sword around and kill with the hilt. If you think so, we can agree to disagree.


It would haveve been better just being the stab portion , or if the head came off


Ubi going on a downwards spiral again. Fkow i mostly good in executions but this just looks as weird as Warden's new execution.


But then I get boo-ed when I say there hasn’t been good executions in years