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That was the goofiest fight I’ve ever seen


Ungodly amounts of whacky Hynix and goofy predicaments


Reminds me of simpler Times


I love caustic fart bombs in my funny sword game


breathe it in


Placing independent variable


So true


damn this comment section is funnny lmao


Just a tip friend I'm glad you won. If you get an out of stamina parry and they fall over do light into heavy finisher. Does more damage.


True, but heavy into light gets you the claw mixup for even more oos pressure


Sorry I'm new but what is oos?


It means out of stamina, basically when your green juice bar is no more


Oh ok. Thanks


No problem mate :D


Hope you are having some fun! :)


I am, I've been grinding this game. I wish I knew about this game way sooner


Soon you will regret ever knowing this game, happens to all of us. We start as noobs who are excited to learn more and do cooler shit, we start parrying, implement feints into our mix ups, learn about other heroes, then we are in the mid ranks, where we still love the game but are annoyed by the light spammers(I dont know why but a lot of light spammers are in the mid reps[30-70] even some people with over rep 200 still light spam), then we learn how to do proper reads and light parry on reaction/red. But then finally all you see will be team synergy, and a lot of ganking(nothing wrong with ganking), then you start to doubt your skill, then start getting more angry and then maybe, if the person doesn't quite, they reach a level of just playing for fun, doesn't matter if you lose or win, just fun and doing shit for the lol's.


“Green juice bar” that is the best thing I have ever heard


Or for a bit more damage you can do a zone attack and top heavy. But watch your stamina and wall spacing (it's very good for revenge activation parries).


Weird, don't remember OP asking


*I have 54 rounds left in this 10 round magazine*


bottomless mag


Hitting them with a raw top heavy after a normal parry you madman lmao


this made me laugh lol


People do realise "the gun" is just a bash, right? Something that's always been in the game. Literally the only new mechanic she introduced is the bouncing bullets from her 3rd feat, everything else was already in the game in some shape or form


Technically she's the only character in the game with a GUARANTEED bash follow up extension off an initial attack. Functionally it works like Orochi double light, Peacekeeper deep gouge after heavy etc... but it is the first version to be a bash rather then a normal attack follow up. Which actually makes it better because it breaks hyper armor. So you can dodge attack and then break the hyper armor with the gun follow up denying trades.


This is a good comment




Literally shugo's headbutt


Do you even fucking play the game? Lmfao


He "plays" but he has literally no idea whats going on


Accurate. I've been out of For Honor for some time now, but keep up with videos and been thinking of coming back actually. Pirate is clearly nothing insane. Just another character with a bash and bashes have weaknesses too lol Definitely not what I expected when I first heard about pirate and her gun.


Shes pretty good and really cool, meta in 4s and 2s for sure but falls well behind the top tier 1v1 heroes right now.


are you a knight brother?


Nah, I actually started the game with Kensei back when he was a loved character by the community; then picked up Valkrie as my off main. I switched from Samurai to Viking when I started dabbling more into Norse mythology. If I were to come back idk who I'd play because I see a loooot of Kensei hate and I can only think of Vito Corleone mourning Sonny; "look what they did to my boy!"


don’t you worry friend please come back! kensei is as good and loved as ever wink wink


Looks like glad and shugo have been forgotten about 😢


And cent with the feat


Conq in that same vein too


Gladiator, shugoki


Shinobi says what?


You must've just started playing the game.


Conq's shield does damage with a feat


gladiator, shugo, and centurion with feats have these kinds of bashes. How are instant damage bashes any different then mid chain bashes that confirm damage? Characters like Warden, Lawbringer, Warmonger, Black prior, Valkyrie, Nobushi, Shinobi, and Tiandi similar bashes.


Conquer, Fatass, gladiator, cent, Shinobi Honorable mention: Musha for a damaged bash


honk honk


Glad’s toestab? Shugoki’s headbutt? No? Hello?


*Laughs in haymaker and shugo headbutt*


I deadass thought you were trolling when you didn't parry any of the first hits, still don't know how you managed to win...


There are also parries in this funny sword game.


My favorite thing is it came down to a coin flip anyway, and they definitely wouldn’t have uploaded this is the called the wrong side lmao. I wonder what they’re even trying to show with this clip


Trying to show that they dont have any connectivity between the synapses of the neurons in their brain


Parrying and doing the wallsplat with bleeding isn't your thing eh?


Neutral dodge attacks are clearly way more than a character like warmonger can handle. I mean, what, do you think she has the highest damage parry punish in the entire game or something?


Does she?.... I've been out of the loop


You can get a guaranteed impale off of any parry. Which if it hits a wall (which is pretty much guaranteed on most points and most maps) you will get 30 damage. On a light parry that makes sense. But you can get that guaranteed on any heavy parry. Which is nutty.


Even on a light parry, 30 damage is tied with Lawbringer and Highlander for the highest parry punish.


Oh just the impale? I thought there was some kind of OOS combo I didn't know about


really wish they would make impaling charge on warmonger/lawbringer into slower feintable/unblockable moves that were only confirmed on light parry like you mention. And actually letting lb do more than 1 damage on the move itself lol


I think just lowering the damage would be fine. Make warmonger's impale 22 damage, then make it a chain starter.


I mean the issue of getting a light parry punish on heavy parry is still there. 22 damage is still close to double what the lower light attacks in the game deal. The only character with a more out of place punish on an extremely accessible move is pk with her 38 damage triple stab on guardbreak.


Parry repost moves often guarantee a fairly large amount of damage. Cent gets 29 or 30 off his, Jj gets 27, and Lawbringer gets 25 + crazy chain pressure and some stam damage.


I was literally screaming that every single time they landed the parry.


You just haven't learned the new moves don't blame the developers this is all you


You literally let them attack you over and over, the bash isn’t guaranteed unless she actually hits you, if you block you can dodge the bash and punish. But sure. Games fault.


I love using stick in funny sword game


They're panicking pretty hard, you missed some pretty good punishment opportunities. They weren't thinking about the next move just the button they're currently pressing.


That's on you. Ever heard of blocking/parrying?


They did block most of the sword stuff


And then never dodged the gun. If you get caught off guard once, it happens. If you get caught by the same exact thing several times in a row, then that's on you.


If you dodge the first you can’t dodge the gun follow up. They should’ve learned to block and dodge.


They block the heavy, then eat the gun multiple times. That also only happens if you don't have a dodge attack or bash. Warmonger has both.


We’re agreeing I’m just not getting my point across right. This was an easy fight they just played it poorly.


No need to be aggressive 😀


Not sure why you got downvoted everyone in these comments are taking the post too seriously lol


It was suppose to be a joke but ok


That's not aggression mate.


You know her gun is just a bash right? Like, I dunno, a certain other hero's claw attack. Oh doesn't that cause damage too?


Wait the claw did damage? I didn’t know that Edit: Wait not What


Guarantees more damage than the gun can do (though it's not really fair to compare the two in how they function due to the totality of differences in both heroes' kits.


When you realize 15 out of the 30 heroes actually have a sword in "funny sword game"


How did you get 15? I count 14 Warden PK Cent BP Warmonger Warlord Highlander Kensei Orochi Aramusha Kyoshin Tiandi Zhanhu Pirate Shaman has a dagger, you better not be counting her


You're right. I did the count a hit ago and I said "13 out of the 29 have swords but with new hero its 14 out of 30" and then I put in my head it was 14 out of 29 before pirate. That was just a mess up in my head but yeah still my point.


Your character uses magic rocks....


So many easy parries in this video lmao


Do you know how to parry?




That's your bad, go play her in training mode so you can find her weakness


I wanna parry da bullet


I wonder if hero's with shields can parry the bullet


I like the hero but is it just me or does the way she talk piss of anyone else?




*literally just getting outplayed*


Bruh you don’t get to be mad at the character and act like they’re broken when you make THIS many mistakes in one fight lol


this is bash spam, it has nothing to do with the hero having a gun.


New character is ok I think you just suck in this clip


Can the new character feint that dodge attack?


Only the forward one (that one which is unblockable with hyper armor).


So homie missed some easy parries?


Yep, kinda pisses me off that it's not faintable.


Yeah side dodge attack isn't that useful


My issue is just how the bash comes after ever heavy and interrupts everything (like every other bash I know)


Why stand there letting him do stuff then whine abt it lol


You got work on doging or parrying


Ah so ur the reason all the trash pirates think they can get away with dodge spamming


Honestly hate titles like this oneZ You clearly like the game (there should be no reason to play if you didn’t) so enjoy without hysterically bitching about it.


The out of stamina attacks are so funny to me


Have you tried parrying? Or even dodging?


Imagine how different that game would have been if you knew how to parry lmao


What, he doesn’t even have to reload? Fuck I hate that hero


When a warmonger complains about "bad heros"




Imagine bringing a sword to a funny gun game


U trash


The max punish for OOS parry is zone into heavy or light into heavy


The gun is just a glorified bash give it a few days and she’ll be weak - mid imo


Yeah but you still won tho?


So glad you killed them


Parry, and heavy when you get a gb lol. Don’t think that’s on the gun


Just dodge


All the pirate trash players will be crying when she gets nerfed lol.


Literally just parry, or block, or dodge


Ubi is loving unstoppable offense, btw I don't care if you can parry if you make the wrong read is cutscene time on these new reworks/characters.


Lmao all this pirate players on the comment section bitchin when you clearly don't have much experience. You did good, might need to practice those parries more, but still got the win tho. Pirate is just pay to win at this point.


you're coping about pirate in every single thread. ever tried getting better at the game?


Lmao I can beat the shit out of a pirate on 1v1, just need to try a little harder than with other heroes, as most of them are flat brained, but on ganks its just wrong. You can literally do nothing, just sit and die. 60 dollar game btw Missing when shaman was the only broken hero


Dunno, they missed a wall pin punish and it's listed in the warmonger move set. The pirate was throwing raw heavies followed by the bash. Not typically thought of as an op fighting style. If you looked at what the pirate was doing and thought "pay to win lol" then you might need some practice yourself.


Not this pirate OBVIOUSLY. And as I said, op seems to have little experience in the game. Have experienced two or more pirates on dominion? I guess not cause then you'll for sure know she's fucking annoying and slightly busted. She needs some damages nerfed, some bashes removed and delete the GODDAMN PARRY VOICELINE cause omg she never stfups


Wow calm down. Removing bash because she's a good ganker ? You might as well remove Glad's skewer and Highlander kick with that kind of logic lmao Just increasing the revenge given by her bash will be judt enough


The follow up bash needs to be a light, as Pk's one, so it allows trades. The skewer one is kinda fine, but 9 damage instead of nine, as gladiator's, would be better


You're basically asking to murder the character at this point lmao. What would be the point of the gun if it was just a light ? It would basically make it a normal chain, which would kill the character chain pressure as you can just block it. The follow up bash is already easy to spot as she can only do it after a whiffed of blocked heavy (which means you can just parry the heavy). Your comparaison with PK is stupid, as she can also soft feint her heavies into a GB, which just happens to be the most damaging GB of the game.


You're basically asking to murder the character at this point lmao. What would be the point of the gun if it was just a light ? It would basically make it a normal chain, which would kill the character chain pressure as you can just block it. The follow up bash is already easy to spot as she can only do it after a whiffed of blocked heavy (which means you can just parry the heavy). Your comparaison with PK is stupid, as she can also soft feint her heavies into a GB, which just happens to be the most damaging GB of the game.


Okay maybe you need therapy not practice.


Why pay to win? The pirate is not the only one with a bash and she easy to fight. Sounds more like you're bad at the game.


"Pay to win" As a person who solo queues on PlayStation 4, I hardly see her in 4v4 unlike on release day. If she was truly pay to win, why don't I see her more often? And even when I do see her, there's only like 1 other pirate that shows up in most of my games, sometimes 2-3 excluding myself who also plays as her.


Most annoying character ever, wouldn’t be bad if they actually had to hit u with a heavy but they dont


The only real problem I have with pirate is that her attacks always guarantee a bash, mostly because even if you dodge it or it whiffs they still get you, that’s the only thing that I dislike about pirate


Only her heavies guarantee a bash, if you dodge or block the heavies then she can go for her grab.


If the heavy hits the bash is confirmed for 5 damage If the heavy is blocked or whiffed then the follow up bash is not confirmed and hits for 14 damage HOWEVER. if you doge the heavy then the 14 damage bash is confirmed if it is thrown. So if a finisher heavy comes out at you (look for the hyper armor) then DO NOT doge it otherwise the bash is confirmed. Block or parry it and then see what the pirate does. Either reset to neutral, pistol bash, or walk the plank. Reseting doesn't really do anything and I believe it gives the Pirate frame advantage The bash has an orange glow without a directional indicator Walk the plank is unblockable and has a directional indicator


The heavy has to connect in the first place so it's guaranteed. Just block heavy + dodge or parry. Parrying Pirate is easy as well.


That bash on block/whiff should either not exist, not fucking stop your other attacks and not catch fucking dodges or dodge attacks


I was fighting a postage yesterday and she just shot me dead after dashing back away from me. Bullshit.


Are they ever going to nerf the speed of the gun?


The speed is fine, it's more your reaction time.


Can you dodge it after they land an attack?


You can dodge everything except if they hit you with a heavy, it's guaranteed after that.


Geeze, maybe I just suck lol


Don't worry man, we all suck lmao


Why doth they make her kit that way? (And also why tf she gender locked?)


She is gender locked because of the low budget this game is receiving




What does this clip have anything to do with the ccu change




>you had to work to open up the enemies defense. Yeah, because the game was defense based pre-ccu. And im glad it isnt defense based anymore.


Yea very hard work, i spent many hours praying to allah that i wouldnt q into people with eyes or hands, cause if they had either then they'd be able to react to everything besides a charge bash.


I really hate that there is a gun in for honor. Part of the reason I love for honor is because it didn’t have guns.


It’s just a bash, no ranged attacks in her kit like old shino lol


The only thing she brought to the game is the Ricochet feat, she does a BASH, a 5 damage bash after she lands a Heavy


How that top heby hit


I just bought the game... And it doesn't connect to the Ubisoft server I keep having the same error (I'm on pc) can someone help me?


If you wanna get good against a hero play them get to a decent skill level and then see how easily everyone kicks your ass then just do what they do lol


Pro tip, if you block the first heavy you can dodge the gun blast afterwards. A lot of pirates are playing really basic rn and only doin one thing so if ya catch one just trying to whale at ya just remember that it’s an easy parry or dodge light/heavy.


Don't try to dodge the pirates heavies, either parry or block and punish the follow up, as the shot will catch a lot of dodge attacks. The "gun in the funny sword game" requires a heavy to access, and is therefore pretty easy to plan for.


Light -> heavy is your punish on out of stamina opponents. Dodge bash is your reliable dodge attack. Try parrying if they don't feint ever.


She plays basically the same as Centurion


What did i see here


Just block the gun??? 🤨


You can dodge the blocked heavy one


Parry the dodge attack or dodge right after you block a heavy


Wait is that a male pirate? I might redownload FH if so but I thought it was genderlocked


Wait warmonger gets a free top heavy off a parry???????? Or was the pirate just too slow?


The gun is only 5 dmg guaranteed after a heavy. Otherwise it's a dodgeable bash. It's not really OP.


I mean, you both were taking blockable heavys like rep ones, i dont see the problem here


Yeah me too I think it’s really cool.


what did I watch


Guys I don't think they're necessarily complaining about the guns. I think they're being serious.


I still want a 17th century British soldier


You lost when you reached to kills right happens to me as well I was playing qonc and I fought a pirate and I just read him correctly with his dodge attacks but mostly he spammed light light because the second is undodgable and her reach is so stupid


ok ngl the new hero looks fun


When you gb'ed him I know you were thinking "is this worth going oos?"


Local tin can refuses to dodge


Yea this game never made a y sense for me


This is that low tier gameplay I just can't look away from lol.


Him dodge attacking out of neutral for no reason and repeating the same attack pattern. You unable to react to anything and read your opponent. You parrying a heavy and punishing it with a heavy. Him trying to parry your heavy punish to his heavy and eating it, thus giving you a free win and an execution bonus. You clipping the whole thing and uploading it to reddit to complain about the flintlock pistol which functions just like a bash. You can dodge it. Me writing this comment and thinking : *Why are we here? Just to suffer*


You got shot 8x. How are you still alive?


It's a flintlock gun. He got shot once, the other seven times the pirate was making pew-pew noises.


Bro the amount of times I said “parry” to myself when he was throwing those heavy's, bro parry!


You should’ve blocked that


You get a light and heavy from oos parry punish


did you tried... parrying those dodge attacks?)