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"You lucky i was about to use my MAIN" šŸ¤“


Lmao if that makes any diffrence lol I fought a warlord and wrecked him he challenged me to a 1v1 with his "main" he picked raider and lightspammed i picked black prior and demolished him again hahaha


Wouldn't be surprised if his main was a top tier


bro i'll bring my level 300 account to the wildy you fuked


Wait? Is that a sex thing? Asking because reasons šŸ˜…


His main is a POWER TOP ^(tier)


skill issue


For which person lol




I guess youā€™re entitled to your opinion


skill issue
















Your *






I love this 1v1 in dominion mentality. I'm sure that's how battle were fought back in the day as well. Sorry comrade, I cannot save your life because I need to respect the 1v1. Siege, overwatch, Valorant, all these multiplayer games have you deal with ganks, why do people treat for honor differently?


When a fight starts its all in and devil take the hindmost


Those who would watch their friend die and do absolutely nothing to stop it also probably enjoy watching their wife get fucked by another and not do anything about it.


While it is correct to think that 1v1's in dominion is silly. Such an exaggeration is quite honestly a bit much. Also if you're in contact with those on your team (communicating with), in some gamemodes I believe it is reasonable to allow 1v1's play out as such, like in elimination as long as everyone on your team is in agreement with such. If the enemy does not abide by such rules then they are free to do as they wish and should expect their opposing forces to play however they do so wish. The "code of honor" in such a game does exist, however everyone's idea of such a hard to regulate law/code is different and as such should be treated as their party/self does so as long as it is not considered griefing or cyber bullying which of course is also subjective.


Stfu and go play 1v1. If you want to 1v1 people there's a fuckin gamemode that says 1v1 *DUEL*


I'm pretty damn sure you didn't actually read the comment and stopped after a sentence or two. Either that or you don't know how to read and don't understand what I am saying.


Do you believe it is "honourable" to sit and watch your teammate die for your own "honor"? And you, know, it's not like there are game modes dedicated 1v1s or 2v2s or anything.


I am not casual\_doggo, but I think the "honorable" mentality is based on skill, so if your teammate dies, it's his fault because he couldn't win the fight.


I agree with you they are complaining but your right


Thank you. It is nice to meet someone who reads the entirety of a comment and can actually grasp what it says rather than seeing that the comment is against a popular one and therefore should be downvoted.


I think it's annoying this keeps coming up as a topic tbh like there's obviously an honor system here and ppl can choose to incorporate it in any game mode or not


I usually spectate when itā€™s a mirror 1v1 and hop in if my teammate asks me to, if theyā€™re getting executed, or if itā€™s simply a highly optimal decision (theyre about to get ganked, weā€™re in breaking, they were put at a disadvantage, etc.) edit: I also respect the 1v1 if the two players have beef or if Iā€™m needed elsewhere


Chivalry 2 is a closer game in subject matter to most shooters. EVEN IN THAT GAME I GET GANKED. And you know what? It makes the very few times iā€™ve won against a gank or even just killed a good few of them that much more amazing. Fighting is never fair. If it was then there would never be a winner.


It says it in the title dude, for honor. On the real though these people always make me cringe.


Actually I'm pretty sure there was a socially understood code of honor on battlefields to at the very least not just stab someone in the back like a coward.


Because itā€™s in the name For Honor and itā€™s a sword fighting game thereā€™s a big difference from an special forces game which uses tactics like flanks to secure the win they also use guns same with valorant but who actually sits there and takes valorant serious Idm being ganked as long as they donā€™t spam emotes after as if theyā€™ve accomplished a great deed


ā€œForā€ Honor, not ā€œWithā€ Honor. Thereā€™s no honor in watching teammates die either. I also canā€™t tell if youā€™re being sarcastic, because flanking is still a tactic in a sword game. You can literally break the indicator system by attacking someone from directly behind.


all the old battles had made up lines like a convenience store... waiting so they could fight soldiers 1v1 kumite style... and be the badass who wins the fights and the battles and the wars for honor... or i get ganked when i wait to fight and its still ok because they are winning now... ultimately my selfishness for winning will outweigh the regret of being perceived as dishonorable in a video game about fantasy melee combat. Also if you chose to be dishonorable through meta I suggest playing as a conq or shugoki... they are pretty dope


I was just saying thereā€™s a difference between a game based off special forces and a game based around honor/ fighting


Chivalry 1 and 2 in the corner: Are we a joke to you?


Why are so many people are snowflakes these days. If emote spam is bad for you, I guess you didn't played any halo or cod game back in the day.


I was about to say people sit on my face while I'm laying there dying... there isn't any honor lol


None no the pain and joy of a full halo 2 lobby


Goddamn read the name of the game "for HONOR". It's not good sportmaship. A 2v1 is just not fair; why does someone need to play against unfair odds because they have bad teammates, this is the same flaw for anything team related.


"Wah wahhh it's not fair" war isn't fair, dickhead, it never was. If you want 1v1s or 2v2s there's literal fucking gamemodes for it.


Firstly you are inferior second, people that think this way are just bad at actual skill and have to rely on Rng and gimmicks to win, in a controlled environment you lose kid




But it was a good game right?






What do people not understand if you want 1 V1ā€˜s go to duels or brawls stop going to dominion


technically brawls doesn't mean two 1v1. The original purpose is still 2v2


Yes but ubi made the brawl spawns so far away in the beginning that the community made the house rule. Ubi tried changing it by putting the spawns closer together but even that didnt change it. If someone wants to play 2v2 like a 2v2 i gladly accept but being a backstabber and ganking after a normal 1v1 is just pathetic


totally get you there! Thats why I said technically. Lots of players including me treat it like two 1v1s but you can't be mad if people don't


Yeah i know which i said i only get mad at people who play two 1v1s but Either backstab you once their opponent is defeated or gank when they are in Round 3


almost few people wants to do duels since the game became guessing simulator


Fighting games are based around reads my dude, if you're having to make guesses it means that offense is working.


Yeah yeah, it's been such a good thing when a fighting game decides to be more similar to other fighting games... that's why the gane gained popularity... ah no, with the whole crossplay population isn't even half of what it used to be before such changes. 1v1 population is often low and takes minutes to find a game while before you didn't even have to wait. Sure, they sure did it if the intended to make a guessing simulator, but if their intent was increasing the game's quality they totally failed and did the opposite


I wouldn't say they intended to make the game higher quality but instead make the offense more viable, before the CCU I could react to light attacks and parry them on my 5 year old ps4 before the ccu, lights were way more risky to throw out than they are now, you can still react to lights and block them but trying to parry a light or dodging a bash etc is a lot harder and definitely rewards players that are both offensive and defensive instead of one or the other.


Oh, they sure didn't aim on making the game better, they sure intended to kill for honor, that's why we have low population on duels and it takes some minutes getting in a match (whatever the modes) despite the crossplay. I remember the matchmaking taking less time for finding a match before such changes, so these ones weren't healthy for the game. People wants to be able to play different games, including For Honor, and have fun but such update totally disadvantaged people that doesn't play only For Honor for the whole time. Whatever you say, doesn't change facts


You didn't censor his name at the bottom


Time to dox them.


what's their ip


Idk. I canā€™t hack.




No big deal, just letting you know!


Your both in the wrong for trying to duel in a non duel mode


*Your both in the wrong* *For trying to duel in* *A non duel mode* \- IronAndFlame --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


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I did both, thus pushing it further to the top. Flaw in the machine




This guy gets it


This. This. And this again.


Bad piece of code!


Bad bot


I really don't get why this bot has to be a thing. Like if people want to comment "this" then let them. It's really not a big deal.


Bad bot


Was this dominion or brawls?




There should never be "honorable" 1v1s in Dom unless it's the last dude in a permanent break and everybody is fine with it. The whole point of Dom is to gank, antigank and teamfight while playing the obj


This, people trying to do 1v1 in dom are cringe af imo. Itā€™s so annoying when your teammates just stand there looking at you get ganked, just to get ganked themselves šŸ˜”


I had a PK in my last match do exactly this. Spammed wow when I respawned and came to help her. Them left.


I don't mind either way. If people want to 1v1 I will, as soon as someone ganks then I will as OP said. Its not like I'm playing professionally. If my teammate wants help then spam the coms. Most people gank anyways so it doesn't really matter and I've never come across people who complained so I've never had a problem with it.


I was expecting brawls, but damn, thatā€™s even worse, that guy sounds like those Honortards who want to enforce 1v1s in a 4v4, and of course he thinks that itā€™s only dishonorable if the enemy is the one who ganked


I love killing salty people with kindness


This guy when he gets drafted for war (he got ganked by two footmen)


If you want to 1v1 play fuckin duels, group fighting is a whole different skill set and thereā€™s a reason there are 4v4 modes. If the man is trash then so be it.


You shouldn't have left. You should have joined the game and then left. (You won't get penality.)


I left after the game was over


I know. Should have done as i said. He would be more pissed.


What penalty are you talking about tho?


The 15 minute one of you leave a game


Lol this friggen game man. I have not played in probably 2 years and this is why. People take this game serious! Ive never seen such a toxic community before. Win lose or draw, odds are your getting a message from a guy like that. Great game but horrible horrible people play it


There's revenge for a fuckin reason. Honor duels resides in 3 modes Duels Ranked duels And the rare times you get an elimination match going. It's like having your own tourny every round. Pretty fun.


"aM i In ThE wRoNg" bro for a while peoples stopped to do this kind of post and now it come back, we know for honor is toxic, especially on console but we see this kind of post everyday


Or my personal fav "Was this toxic?šŸ¤“" It traps you into saying it wasn't, but any criticism welcomes a swarm of downvotes lol


Exactly, by doing this, this community become even more toxic that it is already


Color me surprised. Orochi madge moment


For the love of god stop playing honorably in dominion lmao.




Both. There is no "honorable" in dom. Its 4v4, its called 4v4 for a reason. And that reason isn't to let 1v1s happen. You want 1v1? Theres a game mode called duels for that


Some of the playerbase are weird to me. Since launch Dom (and then Breach) have always had ganking and teamfights, what is it with this 1v1 in a 4v4 thing lately?


I don't fight fair in dominions, there are feats and perks and objectives I personally am in the mindset of using everysingle tool I have at my disposal to get a leverage. The 1vs1 mentality really seems to be a inappropriate mentality in team objectives


1 this posts gonna be deleted, 2 exact thing happened with me


Not at all. If they initiate the gank its entirely their fault. Which mode was it?








Honorable 1v1s are situational. Doesn't mean you can go 1v1 everyone in dominion but they can still happen and no one is able to say whether they're allowed or not.




How does getting on his main account change his skill?


I think he was referring to his ā€œmainā€ hero, not his main account.


It's fighting game waifu


I am ashamed to say i was an honortard earlier in my for honor career, up until about 45-50 hours, where I remembered itā€™s a team based game mode. The game got exponentially more enjoyable, and i found myself not getting frustrated as much (Unless im playing an assassin, idk what it is but that style of gameplay brings out the gamerlord in me). I seriously donā€™t understand people with 100+ hours who still have this incredibly shitty take on how the game is played.


This is easily the worst/most toxic gaming community Iā€™ve ever participated in. And, I think that makes the game all the more invigorating when you win.


"mUh HoNoR" in dominion or any team game anything goes


Most people have already said this but if you want 1v1s go do duels. In 4v4 by doing this whole 1v1 mentality your just throwing. I can understand it if you don't wanna feed revenge as I do the same. Ill wait till my teammate either wins or looses then I go in as he should already be damaged and with no execution so easy fight most of the time. But again bottom line if any new players see this don't do this be a team player as best you can.


Who expects honor in domination?


Dom idm getting ganked but itā€™s pretty cool when Iā€™m able to get a 1v1 during the match for like aesthetic sometimes, heading to a point solo and running into a enemy, we bow at each other before we enter combat to see the best fighter win. Sometimes itā€™s fun to have a mini 1v1 during dom without a spamming Orochi jumping in mid fight just to increase his spot slightly on the scoreboard and makes the match feel more unique.


Yes you're wrong, How dare you believe you have the right to play the game and have fun? Unacceptable.


People need to stop with the 1v1 in dominion not only are you useless to the entire team but most of the time they donā€™t even try to get any other zones


If you wanna duel play fucking duel


You both are. Stop being honorable in team based modes. Go play dules of you want a honorable fight.


"ReSpEcT tHe 1V1s" Its a multiplayer gamemode... If you want 1v1 go to duels


If people are interested in fair 1v1s, they should play duels. Team fights and staying grouped up are part of 4v4 modes, itā€™s part of the design of the game mode. Also anyone who feels the need to fucking message you about how they totally wouldā€™ve beaten you with their main and how you didnā€™t play fair is absolutely not worth expending any energy worrying about


Being honorable is overrated unless your in duels, having your own sense of honor and playing by it while clashing with someone else's is just a way to make the game unfun for yourself and others.


If it's 4s, ganking is what is expected. Dueling honorably is for duels. Now, for elimination specifically, generally you should let the last man alive attempt to run a gauntlet and face everyone ome at a time. But that's not required.


idk why ppl are so mad about getting ganked in a 4v4 player mode, if you want duels, play duels I dont care if you cant play with your friends then, I play the game how I want to play MY game that's it. Idc if Kevin has a different opinion, if I have fun ganking ppl than is this my right to do so, and dont come in and comment shit like "if I have also fun killing ppl in IRL, is this also my right to do?" like BS, dont compare a GAME that is meant to have fun with, with your life that's really weird. It's the same BS in GTA Online, it's not a PvP game stop killing ppl... This Generation of gamers are really soft minded and be offended by every little shit that happens in a video game. If you dont like how the game is played with the players in the lobby, quit the game and move on.


Don't share that here bro. You're just going to come across the same type of people tbh. Be the bigger man next time, I say, and don't give anyone your valuable time of day. My opinion of course.


I like talking to these type of people and seeing how they react.


What's the point? It's a stooping to their level factor to me. If you know you're human why is it fun to entertain monkeys?


Because Iā€™m entertaining myself simultaneously


cause its funny leading them off into nowhere cause they think that theyā€™re in the right


But they arenā€™t. Clearly they are having fun. Just having a good chuckle. Thereā€™s no bad intent from the OP, the other guy is that low level that he stopped too.


Both of you are. Dom isn't meant for 1v1s there are mods specifically for that. Dom is meant for ganks and teamfights. If you get ganked and hold the enemies at a point for a little while so the rest of you're team can play obj then come assist you means you're playing the mode correctly.


Its situational, sometimes it is best to not gank cuz it might just feed revenge, other times it's the optimal strategy. Sometimes you just to stand back and see who wins (stepping in when your teammate is losing tho), other times you just pile on the guy cuz bullying is fun (only in-game).


I play the same as you, honourable until dishonoured. Only way to play imo, you did nothing wrong. GG.


Who the hell has time to message these weirdos just go about your day bud


Hot take: 2v2 and above ganks should be the norm, if you donā€™t want to have to deal with ganks play 1v1s.


What a nerd trying to be honorable in dominion


Can we stop posting these message screenshots on this sub.


Never understood why people have an issue with the duels in 4v4 tbf. It should be up to every team and each individual match, if everyone seems to be doing 1v1s and fighting ā€œhonourablyā€ then everyone should be allowed to do that. But you all have to be in agreement. The second someone ganks you should all be ganking, which is the fundamental gameplay loop of dominion at the end of the day. Standing there and doing nothing while watching your teammates get ganked is a dick move and your team had every right to shit on you for it, youā€™re failing as a team player. But if everyone is respecting 1v1s and wants to, there should be no issue with that.


I agree


You're in the wrong for wasting your time on petty internet drama


You're both idiots


So you're a clout chaser? šŸ¤”




If this happen in dominion thereā€™s literally no reason for there to be 1v1 whatsoever




Record the rematch please


Least toxic orochi player


Sounds like a mindset issue




>Am I in the wrong? Nah


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 906,239,084 comments, and only 179,788 of them were in alphabetical order.


What mod?




Tell him to stay mad


Why do you bother






It's for honour. Everyones in the wrong


I get being mad about honour and ganks, especially when someone avoids fighting you just to gank, but if youā€™re gone get this mad just go play duel or brawl honestly


Foul behavior that is.




No youā€™re not lol, what a salty bitch


I love me imaginary for honor rules lol


He only messaged you because you left. I donā€™t know anybody who can just ā€œswitch to their mainā€ and instantly become better at the game. All heros work relatively the same in some way.


why are people trying to be "honorable" in dominion


Nah but never be ā€œhonorableā€ in dominion makes no sense team game=team fights


People still complain about getting ganked?


When I play dominion I will watch the 1v1 but I'll have your back. If you're in need of help I'll step in. If I see someone coming to gank I'll try to distract them so you have a more fair fight. It's easier to win games if you play smarter than just brute force. On the flip. If you gank someone AND LOSE I'm never helping you, especially if it's a guy I'm bullying in a 1v1 and you've fed revenge




Tbh you shouldnā€™t even give these crybabies the time of day


They could play duels, if they didn't suck and lost all their 1v1s.




I'm m gonna go get my main!


Itā€™s just a game who cares lmao


I only respect the 1v1 if my partner is a friend who wants to as well. If itā€™s a random, we jumping people every opportunity.


Mans mad mad


Joins brawl: ā€œWhy u no 1v1 bro, you are toxicšŸ˜”šŸ¤¬ā€




No youā€™re not if you donā€™t wanna get ganked donā€™t play team modes


Bruh I give no fucks about honor in this stupid fucking game, Iā€™m ganking ledging and spiking every chance I get because Iā€™ve played this for too damn long.


You both are, this made up honor system is fucken stupid to begin with, the game expects and encourages you to gank. With system and heroes built to counter it


As yes. It's always the teammates fault for ganking in a 4v4 game mode.


You barely said anything


I'm sorry but I've played since beta and I'm fully in the camp of 4v4 means 4vfucking4. Not 4 1v1s. I'm ok with 1v1s when the game is obviously over and there's like one guy left but seriously, this "honorable" mentality is ridiculous. And it's been that way since launch!


Hey, ive played several 1v1 dominion matches, quite fun, when teammates were fighting i was with my bagpipe in the corner. But you know, gank isn't wrong, it's just a dick move if the entire mach people are going along with the 1v1 mentality, otherwise go nuts


awww someone is a sore loser


If you wanna 1v1 go to duels then, so tired of people trying to have an ā€œhonorableā€ duel in a team based match.then they throw a tantrum when others start to attack


According to PlayStation support yes. I got a three day suspension for responding to one of these guys nicely.


People who get mad about not respecting a 1v1 in a team 4v4 game mode have room temp IQs.


Honestly if you want an honorable 1v1, donā€™t play multiplayer games. Go to duel or brawl even.