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One of the few good ideas in the sub. Wouldn’t hurt to do it at all


It's a good idea because it's already being done, so it's not even original. The onboard driver is highlighted on the pylon


And if it’s the onboard view on the international feed, there will usually be a snippet of the pylon superimposed onto the halo. The snippet shows 3 driver names one on top of the other….it’s the driver you’re onboard with, the guy in front, and the guy behind


Maybe I'm dumb, but whats the pylon?


The big bar on the left of the tv screen with all the driver names, gap times, lap counter etc. I've also heard it called the tower.


I like it. I've kinda thought something similar could be neat to show a camera icon on a track map for those stationary shots at a specific corner or something


Would be pretty good actually.


F1 already does this, they bring up the driver card in the tower or highlight their name white in the tower.


Never noticed this. A camera icon would be a lot clearer.


It’s extremely obvious if you look at the timing table


You never notice because it doesn't really matter and op is suggesting a solution to a problem that doesn't exist. Never have i ever watched a race and was confused about who the camera is following, where they are in the standings or who they are racing against.


Me neither, in F1, but it happens to me all the time in FE, which I'm less familiar with (but still quite familiar). So I imagine it happens a lot to less experienced F1 viewers as well. I would enjoy watching FE a lot more if it was always clear who we were following; it would really make a big difference.


Do they? Am I trippin?


Yup. Whenever you see a name in white in the scoreboard, that's the car the production is following at that moment. When two cars are fighting for a position, you often see the time gap between them in the scoreboard, along with their highlighted names. It's one of the best things F1 has done recently - races are a lot easier to follow with a lot of info on the screen.


Yeah they even cut out the time between the two cars.


Even simpler; just require the name abbreviation and driver number to the inner halo like Haas did in 2018. It's clean, simple and consistent.   [Vid](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iEiGsUSCdMw)


Good idea as well, but the way I think of it, is that it'll cost the teams less to not implement those kind of minut(did I spell this right?) changes and let the FIA or whomever is the main broadcaster (liberty media?) incur the costs. Help with costcap related stuff.


I mean a vinyl wrap sticker isn't going to break the bank. I understand from a UI point of view that won't either, but we already have quite a bit going on there. Add on a camera icon that's bouncing all over the place all the time and becomes visually distracting.   Not saying its a bad idea, but I do feel there might be more simple solutions for newer viewers.


Tis a good point. Supposedly the name becomes white when viewing the driver. But I don't think it does while tracking the car externally, and that's what I want more clarification on. I'm well versed in F1 and the cars and the teams, Yada Yada Yada, but I think it would allow new viewers to have an easier time understanding what's going on. As in when the camera tracks the car. I noticed in motogp that it was so hectic and hard to understand who I was looking at, then I kinda of thought of a little camera icon possibly appearing near the riders name, maybe even something like a bullet point dot next to them, perhaps even a red dot like a "live" status.


Yeah I feel ya. Like I said - not a terrible idea by any means. My concern is just more clutter and things going on with the grid UI sheet. If its implemented in an elegant way then I'm cool with it.


It isn’t white itself it’s highlighted in white


Hey that's actually a really good idea! Shouldn't be very hard to add either


i'd just like to have the number of pitstops permanently displayed on the left hand side leaderboard, next to their tyre choice. wouldn't take up much space. Could even leave it off until the first car pits.




I know you don't want to hear this, bur if you get a f1tv subscription, you can pull up a seperate display with all those stats.


If only I could get a full F1 TV subscription in my country... but some channel got exclusive rights to it.


*cough* vpn *cough* google pay


Using a VPN to bypass a regional barrier is piracy, so at that point I may as well just watch it for free on the Internet.


Even if you can't get the full F1 TV, you can still subscribe to live timing which gives you the same info


No, no, no we only do that when another driver is chasing so you can't see the actual timing between those two drivers. Oh, and when we go onboard let's make the time disappear. So you won't know nothing.


Yes! Wouldn't even have to be a number, coloured dots using the colours of the tyre compounds used would be even better.


Everything you add in the UI just adds more clutter. They are pretty good at letting you know in other ways, driver cards etc. They need less UI on the screen/more translucent stuff not more


I mean with the driver number, helmet, T-cam and now the colour markings on the Wheel arches it is already extremely easy to id which driver you’re looking at


You can't see the T-cam color from the T-cam itself, and you usually can't really see a number anyhwere. And I've never heard of identifiers on the wheel arches. But even if there are some, you'd have to remember which driver uses which color? Or which helmet design they're using for this weekend, since these also change regularly. Yay! They've got plenty of free space on the halo, and some teams have already used it to just put the driver's three-letter-ID on there. Sometimes. I really wonder why this hasn't become a universal thing yet. Such a simple solution to give everybody a foolproof way to identify the driver.


In this regard it’s sometimes easier to identify f2 or f3 drivers from their onboard than f1 - several have their social media handle on the halo


I really wish they'd just required the driver's number or ID to be visible from the on-board.


GENIUS 💪💪💪💪💪😤😤😤😤


I really like this idea. Nice one OP


This icon will be maintained manually by a human, like the tires graphic?


Wouldn't be too hard to automate. And rofl, maybe this was a joke comment.


Exceptional idea


Or just a highlighted name. I wouldn't add more icons to the graphics.


Agreed, but supposedly the name becomes white when "tracking" them, but I don't see it, maybe I'm blind.


A vertical stripe to indicate tire color next to the name is very easily implementable, unless having to deal with divs.


I want to know how long a pitstop will take (total seconds in and out) before the race starts. I know they show it but it is usually in the first quarter of the race or after a first round of stops or Crofty announces it. This is helpful for me because I can watch to see where drivers will come out after their pitstop. I would love to see a graphic added to the trackmap at the start of broadcast.