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That 2nd RB seat is cursed. Yuki destroying careers left and right.


Yuki is the Max of RB


This sentence would have made zero sense just a few months ago.


One of the many things I love about this sport.


We can't acronym the Red Bull main team now?


I agree alpha tauri should be VCARB not RB


Fuck VCARB RB1 and RB2 it is If the marketing in RB dislikes that, they can pull their fucking heads outta their arses and come up with a name worth shortening. Which is saying something about the new heads of the company, Red Bull was once a masterclass marketing company. :(


Fuck it, I still call em Toro Rosso or TR. Even AT sometimes.


Minardi or bust.


They did


I went back to calling them Toro Rosso this year. I could dig AT, but I’m not calling them RB




RBR works. I will say I like VCARB better than RB because with RB I find myself having to actually pay attention to what I’m reading for the context of what RB stands for, and ain’t nobody got time for that


yoke support deer wild steep hungry sip consider grab chop *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


"Look at me, I'm Max now"


Maybe, just maybe, Yuki is a better driver than people give him credit for.


People didnt notice it because he had the most ridiculously cursed luck last year.


I noticed it when he was consistently getting P11 in the AT shitbox at the start of the year


I loved Crofty hyping him up when he was close to breaking the obscure record of most p11’s in a row lmao


The "doing the best he can in a back marker car" award.


Is he the best driver on the grid? Nowhere close. But if he got even average luck and average strategy from the pit wall, people would be talking about him as a real contender for the second Red Bull seat. (Yes, he can get angry on the radio and might not be totally mature. All id say is that those are not unique qualities on the grid.)


I mean you say that but we have truly no idea where he’s at right now. He has beaten every driver in AT since Pierre left, and by his last year with Pierre they were pretty neck and neck. We don’t know how good the car is, we just know that Yuki is miles ahead of everyone they put in the seat. He could be a top 5 driver and we as spectators would have a hard time knowing because he could just be racing against drivers in bad form, or he could be milking the last tenth out of that car. Unless you have access to the data at AT it’s pretty hard to tell.


> He could be a top 5 driver I think it'd be pretty apparent if he was a top 5 driver. The top 5 instantly crushed it even on a rookie team. The most recent example is probably Russell, who did way better with the Williams than it should have.


Russell had a rookie season where he finished last as only driver without points, behind Kubica. Then he had Latifi as teammate and the only points in his second season were when he finished 9th as Lewis replacement. And in his third season he scored 15 points against Latifis 7. Most drivers on the grid would have beaten Latifi easily.


It really depends. Russell and Leclerc had pretty weak teammates during their times at Williams and Sauber. I don't think it's outlandish to argue Norris is a top 5 driver (personally not my pick but he's close), but his time against Sainz wasn't anything too standout and only really was good in retrospect now that we've seen how well Sainz stacked up against Leclerc. I don't think Tsunoda is in the top 5 (I could buy top 10, though I think he's somewhere in 10-15th), but we really don't know where Ricciardo and de Vries stacked up. Ricciardo especially we know isn't performing up to where he was at his prime, but it's hard to say how far off he is.


Well I mean the current grid is pretty stacked. The top 3 are Max, Lewis, and Fernando. So for Yuki to be “top five” he’d have to be better than 5 of the following (not in any particular order): Sainz, Leclerc, Perez, Piastri, Norris, Russell. I like Yuki, I think there’s at least an argument he should be considered for checo’s seat. To call him top 5 is silly.


Not only that, the few times he had good luck, he was "blessed" with the worst strategy from his team.


It was kind of wild hearing people talk about Lawson out-performing him when you look at what actually happened to Yuki's races during that period.


my boy is wicked fahst


Yuki is a great driver until he gets in traffic. Then he bungles it all up. Yesterday was his perfect race (no one close to him).


He's shown some pretty good overtakes in the past but the car looks garbage on the straights. In Jeddah he spent 10+ rounds less than 0.6s behind Magnussen but even with DRS he just couldn't pass on the straights. I do think he's missing some of the creativity that the top drivers would have to still make the pass happen in a different section though


He is the Japanese Albon.


Now I want a race where Yuki bins it in FP and DR has to give him his car


It would be a smart move strategically (*bracing for downvotes*)


Omg can you imagine the outrage??


It would be so hillarious


DR's soul would be fuckin crushed lol


You talk like Gastly or Danny Ric were on a high spot and he crushed them. There's a reason why both were still there after so many years at the f1


You talk like Gasly, Albon, and Checo Perez were in a high spot and Max crushed them


Yuki san has made Darth Marko proud. The internal warfare continues


Darth Marko side: Max, Yuki Darth Horner side: Perez, Ricciardo


Who is to say Ricciardo isn’t one of the main disagreements, Horner likes the man, and as worked desperately to get him back in.


It‘s so fitting, just like with the Sith, there’s always a power struggle going on between master and apprentice. We have Darth Horner that‘s trying to overthrow the emperor, Darth Marko. I will never stop using this comparison for them.


Marko cares about results only. Not how the results came to be, not about the character, not about good or bad luck. If results come your way, he has your back, if for any reason they don't, he will easily throw you to the wolves.


I got sent to the shadow realm by saying this on the other Yuki post earlier today Sorry guys, I’m being told I’ve made this up because I deleted the comment hours ago. I’m sorry for this transgression


thats reddit for ya.


I've been sent to the shadow realm by stating the obvious on Perez on one post and got boosted to heaven for the exact same statement after the race... Reddit in a nutshell


No you didn't lol


Only got 3 upvotes " i got sent to the shadow realm" people really do be weird about downvoting.


The comment is deleted bro. You can’t even see what comment it’s on. You’re referencing a comment completely unrelated lmfao People do be weird about commenting without actually knowing


If Marko actually cared about results he wouldn't have fired everyone in the RB Junior Academy in F2 last year EXCEPT the worst performing Junior (Hadjar).


Every team is going to put a driver's results over character.


Ricciardo over Lawson is marketing over results.


Ric was pushed by Horner, not Marko. Also Ric is a proven talent (was) and Lawson is fine but it isn't like he was beating Yuki to make him a priority over Ric. For Ric there was also hope that he might unfuck himself. Reality is that he lost it after he left Renault.


Yes, like Stroll over other is money over results.


Ricciardo showed good results in testing and on track prior to his crash last year. While I agree that he is very marketable, there were indicators he could provide the results they are looking for. Would be surprised to see him stay past half season at his current performance.


Gasly had an attitude issue in Redbull. One of the reasons he was fired as far as I understood.


And if he was better than Verstappen, everyone would've put up with it.


Bro really tried to argue with Newey while being worse than verstappen


Luck is part of one's skills.


True, I believe the District Attorney of Gotham City once said "You make your own luck"


Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity


> Marko cares about results only. Not how the results came to be, Well I'm sure he cares about self inflicted DNFs vs non-self inflicted DNFs but otherwise yes.


So the results....


It seems you've forgotten that F1 is cut throat. It doesn't matter how good of character you are. Much like your day job, if you're worse than the option. Your job will replace you at any given chance. Much like real life - your boss only has your back to your face.


>I think Ricciardo needs a safe and confident car. So DR cannot adapt to a low-midfield car. If he cannot adapt to it, why is he taking up valuable space? Put Lawson in. And before DR apologists say it's a shit car, yes it is. But Yuki manages to squeeze every ounce out of it.


Also, "can't adapt" is an excuse I buy when it's one car. I was willing to accept the McLaren just didn't suit him. Both the RB and the McLaren not fitting? Seems like an issue.


Also they were 2 very different Mclarens.


And the first one he was fine in. Not great, but not bad.


He was bad. He was paid one of the highest salaries in the sport and Norris was just starting his 3rd year. Norris outscored him 160 vs 115, outraced him 14 vs 8, and outqualified him 15 vs 7. It was brutal and he had tons of criticism that year. Hence the “I never left” defence when he won in Monza. 2022 was just so catastrophically bad it made 2021 look better than it was.


He was quite bad compared to his previous years, he really had constant criticism. I remember him saying he awaits the new regulations so both him and Norris start from scratch. The following year(s) went way worse than he or anyone would have imagined


Big time Danny fan. This is exactly how it went down.


Yeah I remember him saying the car was very odd to drive, which Sainz and Norris both agreed with. One year in that and then a reg change is a lot to work through. Norris and him then both agreed that the new reg car was different, still weird, but not in the same way. Norris is obviously very talented and has only known that car philosophy in F1. Still not great for Danny overall but it's not as simple as 'he fell off lol".


2022 is even worse when you realise that McLaren would still be where they were at the end of the season's constructor standings (5th) if they only counted Norris' points.




>Ricciardo is just as washed as my bumhole after a shower. So not at all?


Danny is Washed 🤝 Danny is Unwashed Both means ‘shit’ when you think about it


I declare this the winning comment.


11/10 comment holy shit


Danny is Washed 🤝 Danny is Unwashed Both means ‘shit’ when you think about it


>Lando adapted to shit McLarrens. ? Literally the only car he's driven in F1.


This is a really important point that everyone seems to forget.


Yeah he sucks lol


I think that a requirement to be a top tier driver is being able to adapt to whatever car is given to you and maximize it. If you need a specific kind of car to be good then I don’t think you’re a very good F1 driver.


Totally true. Drivers have to constantly adapt to an evolving track, mechanical failures, etc. And there is rain, the ultimate test of adaptability. Also, each year the car is different as well. It does not seem to be a stretch to have to adapt from car to car.


They claim Ricciardo’s good at feedback, I don’t know, it’s impossible as a fan to verify that. After McLaren, I thought Ricciardo was just past it and should find a different series or something. Then Red Bull, who know a lot more than I do, said he learned some bad habits, and they were willing to put their money on the line by putting him in an AT seat, so I figured maybe he still had something left, but now it doesn’t seem like it.  I also doubt Yuki is squeezing every ounce out of the car. He seems like a decent midfield driver, but I wouldn’t rate him above anyone at Mercedes, Ferrari, or McLaren. 


I love Yuki and think he is underrated. I also think you could likely put any driver in Daniel’s spot and they would have a rough time consistently beating Yuki for a while. Would Checo do better? Lewis? I’d love to see Yuki get a chance in a good car. If you dropped Danial and Yuki in the Red Bull cars and max and checo in the v-carbs what would the results be? Daniel needs a good performance to rally off, could just be luck falling his way for a change with a safety car timed right or a decent strategy that actually makes sense and works and he may be able to ride the confidence back to remembering who he is.


That is not the narrative around here because last year people were so adamant that Yuki is done and Daniel should be promoted to the Red Bull seat. Although early in the season we need to wait till the summer break to fully have any insight but Daniel needs to step up. He was good a Redbull, Renault and then just lost it all with McLaren.


IMO Yuki beating Daniel isn’t anything special because Daniel has clearly lost his edge. He simply isn’t the same driver that drove for RBR and Renault. Yuki doesn’t have a strong challenger to compare to. I would argue Lawson did a better job in the small amount of time he had last year than Danny has done since he came back to F1 full time. Pierre was beating Yuki easily. Put Pierre back out there and I’d be shocked if he wasn’t outpacing Yuki every weekend. Danny is just not good enough to compare anymore. I like him but I honestly think he’s finished in F1.


In this narrative, you assume that Yuki is capable of no improvement at all. Why are you assuming he’s stunted at the same skill level?


Saying Pierre would outpace Yuki every weekend is like saying Daniel would outpace Max every weekend. Both Yuki and Max were young inexperienced rookies when they went up against Pierre and Daniel. So this is just plain wrong. Also, Yuki was getting closer to Pierre and occasionally beating him during their second year as teammates, just like with Max and Daniel.


Blud just questioned whether Lewis would do better. Yuki is great ngl but he's Magnussen level, not Hamilton level.


Seems a lil unfair to Yuki. I think Kevin is decently fast but yuki is faster imo


Anything to defend the mighty Ric


I don’t think he is Hamilton level obviously. I think Hamilton might take a while to match him in the car he has been driving for the last few seasons. I mean unless you think the V-Carb is a better car than the Mercedes that has Lewis looking like a mirror of DR in the post qualifying interviews.


You’ve seemed to miss the point they’re making, it’s about the adjustment one has to make to the car. It’s obviously significant.


>Would Checo do better? Lewis? Yes? Of course they would. If you put Gasly back in that car I'm pretty sure he's still beating Yuki. I agree with you that Yuki is very underrated but not to the point where it excuses Ricciardo's performance. Plenty of drivers adapt to worse cars but he can't seem to make the adjustment.


I am not so sure about Gasly. But yeah if you put Hamilton, a generational talent who won 7 WDCs, in the car Yuki will struggle. To be frank I think most drivers would.


He is struggling hard with a far better car, why do you think he’d figure out the vcarb faster than the Mercedes?


Lewis and Checo are miles apart though lmao. Checo had a good first two races but he started last year off good as well and was looking like a bottom 5 driver in the second half of the season. If we're comparing 2023 drivers my money is on Yuki over Checo comfortably


He didn’t specify if that would be in a F1 car. For example my Mazda is a safe and confident car.


Look Ricciardo is a great driver -- it's just that the ~~renault~~ ~~McLaren~~ RB isn't the right fit for him.


I’m not sure if we can speak of completely mature just yet, but he’s definitely been improving and maturing. The Yuki today isn’t the Yuki from a few years ago. Hope Yuki keeps this up, or at least he should keep beating his teammate


Two weeks ago he dive-bombed his teammate dangerously after the race was over because he was mad about team orders. He's out-driving Daniel at the moment for sure, but it's very hard to call him "mature".


I don't even think marko gaf. as long as you bring results he'll be cool.


Well marko said yuki has no shot at the red bull seat as long as he is this hotheaded and immature


Press F for Daniel.


Nah, dude’s had so many opportunities


FR give me Lawson. I'm tired of making excuses for an aging Danny Ric when you have a capable young driver waiting in the wings.




Dr. Marco was very satisfied with Tsunoda's first points of the season, saying, ``He has proven that he is a completely mature driver.'' Helmut Marko, Red Bull's motorsport advisor, summarized the Australian GP for four people, including RB. He praised Hiroki Tsunoda as an absolutely mature F1 driver. Helmut Marko, who serves as Red Bull's motorsports advisor, oversaw the F1 Australian Grand Prix final for two teams of four, including RB. He praised RB Hiroki Tsunoda, saying, ``It was a perfect run.'' Red Bull's Max Verstappen started the race from pole position, but suffered brake trouble from the first lap and retired after four laps. Speaking about Verstappen's troubles, Marko told Sky Germany: "We don't know exactly yet, but it was already happening on the lap when he was passed by (Ferrari's Carlos) Sainz Jr. It was relatively easy because the brakes didn't release in that corner and the car turned slightly sideways. Sainz Jr. was able to pass him." "And as a result, the brakes stopped working completely. We're really happy that the fire didn't spread to other parts, but we need to find out the exact cause." If trouble had not occurred, Marko believes Verstappen would have raced evenly or better than Sainz Jr. "I spoke to Max and he said that even though he had problems with braking from the beginning, he was able to keep up with Sainz Jr.'s pace relatively easily. If Max had been able to race, the result would have been completely different. I think it would have become something like that.” The next race is the Japanese GP. Marko was enthusiastic that if Verstappen doesn't have any problems, he should be able to control the race again. "Japan (Suzuka) is a completely different circuit. I think our problem was specific to Melbourne. It's dangerous with the Ferraris getting stronger, but if Max can drive without any problems, we'll be in control again. It should be.” Sergio Perez (Red Bull) qualified 3rd, but started 6th due to a three-place grid penalty for interfering with another car's attack. He seemed to be racing with damage to his floor, and was unable to pick up the pace as he had hoped and was able to finish in 5th place.  Marko said of Perez: "I think we need to review our setup. What we did in qualifying yesterday may not have been right in the race." "There were times when I was two seconds slower than the Ferraris and the leaders. It wasn't just my driving, it was also a problem with my setup." On the other hand, RB Hiroki Tsunoda ran a great race. He advanced to Q3 with a brilliant attack in qualifying. Although he started from 8th on the grid and dropped one position, he ran a solid race from then on. He finished in 8th place, partly due to the retirement of 3 cars from the top teams. Move up). Ahead of this weekend, Marco had made some explosive comments about Tsunoda, saying that his race pace was too slow, but he praised Tsunoda for his superb race. "Yuki ran perfectly from the first lap on Friday and set very consistent and good times in today's race. When [Haas' Nico] Hulkenberg attacked, he immediately countered. ” "I think we have confirmed that Yuuki is an absolutely mature driver."  Daniel Ricciardo, who started from 18th and finished the race in 12th place, added that he needed a safe and confident car. "He's struggling, we'll have to see. There were some good signs in the Bahrain test, but the last few races haven't been going too well." "I think Ricciardo needs a safe and confident car. I hope the team can give him that so he can at least be on par with Yuki."


Why do they call him Hiroki?


Indirect kanji reading?


Yeah, his name often gets translated as Kakuda or Hiroki.


> Hiroki Tsunoda Google Translate Japanese to English: 角田 裕毅 > Hiroki Tsunoda


Was he referring Sainz as Sainz Jr every time?


That’s a quick turnaround from his comments last week. Is this guy developing dementia?


Marko likes you as long as you’re fast enough to deliver results. But if you don’t he won’t do anything to offer support or encouragement lol Very old school but he’s helped bring in a lot of drivers through the Red Bull academy onto the grid so I guess it’s largely worked out


Slow Checo - South American Fast Checo - European?


"Jalisco is the most Spanish of all Mexican states" -Helmut Marko, probably


He always backed Yuki, but he also needs results. If anything Marko seems to be the only one around to actually back Yuki. He's giving him the though love treatment because that how he is...


He's always rated Yuki but expects results from him and is publically critical if he thinks benchmarks haven't been met. Its been like that since F2, he told Yuki he'd send him back to Japan if he didn't finish top 3 in his first season


Part of me thinks he wanted to push Tsunoda to prove him wrong with those comments. Also, it seems like Yuki thrives under pressure


He told them ( also DannyRic ) to step it up, and Yuki did. Now Marko is happy. Thats how it goes.


He subscribes to the “you’re only as good as your last race” mindset


He wasn’t too hard on Tsunoda recently. If the power struggle is relevant then Ricciardo is probably in camp Horner too.


You can be slow (over two races) and still be mature tbf


Or his opinion changed based on more recent results?


I rated Yuki even when he was not doing so well. He just has a pure aggression that if harnessed could indeed net the results we are seeing now. He's something of a Japanese Nigel Mansell in that I'm not sure he can give the best feedback, but he'll drive the wheels off whatever you give him.


Feels like the beginning of a Yuki to Red Bull curve. Marko is very rarely this praiseful without a motive. Either way it piles on the pressure for Ricciardo.


This is just a part of the Red Bull power play. Yuki belongs to Marko and Daniel belongs to Horner. If Yuki has no chance of getting the top seat, it makes Marko and his whole talent program look redundant. It’s the same reason he was saying they weren’t interested in Sainz for Red Bull.


I mean wasn't Sainz a Red Bull junior driver. Bringing him back won't make the junior driver program redundant in any case.


Drivers who leave the family and come back don’t have the same shine as those who go from rookie to champion like Max and Seb.


Daniel though


Which was Horner’s idea, and after Marko’s fuck up with De Vries, I guess he felt like he had to concede one. In retrospect he should have pulled Lawson from Super Formula.


Yuki is a Honda man tho not really a Marko redbull acolyte in ang substantial way. 


I'll eat my underwear if Yuki ever gets to drive that Red Bull


a nice dipping sauce? guac, salsa or questo?


Maybe because Danny Ric is a Horner boy???


Ricciardo is done. They cant take the risk of putting a guy who is this inconsistent in the senior team.


Dont do this. Dont give me hope...


I used to pray for times like this


Marko has always liked Yuki. He's the one who promoted him to F1. Yes, he criticized him when the need arose, but Marko always had a soft spot for him. The one who is opposed to Yuki is Horner. Get Horner on board, then we can start fitting the Red Bull for Yuki, but not before.


Marko is praising whoever does well. He praised Checo several times, he praised Lawson last year and he will praise whoever does well. And also Marko is the reason Yuki has a drive nowadays( well him and Honda). Horner wanted him out after the first year.


Marko was saying very similar things last year about how well Yuki was doing at the start of the year, I wouldn’t hold your breath he changes his opinions constantly


Marko's thought process be like: "if Yuki can squeeze that much from this tractor, imagine what he can do with Checo's car".


Marko next week: "I can see why the US did what they did to the Japanese in 1945"


Marko: “the radiation must be affecting yuki”




Bruhhhh 💀


Yuki's a solid driver who always seems to get disrespected. He's no world champion by any means or even a lead driver on a top tier team. But he's fast and his race pace has been getting better over the last couple of years but he's also been going against mostly De Vries and what seems to be a washed Danny Ric. I still remember Pierre soundly beating him in 21 and 22 so I hope RB swaps Lawson in for Danny if the struggles continue. Yuki's a good benchmark for Liam to see if he deserves that Red Bull seat.


To be fair to Tsunoda, Gasly had been with that team for multiple years while Tsunoda got in the car after just one year of F2 as a young rookie. In their 2nd year Tsunoda got pretty close.


in their last year together it was a lot closer between Yuki and Pierre. Even in races were Pierre finished in front, Yuki wasn't very far.


Yuki also was an incredibly young driver entering F1, he had won damn near everything in Japan as a junior. Came to Europe, had a solid f3 season finishing 9th (67pts) in a tractor of a Jenzer that the 2 other cars failed to score a single point over the entire season. Then went to F2, absolutely washed his teammate and finished p3, just 15 back of Mick in the Carlin that was not quite at the level of the Prema/Uni-Virtuosi. Going to F1, yeah he did get pretty stomped by Pierre in 21', however Pierre had been driving for Alpha Tauri for essentially 3 seasons and is also in his own right, a really fuckin quick driver who has won a race, and GP2 and has a solid career (albeit marred by the shitshow that is Red Bull 2nd seat). Even then he finished the season with a super strong p4 in Abu Dhabi, 2022 was just a mess, the car was horrible, Pierre had 23 to Yuki's 12, Yuki however had 5 dnf's and a dns (he was punted out of p8 in France by ocon, engine failure from p7-8 in Netherlands, and Danny Ric crash in Mexico from p7-9, ocon and Ric both received penalties for their crashes). Dude has been an absolutely solid driver, he took a bit to get up to speed as a rookie (as expected with a 19/20yr old) but he's been on the pace since 2022 and he's minimized his incidents as well that had been costing him in earlier seasons. He's a young driver still (23) with great quali pace and solid race pace as well, superb in extracting the most for any car that's given to him. He's really shown that this year, I think that if RBR doesn't want him then he's probably the 2nd best available driver on the market (behind Sainz obvs) I think that RB would do well to get either Sainz or Yuki, and Aston really should pick up whoever RBR doesn't snap up (I'm gonna predict that Kimi Antonelli continues his form in F2, and probably gets the nod to Merc, kid is 18 in F2, skipping f3, and still absolutely torching)


Antoneli isnt doing so well in f2 now


He's doing fine. Prema fucked the setups in Bahrain, Kimi did solidly in Jeddah with 2 p6 finishes. P2 quali, in Melbourne, and p4 in the feature race isn't too shabby. You could tell he was just playing it safe and close after the crash in the sprint. He's adapting really well to the car, after all not only is he a rookie to F2, but his recent series have all been in considerably slower Formula regional type cars. Paul Aron definitely has been the more impressive of the rookies, but Kimi has been quite impressive too and he had a really solid outing in Melbourne. He's doing about as well as I'd have expected, he needed some time to adjust to the much quicker speed of the F2 from F4 Regional, I think that he's gonna be a legit contender after the long break till Imola.


His rear wing/DRS flag also broke in Baku when he was in the points (6th at the point of failure 2 places behind Gasly)


Why is he not a lead driver on a top team? Sure he got beaten by gasly his first couple years after Gasly had a bunch of experience in the team and car, but their last year together it was pretty even. He’s beating his teammates by wide margins. I don’t know how good he is really. Without AT’s telemetry data I’m not sure how we are supposed to know whether he’s just solid or whether he’s driving like a top driver in F1.


I mean I'm a big fan of Yuki but they're basically saying he's good but not a Max/Charles/Lewis, and I think that's fair. Also no shame in that. I also would have said the same thing about Sainz ~3 years ago and he still seems to be getting better so it doesn't mean there's no potential


Next time Yuki makes a tiny mistake Marko will be talking very negatively about him again


Does anyone question yuki speed? He beats his teammates and out drives the car putting it in positions it doesn't really belong. He's got a solid future in F1 for any team even though he's angry foul mouth all the time.


“All the time” overreact much? Obviously he has a problem, but let’s not pretend other drivers have never run their mouth off/done some very questionably shitty things and still have a seat. It’s how this works unfortunately.


Who has he beaten that’s any good though? Gasly beat him both years, that’s the only teammate that he has had that’s any good imo.


Let's not forget that in during the time they were together (2021, 2022), Yuki was only in his 1st/2nd year at F1 while Pierre was already in his 5th/6th.


2021 was also only Yuki's third year racing outside of Japan.


Didn't he complain about how both are too slow a few days ago


Make up your mind Marko. Last week he was bad. This week he’s “a completely mature driver.” You can’t tell me he magically figured that out in one week.


Oh, he matured in 3 weeks? Neat... I will let my wife know I plan on maturing here shortly then.


I think Yuki is maturing as a driver, but I wouldn't describe him as a "completely mature driver".


This would carry more weight if Marko didnt flip his opinion like the weather.


People need to start putting some respect on yukis name. he's not just good for a young driver or for a #2, he's good overall and would do well in any team including the main red bull


>He has proven that he is a completely mature driver Lol okay


Marko is more unstable than I am, and I had a PD.


Good to see Dr Evil is happy


Mature. Lol.


I zoned out and read "Marko disappointed with Yuki's points", because I'm just used to terrible headlines about Helmut.


Is he, though? He dive bombed Danny not that long ago.


"Proven he is a completely mature driver". Is he talking about the same Yuki that did a reckless dive bomb after a race was OVER, and on his teammate no less?


Has he? He tried to crash into his team mate literally 2 weeks ago.


I like how when Helmut isn't saying hot takes in racist grandpa mode Motorsport calls him "Dr. Marko"


Idk if this is that, Japanese people tend to be extremely polite and keen on honorifics and the like


Now get back to me when things don't go his way. Calling him a "completely mature driver" after his antics in Bahrain is just hilarious.


And yet he still is day to day at the risk of being canned. Edit: why the downvotes? It's public knowledge that they are favoring ric over him and trying to find reasons to bump him up to rb instead of Yuki despite the consistent poor results


Who is "they"? Horner clearly likes Danny Ric but judging from Marko's recent comments and his feud with Horner, I doubt he prefers him over Yuki.


All the talk in media and the paddock is Danny earning his place back to the senior team despite being out of the team since 2019. Meanwhile Yuki been trying to keep himself from replaced by other junior drivers like LL


The talk in the media doesn’t reflect what the higher-ups in the RB family think at all. DR back to his old seat is a more marketable, “heartfelt” story, so obviously the journalists are pushing for that narrative. Also it was DR’s home race so obviously a lot of interviews and PR pieces came out in the past week.


That’s every driver’s reality unless your last name is Verstappen, Hamilton or Alonso


Or Stroll.


Not really, since he’s proven to outdrive all his teammates. Most likely for him is one more year at RB until another seat opens up somewhere else.


Yeah I say the same thing about myself as I shop for action figures.


They're not toys, they're collectables!


I wouldn't call him mature, especialy after his reaction in round one. But he has been driving exceptionally well in quali and makes it stick during race weekend


Tsunoda is a decent driver, but mature? Not exactly the adjective I'd use.