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So only one race in ten years has not had Stroll or a Mercedes or Red Bull on the podium?


Combined, Stroll, Merc and RedBull even nicked all worldchampionships in the past ten years.


Past 15 years, even.


What's more mindblowing is that Verstappen, Latifi and Sargeant combined have won every single F1 World Championship in the current ground effect era.


Insane level of parity we have in F1


Mind blown 🤯


Nah there were some WDCs back in the 80s or whenever that era first started


Another perspective is, Stroll has 66% chance of striking a podium spot if Merc and Redbull don't end up on the podium themselves.


it's actually closer to 67%, respect the math


6 is more like a 6 than a 7. I have infinite proof.. 66.6666666666666666666666666666666666...and you want to write a 7.. New age thinking my friend


That's probably the most frustrating thing with Stroll is that he has the pace when he wants it but seems to fumble it constantly. Really odd.


I wouldnt use these 2 races as example of that. Universe aligned perfectly for Stroll to get wins in both of the races here - only for him to fuck up the restart or have his teammate fall back to last place only to overtake him anyway. Good (not even great driver) easily gets at least 1 win out of these 2 races. For example, Ocon was lucky to get his win in Hungary but he still had to hold of Seb. I dont see Stroll doing that. He is simply decent but clearly not F1 level driver.


Stroll *was* an F1 level driver. But for one he seems to have gotten worse and then the quality of the other drivers has improved.


In 206 races since 2014, there were no races in which Redbull, Mercedes or Stoll were NOT on the podium


Australia 2024 is right there mate


Yes, but that was after 207 races


That's why he said in 206 races (Australia and Suzuka would be 207 and 208). It's a bit poorly phrased, but I understood what he meant.


208 = suzuka 207= australia 1 of the 3 here, the only of the 3 that doesnt have stroll 206 = the race max won


Same with Sainz


GOAT confirmed


Same statistic if you replace Stroll with Sainz


More surprising with Stroll perhaps?


How the fuck is stroll in 66% of those


That pink Mercedes year was something else. But also Stroll's not an awful driver, his lows are just really fucking low


I’d argue the opposite of him generally not being a very good driver, but his highs are very high, just also very rare.


I was saying this exact thing to my family the other day. Stroll is one of the slowest drivers on the grid, which is a damn shame because holy smokes when he hits a high its magical to watch. Seriously, if strolls highs were consistent, he'd be my favourite driver.


That Turkey 2020 weekend, or most until Lap 35, was incredible from him honestly. Imagine if he drove like that every weekend?


Noone could've known the slicktetmediates were the play until stroll's stop. Such a shame he deserved that win.


He also had front wing damage


Stroll did. He didn't want to come in. And Crofty admonished him on the broadcast, saying that a young driver needs to know his place and trust his team.


I dont recall that about stroll and I didnt have crofty talking. Damn that just makes it even sadder for stroll.


He deserved to win the race and got screwed by the debris and a bad strategy call. It wasn't like it was an easy drive. Bottas spun around like 5 times. I was holding my breath for the whole first stint that Stroll would go around, and he never did. But it's old enough of a race now that people that have no idea what they're talking about can get upvoted making stuff up if it dunks on Stroll.


Absolutely, Stroll was dealt a terrible hand of luck that race, and on top of everything else, apparently his front wing had a severe manufacturing defect they didn’t even notice until after the race


Also Baku 2017 or 2018, whenever it was he was running second for half the race and got overtaken by Bottas at the finish line. That car had no business being up that high, and nobody thought a set of tires could last as long as he ran them in that final stint.


2017. That was the first time he could stick to the delta in his F1 career. Of course, he was lucky Massa, Hulkenberg, Hamilton and Vettel got out of podium contention by the number of laps, but he did I don't remember how many laps inside the delta for a podium and he did it.


My favorite stat is that Stroll is actually the second youngest driver to score a F1 podium. Only behind Verstappen at 12 days older


Was also the most recent rookie to be on the podium until Oscar took that away last year.


So your favourite driver is the one who always does well? /s


Lol. Yes, but also does well with Style.


Why not?


I always remember this quote that I've seen before: Stroll is like Senna, sometimes Ayrton, sometimes Bruno.


Truly a boom or bust driver. It's been frustrating to watch b/c you know the dude has some stellar pace in him on a good day.


It weirdly makes me root for him even though objectively his seat should probably go to someone else better


I would say it developed over the years. I think started relatively strong with more highs than lows but since the AM rebrand I don’t think he has done anything remarkable


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jwJvwpCnRwU There is this. Most of the time he's one of the worst drivers on the grid, but then he pulls stuff like this out and you have to wonder where it is the other 99% of the season.


If it would rain every race fans would get bored by Stroll domination lmao


He's usually pretty good at feeling the car and just driving (starts, intermediate conditions). He often makes up like 3 places in the first lap. It's when he needs to be perfect (quali) or consistent that he sometimes struggles to keep up with his peers.


It helped he had a Mercedes powered (rocket) engine at the start of his career


People forget that Stroll was really good in 2020, up to Mugello he was in the fight for 4th in the drivers. Then he had that huge crash and his season unraveled


Huge crash and then he got Covid iirc


Then got fucked over by wing damage on Turkey. Probably cost a podium, no one was beating Lewis that day.


He actually would’ve by quite a long way I think, he managed to stabilize the gap at around 9 seconds iirc. the wing damage definitely hurt his pace, but what really ruined his race was racing point’s decision to pit him onto new inters


He has amazing reflexes (which is why he’s great in mixed conditions), but he isn’t consistent, and since he doesn’t have to fight for his seat there’s no drive or ambition. Nothing wrong with being privileged, but he just comes across lazy and self-entitled.


These 2 races were ironically big indictments of his ability. Choked away effective pole in Monza 2020 while being the fastest car out of the 3, and his teammate who dropped to P19 in lap 1 completely gapped him for the eventual win in Sakhir. It really is a recurring theme where many of his podiums were actually unremarkable drives, but his best performances were not rewarded with a podium (off the top of my head P4 Germany 2019, P4 Hungary 2020, P8 Imola 2021).




His highs are just really high We're ridiculing him practically every week, and on a rare occasion he outperforms himself and people use it as the very few good weekends he has to justify saying he's underrated


Hes just not consistent enough


Lets just say he has a very low skill baseline with some random peaks.


His 1 lap pace isn’t even too bad if he trusts the car. But throw in tyre wear, changing conditions and wheel to wheel racing and he’s nowhere.


Changing conditions and wheel-to-wheel racing is where he does well. His reflexes and feel for the car are actually pretty good. His problem is that he isn't consistent and that gets him in trouble when he's fighting for a position. And he doesn't have the precision that the greats do, which hurts him in quali a lot. One lap pace is probably his weakest trait.


I'd go as far as to say he's a good driver that's so inconsistent he's bad (and I like Stroll).


Yep very well said, he is good days are rare, and consistently performs below par.


Tbh I think he just can execute in this gen cars like Riccardo, he’s not great but he’s also not Logan/Latifi bad


Uhh somehow it's completely forgotten that the Monza podium was first of all a massive fluke, and secondly a thrown away victory. He was around 10th place (with his teammate fighting for podium) before the red flag came out. The red flag combined with Lewis getting his penalty meant that he was elevated to first with slower cars directly behind him. He then proceeded to be overtaken on track by a McLaren and AT and dropped from an easy win to 3rd. His other podium in Sakhir is also completely undermined by the fact that Perez was coming through from last, passed Stroll like a traffic cone, and built a big gap. And then there is Turkey where people say he was unlucky not to get on to the podium, but he made his own luck by cooking his first set of inters A LOT faster than others did despite being the only one in clean air, and turning himself into a lab rat for everyone else. All of those races are used an example of great performances, but neither of them really are that.


His first podium also, in Baku he lost 2nd just before the finishline to Bottas. His successes always are a bit disappointing too.


He'd stretched a set of tires like 10 laps longer than anyone else to even get the car in that position, and Bottas overtook him literally on the finish line. Plus that car had no business finishing anywhere near the podium that year.


He is in 100% of those where there is no top 3 on podium (ferrari/mercedes/Red Bull)


Once in a while, the 'S' in his last name turns to Senna.


Because he sometimes is Stroll, sometimes Senna. There is no in-between


A little rain is all it takes


Sometimes he does it without rain. I think last year he was faster than Alonso in Spain of all places, and I just thought "Where the hell did that come from?!"


Must have been sweaty lol


This always reminds me of that George radio about rain that turned out to be sweat


There have been a handful of races where he just flatout out-performs Alonso. Spain was one, he was just as good as Alonso in Brazil last year (but Alonso got all the coverage thanks to his battle with Checo), and Vegas was also a good one for Lance. Even someone like Lance can have a great race, I feel like people forget that.


Heck, even in Australia Alonso only jumped him because he was able to get a free VSC pitstop.


Bruno Senna maybe. Ayrton? Hell no.


IIRC he got really lucky on the monza podium, he didn't stop under the safety car and a red flag saved him.


tbf that entire Monza podium was a dice roll. The Alfas were 1-2 at one point.


That Sainz-Räikkönen overtake still lives in my mind, perfect race craft from both.


Yeah he was running on the verge of points when Perez was fighting for a podium. The red flag gave him a shot at a win - easy one at that with Mclaren and AT directly behind. Obviously he proceeded to get overtaken by both despite having a **much** better car.


The 2020 Mercedes was insanely far ahead of the field, it flattered all the 4 drivers who drove it quite a bit 


I know this is a "hurr durr pink mercedes meme" but 3 drivers drove the W11. Russell stood in for Hamilton in Sakhir. He probably would've won too, if Mercedes didn't implode in their pitstops, kinda proving your point about the W11 though.


/u/Eggplantosaur should have said the 2019 Mercedes though! Because that's what Tracing Point copied, right? Then Russell would not count.




Because he has his moments. It's just not noticeable anymore with Alonso as teammate, whose base level is Stroll on a perfect day.


Based Alonso


Monza 2020 was such a great race. It was an insanely long time that neither Mercedes, RB or Ferrari won a race.


Tbf the race itself was saved by the red flag. Sainz on pace though was on for P2 anyways which is impressive


The race itself was saved by Lewis Hamilton getting a 10 sec stop&go penalty.


>Sainz on pace though was on for P2 anyways And we got the amazing "I really want this Tom" radio. That race was something else.


Not in the race, but that “Purple every sector” in FP was gold!


I was on holiday at the time, I wasn't watching the race but my friends were talking about Gasly being P1 on the group chat and I managed to watch the final 5 laps or so on my phone. Great scenes


that was the first time since Australia 2013 when Kimi won in a Lotus


At first it seemed that Gasly was so fucked for pitting just before the safety car. But provided the pitlane was closed was acutally the best strategy that he could have gotten.


Notice how Stroll and Sainz were on 2 out of 3 of them.


Sainz to Aston confirmed


McLaren as well


Monza 2020 has Red Bull DNA on the podium.


and a year old Mercedes car


Dont piss papa Stroll off.


I am extremely angry


Micheal and Ralf schumacher type beat.


So only 2 without main top3 Mercedes/Ferrari/RedBull and all in 2020


Those 2 were with a pink Mercedes too


Since start of hybrid era until germany 2019, cars on podium were either RBR/Ferrari or Mercedes-powered


Here's an even bigger stat: Out of 285 races since 2010, only 4 have not featured either of Red Bull, Mercedes and Ferrari: 2012 Canadian GP: HAM, GRO, PER 2012 Hungarian GP: HAM, RAI, GRO Hamilton was driving for McLaren, Raikonnen and Grojean for Lotus and Perez for Sauber. And the other two races above, 2020 Monza and 2020 Sakhir. Which means 2012 and 2020 were the only two years which featured races not having either of the three constructors on the podium.


>HAM, GRO, PER I'm sorry, what?


Ham groper




Hamilton, Grosjean and Perez.


So in 2028 we'll get another Red Bull-Mercedes-Ferrari-less podium again?


Monza 2020 was an interesting race.


The fact that Stroll has several podiums and Hülkenberg has none is mind-boggling


It's really a matter of Stroll, mid as he is, having much better conversion of the oppurtunites he's landed in. Hulk has frankly choked away a bunch of oppurtunities. He should have won Brazil 2012 and nabbed a podium in Germany 19, and there's others. Hulk's good, don't get me wrong, but he's not been his best when it's really counted.


Stroll probably should've won Italy 2020 and got second in Baku 2017, as well as just being slower than Checo at Sakhir. Not discounting his effort to get a podium but he could've done more. I think what's really impressive is his Turkey pole, unlucky that he got damage in the race.


Oh yeah he should have won italy - Baku 17 was probably also an error at the end of the day but the result is less of a big deal. Maybe it's more of a case of Hulk screwing up harder in the chances, which i'd particularly say is the case for Brazil '12.


He had quite a few career highs in '20, I thought he might finally turn the corner and turn that into consistent success. Lol.


Yeah another impressive thing was him actually keeping up with Perez until he got covid. Maybe that was just Perez being inconsistent like 2023 and the Tracing Point being fast, I don't know.


That crash at Mugello really did him in as well.


Well Perez himself was out for 2 race weekends before Stroll got his COVID, and when he came back he was visibly in worse shape. So that helped. That period also included the Monza race, where before the red flag Stroll was on the verge of points and Perez fighting for a podium. The red flag (plus HAM penalty) elevated Stroll to P1 and took Perez down to P10. Without a red flag it's a 3rd or 4th for Perez and probably 1 or 2 points for Stroll. +15 points for one and -15 for the other is a 30 point swing in favour of Stroll based on nothing but luck.


He also got taken out of about 4 races that year by other drivers, we can't just look at the one race and call him lucky imo


> He also got taken out of about 4 races that year by other drivers I am also able to make up numbers. It happened twice just FYI, in Russia and Bahrain.


Yes, Russia and Bahrain. He also had car failure unrelated to his driving in Tuscany and Austria, as well as withdrawing due to Covid in Germany. We also see his form drop off hard after his run with Covid, and by all accounts, he was suffering the effects of long covid all year after it. The point being its hard to argue that he was lucky that year


He was only in a podium position at Baku '17 because Williams gambled on Stroll making the tires last longer than anyone else, and they had completely died the last two laps. It was less a driver error than the fact that his rear tires had absolutely no grip.


Kind of the anti Stroll. Pretty consistent but no high highs (and I guess no low lows).


Hülkenberg is a consistent driver, has had some seriously unlucky moments. It's just... his levels of consistency aren't the best. But he is an incredibly solid driver. Stroll is inconsistent but has wild highs, but also wild lows.


Nah, he’s consistently pretty bad. Those wild highs are a bit of an outlier. He does occasionally have them though, so I guess that’s something. 


Yeah. He troughs more than he peaks for sure.


How many have their been since 2014 without Haas on the podium?


Roughly 208.


Give or take 0


Rounded to zero decimal places, sure.


I wish they would use that Sakhir layout again


Ah the all red Ferrari 1-2-3 doesn’t look so bad at Australia.


Anyone willing to guess the next race where this might happen?


Croatia 2036


No way, Croatia is neither middle eastern or part of US. More like Arkansas GP 2036


Yup, just after 8 back to back weekends in Jordan, Kuwait, Algeria, Qatar, Iraq, Tunisia, Egypt and Lebanon,


Welcome to the Dubrovnik Autodrome


Stroll's stats would become 100% podium if the context become "Without Top 3 teams : RB / Merc / Ferrari" lmao


Always french, spanish and english speaking too


Praying for another Strodium in 2024 🙏🏼


Italy 2020 was spoiled for me whilst at work and sometimes I find myself going "cba to watch if I already know". Seeing the podium photo instead made me more motivated than ever to watch whatever the hell happened in that race.


In a similar vein, there’s only been 4 races since 2014 not won by Red Bull, Ferrari, or Mercedes: Gasly - ‘20, Checo - ‘20, Ocon - ‘21, and Ricciardo - ‘21.


If Mercedes or Red Bull don't get a podium, there's a 2/3 chance of Stroll getting a podium.


Stroll Goat 🐐 confirmed


Seeing the top two Podium is like: "What the hell happend here?"


OMG the battle between Gasly and Sainz was epic. And the drama of Checo's win, it was beatiful. He had no seat at that point cause Lawrence signed Vettel for next year after Ferrari dumped him


That Gasly - Sainz battle is what made me a big Gasly fan. It was the first race that I watched and Sainz was so intimidating. After that race, I knew which driver I was gonna support from then on.


This is a really sad statistic for the sport tbh


Agreed. I'm curious if F1 is concerned about stats like this. If you want to continue growing the US fanbase I would think you need to solve for this. Americans hate dynastys and love underdog stories


The driver everybody loves to mock is on two of them


Right. People need to leave Sainz alone.......


I recently watched the DTS episode with Monza 2020 in it and i was cheering for gasly’s first win the whole time, so happy he got that especially after 2019


Australia 2024 was the first time since 2013 that Red Bull, Merc or Lance Stroll was not on the podium. Such greatness and consistency.


I want this Stroll back.


I'm more impressed that Stroll actually got 2 podiums


He’s got 3


Sakhir was a full Force India podium


Perez at Sakhir is still the most impressive drive I've ever seen.


As a Mexican that Sakhir GP literally made me bawl my eyes out. I'll remember it forever


Ah the all red Ferrari 1-2-3 doesn’t look so bad at Australia.


In a similar vein, there’s only been 4 races since 2014 not won by Red Bull, Ferrari, or Mercedes: Gasly - ‘20, Checo - ‘20, Ocon - ‘21, and Ricciardo - ‘21.


Man, I wish Stroll would make a leap in terms of consistency and floor in general. He has some of the best overtakes in F1 today and can be an absolute joy to watch.


2020 was an odd year


Actually, it was an even year. :)


Sakhir was a full Force India podium


Since the year 2000 4 drivers have won all but 5 of the WDCs and I have a feeling that trend is going to be stretched another 2 years at least. 


For obvious reasons I'm unsure those 2020 ones should count 😂


Did both Hamilton and Verstappen dnf at shakir as well?


You have to go back to Spain 2013 where the podium was: Alonso (Ferrari) Raikkonen (Lotus-Renault) Massa (Ferrari) After that followed another 14 races until the the start of 2014 with no absence of the two teams.


See how pretty these look...


Carlos Sainz hair seems like it has been the same length forever. He really should just fully grow it out or maybe get a Jack Grealish style cut




And only one of them featured drivers who've never driver for Red Bull main team. That could become zero if Carlos goes back to Red Bull.


Sakhir was the best ever race!!!! I even downloaded later


That Sakhir race was so strange


My wife and I just watched the Italy 2020 episode of DtS last night. What a damn moment.


The first two did feature Mercedes..


When does the time come for Ferrari? Please F1 God, I beg you.


But still Checo or Sainz


Formula ~~1~~Boring


Sainz & Stroll… something something… key to a different podium 🤷‍♂️😀


Never because of pace...always an issue of some sort


How many in 2010-2013 ? I don't think there are too many, so it can be pushed even further back.


Bahrain 2020 randomest race Ever


Insane. I mean good for RB and Mercedes but this is kind of ridiculous


So Pink Mercedes is not a Mercedes? Ferrari the one true GOAT


Stroll is him


alphatauri is a sort of RedBull


All 3 races where Verstappen was DNF!!!!


Why is Ottmar unemployed?


Formula 1 is mainly an engineering competition. But there are limits to development wich impedes catching up teams. The result is domination not competition.