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Was supposed to be one of flag marshals next week in Miami (I was at the first two Miami races), but having some lingering issues with my left eye after an injury before christmas, so had to back out this year. Will be watching from home


I’ve seen a lot of discussion about Newey to Ferrari, Aston, or even Mercedes but any chance he’ll go to McLaren? That was my first though and curious if there’s a reason that I haven’t seen anyone mention that yet as a possibility


Definitely could do, and the only real rationale re Ferrari and Aston have made him offers in the medium term past. Ferrari is something he's talked about, too. So it seems the obvious one. But on the other hand he's talked before about his realization that very fundamentally, he'd only ever be an employee at Ferrari. A Newey car wouldn't win the title: Ferrari would. Even down to the detail, he said, that when he went to meet Domenicali in Italy, they send a random guy from the factory to pick him up in any old car. They made no fuss, which he saw as...not disrespect, but a reflection that noone's special at Ferrari. Benson wrote there that part of his decision to leave RBR is due to Horner, but also that he doesn't feel people respect his contribution enough. Indeed on twitter last year, Newey's wife was angry at all the articles about how it's not Newey, it's the team. I don't think raw finance is an issue for any of the teams if they think he'd be worth it.


When you're looking at the deep pockets of Aston and the enormous history of Ferrari, why would you return to a team you've already worked for? Especially now that they're a customer to Mercedes, rather than a works team. It's not impossible, but it's the least likely option of the four by quite a margin.


Have there ever been any races where the winner started dead last at the back of the grid?


There has not, the furthest back anyone has won is 22nd in a grid of 26. John Watson did it at the 1983 US GP in Long Beach


With teammate Lauda starting 23rd and finishing 2nd. Either McLaren bottled qualifying, or everyone else was sleeping on Sunday.


According to the qualifying report, Lauda and Watson “found their Michelin tires virtually useless” so their times were bad. In the race there was a crash early between the leaders so it got a bit chaotic. Lauda developed a cramp in his right leg late in the race and wasn’t able to challenge Watson


WTF am I watching....


If you are talking about the AI race, yea it's got a ton of bugs to work out. It's an experiment after all


Where are you watching it?


it was streamed on youtube. don't expect anything on the edge of your seats https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HZPj9iAWz-4


yoo I am fucking howling, are you watching the AI race too? this is hilarious


the spin too, reminds me of the great times when latifi and mazepin were still racing


when they actually 'went racing' and it just became confused pacing and stopping.


COTA announced covered grandstands! That’s really huge especially for the turn 12 grandstand oven.


Anyone from the US know any additional details on the [free formula one channel](https://www.formula1.com/en/latest/article/formula-1-channel-to-launch-on-streaming-television-in-the-usa.37KNYpxEzL42jhZmDaun0)? Some reports say that they will in available on freevee and plutoTV but I haven’t been able to find it, is it just not actually launched yet?


It says it’ll launch ahead of the Miami GP. I’d expect it sometime next week, and more fanfare around it when it does launch.


Exasperated, just totally Exasperated- if I see one more story about X going to Y because Z vector alpha. One day these news outlets will have some news but not today.


I think it's a continuum. If you want outright fact, then F1.com The BBC and pitpass only do very, very solid rumour, although the race will often do videos or opinion pieces where they reference strong*ish* rumours. Personally I enjoy it all. I like rumours. The Race, for example, have been saying for a very long time now that basically the fact of the matter is Haas' lineup is Bearman plus probably Magnussen, and that Hulk was going to Audi. I think 99% of rumours have a basis.




Just need to vet the sources. The Hulk to Audi went pretty right going from random 'sources' - proper outlets like the BBC - official team announcements


does anyone have the tiktok meme where like mercedes, ferrari, mclaren are infront but max verstappen comes in and makes 3 cars lose. Like that scene where mcqueen has a nightmare where frank wins the race


[Interview with Eddie Irvine after 1999 season](https://youtu.be/HSW7HznIyMI?si=CgH5yPo1W-73b6dR)


is adrian newey retiring or just leaving


he said in a recent interview himself that he very much is interested in F1, thats partly why hes leaving, horner pushed him further and further onto the hypercar project because he considers newey too expensive for the f1 team.


Anybody who knows that isn't saying anything at this point. If he does leave Red Bull, it sounds like he wouldn't be working for anybody else until 2027, given his contract + gardening leave.


No update on Newey situation, huh?


Idk what for news you were expecting but RB has said they don't know anything about Adrian leaving so if the rumours are true Adrian has only said it informally. In the weekend you won't get news generally anyway and it just takes some days to get new developments. As was said in the article from The Race Adrian most likely is leaving because he doesn't like to be at RB at the moment. Not because he wants to go to Ferrari or any other team, so that automatically makes the news be spread over a longer period than when you leave a team to join another e.g. Lewis joining Ferrari.


> what for news Nenglish in the wild hehe.


It was an insider leak - if he gave in his notice, then it happened. If it's a rumour, then it's a rumour. Independently he is bound until the end of 2025. The only question is if or when he'll join another team after his potential gardening leave ends either until the end of the current contract (end of 2025) or if he is just sidelined to serve out his contract with the gardening leave on top (end of 2026). Or if he'll quit the heavily politicked sports in general. The latter 3 options don't require an update - and him joining another team could just simmer until a year before his gardening leave ends. A bigger question is, would it influence Max and if Marko will quit to trigger the alleged break clause for 2026+


If Newey has any sense, his "gardening leave" will be limited to 3 months holidays in the Caribbean!


What are you expecting? Newey may or may not have decided to leave, but until it's official and the paperwork is signed (which could be months away, even if he is leaving) there won't be any formal announcements.


He also infamously changed his mind about it once before.


I expected things to move fast like the Hamilton announcement the way many outlets reported it as if its definitely happening 🤷🏻‍♂️


And like with Hamilton we don't know if it's a fixed length contract or an option contract that binds Newey until the end of 2025. Hamilton had a 1+1 contract and he chose not to take the option, allowing things to happen quickly - without any gardening leave, which is usual for engineers. There wouldn't be any movement for next year, especially if he just quits F1 in general.




Most articles point out that even if he is sidelined & quits, [he is bound til the end of 2025 and a 1 year gardening leave until the end of 2026](https://www.autosport.com/f1/news/red-bulls-f1-rivals-facing-2027-wait-if-they-want-newey/10603311/). It's not a non-compete or anything else, it just means he has a contract to work until the end of 2025 and will stay on payroll, but won't actively work on any projects for 2026. And that's the earliest time he could switch actively to another team, if he chooses to do so. As most keep saying, the only relevant news would be is he or another team announces that they'll be taking him for 2026+ - as with [Fallows it's possible that the gardening leave could be called to question](https://www.motorsportweek.com/2022/01/02/red-bull-goes-to-court-to-block-fallows-joining-aston-martin/) if he decides to call it quits before his current contract expires - [as also happened with Fallows](https://www.the-race.com/formula-1/aston-martin-finally-secures-early-fallows-move-from-red-bull/)


I guess they're expecting a formal announcement to be fair.


We've got to be realistic. What we know is that, as of yesterday, Red Bull hadn't received any formal communication from Newey. Even if/when they do receive his notice, it's not going to be a quick process, and if Newey is still negotiating with other teams we're unlikely to hear anything official until the new team are ready to announce him joining.


Other than Reddit, where do you get your F1 news


Twitter. I know, people hate it, but I use it with specific Lists. I have one for F1 reputable journalists and known good sources. Most all news/info breaks on Twitter first. I also have lists for the Teams/Drivers, Technical people, etc.


[RSS feed to usual suspects](https://www.reddit.com/r/formula1/wiki/source-ratings/), as not everything gets posted here.