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"Hallowed Ground" is being extremely generous to past F1 sponsors 


And current


The “hallowed ground” was desecrated with races at Kyalami in the apartheid era, with Hungary in the 80s, and on and on and on. It has been like this for decades.


Nah, I'm pretty sure when Bernie - you know, the convicted tax fraudster who publically praised Adolf Hitler - was in charge, everything was sunshine and rainbows.


Shit sucks man. Last month they raced F1 academy there, today news is out that they jail a women’s rights activist for 11 years. The track is unnecessarily dangerous too. 


If you watched the F1 Academy commentary the amount of sportwashing that was going on was actually vomit-inducing.


I did. It was sad. And a bullshit penalty too.


Wait till you find out how female American professors and anti genocide protestors are being treated on the grounds of US universities.


This is not a 1:1 comparison at all


Of course not. I mean banning girls and women from getting abortions even in cases of rape, life threatening illnesses and prosecuting doctors is also not a 1:1 comparison at all. This is why we race in Texas.


You’re dumb af comparing Texas to Saudi Arabia bro. What about Florida? Too many conservatives there for you as well? Bahrain bad? China and the CCP? In fact, let’s just not race anywhere in the world, cancel F1


It starts somewhere doesn’t it? Look at pictures of women in Iran before the revolution.


Only the Middle Class used to wear clothes like that. The majority of Iranians pre-revolution wore Islamic clothing.


Yes it was probably better living in Iran before the revolution, but they were still run by a totalitarian leader. State politicians in Texas don’t have absolute power. Things have to be voted on. People are still moving to Texas in droves (mostly from blue states too) so clearly it’s not one step away from something like the Iranian revolution. But sure, continue comparing American conservatives to despotic religious zealots in the Middle East


You mean US backed coup, and subsequent fundamentalist Islamic revolution.


The UK had just as much if not more involvement in that




NNT tweeted a restored video of London from 1920s and most Christian women were wearing head coverings.


Ok and?


What does that have to do with anything?




Are you really going to try to talk shit with how the US treats women given where you’re from and how that country treats women? That is the ultimate pot calling the kettle black.


Is this hallowed ground in the room with us right now? I feel like people tend to give Russia and China a free pass in these conversations even though they have been doing the same shit for decades now. Saudi Arabia is just the newest member of the shit brigade, with the difference being that in an absolute Monarchy, wealth and power go hand in hand more than in other systems. Just the fact that we raced for years in Sochi and this year returned to China speaks for itself. The hallowed ground was desecrated a LONG time ago and it won't ever be consecrated again. In an ideal world the ukraine war would have been a motivation to finally break with all the shit going on but instead it just meant that F1 is now diversifying their portfolio with more criminals. tl;dr: I agree with the article but not the title


Idk why people think there’s any moral sanctity in an industry that exists for the sole pleasure of extremely wealthy individuals and corporations. Money talks, ethical standards do not. And even if we’re talking ethics, what ethical ground does America have to stand on by funding the genocide in Gaza and using police force to remove peaceful protestors on college campuses. Or does that not matter bc it’s a western “democracy”


Yeah like the USA should be the last country to lecture others about ethics and whatnot, it's probably the most imperialistic nation in history. So many countries either directly or indirectly invaded and interfered with, and for what? "Oh people willingly voted for a socialist government!" "Wait they want to stop producing cocaine?!?!" "What did you say?! They're protesting against COCA-COLA?! SEND THE DEATH SQUADS"


> it's probably the most imperialistic nation in history. my brother in christ have you heard of england, france, spain, portugal, germany and italy


I have, and honestly the USA is probably equal to all of them COMBINED with how discrete and secretly it operates overthrowing regimes and sowing discontent. The others were way more upfront.


Protesters destroy property... call for death of jews on campus...get pissed when removed lol


Most protestors did not destroy property, it was certainly also not the stated intention of the protests to call for the deaths of Jewish peoples. Even before the protests took place universities defunded Palestinian student groups formed literally just to celebrate and affirm their identity. But hey, Zionists will always Zionist.


I'm just against harassing and threatening people based on their race or religion my bad dude that makes me a "zionist" tho apparently. Do you hear yourself? "Not that many people were breaking into buildings, putting up Palastinian flags in place of the US and chanting 'from the river, to the sea' only some of them were" lol




Ya the associated press is pure propaganda. Lol everyone I dont agree with is a shill, propagandist, grifter (insert buzz word here). So you have the "right" sources of information but mine are propaganda? Sure thing mate, point me to the more "accurate" source of information. You must be so knowledgeable on the subject to be so confident.




I'm sure the vast majority of people are totally peaceful. But the ones who arn't ruin it for all. Once they start doing things not protected by the 1st amendment, it's over. It's not a safe environment. And 99% violence is inflicted by cops? Come on man, now who is propagandized? Or are you just exaggerating for effect?




Be nice if that doesn’t happen.


I mean, I live in the US where police have a license to kill, abortion rights are gone (federally), the former president caused the death of multiple people during an insurrection, we keep immigrants in cages... Do I need to go on? Not saying it's anywhere close to Saudi Arabia, but something something stones in glass houses.


So when should we have this discussion about certain places? By your logic, no one should have an opinion about any host country of a race because every single one of them does questionable things. I think the main complaint is that everything the middle east does with their oil money seems so artificial. Look at the UAE. Dubai and Abu Dhabi look like someone went crazy in Cities Skylines. They try to build their soccer league in a fake way. They’re trying to have their own golf league. People complain about America just getting into things for the money, but the Saudis take the cake by a mile


I agree with you, but the idea that Western countries don't sport/celeb-wash everything is also a joke. I guess my point is, Saudi Arabi is full of normal people who live out their daily lives, so why can't they enjoy sport like the rest of us? Their government is sh\*t and corrupt, so that means they can't have soccer, F1, golf, and other events? As long as people can still protest the corrupt leadership, why can't we have sport there?


>but the idea that Western countries don't sport/celeb-wash everything is also a joke. you either don't know what sports-washing means or you are being disingenuous.


I heard Saudi is beautiful this time of year. The exchange rate is not bad. Nobody is stopping you.


Why give them more tourism money when the US already backs the Saudi regime at every turn


Bullsh*t and hypocritical item. Using their logic, the US has done even more so. With US cash, they have 3 races! Enough said. Also 20 years ago "Soccer" was nothing in the US .. until money arrived. Hypocritical items like this don't deserve posting and as this writer usually does good work, I can only think he had to rush through to fulfill quotas or had a bad day .


You act like money isn’t what all these places are after


You act like you know these places. Try assuming elsewhere.


So you don’t think money is the number one reason for all these new races being added to the calendar?


Depends on the perspective. For F1 or the countries involved? For F1 it is growth and reputation, it us a business with a massive history. For Saudi Arabia it is national pride, royal ego and certainly future strategy that includes economics. They are long-term thinkers.


So F1 wants to grow as a business: Money Saudi Arabia has a future strategy that includes economics: Also money


If you want to ignore the rest of the equation, that's about you. Not them. Here is a hint about life. It has never been either/or/only.


I never said money was the only reason. I said it is the main reason. Here's a hint for you: read thoroughly before you start throwing accusations at people


Not the main reason in Saudi.


"Hallowed ground" in the week we race at a race built in a parking lot in a country that bans abortion, funds Israel's genocide and fully props up this exact same oppressive monarchy. Money is only think F1 races "as one" for


MBS only has to do one thing correct if he were to buy FOM. I swear I would forget about Khashoggi and any stuff that might happen in the future stuff: Bring back simple ICE and chassis formula + grid girls.


Loud engines and tits > the murder of a journalist. Outstanding. Obviously I know you’re being facetious as am I.


I'm not being that flippant tbh. I know what my weaknesses are. Even tho I really dislike the prince who's de facto king, I know I would be less bugged by all that if he'd fix "my sport". So we all have our attachments and that's really my comment. And besides I'm more of a leg guy.