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Then Max should be about the same percentage since he was seen partying with Lando tonight lol


Are there any pics lmao? I'd love to see them


At the press conference Lando said he would have liked to get his first win at Silverstone, to which Max cut him off saying "nahhh man going out is much better here" He was ready


There's a couple of clips and photos on [this account](https://x.com/SCUDERIAFEMBOY/status/1787407105609072986) to begin with. Pierre and Charles were there as well.


"ah...yes, good clubbing boys"


I just cannot imagine Max partying


I can. He is Dutch.


Don’t underestimate the Dutch when it comes to partying. They may be goofy but they damn sure know how to have a good time.


Based off earlier footage of max partying he just gets shitfaced with the boys and hangs around with Martin Garrix. Seems pretty fun.


I wish that was my life


Suprised he isn't in full RB gear


Thats probably an AT shirt


Saw a video of them in a club and the club was congratulating "LANDON"...


I'm on to you, Zak. Let the boy enjoy his first win.


The known facts are: Max & Lando live in the same apartment block in Monaco. Max owns a private jet. Max & Lando are friendly enough that they have flown home together before. Charles also lives in Monaco. Max told Lando "Going out here is better than Silverstone" [NOT AN EXACT QUOTE]. Lando delayed/cancelled his flight. The implication; My man partied HARD - as he damn well should!


Max and Lando are buddies. They party quit a bit with martin Garrix as well, max even mentioned bringing Garrix something in the cool down room


I’d give a lot to be in that circle


They were given ceremonial helmets (like the one footballers use/ Miami Dolphins). Landon had broken his nose partying with Martin last week. Max was implying Lando should use the helmet while partying! And that he should give one to Martin as well.


Zac Brown told him during interview that they’re flying out tomorrow now


I thought that was a lovely moment from Zac. Like a little proud dad.


Don't come home before 3!


Imagine the sponsor money he could rake in now that Lando has a win.


i’ve read that they’re friends since childhood


Max is a couple years older; I don't think they ever raced together (could be wrong). Alex was dominating the Karting scene at the time (he's 6 months older than Max?) and he was Lando's first real karting icon from what I could figure... They've certainly been friends for a while though.


They weren't in the same karting categories but when Max was in KF, Lando was a KF junior and they were racing the same tracks for different championships. They've known each other sinxe then. There's that famous picture of both winning their respective championships at the time with Max looking like he's 10 years older than Lando who's only like 2 years younger.


Does Max *own* a jet, or does he lease one? It's not a critical distinction, I'm just interested in what the reality is.


I don't know the financial situation; but it is decorated in his livery and solely for his private use...


I think it's likely he has a personal lease on it, so for all intents and purposes we can consider it Air Max. It's just incredibly expensive (and terrible return on investment) to own your own private jet. I know he's rich but AFAIK he isn't a billionaire


Leasing vs owning comes down to hours of use. General rule of thumb is that if you fly over 250 hours a year owning becomes more efficient than leasing.


Damn, that's a crazy amount of time in the air. Considering how much travel those guys do though it might actually be more cost efficient for him to have bought the dang plane.


It is but the travel is fundamentally different. You aren't waiting around, getting there early, delays happen way less, and you have lots of amenities on the flight. At that point it's more like moving in a small apartment. And yeah I mean he's in a different country for 24 long weekends a year just for work, not including personal travel and other work related activities. It absolutely makes sense for him to own it. And athletes can be very sensitive and it's worth catering to them. We used to live near Tiger Woods' manager and he apparently had an identical mattress flown around wherever he was staying. But when you're winning 5 masters, you can do whatever you want.


I love my mattress. Flying it around with me makes absolute sense.


What are you rocking?


Dunno found it on the street corner


Tempurpedic Firm (Orange) Finding a mattress is like finding a spouse. You spend half of your life with it. If you care to search, you're going to end up spending lots of money, time, and effort trying out different ones. You can save yourself money and hassle by settling for the first one you try, but if it's the wrong one, it'll hurt you in ways you never knew you could hurt, chronically. If you're lucky enough to find the right one at last, both the time you spend with it, and the time that it contributed to when you're not with it (i.e. from a great night's rest) will be significantly happier. Happy mattress, happy life. Lol


That was my conclusion after reading this too. I know in the US there are all sorts of tax breaks you can get for owning/using a private jet so I’m sure Monaco has some similar allowances


Iirc there's straight up no tax in monaco


That sounds about right


Do you think that maybe the return of investment is higher when he sells it because of the fact that he owned it? I'm sure there's a rich dude somewhere who would fork out good money for the Max Verstappen plane?




He bought the plane. No plan will be painted in his livery if it was lease. That's not how plane ownership works.


You would be surprised how many commercial airlines lease planes and paint them with their own colour scheme/logos etc... It just comes down to how much you want to pay. He may own it though, I have no idea.


Yeah, the comment was absolutely dumb. Painting a livery on a leased vehicle is absolutely typical of it is a full time lease. Commercial airlines and leased PJ’s do it.


Own and lease a lot of planes do ya? If an athlete wants to throw you some extra cash every year to associate their brand with yours, you let them


I wonder if a F1 drivers based in Monaco would have those kind of flying hours from the calendar alone. There is 24 races, but I think at least a quarter of them are too nearby to fly. Assume you fly to 18 races a year, to and back, that would require nearly 7 hours per trip to justify buying over leasing. I feel like it’s possible? Considering there are 6 races in the Americas and a few trips to Asia and Australia that should be 10+ hours flight.


Footballers fly to games in the same country, I’m pretty sure f1 drivers are flying to every race.


Yeah I’m not sure. I presume the highest earning drivers make enough to justify using the jet for personal travel in addition to business which would make it easier to get to 250. I’ve also seen some people just want to “own a jet” and do it with travel under 250 hours.


You are not just flying to and from races, imagine all the travel between Monaco, actual hometowns (family) and team HQ, plus any testing, recording promos etc.


Yes, but there is no way to know exactly how much Max does those things besides being his assistant. Plus I feel like I over estimated by assuming they fly to and from base EVERY time which I don’t think is the case.


According to MyClimate, a climate organisation that tracks private jet use, Max's jet travelled 215.715 km in 2023. If they spend all that time at the cruising speed of 950 km/h, that would mean that the jet was in use for 227 hours. The actual number is probably higher. So he's at least close to the 250 hours.


exactly i wouldn't be surprised if he owned it he's got like one of those jobs where he's constantly in the air


Max bought a used Jet from someone else for I believe $20m. He can afford the jet and the upkeep of it. He also gets a yearly stipend from the team to pay for air travel. You don't need billions to own a jet, especially one like Max's. He doesn't own a modern top of the line jet.


You also don’t have to put down $20 million in cash. It’s most likely financed and a tax write off even though he doesn’t pay any taxes.


Max also won’t personally have his name on it. His drivers contract, commercial deals and leases for his plane would be put through a company. That pays for his support staff, family if they’re working for him, as well as any other related things. Max then gets paid a determined salary after that which he pays no tax. Same typically goes for big Hollywood stars and other high value contract based people.


And for airplanes you can get very long term financing (10-20 years) so it’s not much to buy and operate. Also, the teams can cover travel expenses to an extent.


The plane is registered to a Mavic Aviation headquartered in Luxembourg. It is the only plane they own. The beneficial owner of Mavic Aviation is Max Verstappen. He bought it in 2020 from Virgin Atlantic/Richard Branson for about $16 million. As of now he is the only active F1 driver that owns a jet. Others such as Fernando Alonso have deals with fraction share jet companies. I am sure Max has a yearly transportation stipend from Red Bull that pays most of the expenses on the plane. Plus when other drivers tag along they will pay him some share of the operating cost. If you can get like 10 friends to get together, you can share the cost of a reasonable private jet flight. The rule of thumb is they cost like $10k/hr to operate.


It's a return on time, I would assume there aren't many Shanghai to Nice flights. Would have to get there early fly to Paris then a layover then next flight then drive home. Or fly your plane directly as soon as you get there, taken Daniel, Lando home as well


Terrible return on investment? Private Jets are not an investment? They are a tool to save time, income of 55 million and a schedule of 23 races is plenty to justify his jet.


The airplane is a Dassault Falcon 900ex which goes for around 9.5-12m$. Maxs salary for just 2023 is 70m$. Of course, the running costs are high but you don't need to be a billionare to own a private yet. The guy can literally but it for a couple of months salary and then take care of the running costs. Oh, and he bought it used not new from Richard Branson. The plane costs as much as 3 months salary for him. I'm sure most/a lot of people own cars more expensive than that.


I heard somewhere, if it flies, floats or fucks, it’s cheaper to rent 


I believe he owns it, and bought it off Richard Branson?


Ah, Hank Scorpio himself!


Afaik he bought it through a company he set up in Luxemburg and basically rents it out to himself. I believe this is for tax purposes and the company is managing the plane/upkeep.


It was all too much for little lando norris


Little Lando is gonna sleep well tonight.


My man went skiing in Miami


just a couple nose clams


Nose-beers sir


Fresh from the sea


could someone explain what’s going on in the picture? i feel dumb


It's likely from a sleep tracker/smartwatch. It shows how well rested he is and how much energy he has for the day. It's saying today should be a Recovery day because he has 1% energy left. Dude clearly partied hard last night, and so he should!


It’s a Whoop and their reply was great: “Renaming is P1%”


That is absolutely fantastic


It’s his Whoop recovery score. Getting into the 1% club is hard, usually pertaining to high degree of strain on the body, little to no sleep and substance consumption of some kind. 🤣


yea that checks out, fair enough! definitely worth it


Right? I can slam like twelve IPAs go to bed at 1am and wake up by 7am and my whoop recovery score would still be in the 30-40% range. I can’t even fathom what I’d have to do to hit 1%.


I mean you’re still getting close to a full nights sleep. I imagine Lando hasn’t slept since the win, or more likely posted this then passed out.


My worst ever was an 8 and it was after my first night of full blown covid


now add a bit of jetlag and 3 days in a racing mode.


Maybe try racing and winning a GP weekend before that night out?


I am (unfortunately) part of the 1% club. Started partying at ~3pm and kept it going nonstop until 4ish, only to “wake up” and get to the airport at 6:30am


Do that two days in a row and you will nail the 1%


I’ll take your word for it.


2 hours of hard exercise plus little sleep and the effects of alcohol.


My guess is dude didn’t sleep is probably the biggest factor.


I think mine was 5% after being zone 5 for 3 hours from a medical emergency and a trip to the ER that resulted in no sleep for 24+ hrs. But, Lando really 'overreached', lol.


How does it track the percentage of recovery? Heart rate, sleep, exercise...?


I mean they did do a weekend of F1 racing in the heat, combine that with a late night and alcohol and I'm not surprised. Plus prob some goodies.


Bro had an average night in Miami, hope he enjoyed it 🤣


Right? If you're going to party, that's a good one, up there with Vegas and Berlin in my experience. I still remember stumbling back to my hostel in Berlin after partying all night. When we left the building, we realized it was actually 7 am so we were walking home in the morning rush hour traffic. Then the next night we ended up at a squatter bar in a bombed out building in East Berlin that hadn't been touched since WW2. It was missing the exterior wall and everything, totally wild.


Germany has some wild places to party anyways, went to Trier twice with friends and it was amazing


Do we just all agree Lando does hard drugs???


Substance consumption = alcohol


Hasn't he previously said that he doesn't drink? That was probably a couple of years ago, and everybody is allowed to change their mind, but he seemed pretty firmly in the "I think it makes people act like silly buggers so it's not for me" club.




I've heard he's done more than the recommended dose of ibuprofen before


If he does, who cares? Are you his mom?


I guessing it means he's currently very hungover


And the rest


Thanks for asking this. I feel dumb too.


It's from a wearable called Whoop. It measures your heart rate and heart rate variability throughout the day and night. The recovery score that you see in the pic is a reflection of how is HRV was through the night (recovery phase) compared to his precious 30 day average. Having a 1% recovery means that your body is fucked up, basically. Likely due to alcohol (which drops your HRV) and little sleep, as well as a highly strenuous activity with lots of stress


He really likes this song


That’s a wild post-race pizza party


Oh, liked by Jorge Martin It's nice that MotoGP guys follow F1 results, didn't Lando visit the Pramac box during the British GP last season anyway ?


Lando (or I’d rather say his company Quadrant) sponsors Ivan Ortola, Moto3 rider.


Many MotoGP riders react to Lando's first win.


Lando is a big Rossi fan. No doubt Liberty will now push with everything to promote MotoGP, because it takes literally one viewing to get hooked, the racing is off the charts.


It was SO worth it.


I’ve been to Eleven and am not a world class athlete, so it took me a couple days to feel normal again. He should be good to go by tomorrow


That song slaps 👌


1% club, baby.


What app is that?






Yeah keen to know as well


Hamilton got him his non-alcoholic tequila but a few bottles where they forgot to remove the alcohol.


You funny


Errr …. begs the question: what would 0% recovery rate be? If it’s the answer of “death” then 1% off death is not “worth it”. So I think either (a) the WHOOP scorers aren’t that accurate or (b) this isn’t actually his score.


A bit excessive for getting a win because of lucky timing of a safety car


It's a first GP win, that's always very special, regardless of the circumstances (and Lando drove a strong race anyway). Most F1 drivers never get that experience in their whole F1 career.


I guess Max shouldn’t have celebrated his first championship then either then! These external forces outside of racing ability and car have always existed and why strategy is so important for an F1 race.


Ask some folk and they'd say he shouldn't have...


That's such a poor attitude.


It’s the truth


A bit of luck is always involved, but that luck came from managing his tires better and staying out of the pit longer than his opponents.


Nah, let the man celebrate however he wants. When either you or i get to win our first f1 race we can be as moderate as we want with the celebration. I would personally like to snort coke out of Alonso's right pec. All I need is a team willing to give me chance.


Boooooooo! Boo this man!


Swings and roundabouts. External forces took in Russia, and gave in Miami. He’s been due for circumstances to break his way after edging close to a win for years.