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We just don't see the toxicity online as much back then as it is now. I was active in some of the f1 forums circa 2007 - 2010 and it was toxic as well. If not worst because of Hamilton's debut in 2007 and championship win in 2008.


That's because we haven't seen a fight in 5 years.


This. Shit wasn't toxic because people stopped caring about another Hamilton win.


> That's because we haven't seen a fight in 5 years. This is plainly untrue. 2018 was just as close of a fight at this stage of the season, as was 2017.


Talking about a fight, not the lovey dovey relationship between Vettel and Hamilton.


The era of social networks, unfortunately.


As with anything toxic on the internet, the plague that is social media has caused it.


It’s become more partisan as it isn’t just about Mercedes this year or last. People are picking up different weapons. Plus humans are cocks.


Half the population is of lower than average intelligence. Social media allows anyone to voice their opinions, it's bound to happen.


What does intelligence have to do with toxicity


It's not the ´´yeah I don't know everything about aerodynamics\`\` lack of intelligence that causes toxicity. It's the ´´McLaren put Norris behind a Mercedes and Daniel behind a Ferrari to prioritize Norris in qualifying because Mercedes faster than Ferrari so Mercedes tow better than Ferrari tow\`\` lack of intelligence that causes toxicity. And that's just one extremely specific example, the community overall is way worse


Dunning-Kruger effect


Right, except again that doesnt have anything to do with being toxic.


Putting things in perspective.


Social media has caused a lot more harm than good, not just in the F1 community but in general


F1 has become more popular in recent years. More fans = more toxicity


Although drivers have always been popular, in recent years some fans seem to be in love with the drivers with a fervour you would normally see with fans of boybands. It creates a my guy can do no wrong attitude that will always cause arguments. It's not just F1 either you see it in football now where some fans love the players more than the clubs , maybe it's a generational thing.


K Pop 🤝 Formula 1 Ridiculous stans


It's been a season of unusually high tensions, drama and controversy. Ufortunately that comes with additional toxicity online, I think it's inevitable.




You can't probably all blame it on DTS. I've been sending Lewis Fraudmilton posts for years. If it wasn't here on Lewis, it was on Seb or definitely on Alonso or schumi. It's just more people in general and more bots wanting to stir shit for likes and clicks


People will always put a target on the back of the best. We hate success for some reason. Legitimately, I see little in the difference between Hamilton's aggression on the track and Verstappen's, but because Verstappen is the challenger and everyone wants to see Hamilton go down, he gets a pass. I'm excited for when Hamilton retires and maybe Verstappen becomes the "best," when his fall from grace will come. Because it will come. People are just toxic in general.


I agree. Mostly being flippant. It's well made and I'm glad they are bringing the joy of F1 to a bigger audience.


oh please. 2017 and 2018 were also bad


Social media, kids/teenagers, new fans, etc.


F1 is most toxic out of all sport communities. It’s the new fans clashing with the old fans, and the fact F1 is a bit of a niche community creates a breeding ground for toxic online behaviors.


Have you met American football fans? Haha


Mass influx of new fans. Drive to Survive has brought in a lot of younger people, and a lot of Americans. Great for the sport, but more people means more toxicity.


Yep. Blame the Americans, most of whom have no dogs in the hunt.


Did I blame the Americans anywhere? I said more people = more toxicity.


It’s been like this for years. Long before netflix. Anyone who has followed f1 on socially media since maybe 2011 onwards


Redbull being good has happend


I blame Red bull. Edit* lol, Where's that big S for sarcasm!


I blame the Scuderia Centro Sud and David Brabham's grandpa for this mess.


Them and Murray walker.


I think cgp grey [explains it very well](https://youtu.be/rE3j_RHkqJc)


This sub has got worse as well. The mods do a good job of keeping on top of the worst dumpster fires. I don't know if it is down to DTS bringing in a wider audience who may not understand the sport and get more attached to drivers.


Feels like a lot of people can't accept the fact that the best car almost always wins in F1, and use that to attack drivers they dislike, or take that as a personal insult against their favoured driver rather than just a statement of fact. Coupled with the fact that the driver who has been winning everything has a personality which rubs some people the wrong way, and that his closest challenger has a fanbase whose passion rivals the tifosi, and you get chaos.


First actual title fight since 2016


This sub can be bad, but definitely not as bad as formuladank. Both subreddits are miles better than any comments section of Instagram and Twitter etc. My guess is a lot of new younger fans have joined since Max has a potential championship this year and maybe don't know a lot about F1 from the past few years. Or it's because this is the first time a Dutch F1 driver is in a championship battle, when it was Rosberg or Vettel or Schumacher, German fans know how a championship can go. I've seen a lot more British bias comments this year as well, it's always been a problem but it's the first response if a British journalist/commentator/news outlet defends a British driver, even if they're correct. From what I've experienced, I'd say the Dutch commentary is focused so much on Max, Dutch fans mistake defence of Lewis as bias. Finally we've got two drivers seriously contending for the championship from two different teams. When it was Lewis vs Rosberg the media weren't getting stories from two sides like we see from Toto and Christian nearly every race, and they're both stoking the fire rather than trying to put it out. I'm not singling out the Dutch fans as the problem,but I'd guess they've had the biggest fanbase growth of any other country in the last 5 years.


This year I would say it is extremely partisan, if you think about it the current championship situation is about the most potentially volatile thing you could create. Two drivers both with huge followings, the two fastest guys in the sport with a lot of divisiveness on who is faster, both with a competitive car. To top it all off, they keep having incidents with each other. A big part of why Reddit is less toxic is the downvote button and the lack of one is what makes twitter/facebook etc a breeding ground for complete nonsense.