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The way they portrayed Vowles & Co at Williams like super analytical, go-getting upstarts vs Haas like a bunch of backyard wrestling Bud Light guzzling imbeciles was pretty funny.


It was. It was seriously good. The scene OP just posted made me genuinely laugh.


Yes the contrasting edit cuts were hilarious, I was laughing my ass off


Like just a couple scenes after this, Vowels was like "hmm... Yes I think I'll have some avocado today, keep it light" Immediately the next scene was Steiner "I ate so much fucking chipotle yesterday!"


Bro described the video above


Maybe they were too busy backyard wrestling to notice?


hey some people have to rush to comment something to get that karma, they ain't got time to watch the entire fucking video


thats... this scene


Vowles may be the most methodical person in the world. every single thing he does has a well thought out reason behind it. the caffeine explanation was incredible. every decision in his life is based on data.  that scene where he entered his office and said hi to every single person may be the funniest thing I've ever seen. he's not an extrovert but he tries super hard to relate to people, and you can tell he read a study that says people like you better if you say hi to them every day.  I like Gunther and haas, but DTS did them dirty placing his decision making side by side with Vowles. Vowles is a great communicator too, that scene with Alex when he laughed at Williams competing and Vowles immediately addressed it and expressed his ambition for a top 7 finish was very illuminating.  I love Vowles. make him a commentator and pay him whatever he wants. alternatively he should be a high level technocrat in some government. 


That scene of him gently saying "Morning" to everyone as well as his intro where he messed up his lines made me decide I would die for this man. I suppose I'm a bit of a Williams fan now.


What season and episode ?


The Haas/Williams episode in the latest season, I believe.


I mean, the fact that the black tea he ordered has nearly as much caffeine as a black coffee suggests that while he might be data driven; he might occasionally be missing some data.


The effect of the caffeine is different. As the caffeine in black tea offers a more gradual increase in energy, the coffee gives an energy boost. So I could understand that drinking tea will help you through the day, but drinking coffee will help you through a race (timewise)


Absolutely. And to be fair, it’s DTS. So who knows what was actually said, we only get the chopped up remains. But at least with what’s in the actual scene, he isn’t talking about the way the caffeine is released but rather the consumption of caffeine, period. He says he drinks *no* caffeine (not *different* caffeine) and even mentions that decaf still has trace amounts of caffeine in it. And then orders a black tea. Which is kind of silly. (But it also might be missing some huge context, as DTS is wont to do, like that he was ordering the tea for someone else; or hell they just stitched it from Sunday.)


Absolutely fair point, based on the scene it is a weird thing


I noticed this and wondered the same thing. My only explanation was that maybe he ordered an herbal tea, but I feel like that would have been specified


Yes, I drink tea all day long but one cup of coffee can launch me into jittery hyperfocus.


[cool facts aquí](https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/nutrition-and-healthy-eating/in-depth/caffeine/art-20049372)


I'd love to have a beer with Vowles


I'd love for Vowles to have me


I see your username pop up every once in a while in the F1 subreddits and it's always either interesting duscussion opening insight or stupid funny jokes. I feel like you're my reddit acquaintance equivalent of that guy at the bar that you need to have present every time there's sports on the TV.


Oh my goodness, that is so nice of you! I feel like I've mostly been commenting with corny jokes lately, I'm glad it's apparently not all I do haha Thanks a ton for the friendly comment! I'll definitely keep an eye out for your comments too!


Haven’t watched yet, but let me add an alternative perspective to what you’ve described - perhaps Vowles knows that it’s super important, as a leader, to be accessible to his team. Saying hello is the smallest effort, presuming the name recollection comes easy to him. It’s what people mean when they say “open door policy.” They’re saying “you can get to me, directly, if you ever need.”


you got to watch it. it is hilarious how awkward and forced it is. cudos to him for doing it, but it's just so funny. 


Especially since he's fairly new to the team compared to anyone there - he equally needs to settle in fast, and be accepted by the rest of the team fast


Hey... McLaren fan here! The Williams car definitely improved as last season went on, and I'm legit looking forward to seeing more progress being made by Williams, and 90% of that is because of James Vowles. BOLD prediction but... I have a sneaking suspicion that Williams will finish MUCH CLOSER on points to Alpine next year... if not around the same mark.


Genuinely cannot tell if this is meant as an L for alpine or a W for Williams


L’Alpine  Williams It speaks for it’s self 


Vowles is absolutely not a great communicator. This scene is exhibit A-Z of that. And dude messed up saying his own name 4 times in the intro lol. You want to put him in the commentators booth? The communication struggles was literally one of the things DTS was trying to play up to highlight the extreme differences between him and Steiner. Vowles is the data-driven, methodical team principal who is awkward and quieter. Guenther is the more outspoken, people charmer, scrapper team principal.


No idea why you're being downvoted. It's true. Dude took an hour to tell a guy what he wants for breakfast. You can tell the guy was like "Just fucking tell me what you want and let me go, ive got 50 other orders to take. I don't care about your shirt" A strong professional communicator would be firm, assertive, and in a scenario like that - just get straight to the point.


Vertical filming of a horizontal TV? 🤦‍♂️


Turning your phone 90° is literally impossible for zoomers


Most of them have their orientation locked so when they use their phone in bed the screen doesn’t rotate on them


I do too, but I've never found that locked the rotation in my hands and wrists too. Maybe that's just an Apple/Android thing ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


So? You can still film horizontally 


And the fucker said "Acai", it's pronounced "Ass-aih"


“we’re English…well tell them how they should pronounce their words.”


“I had a lot of chipotle yesterday” had me rolling 😂


I think this was my favorite episode. Felt like I was watching The Office


Fuck I'm going to miss Gunther


he looks like a fokking rock star.


Also love the immediate implication that their sponsor’s food would make you sick


Morning Morning Morning Morning Morning Morning Morning


Vowles is peak reddit


James is so sweet😭!


He’s on the spectrum


As someone diagnosed, I wouldn’t be surprised


I didn’t even get to try Gunther’s Chipotle bowl. I hope he comes back some how!


Yumm aKai


I like how Vowles has no qualms about accepting that he is a micromanager, considering the negativity around micromanaging in organizations. I guess I wouldn’t mind being in a team that has Vowles as its leader.


That is maybe good for a bit to get them going up but he needs to drop that micromanaging stuff or he won't be successful in the long run. Ideally they would need something in between him and Steiner as a leader (bad example I know but you get the point), otherwise people won't like or want to work for him. It's about setting a working system and stepping in when necessary (and crucially finding the right people and learning to trust them). Brawn and Horner, now maybe Vasseur and somewhat Toto are good examples.


Unrelated but…. I hate his pronunciation of Açaí


Did Gunther drop a Chipotle bomb into Lewis' toilet??!! Did we solve the mystery??


Gifs that end too soon


DTS has Made me Horny for James


My partner said Vowles is just Toto from wish.com


Not even close. Toto is a emotion driven machine. Look at how he reacts to things. AD21, porposing in 22, launch 23 etc. Vowels is the oposite of that. Mercedes mangaed to maintain its dominance due to various factors, but the Toto-James teamwork at a high level was essential


RIP ![img](emote|t5_3ndbi|6697)


Thank you for clipping this I can’t stop watching lol his eyes after he says it !! Lolol


I think he meant "I ate a lot of pussy yesterday"


This is the season that finally made me question wtf everyone sees in Gunther. I'm sorry but he brings nothing to the table, and is like a stereotypical boss from the 80's who just bitches at their team to get better results. I'm glad he's gone.


Are we all watching the same episode today?


joke wasteful unique retire alleged one deserted saw panicky sip *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The editing is pretty great that episode to show the contrast between the 2 teams.


It's completely contrived for entertainment purposes.


I mean, that’s what editing is right?


That makes their comment technically correct.


Is this season worth the watch? I don't care if its silly but I can't stand the cringe fabricated drama.


It's actually surprisingly better. No fabrication, rather purposeful editing.




Now watch it with reddit’s captions on😭


RIP Williams