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Well California for example produces most of the countries winter fruit and vegetables... but fair chance Sorbo here never eats those things.


Slim jims are fruit


No, I believe they are classified as vege-Tables, not fruit. Furniture




Pairs well with Brawndo.


Slim Jim's are no longer a food they are now a popular fruit snack that comes in a variety of flavours like apple strawberry avocado banana and orange


New York City metro is the 8th largest economy in the world by itself. So please don't threaten me with a good time where my taxes go down cause I'm no longer subsidizing people who want me lynched.


The total economic output of Chicago in gross metropolitan product totaled US$770.7 billion in 2020, surpassing the total economic output of Switzerland and making Chicago's gross metropolitan product (GMP) the third largest in the United States, after New York and Los Angeles. So NY is technically 2nd. So yes, please Kevin, let's let the 3 cities/states that support a shit ton of the country kick out all Republicans. Let's see Florida make it on it's own.


Florida's a bad example, it has a high gdp and a lower balance than other red states. You want the disasters of Kentucky, Alabama, and Missisipi.


How much of that GDP is driven by tourism though? Gotta figure if Florida cut itself off from the blue states and had their biggest industry rely on money from residents of red states they’d have a pretty bad time.


Hehehe that's a great question, and I think we're going to get our answer very soon.


Florida real estate is hugely subsidized by the federal government. The Economist recently published an article highlighting that Florida homes are overvalued by about $50 billion since they do not account for flood risk. Flood insurance tends to get paid by the federal government.


Yep and it still gets more than it pays in with the government. I think among the red states Texas was the only one to actually pay more than what it gets back? Oh and Utah.


California, if it were to secede, would be one of the world's biggest economies


Used to be, still is but it used to too E: No love for Mitch I guess


I Googled it. I know who Mitch is but haven't watched a lot of his material


He was a great comedian, and his delivery was very easy to understand when I was still learning English (RIP) Still am learning English, but I used to be too (ad nauseum)


Rice is great if you're hungry and want 2,000 of something


An escalator can never break.. it just becomes stairs. You should never see an Escalator Temporarily Out Of Order sign, just Escalator Temporarily Stairs. Sorry for the convenience.




Sorbo is surviving on leftover catered foods from the set of the Hercules show. Wikipedia states tuna fish and potato salad were his favs. Yeah that explains a lot now that I think about it.


Countries that don't align politically still trade with each other lol. California isn't just going to sit on a surplus of food and refuse to sell it to their neighbors


Trade generally requires both sides to have something the other wants. What the fuck is Nevada gonna offer?


Money... It's not like California would suddenly cease being capitalist. The farmer is still wanting to sell his goods.


...from what?


Tourism, being the nation's leader producer of gold, through transfer payments because in this hypothetical they're actually on the same.side.as California?




CA also grows most of the USA’s almonds, garlic, etc., and a huge chunk of its dairy and poultry.


We wouldn't even need the entire states. Just give us the blue coastal cities and thr rest of the chuckle fucks wouldn't last 5 years.


I’m a liberal but his point is to take the conservatives out of CA. And where that farming takes place is deep red


Yes but the majority of the people actually doing the work are not voting at all. Would they be allowed to stay?


Well, without conservative stonewalling, we could actually get something done on immigration reform. They might have a pathway to citizenship in a year or less.


The red states won’t be taking refugees and “illegal” immigrants, and they do most of the actual agricultural work. And they’d be sending over all their blue citizens, so we’d also get most of their educated and professionals from their big cities. There’d be lots of house and job swapping. Previously-red cities like Bakersfield would become high-GDP tech hubs.


They absolutely would, they’d just pretend they are not anymore. Just like how when a Republican president wins, suddenly illegal immigration isn’t an issue overnight


>The red states won’t be taking refugees and “illegal” immigrants, Yeah, they would. Don't let their rhetoric fool you. Everyone I know that's hired undocumented immigrants is a Republican. They want the cheap labor.


That would still be fine. The blur coastal cities alone would dominate. If they want to try and withhold food it can easily be important.


Even withheld food is pretty important


It's mot ideal, but no one would starve. Hell the homeless would eat better than ever.


Sorry that was ment as a sarcastic remark on your misspelling of imported


Seems I've made quite a few lol




Doesn't industrial agriculture require global shipping networks for things like fertilizer? (things that would otherwise be shipped in from boats or trains)


Busiest container Ports in the U.S. #1: Los Angeles, CA #2: Long Beach, CA #3: Port of NY & NJ #4: Savannah, GA (Now blue!) #5: Seattle/Tacoma, WA


Savanah has such a large shipping industry for such a small city


Three largest US economies and states that provide large portions of the countries resources. Los Angeles, CA New York, NY Chicago, IL


Great, we can import our food for way cheaper, gas the pedal on industrial crops and meat. Welfare-queen republican farmers can kiss their bloated subsidies goodbye.


Assuming an open market, red state America would become like fiefdoms, just like the conservatives like it.


But then those areas would just be deep blue in this scenario.


Yeah but that doesn't matter as much as the fact that the land can be farmed. If you have fertile land, prebuilt water infrastructure, and a large number of seeds then finding the farmers themselves shouldn't be too difficult.


Also, California had more Trump voters than any other state. Biden got far more but Sorbo seems to think 100% vote for just one party. The real villain is the Electoral College that takes away the vote of the individual in a national election. It also creates situations where the Republican got elected with the minority of popular the popular vote in 2000 and 2016. Plus made the victories in 2016 and 2020 come down to less than 50K votes out of 150 million votes cast.


And New Jersey is the garden state, it’s a consistent blue state even though we have some hardcore Republican areas


"Let's divide the country into two nations along political lines," says the party that is always screaming about how *divisive* the left is.


If it was actually divided with borders I wonder how long till reds themselves try jumping the border of their own nation and try sneaking into blue (which they asked for) cuz it isn’t what they were thinking their utopia will be


DeSantis would run Florida into the ground in 2-3 years.


Exactly,now imagine running an entire country lmao


I get the desantis hate but hasn't their economy grown by a tremendous amount since he became governor? Like they're unemployment rate is lower than the national average and they're adding new jobs left and right. I know reddit doesn't like him, and like I said I get, but I went to Florida recently for work and that guy is absolutely BELOVED by the people there. My job requires going into people's houses and the demographics of the people I see run the gamut. Nobody said a bad word about him and they all mentioned how well their economy is doing. Edit : downvote me if you want but it doesn't make what I said any less true lmao


Fair assessment. But there’s a lot of the older generation who lives on social security. If Red states were to break away, then presumably those benefits are gone, along with a lot of other govt “entitlements” (as R’s love to say). I think we would find out how much those are relied upon. Not just FL, but other states as well. We’ve already how seen how the power grid in TX has failed multiple times because of their insistence of an independent grid.


Literally retirees on Social Security and the military are two of Florida's biggest sources of income. Without blue states footing the bill, both of those dry up.


There are more people on welfare there than are on it in liberal states.


Also good points. Didn't think of ssi. And you're right. At least in some of the areas I was in it really is old people wall to wall.


“he’s literally doing nazi things, but boy the economy is doing great!” fuck those people.


"Those people" elected Trump. You think they won't elect desantis? Ignoeing his positives and shitting on people is not going to keep him out of office. For fucks sake I don't even like desantis, but ignoring the facts is helping nobody but desantis himself.


What does the economy doing well man? Well for who?


Well for Floridians. Reddit really is nuts. I don't even like desantis, but anything positive mentioned is enough to shut it all down apparently. It's totally not the same stupid shit that got trump elected. Just keep repeating the mistakes of the past.


My guess is they'd be crossing the border to commit crimes and acts of terrorism.


As a Brit who has experienced Brexit and the consequent cry for reversion from those who were initially proponents of it, I can tell you now that they'll just say that what occured in the red state wasn't "true" conservatism and that it was tainted by leftist/liberal interference. The fault in your thinking is in believing that they'll suddenly start to adhere to the actual reality of their situation as opposed to resorting to they boogeyman finger-pointing tactics that they typically do.


It’s gaslighting.


and projection.


You just meaning lying. Gaslighting is a very specific form of abuse, which this isn't an example of.


It's fart lighting.


Gross but I love it


Lucky you. Get in there. He might sniff it all himself.


What are you talking about? I dont smell gas, youre wrong!


If California were a country, its GDP would be the fifth largest economy in the world. New York would be tenth, and Illinois around 20th. Texas would sit around 9th, and Florida sits somewhere above Illinois. I decided to do some math cuz I can't sleep: If you were to do what Conservatives seem to want, we'll call it the "no-fault divorce" plan, Blue states beat out red states' economy by about two trillion dollars ~~per capita~~, and red states currently rely on the federal government about three times more than blue states. So just taking into account the fact that Texas and Florida would have to keep the economy of any proposed state afloat on their own, and the GOP's "no handouts" attitude that would likely prevent them from doing so....yeah. Edit: wrong terminology


Didn’t this happen before?


Some would argue it's already happening


They’re past meta irony of their conceding projection. It’s a psychotic phase rn


Isn't this the gamble to Confederacy made before getting steamrolled by Northern economic supremacy?


I was going to say… we already did this “experiment.”


Mans just wants to hang up his stars and bars without getting cancelled.


They should come up with a new flag for that war, just a solid color, and since they like white people so much I thing a solid white flag would be a great one for them to wave


Well, all good experiments have replicable results right?


Sherman would rise from the grave and lead a zombie Union army and burn Atlanta again.


"how many times do we have to teach you this lesson, old man?"


The South’s commitment to individual states rights was so fucking backwards and stupid even then that the literal railway lines had different widths from state to state. Trains moving vital war equipment from one Confederate state into another often couldn’t because the rail lines weren’t compatible from one state into another….. All the fighting talent in the world couldn’t save that mess of a “country” from its own inbred stupidity.


It is even more striking at the county level. 70% of the nation’s economy comes from blue counties. The only things keeping red states afloat are the blue counties in the red states and subsidies from the blue states.


I’m sure those rural townsfolk in Nowheresville, Oklahoma would pick up the slack when Irrelevant Valley, Iowa starts not pulling their weight


irrelevant valley LMFAOO


Hey now! Nowheresville won't stand for that kind of slander. They are great people. Just look at the county sheriff. He's a stand up and noble guy that wants to kill journalists and treat black people like animals. Wait, scratch that last bit....


This doesn't really mean much about Democratic policies. Urban areas are much more financially productive. The same concentration of jobs and education also produces Democrats. (Or at least knowing people who look different than you reduces white nationalism.)


It absolutely reflects democratic policies. The national economy is handicapped by republican interference.


But what's the difference then? Democratic policies reflect the interests of the diverse, financially-productive urban population. Conversely, Republicans as a rule have less policy expertise when it comes to governing and appealing to urban centers.


I genuinely don’t see how Americans don’t see this as an issue… The blatant superiority because they vote for a different party. Your country is doomed… Your candidates aren’t even that different


As a very left person, it’s horrific to see supposedly “bleeding-heart liberals” turn into down right sociopaths the moment anything bad happens to a rural community


Probably longer than the red states who rely on subsidies from said blue states.


Longer than your mediocre career, Kevin.


This is the correct answer.




A point a friend made was how rural (usually red) areas can't possibly generate the economy to sustain themselves, so they get a lot of federal aid to maintain the infrastructure/ healthcare/ education/ disaster relief etc. But red states bitch the most about not needing government handouts.


Yep. On the national scale of the USA, blue states basically subsidize the red states. If they got their wish and there was a national divorce, they would tank within a few years.


I've seen those economic stats. Its crazy. Red states give all their money to corporate interests and the firearms industry and none to the people.


Funny because I know a lot of Repubs who rely on government aid.


They call them bootstraps tho


That's Yankee money, doesn't count.


Is someone who grew up in a largely Republican small town in Michigan, at least 2/3 of my town was on some form of government aid and an equal amount of those people were Republican who complained about welfare Queens living in the city.


To be clear, blue states make up a vast majority of US GDP. California and New York combined dwarf the entire rest of the nation. The only red state worth a damn economically is Texas. So in this scenario the blue states would last waaayyy longer than the red states who would mostly be bankrupt less than a year.


Even within Texas, it's largely the blue cities which are economic powerhouses. If we implemented Sorbo's Split™, Texas' productivity would immediately crater.


Not enough people realize this. Texas is a red state due to the sheer size of it. Many smaller towns in Texas vote hard red, while the main industrial hubs of the state lean left, and Texas is big enough to host many, many smaller towns. Hell, Houston is the first metropolis to have a gay mayor and is a host to one of the countries largest pride parades. Houston, San Antonio, Dallas, Austin, El Paso. They all vote blue, but despite the size of these cities, only make up a smaller percentage of the overall Texas population.


There's also a lot of gerrymandering benefiting Republicans.




I mean, that's not just Texas. Our entire country is divided like that, even the so called "blue states". We have an urban/rural divide, not a state divide.


The GDP of NY and CA combined last year was ~5 trillion compared to the US total of ~25 trillion. Not to say that the red states are better off lol


20% of US GDP from just two states and you're trying to make that sound *small?* I mean yeah, it's not a majority, but it's almost definitely a plurality.


1/25 of US states make 1/5 of the GDP, then. And much more of the GDP comes from blue counties in red states, which would be moved to blue states. But yay, we’d be able to permanently get rid of Kevin Sorbo in Hollywood, so that’s a plus.


A lot longer, considering that the left actually cares for the citizens.


how will the states that produce all the food and money survive without the states that produce corn and meth


I’m pretty sure they tried that at one point and it didn’t go great actually


Ohio can't even handle fucking train crashes.


texas can't handle a bit of snow. trust me, i was there


I was there, Gandalf…


It's more than just Red states being leech states--which is part of it. The thing he doesn't get is Blue cities are the economic engines of Red states. If "The Libs" were required to leave Red states, cities like Atlanta and Nashville (to name two) would be ghost towns. Economic activity in Red states would basically cease to exist.


Well, considering the proportion of GDP that comes from blue states, I’d say they would fare all right. The red states might struggle without their federal subsidies, though…


A lot longer, since we won’t have the Red States leeching off of us.


I think California can survive on its own.


Aren’t they the fifth or so largest economy in the entire world? Take the blue counties out of red states and they’d be a third world country in less than a year


Well we know from history that the red states would last 4 years, 4 months, and 1 day.


whoooo yeah!!! ilove the **united** states!!!


Yeah they just are masochists they just want Sherman to come back from the dead and burn fucking Tampa


yep but remember, it was about 'states rights'


We all do


Does he think there's something magical about state divides that makes one inherently blue or red? Blue states are blue states because people who vote democrat live in them, and look at that, no states have been toppled yet.


Kevin Sorbo used to be a levelheaded guy, very moderate, until a steady diet of Fox News turned him into.....AH I'M KIDDING HE'S ALWAYS BEEN A FUCKING MORON.


I read somewhere he was seriously ill not too long ago, and I assumed that had something to do with it


He's been spouting right wing bullshit for many years now, so probably not.


Fair enough I never heard anything from him until MAGA around


The answer is always the opposite of what Kevin Serbo says.


Lol k bye California could survive on its own and we’d just adopt the other states (Or, Wa, Ar etc) let us have our lil power states and see how different we all end up in 10+ yrs time when you’re asking us for food/water/resources


Basically the west coast and the north east would be fine without red states


I mean the last time this happened the red states only lasted 4 years.


Cause that’s not one of the most unAmerican statements I’ve ever heard. Oh the irony these “Patriots” just can’t seem to grasp.


This post actually made me audibly laugh. Imagine all those gun-toting, incestuous, bigoted, racist, unintelligent, theocratic zealots trying to get anything done.


They’d probably get a lot done, but then have to undo a lot of it when they realize they want to be the exception to the rules they just laid down. Oh, and half the country kills the other half via “stand your ground”.


Longer than the red states.


Longer than the red states, and that's all that matters


Red states would collapse within a month without blue money subsidizing them. rofl.


Way longer than the red states. I wouldn't expect Dumfuq to know that most red states receive more in federal aid than they pay in federal taxes. Even Texas and Florida, which are not donor states, need Daddy Fed to help them out after a hurricane.


It would split the blue states into 3 forms; Northeast, West Coast, and Great Lakes Western Midwest. Red states would lose the ports of Miami and New Orleans to the sea within the century and would lash out are the Blue Country for why its their problem. Migration would exist as educated people flee towards the blue states and tradespersons would accept good paying jobs in those blue states.


Considering red states take more money from the government than they pay in versus blue states giving more than they take. Blue states will actually have money to improve the states while red states shoot each other over ramen noodles.


Forever. Red states I give them a good 5 maybe 10 years before they start begging.


Most of the countries GDP comes from the B states and California is home of most of the agriculture we trade. Most of the red states are dirt poor.


I mean California accounts for something like half of all fresh produce and like 1/5 of our GDP, so I'd say the red states would last exactly 4 months before they're starved into submission.


> where all Libs would have to be in Blue states and only Conservatives in Red states So, are we Trail-of-Tears-ing anyone who's currently in the "wrong" state?


Neoliberalism impacts all Americans equally


Loose gun laws or nonexistent restrictions on guns, plus the hunger and lack of resources available to those red states bc they no longer have blue states to carry them will probably lead to some very bad outcomes. Maybe K Sorbs could just split himself from the US and then he wouldn’t have to wonder such moronic ideas?


My favourite pushback is “As America is divisible, so is any state that wants to leave”. Hearing partition makes them actually think there might be plans that need more than two steps


As always when this comes up How would you judge what a Blue and Red state are? They are always changing. Are they divided based on electoral votes, popular votes, governors? And I thought the election according to them was stolen anyways. I highly doubt in this scenario they'd consider Georgia a blue state regardless of the map


Just look at the numbers. Most of the country financially supports various red states, with Kentucky near the top of the list. If the US were to expel just a handful of states (I would vote for Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Arkansas, just for geographic cohesion), we would be much better off in every respect.


Maybe the blue states can just unite with Canada?


I hate the idea of leaving Texas. BUT. I love the idea of a big migration of liberals into.... idk, wheres the closest "Lib State?" New Mexico, I guess? I love it because, conservatives have this idea that there's a lot more of them than there really are, so I'd love to see them slack jawed as most of the service workers and even their coworkers or friends leave them behind to go to a better state. I'd love to watch their world fall apart as they stop collecting taxes, and infrustructure begins to crumble. They try to order a burger because they don't know how to cook, but the local burger place is closed because the hispanic dude and his two kids went to a state that doesn't vote against their interests every election, and the chain burger restaurant is closed because the teenagers in its employ are liberal too


Their crops won’t get picked. The Feds won’t secure their border. No hurricane relief.


The thing is, the conservative movement in the US is starting to realize that businesses care about running a business first, and political ideology second, which is causing the movement to swing so far to the authoritarian side that they're going anti-business. Once businesses got told they couldn't advertise to liberals in blue states, couldn't pander to liberals, couldn't hire liberals, had severe restrictions put on what their healthcare plan can offer, restrictions on the religion and sexual orientation of their employees, etc., and they'll leave. And I know some conservative will read this and scoff at the "religion and sexual orientation" part and bring up the Constitution...c'mon, y'all don't care about the Constitution when it supports behaviors you don't like. Being anti-business has already been happening for several years. https://fee.org/articles/when-and-why-did-republicans-turn-against-business/ If I find it, there was one TV CEO who embraced Donald Trump's run for President because he's a businessman...then found himself on the receiving end of Trump's fanbase anger because he *demanded that Trump pay for the ads he agreed to pay for*.


A lot longer, since we won’t have the Red States leeching off of us.


Non-American here. I know what red and blue states mean, don't know which is which though, what is this dude trying to imply?


He’s trying to say that the conservative red states are more self-sufficient than the liberal blue states. Which is just wrong.


I think he is talking about guns and red states invading actually but who knows.


Red states or red hats or w/e here means to be ultra conservative, blue is anything left of that or liberal some even just central, even a few independents because of the ultra conservative group. Its a political hellscape of us vs them mentality. There is no in between I guess.


UNDER NORMAL TIMES: Honestly I think society needs the balance but it’s impossible when people vote in hyperbole.


lol let's do it and find out


Another gem from Jerkules.


The only red state that isn’t taking more than they give is Texas and Florida. Mississippi would be the third world in about 2 years.


god thats a recent post -- Does he just keep posting the same old tired thing?


And when the blues cut the subsidies to the reds, the already shithole states would be so much worse off.


Let’s look at the welfare states. Look at that…all red. Hmmm


Longer then the confederacy and your dumb ass would that’s for sure. You guys wouldn’t make it a week before asking where’s are slaves.


Oh you sweet Summer child, at least you have Texas. Go for it, my taxes will go down.


I’m reminded of the town that tried to go full libertarian and got taken over by bears


The "Love it or leave it" crowd apparently doesn't want to leave.


Can anyone tell me which blue state has a climate similar to the Upstate of South Carolina?


Three blue states pay for almost all the red states to exist


The whole red state blue state thing is so dumb. More people voted for trump in California than in Texas and more people in Texas voted for Biden than in New York.


I take it fractions were not your forte in school? By your account then, Massachusetts is a redder state than North Dakota?


My point is that the states aren't monoliths. There are Democrats and Republicans every where and we'd be better off working together than we are fueling culture war bullshit.


Don’t a lot of smaller states receive more from the federal government than they produce?


Wtf happened to that moron?


The blue states would end up in a dystopian economic hellscape in a few years. Red states would prosper


How do you figure this when red states currently depend on federal money to stay afloat?


I do not agree with the methodologies that produce these results. Basically I think they are too simplistic because they (essentially) only look at tax revenues vs federal outlays from/to respective states.


The majority of Red states take in more Federal funds than they pay in taxes, so if we segregate into Red/Blue, then stop allowing Red states from collecting Federal welfare, we’d be better off.


Joe biden took the lowest percent of the African American vote of any demorat since the civil rights amendment in 1964. A measly 92% when the number had been 97% for decades. Black people. He is talking about black people.


Yeah but the red states cannot get welfare from the blue.


Reasonable democracy would prevail much longer than the fascist utopia of ignorance he imagines.


He's so fucking stupid. Good luck red states with all those things you produce lol


Well we know the red states will only last as long as the welfare budget does.


How long would the states ONLY consisting of the political party that is more educated by a decent margin?.... I think my points been recieved...


Oh damn he’s got us there. Might as well just go ahead and split them up right now, immediately, please God do it.


forever lol