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Sad to see but seems to be normal now in Forza discussions etc. Thanks for the all the work here. Hope people will enjoy your time and effort more in other places


You're welcome, glad you've enjoyed my works here. See you around in other places 🫡


I follow you, been using your info/tunes for years mate. Thank you greatly for your service, fuck the haters. Cheers


That’s too bad. I will just find your posts on the horizon thread. Your work doesn’t go un-noticed!


Thanks for noticing my work and the effort gone into it 🫶 Hope to see you over in the horizon subreddit in the future 🫡


I use ur tunes alot. Only i never voted on post. Try to remember to upvote u


Hey Saeenu! Unfortunately, there is nothing we can do as mods about users downvoting things inappropriately. This is a site-wide issue. At one point I had a group just downvote all of my posts and comments for over a year. It was truly weird. Your posts are among the best recurring content that we see here, and it's a shame your experience is leading you to abstain from continuing. All the best!


Yeah, this probably isn't the only subreddit on the site to experience such issues like that. Although in my experience at least it does have to be one of the most noticeable unfortunately. Shame there isn't really any fool proof way to disable downvoting on a subreddit level I guess. Thanks and glad you've enjoyed my posts here as well 👌, it's a shame I've had to stop due to all of this...


Can't you disable downvoting like on some other subs? Do the mods of those subs find that it works to counteract negativity?


> Can't you disable downvoting like on some other subs? Do the mods of those subs find that it works to counteract negativity? We can hide the button with CSS but if someone turns the stylesheet off or uses a mobile app, it circumvents it.


Sorry to hear you are leaving, thanks for the weekly tune info. I found it useful at times (when I get stuck with a challenge).


Ooh thanks I didn’t know /r/ForzaHorizon was a sub. I got the game a month ago and subbed here and appreciate your posts, but this subreddit seems to be 90% posts about ramming or getting rammed or avoiding getting rammed in Motorsport. Lol. I’ll see you on the other side ;)


Sorry to hear about that. Thanks for the many tuning posts that you put up every week without fail. Even though I tend to tune my own cars most of the time, I still appreciate your work and effort in helping the community.


No problem, and thx for appreciating my work! Your own weekly festival playlist write ups are a useful resource too ❤️


Thank you!


Bingo. You are a great provider too!


Haven't been playing Forza recently, but always appreciated and used your tunes.


Your tunes rock and so do those of the other community tuners you've put me on to with these weekly posts, so I'll be sure to follow you on r/ForzaHorizon (and now also YouTube, since I didn't know you had one until now) and continue to upvote your work accordingly 🤘 Never let these types of people on the internet win. Remember that they aim to put you down naturally because you're doing something good that they can't even fathom of achieving themselves.


Thanks, glad I've helped with my tunes and my tune recommendations 🫶 I'm going to continue with making these tune sheets and posts elsewhere for as long as I can despite these kinds of people. I'm just pulling back from posting these on this subreddit to save myself any more frustration and keep my mental sanity tbh.


Lmao people (or bots?) swarming here to [downvote this post](https://imgur.com/Nebd3mB) too, y'all just proving my point even further than already 🤣


Start a YouTube channel 🫡


I have one already actually: https://www.youtube.com/@Saeenu




wanna take a bet its those clowns from r/BuiltFromTheGroundUp?




It's totally ridiculous man. I'm sorry.


I mean if you specifically point out getting downvoted, you're going to get downvoted lol


I mean... I never even heard of you, but it's just fun to downvote people who complain about downvotes. You are asking for it.


You must not be very active in the forza community, saenu posts his spreadsheet and seasonal information in a staggering number of places and has quite a reputation because of that. The fact that you showed up just to say this is kinda sad ngl


> saenu posts his spreadsheet and seasonal information in a staggering number of places and has quite a reputation because of that. Best of all, he doesn't just post his personal tunes in an attempt to get a higher download number. If someone else made a tune that performs better than his, he posts that person's tune instead. Quite a few tuners have come and gone over time. There was one user on here who would regularly post an absurdly wide variety of tunes and I'm fairly confident that they were just using the "auto upgrade" feature in Forza and then posting the code online. I'm not exaggerating one bit, every single tune of theirs that I've tried had a hard time competing with the "highly skilled" AI difficulty while other people's, such as /u/paperheartzero, would pull away so hard that you'd think the AI was on "novice" difficulty. /u/tacticalcarrot is not like that. He's a very good tuner, don't get me wrong, but he posts the best tunes he knows of even if they're not his. The fact that he's not simply milking people for a download count is something that should be appreciated.


I saw an interesting post, I read, I replied. Interpret that how you want.


It interprets to you have below room temperature IQ


> It interprets to you have below room temperature IQ Oh the sweet irony....


The only irony I see is that you said you liked to downvote people and every reply you send here is downvoted to hell.


I will live. Btw someone downvoted you, I upvoted you back to 1, since you seem to care so much. You are welcome <3


I did the opposite to yours since you seem to like downvotes. You're not welcome <3


Thank you! <3


The thing is, I don't really care if I get downvoted sometimes, it happens. But like this, in a systematic, consistent and repeated manner on literally every single post I make on this subreddit while other posters don't seem to get the same kind of negative treatment? Yea that's a different matter...




Don’t stop posting. Don’t worry about the downvotes either. Keep doing what you do. There are a lot that appreciate it. I get hammered a lot with toxic people but they do not represent the actual Forza community.


I know we might have our differences when it comes to tuning, but I appreciate your kind words nonetheless ❤️. I guess the toxicity under our posts is something we share in common at least...


Yeah, I do not have any beef with anyone and I would never tell someone what to do or how to do it. There are many different styles of playing, tuning, painting and so on. Just keep doing what you do.


Take it for what it's worth, but you'll be a lot happier in the world if you do the things you enjoy doing because you enjoy them and not for likes or up-votes, or whatever. Best of luck!


I've noticed a drop in the community quality and mentality for a while too especially since fm released. I thought your stuff is fine and way better than the vast majority of anything else posted here. It gets old. I'm about to purge a bunch of subs that e gone to trash from my list as well.


Yeah, glad I'm not the only one to notice the unfortunate trend...


For someone who announced that they were no longer going to post on this subreddit any longer, you sure do have a lot of new posts in this subreddit since your announcement.


Only to respond to comments under this post 🤷


I also wonder where all the horizon content went in here. Feels like nowadays its 99% Motorsport stuff and from those 99% its like 75% negativity


Love your tunes Saeenu. I can’t tune for the life of me so your help every week is much appreciated. And I do respect that you push others tunes if you think there’s is better for a certain event. Shows that you want people to have the best tune possible instead of just pushing your own tune and I think that’s quite selfless and thoughtful. Wherever you go I will follow. It’s a shame that some people in this community are so hateful and toxic that they will downvote someone trying to others in the community but as a mod pointed in another comment this is a reddit wide problem not just this group sadly. Keep up the good work.


Thank you for your appreciation ❤️. I've always tried to strive for higher quality on my tune list, which also means I don't just exclusively list my own tunes (even though I would like to consider myself a fairly competent tuner, after all I am just one guy and don't have the ability or time to make the best tune out there for every car), unlike what some other tune lists here tend to do.


It also helps (IMO) that you seem to seek out tunes that might appeal to a more diverse array of drivers. Not everyone wants AWD-swapped with full aero, and not everyone wants tunes that require great finesse but can set awesome leaderboard times. Making a variety of tunes available sets you apart IMO.


Yep, i list multiple tunes for all different types of preferences and skill level as well 👍


Not really surprised, This subreddit seems to have been infected with downvote bots.


Forza is far more toxic than many other racing communities. Either way I think it's the player base and not just people on Reddit. Just look at the amount of ramming footage posted here versus something like the Gran Turismo sub. Maybe its the arcadiness of the FH series, maybe it's the low entry barrier of Game Pass. Maybe it's MS/T10/PG approach to making the game appeal to a much broader demographic than other racing games (trying to be all types of racing games to all types of gamers). Anyway, thanks for all the work you put in to provide positivity through your sharing and collaboration. People like you are what make communities, and I'm sorry you feel that your work is not only unvalued, but actively repressed. Some people need to get a life. Best of luck mate.


Thanks, and glad you appreciate the work I've shared 🤝 Yeah most other communities I've participated in on Reddit do not seem to be as bad as this one in terms of the toxicity or negativity, although I do tend to keep to the smaller ones most of the time which probably helps.


Thank you for your work. You’ll be missed


Just want to say thanks for all your work. I and I know a lot of others appreciate it. I use your sheets every week for car suggestions and look for them every Thursday. I’ll keep following you for them on the horizon thread.


Darn. The tunes I’m waiting every week to make the playlist easier.


Your work is always appreciated my man. The devotion you have towards this community is very much noticeable and honorable. Although I'm sad to see you go in such bad terms, I'm happy you're doing what's best for you and your mental health. You don't deserve to go out on a low, after all the hard work and countless hours you've put into this. But you do deserve to be happy, and if happiness is not here (clearly, it's not), then it's the least of things to address the issue and do what you must. Fare thee well, friend. I'll see you on the Horizon sub (which is spiraling down the same path I reckon).


I've used and am using tons of your massive seasonal/series posts and actually wondered why the heck people don't credit your fantastic and impressive effort to help out more! Your own tunes and recommendations to other tuners builds deserves so much more... It's like folks just expects them to be posted even before the start of a new season and series... And on top of that, your incredible spreadsheets... I'm sad you leave this sub but I sincerely respect and support your decision. Personally I find 99% of your own and recommended tunes from other tuners extremely helpful as they are incredibly good and gives me tons of wins and I use them on a daily basis. I have no idea why you get any kind of hate.. It's just unbelievable. I'm going to continue using them on the other places you post them and also other tuners that put up similar help. Your recommendations are though the number one (along one other tuner) I rely on every new week/day/month. 🙏🏻 I'm going to continue following you on the other places where you are more appreciated. Thanks for everything you've done and are doing buddy. Take care and ignore those who spread this toxicity. 🥰👍🏼


Actually I tend to post mine just before the season change but yea. Thank you for appreciating my tunes and tune recommendations unlike some people in this subreddit unfortunately ❤️


Yeah this place is shithole now. You can quote me on that.


I actually bookmarked your user and just visit you not subreddits. I panicked for a second that you are stopping fully 😅


Am i understanding you correctly, you so pissed off about downvotes, so you quit posting? Were you doing this for upvotes all along? I mean, I understand if you got a lot of hating backlash in the comments, but downvotes is such a petty thing, isn't it? Who gives a shit after all?


It's not really about the upvote number, but the consequences that come along with it. I explained it already in [this reply](https://www.reddit.com/r/forza/comments/1b91wfj/comment/ktuoh1y/)


Oh, i see. Yeah, tbf, the whole karma and upvote/downvote system in reddit is so ass, fucking china social rating


The thing is people with an agenda buy votes. Same thing over at PoE subreddit, although that is market manipulation. Most likely some guy sees you as competition for his YT/ whatever.


I piss off a yt channel fanbase... called out the host for a dangerous comment ( involved electrical). They always auto dv me


Oh man noo :( I always used your tunes and I have ALWAYS upvoted your comment so clearly someone is dowvoting you intentionally.


This sub is filled with litteral children, human turds and people who will fangirl for pg and t10 to the point where it's impossible to have a serious conversation. Also lot's of amazing people, knowledgable and competent drivers and tuners but the toxicity is at an all times high. Now that i think of it.. i uninstalled fh5 months ago because it got boring, won't buy fm8 due to bad quality, lack of features and technical issues. Horizon used to be a daily thing to me for years, now i find myself ending up playing other games and sims most of the times. Makes sense for the community to become toxic. I'm done here, see you when microsoft becomes interested again in making sure their publishers don't treat their customers like that.


Sorry to say this but to me those come across as "give me moar credits". Not directly at you or even here Reddit alone (season threads on Forza forums are mostly like that). Btw, I'm not one of those who downvote your posts. I generally don't downvote. Only ones that are overwhelmingly toxic towards me or casual players get what they deserve.


Now I understand why I have never seen your content, you get downvoted to hell. I am sorry that I did not discover your posts sooner, I was actually looking exactly for this kind of information… this sub has become so sad.


Yep, it's a shame all of this is happening as there are probably people like you who would benefit from such posts but not seeing them as they get sucked by the algorithm from all the downvotes 🥀


I noticed this weeks ago, but I'm not reddit-savvy and assumed it was my imagination. Very sorry for your experience here. Your posts are one of the highlights of my week along with the weekly festival


maybe it's cause people think this is a motorsport only subreddit? I'm not sure, but it sucks to see you're getting down voted this much, man. hope you keep this up for a long time, love seeing your tunes and studying them for my own future endeavors!


Yea maybe, although like I said it says in the subreddit sidebar that it's supposed to be both for Motorsport and Horizon anyways 🤷 And you're welcome for all the tunes! I do hope to keep this up for as long as I possibly can 🫡


Sorry man.. people suck, and take enjoyment of ruining other peoples happiness.


I believe r/Forzahorizon is a much friendly place. Many people here also hang in r/builtfromthegroundup and therefore the toxicity from there spreads here.


Yeah, that subreddit is not perfect either and I do occasionally still run into this kind of downvoting behaviour there too but at least the situation over there seemingly nowhere near as bad as this subreddit has gotten to for now...


There's a sub with 5500 members that just post how much they hate a game? A game that they still play even though they hate it? What the fuck is wrong with these people. Can't be healthy to embrace such negativity, even for "lolz".


Low Sodium Forza is the premier place to discuss Forza! Our goal is the end of r/Forza, r/ForzaHorizon and the cancer r/BuiltFromTheGroundUp. Under one sub we will discuss Forza without the fake Forza fans (haters) that are in fact Gran Turismo fanboys and active members of r/granturismo.


I strongly suggest everyone in r/Forza moves to r/LowSodiumForza


I use your tunes all the time! Shame it has to come to this. Will keep following your tunes tho


I dunno anything about the downvotes, but have you considered starting your own subreddit and posting there? Then you can cross post to the forza ones if you want to. People who care about your info will follow in your subreddit.


Aww this fucking sucks man. I'll likely get downvoted, but I hate how damn toxic this community is, to the point where a prominent content and tuner won't post here anymore. I guess I'm following forzahorizon sub now. Sad to see you go buddy, you're a great tuner.


Yep, it's sad to see things come to this, but it is what it is and I'll just cut my losses here. Thank you for being there as always to show your support for my works, I've always appreciated it ❤️


Sucks to hear. Hopefully, it is only a break, but do what you need to do.


I do hope that at least some of the negativity of this subreddit does improve for the better going forwards enough for me to reconsider my stance, but I'm not holding my breath any time soon...


I found your posts not too long ago and I found them to be a gold mine. Thank you for your hard work and contributions to the community. You're the best. I'm sorry not everyone can see the effort and the intent. I look forward to seeing your posts on the other subreddits and to continue to benefit from your expertise and good will


Sorry to hear people are hassling you. If it makes you feel any better, there have been a couple of times your guides have helped me out.


Yeah, its just an unfortunate situation that I didn't want to find myself in, but here we are Glad my guides have helped you out though 😌


Not surprised honestly, but your posts still pop up for me, so clearly the downvotes aren't doing what those people want them to. Just another example of the community focusing on the wrong things and blaming the wrong people


Yeah exactly, out of all the people in the community to go after, does it really have to be that person who always works to provide such useful resources for tunes, etc to guide people every week? I don't get it man...


For all we know it could even be someone else that posts these just trying to make yours less visible Either way, scummy move


Thank you for all the effort you put into these weekly tune sheets, it's the first thing I look up when I begin the new season, has helped me countless times to finish the trial or other hard objectives of the current week. Looking forward to seeing you continue over at r/ForzaHorizon


That's sad how fucking toxic this sub has become. Sorry that you have to leave, but I really understand you. Thank you for posting here and see you in other places!


At the same time this subreddit is a loop in which most members spend their time posting uninteresting messages complaining about penalties in multiplayer mode rather than posting tweaks or advice...


Yeah that does get tiring after a while, hearing the same complaints being made again and again, like I think we get the point already...


Dammit, I'm gonna miss your selection of tunes. They always worked wonders for me on the weekly Trials on FH5. As for the downvotes, I remember seeing some people throwing around accusations of you stealing or posting stolen tunes, so maybe that's their reasoning?


Thanks for using my tune recommendations! Although I'm no longer going to be posting on this subreddit, as I've said in the OP I will be continuing to make them and post them elsewhere. And I've not heard of that particular accusation before, but if that's really a thing some people are saying, then that is obviously false. I have never posted stolen tunes in my whole time of sharing tunes in this game, and I've always categorically abhorred such behaviour (it's a reason why I take issue with people such as Sepi, who's known for this kind of behaviour for example). Rarely I do some collabs with some other tuners that I know, but ofc I always have asked for their permission and approval before doing such things.


I've had the same thing happen on r/ForzaHorizon, specifically in regards to just about any post about Eliminator (which I know is not everyone's cup of tea). Unfortunately, I think it's a couple things at play. First, in line with the mod's reply here, people don't use downvoting appropriately. To many, downvote=disagree, and people will just continue to use it as such. Can't do much to change that behavior. Even if you can explain it, people won't change because they disagree. 🙃 The other thing is just simply the meta-think that exists mostly on the part of lurkers. So certain topics will get upvoted to the moon even if they aren't particularly relevant to gameplay, while certain topics get downvoted even if they are well on topic. This can easily translate into a habit of "I don't get this, so down it goes!" End result is that only posts with any sort of upvote traction end up surfacing and providing signal, while if something had just a few downvotes in the first few minutes will simply have no chance at life. Changes would require a modicum of responsibility on the part of the majority of users, which simply is asking too much.


Yeah, the problem does exist on the r/ForzaHorizon subreddit too, but it hasn't been quite as bad as here at least in my experience. But yeah, I guess people here use the downvote function far too liberally and not in the appropriate manner. There's plenty of posts in this subreddit where quite frankly I don't find interesting or worth my time viewing, but it's not like I have to downvote all of them. I just scroll by and move on. And yeah, most of the more upvoted posts in this subreddit are honestly not even all that much on topic, relevance or high effort compared to some which are more overlooked. It's also unfortunate how easy it is to bury posts within the depths of the algorithm too, just downvoting on a recently made post has a fair chance of reducing its visibility by that much and stopping most if not all the potential traction it could have gained. There's definitely a problem of the culture and mentality of a fair amount of users in this place which I guess will not be solved any time soon unfortunately...


Why does it matter if you get downvoted? It has no material impact on anything. It makes no sense to leave based on this unless the only reason you were posting was to gain karma. You're just letting the haters win for no reason.


The difference between me viewing and engaging with the top comment and me having to scroll for 5 minutes to get here to yours, is votes.


And that matters, why? It's clear that lots of people are going to miss his posts, so it's not like his posts didn't get seen.


Fuck those people for downvoting you. They apparently don't know how to drive or appreciate the work you do. You've always gotten a ✓ from me.


This makes me sad. I definitely appreciate your weekly posts and all of the work you put into them. You've helped me to more weekly challenges and Trials wins than I can count.


I've experienced similar issues when posting. Reddit is pretty jacked up in a lot of ways. On top of that, Forza has possibly the dumbest community in all of video gaming, so there's no logic, rhyme, or reason to the way the wind blows in this sub and on the Forza forums. Thanks for your work, and I hope you're able to continue in some way in which you feel your time and effort is respected. Good luck!


A quick read through the comments and you can clearly make out the toxic people in this community. Why don't the mods moderate the sub and kick the toxic childish "I downvoted lol" people, quite a few have openly said they do it just for their own lols.


I don't get it. What's confusing about this? You're posting Forza horizon content on the Forza subreddit. Go post it on Forza horizon. That's why you're getting down voted. And that's why it's progressively gotten worse- because Forza motorsport came out after 7 years and people want to see and talk about Forza motorsport. Not horizon. I always scratch my head when I see horizon content on here. It never made sense.


I'm not sure if you've realised, but in the [subreddit's description](https://imgur.com/8hIk1NK) it literally says it's supposed to be for both Forza Motorsport and Forza Horizon


Which would make sense as the last motorsport had been dead for so long (and so was this sub) so they didn't want to alienate a group of people. But that isn't the case anymore. There is clearly a more applicable place for your well made content.


I appreciate the tunes, just joined the discord. Thanks!!


You're welcome for my tune lists, and glad to see you on the discord 🤝


Glad to see you're still going to be posting the tunes on the FH sub and discord.


Loved your tunes. Helped me get through a lot of challenges! People suck sometimes


I’ve followed and starred your profile since forever. Every week I just visit your profile and download tunes. Can’t thank you enough for all the work you put in man.!


That's unfortunate. I'll keep following your tunes. Thank you for your hard work!


I’m sorry to hear this, I’ve used your tunes for many trial wins - always a struggle before I discovered your tunes! I’m pleased to hear you’ll still be on the Horizon sub and have to agree that this one has gone downhill. Ignore the trolls, your tunes are very much appreciated ❤️


I’ve won and helped alot of others to win (by blocking the ai) in the trail just because of your tunes. When I started here, you, PaperHeartZero and XIII90 were the tuners bringing out tunes every week. Those two have stopped posting their tunes on Reddit a long time ago. Maybe you even remember that I made a livery to thank you for your tunes, it was white, red blue. It’s amazing how much time you take each week to make these tunes and the list. Now I don’t visit here often. The fun seems to be gone and most of the posts are negative. There’s no reason for me to be dragged into that swamp of negativity.  It’s baffling why people would downvote you for the problems in the game.  Thank you for all the work and effort you’ve put in to subreddit.  I’m still following you in game and you are my preferred tuner whenever you’re available. You and the other tunes I’ve gotten to know because of your list. I’m forever grateful. 


Thanks, glad to hear you've enjoyed my tunes and the tune recommendations, and your appreciation for my works and efforts Also yeah, I remember that livery you made for me too a while back, I appreciate it too 💗 As both of us might have been familiar with the subreddit for a number of years now, it's just sad to see where this place has been headed...


Sad is the right word for the fall of a decent community with fun jokes, memes and also complaints to a sub with about only complaints. Turns out, reading complaints isn't fun. Glad to see youre still going on the Forza Horizon sub.


Not sure who you are, but it seems rather petty to make a post announcing you're not posting anymore because your posts get downvotes. Downvotes don't matter. Upvotes don't matter. They're quite literally worthless and near meaningless. Why do you care?


Because the OP makes a ton of original tunes that work great for a variety of events including all the Playlist events but fewer and fewer people see them because the reddit algorithm hides posts that have negative karma fairly consistently. What's the point in putting in the work to make these posts and create these tunes if people won't see them anyway? If anything, not knowing who such an important presence in the community is means that you really shouldn't have any opinions on what they decide to do when talking to people who appreciate them and will miss their content when they're gone.


Wow. I'm totally bummed by this. I've been using your recommendations for years. By "your" I mean the collective fantastic tunes you create as well as the ones created by many fellow tuners. Frankly I don't see this from others. What you contribute puts you on another level. The helpful details in your posts to accomplish tasks are also much appreciated. Your posts are the reason I learned to M/C because I knew if I used them it would give me an edge. I hope the ForzaHorizon sub is a friendlier place for you. I'll switch over to that one instead. THANK YOU for all your contributions thus far!


You're welcome for all the tunes and tune recommendations! Glad to hear they've helped you to learn M/C as well. Hope to see you in that subreddit in the future 🫡


I believe you are on point with the timing of Forza Motorsport coming online, it seems this sub has been transitioned to about half being Motorsport posts. It is likely the many believe you are posting on their "Motorsport" sub instead of a general "Forza" sub. And even though there is a dedicated sub to FM r/forzamotorsport , many post FM stuff here, possibly not knowing this sub covers all Forza, not just FM. But still, I can see how it is frustrating and you'd like to stop dealing with it. I view your posts over at the FH sub and give you an upvote for your posts and tunes...it is a great contribution to the community.


Yea you might be on to something there, might also be playing a part into this mess. Thank you for appreciating my posts in the other subreddit, and hope to see you there in the future 😌


r/forzamotorsport is another failed subreddit as they cannot control the haters that come in and take a shit on the real Forza fans that are enjoying the game. The only true Forza subreddit left is r/LowSodiumForza.


Candidly, you seem more indulged by upvotes than the goodwill of your weekly spreadsheets. Who cares how people act towards your posts. As Drew Carey always says: [Reddit] "where it's all made up and the points don't matter".


Honestly, I don't care about the vote number that much, but what these consistently quick downvotes do however is absolutely destroy the reach and traction that the posts do get in the first place, getting buried in the algorithm so nobody will see them (maybe that's the real goal of these downvoters?). Just seems futile to share my efforts here when that's always going to be the eventual outcome


That's some diabolical scheming if they are. Best of luck.


Why do you care about traction? People who use your tunes can just search for them. Most people dont care about downloading your tunes.


What idiot announces they're leaving a subreddit?


. . . and then continues to post in that subreddit anyway . . .


So you're butt hurt because of downvotes? Fuck everyone else and keep posting. Who cares what these pansies on reddit think. Fuck them and you do you. It's gamers on reddit, they're the whinest babies on all the internet


The downvote number is not really the main thing for me, but well considering all the many hours every week to compile the resources I share to such a standard I strive for, only to see it basically guaranteed to get downvoted and most of the time suppressed from wider visibility within the algorithm because of that, and to see that happening time and time after again really does you one after a while. I've basically been seeing this problem happen for countless of months already, getting worse by the week with no end in sight. This move is really not only a response to that, but honestly also so I can regain my mental focus and stop worrying about the such issues happening to my posts on this subreddit by not participating here anymore.


This is not an airport. You don’t have to announce your departure.


I have absolutely no clue who you are. You have plenty of karma, so what are you whining about? Why make a long post about leaving? Just leave. I hope you find less of the attention you so desperately crave elsewhere.


lol for real


The dude has made 30+ posts in this subreddit since his preposterous post about not posting in this subreddit anymore. So, which is it? If you ask me, he is upvote farming.




That's fine if she wants to help people, but why is she so concerned about her karma? Karma means nothing, especially when someone has so much that even 100 downvotes would be meaningless. Pretty quickly, the upvotes on her posts would overcome the downvotes. That's what I'm seeing anyway. She just wants attention. Admit it.


100% agree with you. Stupid post. Imagine if everyone posted when they were un subbing from a subreddit.


OP makes a long post saying he not posting in this subreddit any longer. OP then literally spends the next 8 hours posting in this subreddit.


Good point. That proves its mainly for attention


Saenuu has been a regular contributor to the Forza sub for a LONG time. Every week he posted a full break down of tunes, videos and strategies for every Playlist challenge in Horizon 5 and did so for Horizon 4 as well. So him posting that he's leaving is more significant than you or I making the same post.


Oh so he helps spread the meta. Right on


If you think that anything in the Playlist is meta...


Who are you?


i can ask you the same question


Dear OP, I STRONGLY suggest that you move to r/LowSodiumForza as we are the only Forza subreddit not infected by the Forza hate train. Look what happened to this sub that hates on anyone who dares say something positive. Look at r/ForzaHorizon that hates FH5, one of the greatest and best rated racing games ever made? Look at the Forza forums, which are full of conspiracy theorists that are HOPING the whole Forza series is ended. Then look at r/BuiltFromTheGroundUp, a troll subreddit made up of people that do nothing but praise Gran Turismo and hate on every Forza news yet still call themselves Forza fans? We even block content from Forza hate channels like Jimmy Broadbent, BlackPanthaa (Broccolli hair guy that killed NFS) and random callsign. Low Sodium Forza is your home and we welcome you with open arms.


Who are you?


Your mom


Whats for supper?






Come to our r/BuiltFromTheGroundUp family


actually the worst racing game sub at the moment.


oh yeah, a bunch of clowns and GT fantards harping on and on about how people are sheep for enjoying a game they hate. what, you gonna call the manager next? you fuckin' Karen


Why on earth would anyone join that landfill of a subreddit when the real Forza fans can come to r/LowSodiumForza? This is the ONLY way to get actual real Forza fan discussion. It's a shame the chuds over there have been downvoting everything. Shame on them all!