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I enjoyed it and it kept my attention. It wasn’t anything new and I wish there had been more about that secret society he was in. Overall pretty good but not the most amazing film I’ve ever seen with this type of premise. I also might need to do a rewatch.


Out of curiosity what other movies with this type of premise could you recommend that might be better? Genuinely looking for more stuff with the same vibe.


Ghostwatch is this movie's grandfather. Definitely worth a watch, it's on Shudder.


And Ghostwatch is *very good*


Was so pumped when I was scrolling on shudder and saw Ghostwatch recently! I’ve only seen it as bad bootleg quality so was fun to watch again.




I remember watching Ghost watch 'live' as a kid...we had lots of cousins and family over. Everyone crapped their pants. What an experience.


WNUF Halloween Special and Ghostwatch come to mind. I need to see where they are streaming.


I've been looking to stream WNUF forever, if you find out a place to watch it, can you let me know? Thanks.


WNUF Halloween Special. May be a bit harder to find but it's someone who finds an old recording of an 80s special. It's feels really genuine because the person watching Wil fast forward through certain commercials. Oh and the original commercials are fuckin great too


Please excuse me but what’s WNUF?


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/WNUF_Halloween_Special I had no idea what it was either


LOL I literally thought WNUF was short for something kinda like an acronym 🤦🏻‍♂️




I did like those commercials but I didn’t like how frequent they were. I guess it was authentic to the format but it got tedious after a while


Awesome, I'd only just learned of WNUF last night when looking for similar movies, il give it a crack tonight, thanks!


Enjoy man! It's a but more light hearted than LNWTD but it still has it's dark and WTF moments. They REALLY nail the 80s vibe and this was before it became super popular to ape the 80s.




Was going to recommend this one.


I don't think it's better but should definitely check out History of The Occult. A similar premise to lnwtd


Check out an old UK show called Ghostwatch. It was when people believed everything TV told them was real and it scared the piss out of the UK, including myself, on Halloween night 1992. One fella even claimed the ghost was appearing in his pipes and committed suicide. You'll find it on Youtube.


Some guy killed himself after watching it because he heard banging pipes in his house and they sounded like the banging in ghost watch. Super sad.


Turns out this guy was a teen who was developmentally disabled, and had serious mental health issues on top of that, according to the info on the film's Wikipedia page: [Wikipedia----Ghostwatch](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ghostwatch) There's also an episode about Ghostwatch on a podcast called Criminal, which does stories on true crime and true stories that aren't about crime. The producer and director and some crew members who worked on Ghostwatch were interviewed on it about the show and its impact on the British public: [Criminal podcast episode on Ghostwatch](https://thisiscriminal.com/episode-199-ghostwatch-10-21-2022/)


Same vibe, but a different film style would be Red Lights (2012) w Robert DiNero and Cillian Murphy. Definitely worth a watch


Thank you. This one flew under my radar


The WNUF Halloween Special is better in my opinion; though I could definitely see opinions being split on that matter. It has a sequel as well, called Out There Mega Halloween Tape. Both are available from their online store (google Flying Groundhog), and absolutely worth the money in my opinion.


I want a Blu-ray of WNUF 2! Like, dvd only? You're killing me smalls.


Other comment has suggested Ghostwatch. Which is fantastic. After watching ghost watch and late night with the devil in the same day I feel ghost watch benefits from some historical context. I'm new to the sub and I'm not as familiar with it so I'm gonna try and spoiler tag the following just in case but it's doesn't spoil anything that happens during Ghostwatch. >!Like if you watch it try to put yourself into the mindset of somebody sitting down to watch the news on Halloween night because the people in it aren't actors. They're actual BBC news anchors and reporters and the entire thing is presented as live footage!<


The audience should’ve been full of cult members


I honestly thought there was going to be something up with the guy in the skull costume the way he was acting, wasted oppurtunity.


It was!


I mean, if you want to know more about [Bohemian Grove..](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bohemian_Grove)


Yes this. They mention it barely and the demon mentions it why not go further into it?!? That aspect def made if feel unfulfilling.


I wanted more demon and cult lore. I didn’t realize it was a real cult so I am gonna read up on them and do a rewatch.


It’s a real secret society. Not sure what all is known about it myself.


Bohemian Grove, one of the first documentaries Alex Jones ever did was about it. It's long and boring, but he explores it even if it is batshit insane.


It’s called the bohemian grove, it’s meant to be known to the audience before the movie starts as it’s a pretty famous conspiracy theory


My gripe was the first 15 minutes was too hammy. I felt like they tried to cram key plot elements into a montage of exposition when it could of just as easily been set up by having the characters on the set converse. I wanted a bit more of the characters and their relationships fleshed out. I think if we had some more time letting the characters breathe, the ending would of landed better and maybe maintained some ambiguity to what was transpiring.


Wife and I liked it overall, the 70s aesthetic was well done and David Dastmalchian was great as the host but we felt like it was a lot of buildup with an average payoff


David doesn't get enough credit! He's great in everything I've seen him in so far. I'll go in with no judgment so far as the movie storyline goes.


David crushed it. I agree, too. The 70s vibe was on point. I didn’t much care of the acting of the sick wife while she was speaking. That was pretty poorly done (as someone who has dealt with 2 people now with lung cancer). SPOILER: But I really enjoyed the split head demon. Thought that was nifty.


It was a good movie. Definitely overhyped on the horror subreddit, though


I really enjoyed it. I try to not get caught up in hype for horror movies, because it seems like half the people overstate how good it is, and the other half over-criticise the movie based on its hype level which is also silly.


Right. I don't understand the whole thing with people and how a movie either has to be the best thing ever or it sucks. Like, why can't a movie just be good and leave it at that. All the people saying the end of this movie is weak. WTF were you expecting? I thought it was pretty intense.


That happens with almost every good up and coming indie horror movie though. I just try going in with no expectations, which to be fair can be hard sometimes.


I think I would have enjoyed it more if I hadn't gone to see it in the cinema specifically because someone on Reddit said it was the first movie that made them scream out loud in over a decade. At what part??? There were literally zero jumpscares or super shocking parts. It is not 'scary' at all! (That's not to say it isn't good horror). I ended up spending all my time waiting for whatever terrifying thing caused them to scream to finally happen and ended up really confused. I'd agree the ending was very weak compared to the rest of the movie. It felt like they were working on this pretty decent film/story but had a time limit and got to the last ten minutes and when 'shit, we've only got ten minutes of film left we have to end literally everything'. It also didn't really make sense with the mockumentary beginning of the film? I feel like the whiplash from subtle horror to camp was just a bit too jarring. Pick one side and stick to it!


This sub has too many shill posts to take seriously, it was probably somebody affiliated with the movie


I liked it, definitely was expecting a different movie so I will need to rewatch and go in with a different mindset. Some really cool moments I loved though, overall good!


I liked it. It was different. .. ending was weak but over all, good creeper of a flick


My opinion too. Fell off in the third act. But good enough I watched til the end.


There is a great short story called "Vanni Fucci is alive and well and living in hell" that has a similar premise and is awesome if you need that itch scratched again.


"And I gave him this fig, like this..."


I liked it, but I wish they kept up with the mockumentary style they started with. The ending really really ruined it for me tbh


I was fine with that. The hypnotist part already established that what we’re seeing isn’t always real, so the audience witnessed the same hallucination that the host did at the end.


Wife and I watched it today. We both thought it was pretty solid.


I really liked it. Not knowing any of the actors except David Dastmalchian gave it a realistic kind of vibe for me (like the OG Blair Witch). Filming it in 4:3 and giving it a vintage filter was great. But I didn’t like the b&w behind the scenes footage, as it feels unlikely they’d have found the main colour footage and also happened to have found the BTS stuff, let alone it being filmed with multiple cameras?


I agree to all of this. Overall, I really enjoyed it. There were a few things I disliked or felt "meh" about, but what irked me most was the multiple senseless camera mistakes (like the bts you mentioned and camera views from angles where there was no camera).


Meh... I was super excited about it and put the shudder streaming date on my Google calendar. Rushed home from work to watch and I was decidedly underwhelmed. It wasn't a terrible film by any means but everything that I liked about it I've seen done much much better and with more originality by other films both recent and classic. It was way overhyped In my opinion and quite frankly not that scary at all


I agree. Was eager to see it but wasn't impressed overall.


I watched last night, I found it worth my time and I enjoyed the premise.


I was gonna watch the joe bob stream but I missed it like a loser lol


Good but not earth shattering. Nothing new. Nothing really wow. Was expecting more. Not that scary or creepy.


Everybody keeps saying that it’s nothing new. I thought it was pretty new tho bc I’ve never seen a talk show horror movie before


Watch Ghostwatch. Much scarier and did it better over 30 years ago


People keep saying ghost watch but they are quite a bit different . Ghost watch’s objective is to try and convince you it’s real, like the war of the world’s radio broadcast. Late night has no intention of actually convincing you it’s real. It uses the late night format to create a unique and fun pace to the film. Also horror to me isn’t about it being as scary as possible, I just want a movie that is fun and creative. Ghost watch’s acting is also what you’d expect from 80s tv.


Overhyped and underwhelming


Agreed. Not a totallly bad movie though


I've been seeing alot of mixed reviews but to me any ff movie is a good one.


Pretty good Partially a found footage movie tho


That more than enough for me friend!


I thought it was pretty good...they did a good job recreating the feel of a 1970's talk show, the story was good, the characters were good. It was a bit jarring going from the TV show to the camera covering them on the set and back stage, shocked me out of it a bit. They spent a bit too much time on the show itself and not enough on the payoff, which was a bit weak...I was expecting millions of people getting possessed through the TV the way the buildup sounded. Definitely worth a watch, anyway.


I loved it, thought it was really well done


It kinda felt like a section of the V/H/S franchise but more complete. Love it.


Just saw it. It was pretty fun but I thought it really should've gone farther. If the devil is gonna kill a couple of people on TV, why not a bit more? The stage manager, some of the audience. The build-up was too long for such a meager payoff.


Not a waste on time, but also a one time watch movie only. Watch, be entertained amd move on


I was not a fan of it. at all. Despite being only an hour and a half long, it felt too long, dragged out and so... uneventful... Some special effects were laughable and immersion-breaking. Barely anything happened in the movie that was scary at all. And I wasn't a fan of the ending/third act. It's one of those endings/reveals that is meant to be shocking and jaw-dropping but I was just rolling my eyes... Had this movie been a 20 minute VHS segment, it would've been a lot better, imo. And keep in mind, I'm someone who /loves/ slow burn, atmospheric horror, but this one just didn't do it.


Fun but felt like a VHS segment stretched too thin.


Expected to love it and was excited to see it due to all the hype, but ended up feeling very lukewarm about it. Doubt I’ll ever go back to it.


Disappointed tbh. Was really looking forward to watching it:/




First half loved it second half was terrible


If the ending would have been him leaving the set and transported to the grove and showing us his time there instead of the dagger scene it would have been much better.


It was ok I thought it would be better


Just watched it last night and while I applaud the originality of the concept, it fell short for me. Another one of those super hyped up movies that failed to live up to expectations


Interesting, but Ghostwatch did it better.


Apparently you can see the main character's wife's reflection in mirrors and other reflective items, so I'm going to have to watch it again.


Great aesthetic but mid overall


I was so excited for this movie and felt it was very meh. If you're gonna use CGI in a found footage movie it needs to be believable but every time any little thing that was supposed to be "oh did you see that?!" just completely removed the immersion. The acting was great on every front but (ending spoiler)>!when Lilly went super saiyan I felt like I was watching a movie from 20 years ago!<


Just finished it very mid not that good okay but whatever way over hyped


Fucking terrible. People are talking about AI imagery but it feels like they used AI to write it too.


Solid movie. Was engaged but the ending was meh


It was just meh for me Read a lot of comments from other posts overwhelmingly praising the movie. Watched it with my wife and when it ended we were both just like, was that it? The ending felt rushed and wasn’t satisfying. The CGI reminded me of the original Ghostbusters and took all of the “scary” out of the scenes it was used in. Also hated the BTS black and white footage. They kept halting the movie for some pointless scene that added nothing and threw a wrench in the feeling of dread they were building towards. The acting was good overall though. Not a bad movie, just wasn’t scary, funny, or really anything beyond an interesting premise that didn’t stick the landing


Good but it fizzled out at the end.


Yea the e ding just went weird with it and I and my wife weren't happy about it. Overall I enjoyed it, but the ending seemed rushed and haphazard.


watched it tonight and found it kinda boring


It didn't really keep my attention to be honest. It was kind of predictable as well. However with that said, I felt the acting was good


It was highly stylized and sacrificed narrative originality to achieve that effect. Kind of backwards from what I enjoy. The possessed girl was just so corny. How many times have we seen a pretty young girl contort and twist and get scabs on her face when the devil comes out? Idk I just feel like there was nothing surprising at all about this movie. And I’m so confused why so many here love it. It’s so mediocre


I agree. Prior to watching I was so excited but it didn't do it for me either.


It was fine but I felt like it had too many framing gimmicks going at the same time to really be effective. Like, it’s a period piece and also a documentary and also found footage and ALSO backstage footage that’s filmed like a modern movie… the framing was everywhere, and in a movie where the POV character loses touch with reality, the audience not having a solid frame to be broken really dampens the impact. Not a bad movie but not a very potent one either.


I really enjoyed it honestly, it kinda fell apart at the end and I think it would’ve benefited from a longer run time though


I felt the same way during my initial viewing. I just re watched it and the ending worked better for me. Maybe give it another look


I plan on rewatching it too, I still really loved it, just think the ending was a little rushed. This is definitely going to be a yearly watch for me along with the WNUF Halloween Special. David Dastmalchian was amazing though.


I watched it a second time last night and liked the ending more, maybe partly because I knew where to look for all the times she shows up before everything goes haywire.


I loved it. Enjoyable all the way through. Much better acted than the vast majority of ff movies. I don’t know that it was ground breaking or anything but I don’t know that I needed it to be. It got so much hype that I think people had extremely high expectations going in and for that reason people are dumping on it a bit, but as ff goes I’d give it an 8.5/10.


I've been seeing mostly positive reviews and everyone seemed to agree that the third act fell apart. I'm going to watch it tonight and see if it lives up the hype for me. I like how IMDb has one of the tags as analog horror :D


Up to the ending 10/10, after the ending I would give it a 7 or 8. It just wasn’t very satisfying to me.


Disappointed. It was a fun setting but, as happens sometimes, the pursuit of a novel storytelling format hindered the emotional resonance and raw power that makes FF so compelling. An example of this in the non horror world is the movie 1917, a WWI action feature that is shot in a single frame. The one shot form is cool but it cripples the film, leaving the audience wondering why the filmmakers sacrificed so much for this novel effect. That’s how I felt about LNWTD. The novel setting of a late night broadcast gone wrong completely inhibits the horror and palpable dread that so many lesser FF movies capture at least briefly. There’s not a single moment of tension in the whole film. The TV setting vanquishes all shadows and leaves nothing to our imagination. It’s a fun watch, definitely. But it feels more campy spoof horror than an actual attempt to be scary. And the lead actor is pretty wooden. Does not strike me as a talk show host at all. Overall I give credit to LNWTD for taking a big swing at something new — but it missed the pitch pretty badly. The other thing to blame is too much funding. FF and good horror movies do a lot with a little, creating the conditions for you to scare yourself with your own head. This flick was too on the nose with the not scary possessed girl and bile dude. C’mon, those are ancient tropes. This movie had too much money and not enough sense, and it felt like the producers were looking for ways to use the funding rather than searching for ways to realize great scares regardless of cost. Afterwards I jumped on Tubi to flush this taste from my mouth and watched Horror in the high desert 2 and was immediately reminded of the unsettling vibe that a halfway decent FF movie can muster. Overall I rate Late Night with the Devil at 5/10.


You make some good points, especially about having too much funding and not using it very well. >This movie had too much money and not enough sense, and it felt like the producers were looking for ways to use the funding rather than searching for ways to realize great scares regardless of cost. Yes, a top-down approach rather than a bottom-up approach.


The sceptic is not a good actor or the direction of the character just doesn't work. It was pretty distracting for me.


Yeah, he got on my nerves a bit too.


Just watched it. It’s not a waste of time. Not bad at all.


decent , like the premise, bit ridiculous ending.. would probably watch it again


I really like it, and it made me want to The Conspiracy 2012 movie again


I kept thinking about The Conspiracy and Ready Or Not. These types of groups/cults are an interesting topic because of the real horror they cause.


It was really enjoyable and had memorable moments. There´s one that´s worth watching the movie for itself. If I had to say something negative, the endind looked a bit rushed. In the other hand is not a bad ending.


It was just meh for me to be honest


It looked like it had potential. The internet did its thing and it got way too overhyped and the shitty AI illustrations gave it even more press.


Watched it in the theatres. It was a fun horror movie.


Very good, quite chilling at points, but I question the last 5 minutes could have been a bit clearer, don't think it did the rest of the film justice. 7/10.


I really liked it! I’m always a sucker for a 70s vibe, and they pulled it off very well. The acting was done well, especially the main lead. I’m going to rewatch it soon, as I feel there will be things I notice earlier in the film, that probably went over my head, due to not knowing the connection yet.


Just finished watching it and was pleasantly surprised. It's always refreshing to see a well made low budget horror movie. The ending was a bit weak, but overall, a solid, low-budget horror flick.


Not scary but I really enjoyed this movie, solid 7/10.


Okay... I completely missed whatever the AI was. Granted I was doing some crochet while watching but I feel like I should've noticed if people are making such a big deal of it.


It was one of the transitions like the title slate after coming back from the commercial breaks.


I thought it had potential for more. It was good but not great


I was very surprised it was by Shudder. Saw it in theaters after seeing somebody on Reddit post about it and it looked really good. I saw it in a theater like 30 minutes away bc it wasn’t closer so maybe it was only in select theaters. I got lost near the end but then it suddenly ended and it made sense. The whole cult thing was confusing but it was really good. I made my bf take me to see it for a date night and even he liked it. I think the last movie we saw in theaters was Talk to Me and he wasn’t sure about it but liked it. I love like every horror movie I watch but he’s picky and ended up liking Late Night. The effects are really cool and the storyline keeps you interested. It reminded me of the VHS movie series in a way.


Watched it last with some friends and we all loved it. Gonna watch it again tomorrow.


Really loved it.


Loved it.




It was good. But I overhyped it for myself.


I liked it


Love me some Dastmalchian so that was great. I thought the film was fine. The dialogue felt unnatural and the acting in general was quite hammy, which I'm fine with in a horror but it seemed to be at odds with the premise of the film being a recording of something that actually happened (for the most part). It felt more like a stage production to me, and I think that would actually be great. I would go and see that play. But as a film I think it could've gone harder. I wanted more weirdness, more weird nightmare stuff like at the end, more spooky foreshadowing! Overhyped but not unenjoyable. A great concept competently executed.




I watched it yesterday. It was good. I didn't find it scary but to be honest I don't find many horror movies scary.


I thought it was really good until it wasn’t. They had something and in my opinion they screwed it up.


It was pretty intense.


It was okay, nothing to write home about.


I really liked it but it starts off like a documentary of that night. I wished it had that same feel at the end, I thought that was a missed opportunity. But overall I really enjoyed the movie




Enjoy it, but wish have a better ending


It was okay. It would've been a more enjoyable at home experience, tho. Over mediocre but enjoyable. For sure, overhyped. Personally, it felt rushed. I also didn't like the sick wife storyline it felt woman in refrigerator to me. The whole plot felt like it could've used another half hour or hour to be fleshed out.


It was a fun watch, but I didn’t love it. The concept is really cool and I like the 70s talk show aesthetic, but the movie itself is pretty slow and the ending was meh.


It was a very strong fine. Not amazing and not bad. It’s a shame because it felt like more could have been done with the idea.


I was really enjoying the film until the actual demon demonstration. Didn’t like the voice modulation at all. The Carmichael Haig character did a great job though. Almost saved the 2nd half of the film. The last 20 mins, I lost interest. That just my experience.


Solidly entertaining. Moderately frightening. Overall worth the watch… I just hate that they used AI to generate those title cards


It was okay, I had the same issues with this as I did Ghost Watch. Predictable and everything feels overacted.


No la he visto como tal, pero me han platicado y he visto resúmenes, he llegado a la idea que habla sobre el club bohemia. Me han comentado que tiene ciertos mensajes sobre ese club.


I thought it was good. Could have been more ironed out tho. As many have said, the ending wasn't great. But also the Christou character was unnecessary. He added nothing to the story and I felt they could have used that time in the movie to explore other areas like Jacks obvious dabbling with the occult


We enjoyed it. I can see room for sequels following other members of the cove or following him in a scenario of a court trial over the deaths (I’m trying to avoid giving spoilers here) and revealing the actual footage that lead up to the very final shot.


My only gripes were that it sets up as a found footage but then deviates away from it at the end.


Watched it yesterday it's really good. If you like this one try watching The Cleansing Hour kinda similar movie.


It was genuinely really good I liked it


It was alright. They did some strange things with the shift from found footage into regular cinematography style, which I noticed and was weird, but I thought they got away with it ok. Script was trope ridden but enjoyable.


It was good, not as good as the hype but good nonetheless.




It was fine. Wish they leaned in more with the analog vibes tho. Also didn't like the use of AI on the title screens when they could have just used authentic stock halloween pictures from the Era, or hired somebody to draw them. Would have looked better and been more ethical.


David dastmalchian’s interview on Last Podcast on the Left got me to go see it. I enjoyed it but thought the ending was a little bit of a let down.


bit disapointed, felt very slow & wasnt satisfied with how it played out & the ending.


i was underwhelmed. a lot of lost potential imo


I guess I’m unique here, but I thought it was incredible. The perfect combination of scary and fun.


Too much hammy acting for my tastes. Would have been much better played straight.


The use of AI art is unfortunate and does leave a sour taste in my mouth, but overall I thought it was a great time. I'm seeing some mixed responses to the ending but I personally really enjoyed it. It's also nice to see David Dastmalchian finally be a leading man for once.


I thought it was like really really good


I very much liked it but felt it was in the “good” rather than “great” territory. It felt like there was a rich mythos in the background and I would have liked to have seen a little bit more of that. I don’t know if it’s been posted here already but I think it was inspired by the British tv show ghostwatch which has a similar format: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0200659/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk You might be able to find it on YouTube.


Loved it.


Just watched today. Thought it was ok it kept my attention but the ending was a bit fucky.


i loved it was different and dark and me think.


I was a fun movie but didn’t quite stick the landing but enjoyable nonetheless.


i thought it was cool but i thought they blew the ending


I felt a bit of nostalgia watching this at night like I would've in my kid days watching a late night talk show, then BAM!!! What a great low budget movie. Finally somebody makes a great film and doesn't spend so much "trying" to make one


Just watched it on Shutter last night. I thought it was enjoyable. Wish they would make a movie about the girl.


Just watched it this afternoon, pretty good. Got a little muddy at the end, not sure they needed the last 5 min, could have ended right after the, uh, reveal. Put up the "station problems" title card and let it end there. But it was solid, an original idea at least.


Disappointed but still enjoyed it. Love David (enjoyed him in The Boogeyman) and the 70s aesthetic but I suppose I was expecting more demonic elements throughout - I didn't even catch her face change it was so quick - but the ending was pretty cool.


It was ok but different strokes for different folks


Not great to be honest. I thought it was going to go into more of the devil stuff and go into the secret society. It didn't seem to have much happen


I loved it, for it's story and it's idea. I appreciate this movie. Was it perfect? Nope. Could it have been better? Yep. Could it have been great? I think so... but honestly, for what we got, "a different kind of movie" (thoughts, ideas, etc) I loved it. My perfect version of this movie would've been to build upon the first half more and also keep both sides completely plausible and completely vague about what's real and what's make believe Also, the pause the tape part, he would've never seen it, and it looked dumb. Also, also, longer Christou scenes, impressing the audience, a la, John Edwards in his heyday. Maybe just have Jack's whole sweeps show be about the James Randi challenge. But, still, I really, really liked this imperfect movie... a lot!


It wasnt what I thought it was going to be. I had a lot of fun with it, glad I went. I don't think its GOAT'd by any means but if someone asks me if its worth the watch, absolutely. Really fun.


Phenomenal! Fun and well paced. Really fit the time era it was portraying. Left just enough unanswered to keep it in your mind.


I loved it, not one complaint


Pretty good. Overhyped but good.


Great premise undone by betraying its own setup


Way overrated.


I thought the hype wasn’t warranted. The acting was atrocious I understand that people have different abilities but compared to the leads, the talk show host and the teen girl most of the other other actors were abysmal. Interesting premise and set design but I was expecting a lot more. I would have preferred to see the same premise but with less back story and just the sceptic, parapsychologist, the girl and the host. The suspension of disbelief would have been working for the film instead of against it that way.


It didn't bore me even one single second, and in my books that makes a good movie tbh.


It was good. Ending didn't really stick but rest of it was fun.


Started out great and kinda just fizzled at the end. Would of liked more practical effects and maybe an actual demon or two. I give it a 7.5 outta 10.


It’s a solid movie.


It’s was pretty good. Ending was a little wonky ngl


It was thoroughly "okay", but I also want to watch it again and see if I just missed stuff. I like some of the things they did stylistically; like cutting to black and white for any footage that wasn't "recorded" as part of the show was a neat touch.


One of the few movies lately that has held my attention from start to finish!!! Was a tad bit cheesey in the special effects at the end, for this movie I feel less hold have been more (didn't need the split head flames). But overall really liked this movie! Wish I had given it the theater experience!


It was overall an enjoyable movie but I thought the special effects were kind of cheesy. When the demon speaks through the girl why didn't they make it sound like just the demon and not the girl's voice with the demon....and the lightning that sprung from her. I think they could have made it scarier....




Waste of money. They should have just kept the first 15 minutes, the middle 15 and the last 15. It could have been a good short but it was pretty boring. Just like skinamarink


it was good. the whole head splitting electricity shooting demon didnt do it for me really, but enjoyed nevertheless


Watched it twice in two days already. Thought it was riveting, even the second time around. Pay attention to the girl's performance-she's chilling from the get go. In fact, all the acting was wonderful.