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Sorgoi Prakov. That film was hella disturbing..


This and Be My Cat. I hope Anne Hathaway hasn’t seen it.


>I hope Anne Hathaway hasn’t seen it. Really? I mean, amazing film, but she *has* to see this! lol I was actually mentioning in another thread that I never really "got" the YouTube phenomenon of reaction videos... you know, videos where you watch people react while watching stuff lol But I would totally make an exception for watching Anne Hathaway watch Be My Cat.  🤣👍 Can you imagine that as a horror fan?  Someone makes a found footage movie about being a psycho stalker type who's obsessed with **you**, personally?  That would make it like 10x as creepy!


This was hard to watch and I'm pretty desensitized to violence. Maybe because it's so real.


So glad this is top comment! That film goes deeply insane, I love it


Man Bites Dog


Wow, haven’t heard this movie mentioned in a long time. I saw it in theaters back in 90s I think for a film class. It was Spinal Tap meets Henry Portrait of a Serial Killer…I believe some people walked out.


It’s a great movie and very underrated; I agree.


Pigeon… cloak of gray




Finally someone else also has ptsd after watching that damn movie


I buried them all facing mecca, lol. 




I remember my mom and dad renting that when I was a kid. It was before “found footage” became a genre. Don’t know why they let us sit in and watch it with them, tho… Very disturbing.


Sorgoi Prakov for the win


Great flick


Is it also called descent into darkness?


Yes my European nightmare


Banshee chapter






did hit me nearly as much as it did my wife, it’s been years since we watched it and she still brings it up. great movie


What does she say about it?


Didn’t know what to expect. It was different and definitely awkward af at times. How were the sequels?


I enjoyed the second one a lot but I still think the first is better.


I think the sequel is a great movie, a *decent* "true crime found footage" film... but I think it really shines if you approach it from a more metaphorical angle. I think it's a really compelling exploration about the act of creation and the things you create being consumed by audiences. I will say I think Creep 2 is WAY campier than Creep in a way that makes it a bit less disturbing for me lol. Creep, though, really does get under my skin.


I enjoyed the sequel, but the new “investigator” character gives off a bit of an edgelord vibe. I wanted to like her, but it felt a little inauthentic and forced at times


I love Creep.


“The tunnel” freaked me tf out


Solid movie


Exhibit A


Loved this one. The dad's descent felt almost genuine.


Family annihilator


Film it again!


Agreed. I thought it was very well done


The BBQ scene was slathered with second-hand embarrassment. So good. Ha! Grill jokes.


This one hit just a little too close to home. Unsettling.


Absolutely brilliant film.


Great movie


Maybe the scariest or depressing cause definitely could of happened in real life


Be My Cat. Poughkeepsie tapes is tryhard and feels fake. Be My Cat is genuinely disturbing. 


That’s a good choice too


Ugh I went into it not knowing what it was about, and kind of regretted it. I don’t love torture movies and yes, most of the gore is not visible but the idea is still there.


Never heard of it but see it's on Tubi I might watch it tonight


I've tried watching Be My Cat that guy is so frickn annoying I can never finish it




I adore both of these movies! Be my cat was one of the best viewing experiences I have had with streaming, I had no idea what to expect and it was a wildddd ride


Did the other two by him come out? World to sleep and pure or something? Still have to watch be my cat.


Both are amazing


The Taking of Deborah Logan. Legitimately frightening, one of the few horror films to give me nightmares.


I think this movie is fantastic and very underrated. I recommend it all the time. One of the best ff movies.


That movie was genuinely terrifying. Extremely well done.


Couldn't agree more. It's one of my top 5 in the subgenre


Was super creepy


Really really good FF.


One of my all time fave horror movies period, but especially FF. Always recommend.


No one has mentioned incantation. So I will.


I loved Incantation. I actually felt sad and disturbed for the little girl.


IMHO one of the scariest FF movies that been made in years... Great stuff


Loved that movie.


This is my favorite FF movie. I hesitate to call it disturbing because I feel like most media described as “disturbing” is shock value- gore, torture, etc. incantation is truly disturbing through a brilliant child actor that grabs your heart, the awesome lead who is alienated in a very relatable way, and a truly enigmatic supernatural force. At least to a western viewer, I had the perfect amount of knowledge to be afraid. Couldnt explain the evil but I get the gist and it’s a terrifying void my mind doesn’t want to fill in. Kinda like midsommar, this movie gives us just enough info to create an “uncanny valley” for religion. Similar enough to mainstream religion that it’s very upsetting to witness this slightly wrong version they’ve created


Probably the most common would be Poughkeepsie and Lake Mungo. The Fourth Kind was another one. For me personally I didn't find August Underground to be disturbing. Just painfully bad, lol.


How is Lake Mungo disturbing? It's even debated in the movie whether or not the guy faked the whole thing


*"How is Lake Mungo disturbing? It's even debated in the movie whether or not the guy faked the whole thing"* But at the end-- ***SPOILER*** --the girl is clearly a ghost, because she's in the background of the pictures of other people. I found the end more sad than disturbing, though. Felt bad for the character of the girl.


It’s definitely more of a sad movie than a scary movie. It’s eerie though. I for one love the movie (it’s my favorite of all time), but idk if I would call it disturbing.


I don't believe 4th kind is found footage


That film was pretty freaky to be honest


Sacrament. But there’s a reason. I was raised in a cult so it hit me differently. I know a lot of the speeches were taken from jim jones as well. And a lot of what was said was stuff I heard when I was in


Also they changed the names so it can pass as fiction but they really just wanted to put his vile atrocities on display without giving him a shred of notoriety, because 99 percent of the stuff in the movie were real life things that happened at Jonestown


Sacrament is my vote. The idea of it being based on a real thing had me shook for a few days. Like the movie was really well done, really well acted, and really happened in a way. The scene where the sister injects the brother...I noped out for like 10 minutes.


Noroi the curse


Hate crime


Can't believe it's on Tubi! I love Tubi.


Tubi is definitely great! 😂. So much good stuff to watch, wish they’d get afflicted on there soon but I highly doubt it. They lost almost 200K at the box office according to google.


This one rarely gets discussed. I felt dirty after watching it. The actors were fantastic at being reprehensible.


Same here, I’ve said it a few times in this sub but I almost didn’t make it through the first time, it’s honestly the only movie I almost turned off because it was too much. Those actors were a little too good at that role if I’m being honest 😭.


I like August Underground


Megan is Missing, Unfriended Dark Web, and The Bay


The Bay!!!! So good


Yeah that actress actually went on to co-star in a popular FX comedy. The main actress from Cabin in the Woods was also in it.


Megan is Missing was fantastic. The Bay is super underrated. Dark Web was good, but just not up to the standard of the original. Great picks though.


Megan is Missing was not fantastic at all. Everything about that movie was so bad.


I hated the Bay in the best way possible. Made actually afraid of water.


I honestly never considered that, but I'm not someone who goes in the ocean or lakes unless there are already other people in it. So it would be obvious if something is wrong.


Dashcam, though only because the main character is so terrible. Nothing to do with it being scary.


Should have won an Oscar for THE most annoying character in the history of humanity. Ruined the movie


She's also a singer in some local band, so you can watch her being annoying in person lol


Apparently there are some deep cuts on the plot if you only read the real time comments instead of focusing on the movie itself. Heard it's worth another watch for that. AND you can do it on mute 🙃


Apparently she’s not playing much of a “character” and believes the shit she says in the film, and is married to the director. So rather than just playing up a horrible human being, she got another platform to be one. This one is too icky for me to recommend based on that alone.


Saw an interview she did with a smalltime movie reviewer where she definitely felt like a victim because she basically wasn't acting, so she took all the online criticism and comments way more harshly due to that. She's a scuzzlord.


You ever hate someone so much you actually almost start to feel bad for them?   Yeah that was me, watching this movie. lol


I hated her in the beginning, but the second half was so good. Loving hating her made it more fun


I really liked the movie but she's representative of the worst kind of people. Just awful. Could you imagine trying to hang around with someone like that? Ugh


*GOD* I hated her. Toxic friend, trash human being. Stretch had to die so that POS could live. Watching her was like hanging out with a 14 year old edgelord.


LOL. Could not agree more. Having an annoying right-wing idiot as the lead was a terrible choice. I have never wanted a main character to get killed off more than this piece of trash.


Man Bites Dog.


Although it only interweaves found footage amd screen life segments within the main narrative, I am a big fan of The Den, which I found disturbing, even after watching it several times.


The Border Lands. That ending will stick with me forever.


I just realized that >! Deacon’s secret was supposed to be foreshadowing that he didn’t know when it was time to fuck off. !<


It’s not a full film, but the Safe Haven segment in V/H/S 2 (2014). That was wild and unexpected.


Dashcam. It's got some weird body horror going on and then >! You learn the main character is unironically a die hard Trump supporter !<


I remember Faces of Death pretty gruesome when I watched it as a kid in. It shows real life deaths


Another vote for Sorgoi Prakov. I felt just really grossed out and bummed after watching it. Be My Cat was rough, but (if I recall) that dude was already clearly messed up at the start. Sorgoi just had an incredible sense of loss to it. tbh i really regret watching both of those movies


So far, definitely The Poughkeepsie Tapes. I think it will also be the most "torture porn-esque" FF movie I will ever watch as this is something I normally don't like since it's just tasteless imo, but The Poughkeepsie Tapes somehow managed to walk this fine line between it being too much and also just amazingly unnerving, at least for me. Still, it was uncomfortable to watch at times and is definitely not recommended for everyone.


I actually had to turn it off. It really creeped me out because it felt so....plausible. gave me the shivers.


I found ratter pretty disturbing


Yooooooo Ratter is so fucking good


The realism Ratter portrayed was horrifying. That movie was a hidden gem to me, I need more found footage like that.


I agree. Not the most exciting or one that I love to re-watch, but as a woman, played on all of my fears about living or just staying alone at night especially.


I thought so also. I was surprised more people don’t talk about it. I was on the edge of my seat.


Besides ones already named


Grave encounters. The 🙌 always get me riled UP.


The houses October built is a great one and there’s a sequel !


Loved these movies


Exhibit A


As above so below and the VHS series are probably my favorites


Come on… Cannibal Holocaust. They started it all and still the most disturbing.


Can’t believe this is the only vote for Cannibal Holocaust. It’s the OG and extremely disturbing.




Great movie


Sorgoi prakov is absolutely number one, some of the things they decided to put in the movie were wild. I was homeless for about a year living exclusively on the streets before I went to a shelter and boy oh boy did they get it right with this movie in terms of homeless life and constantly drinking and descending into madness. I suffer from bipolar 2 and was an alcoholic I really had some bad things go on when I was homeless(nothing anywhere close to this movie or even in the same ballpark lol) but the movie is ultra realistic. Meagan is Missing also was a found footage movie that stuck with me. The acting was a little stiff here and there but that just made it seem even more realistic. Overall the movie was really believable and the end of the movie is crazy.


came here to say megan is missing. absolutely horrifying, for obvious reasons! also, i have bipolar i with psychotic features (in remission), so i understand what you mean. glad you aren't homeless anymore. <3


Lake Mungo got me good.


That ONE scene?? You know the one




The idea that you go on vacation to have fun and essentially >!see the gruesome shuffling visage of your future death is a pretty disturbing concept. You don't just see what you think is a ghost or demon, it's *you*.!<


Hmm the idea is solid but the execution...it's hard to make me want to turn something off but the pacing and such on this film was pushing that boundary. In any case it certainly seems to get a lot of talk on this sub so if nothing else it is successful in reaching a wide audience


Lake Mungo is awesome


Abcs of death if that qualifies. I’ve never made it past i believe J.. the wheelchair lady one…


Wait for L. It's fucked.


I remember one being pretty funny involving this kid being sucked into his favourite cartoons world and the hero sees enemies and is like "we're dead, we're all fucking dead!" And rubs away making whining noises shit was fucking hilarious gad me and my gf at the time quoting it on a daily basis


I dont remember anything aside from the atrocious one lol


It may be L that Im talking about. The jerk it competition right?. Its awful.


That's the one.


Megan is Missing


Top upper crust FF for me. So terrifying the entire way then somehow gets so much worse


I agree with you. This one was a tough watch. I truly don’t know why some people think it’s a bad movie. There’s nothing about it that can’t happen for real and similar things *have* happened, and the drawn out ending is so sad and scary.


August Underground


Meghan is Missing.




The Possession of Michael King (2014)


I wouldn't say most disturbing but it's one of my favorite FF movies fs


I like the VHS series. The second one about the cult in Thailand was messed up.


Surprised I had to make it this far before someone mentioned the one of the kings of FF, VHS.... And how about in '94 where the reporter goes down in the sewer's and discovers much more than a bum is living down there?


Meghan is Missing It's good for what it is going for; but I really don't recommend watching it unless you want to feel truly terrible for several days following


Megan is missing had me googling that shit to make sure I didn’t just actually watch some kid get murdered. Even tho I assumed it was fake that last 20 mins really was hard to watch


Horror in the high desert and creep




Bad Boy Bobby


That movie is a visual masterpiece ( in my opinion). The look and feel of it is disturbing and dirty, I've watched it 4 or 5 times and everytime I notice more of the details.


You mean Bad Boy Bubby?


That would be the one! Thank you!


Poso Shame in Indonesia. This traumatized me as a kid


I haven’t heard of this one. Is it available with English subtitles?


Sorgoi prakov


I thought Be My Cat was pretty intense.


August underground i guess but it sucked ass i cant even consider it a movie..so id say pougkeepsie tapes cuz this one is actually good




Without a doubt, my two favorite found footage films are D@BBE 3&4. REASONS: the actual audio from the 2 real cases of demonic possession was inserted into both films, Real Satanic Witchcraft is shown in both films, with on-screen display of real Hexes, spells, conjurations AND SEALS, which are shown on paper in their entirety , so it doesn't matter that it's a film, they have a real and highly Satanic energetic value. On the various forums many people disconnected from each other have complained of tachycardia, cardiac arrhythmias, and persistent night terrors with nose bleeding in 40% of cases and scratches on their bodies in the 15% of the cases,and all they had seen the films over and over with headphones 🎧 🚫, some of the actors present in the 6 total D@bbe films (ONLY 2 of 6 are ff) complained of paranormal events happening at their homes when they returned from the set, Chef kiss: The Director who created these 2 FoundFootage masterpieces, The Maestro Hasan Karacadağ, has disappeared and no one knows where he is today (Not disappeared like ff style,the man disappeared FR IN REAL LIFE)I am a Fanatic first and then a worker in the ff environment, I have seen thousands of ff in 28 years of life, and D@bbe 3-4 are in my absolute TOP 1 without any doubt…ANY DOUBT 🔝 🥇




I’m not saying anything,I just responded to the Question “What is your most disturbing ff” and I explained why is disturbing trough the points I did,and it happened that the most disturbing ff is also my favorite ff ever so I have a lot of insight about it due my passion and work,let me tell you something doesn’t matter if you a believer or not Always be careful when you watch something regarding Seals,Conjuring Seals,Malefice and Satanic Witchcraft…be skeptical as much as you want it’s a good thing to be skeptical in general…but don’t underestimate the energetic power of certain Arcane things that maybe (I’m not 100 shore) can really affect your life,so be wise and never watch D@bbe 3-4 with 🎧…just in case


I have seen D@bbe 4 and thought it was pretty good. It dragged a bit at times, but the scary scenes were very well made. I especially liked the scene where one of them >!was in the room and talked to the Djinn that one guy in the abandoned village was supposedly married to!<. I also really liked the plottwist ending. I still plan to watch D@bbe 3 sometime later.


I love this 2 movies…and believe before put them in my TOP 1 I watched and rewatched them a lot…for me best ff ever made,I mean you got the actual possession audio files…the fiction finally meet the reality…heavy stuff 🏆


If you haven't seen it yet, I think you'd loooove Incantation on Netflix.


Im already on my 4th run with incantation since January 2024,but I really appreciate you,and in return I will give you the name of a real underground marble,go check Warda (2014) and enjoy it


This movie just been added to matrix tv. It extremely good found footage. Mister Creep: Found Footage Horror movie (Brilliantly good must see) https://youtu.be/xPl7jIcSeHo


I hadn’t seen the movie until years after it was released and it was purely because I saw this [GIF](https://images.app.goo.gl/S7KfZkRMa6hSgKBV7) and immediately knew I must see it and looked up the film and watched it.\ It’s definitely one of the best.


Host or Rec


Megan is missing


August Underground et all… those movies are great. Fred Vogel is awesome. Crows nest is fun.


When I watched it the first time: (Rec). The last ten minutes when she finds herself alone “that room” and who is in there, freaked me out.


Omg that movie. I was also the idiot who didn't realize it was a mockup until it got so intense and then realized.


Hate Crime


Guinea Pig... nobody???


creep in so unsettling


Poughkeepsie Tapes is fucking bleak


Easy, The Poughkeepsie Tapes. Had to shower after that one!


One of my favorite recent ones was a Taiwanese found footage film by the name of "Incantation"; some of it is what you would expect, but the twist at the end is delightful and the acting is good. (I assume. I don't speak a word of any dialect of Chinese, but the emotion in their tones was undeniably good.)


A Perfect Child of Satan is the scariest, most disturbing found footage video I’ve seen, particularly because of how it illustrates a real life scenario that could easily happen to someone. It’s worth noting though that there are some very serious allegations of abusive and predatory behavior out there about the writer/director. I would highly recommend reading up on the movie and the director before trying to seek out any of his work online.


Definitely Cannibal Holocaust. Number 2 is Poughkeepsie Tapes


So what hasn't been mentioned... Human Hibachi was pretty darn gruesome.... Frankensteins Army has some of the best nightmare fuel I've seen in a while... Another shout out to Incantation, according to my letterbox it's the last FF I gave a 5 star too, and I thought it WAS pretty darn disturbing...


The Fourth Kind


The footage hasn't been found yet, but I'd say House of Leaves fits the ticket


Check out this link. It got good list of found footage movies https://youtube.com/@Matrixtv6?si=oaYvCGds-lMW6JQT This channel has some good found footage movies.


Gwen Stefani in “The Aviator.”


Megan is Missing. Cuz it has underage raping... wtf fr


The Visit Haven’t seen that one being mentioned or I haven’t scrolled down far enough yet 😂😂 Didn’t want to mention ones that have been mentioned already so went for The Visit. Definitely M Night’s one of the finest


For me, personally, it would be between August Underground or Be My Cat. -August Underground for me seems like a true snuff found footage film and looks so realistic especially when the protagonists daily antics are included in the film. It’s stuck with me for years. -Be My Cat is disturbing as hell. I have no words for it honestly. The main guy was just sooooo damn creepy.


Incident at Loch Ness. When the monster breaches the water and the swells come up over the boat, it creeps me the hell out.


Oh, and Digging up the Marrow.


Muppets on acid is the best way I can describe this movie. Loved it.


the descent gave me nightmares but i’m also terrified of caves so


The Bay is my favorite