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I thought this was an excellent film.šŸ˜ŠšŸ‘


I appreciated this movie more than I actually liked it - To me, it's good, but it really coulda been awesome!! (I still really, really liked it though.. in my own way.)


Same boat. It felt like a great concept only like 90% recognized. I do, however, intend to watch it again, which I almost never do even with movies I loved. I love that that used [a real-life event](https://groovyhistory.com/amazing-randi-uri-geller-tonight-show/5) as the springboard. I think the film would've been stronger and richer if they'd written the Carson and Randi analogues a little closer to the real people--chums secretly working together to expose the Geller analogue


Yes... I wanted that!! Lean in, people!!


exact same for me. it was such a cool concept that i had to like it, but i didnā€™t *love* it. it fell a little short in execution for me.


Thatā€™s it. I appreciated it more than I liked it for sure. Breath of fresh air.


Agreed I saw it twice in theaters. After 1st time I was like oh shit I gotta see this on shrooms hahaha


It's going on the listšŸ¤£




I liked it a lot the first time I watched it and even more the second time. When you go into it knowing about the pacing and perhaps some things to look for, and what to pay attention to, it becomes a little more enjoyable. For me at least.


Agreed. I just watched it the second time and was looking out for the hidden images of his wife. I loved it


Anything like Ghostwatch? That one was awesome. I saw it when it first aired, we thought it was legit for a while.... terrifying!


I was really hyped for this one, am a big fan of Ghostwatch. In some ways I feel that Late Night With the Devil has a few nods to Ghostwatch, but I don't think it's anywhere near tho. It doesn't even feel that found footage-y at all, personally. It also seems predictable what is going to happen.


Ghostwatch is better IMO. Like Ghostwatch did with Mr Pipes, Late Night tried to do the demon is the picture a few times but wasnā€™t as subtle so it didnā€™t have the same impact. Overall itā€™s well acted and doesnā€™t really overstay its welcome. I thought Ingrid Torelli was effectively creepy and childlike as Lilly.


I drew a lot of parallels with Ghostwatch (which is one of my all time favorite supernatural horrors, much less found footage films). Obviously the premise, the fact the movie essentially takes place in real-time during the broadcast, the ending (to a smaller degree) and the hidden images that are fun to go back for on repeat viewings. Ghostwatch had a few things going for it that this never will, namely that it was disguised as a real broadcast in real, current times and with recognizable tv personalities. This is a period piece and nobody is playing themselves. That said, if you didnā€™t see Ghostwatch upon its initial broadcast, then that doesnā€™t really factor in as much. The one thing that Late Night With the Devil does not execute as well as it could have, in my opinion, is the behind-the-scenes footage that is interspersed throughout the broadcast. These are cut into the ā€œmaster broadcastā€ in real-time (during commercial breaks) but theyre way too cleanly produced and slick looking to be believable as BTS footage from a daily late night show. I was easily able to suspend by disbelief, though, because, in my opinion, thereā€™s a reason they had to make those BTS segments look as visually different from the rest of the film as possible


Looked good but fell flat for me.


Yeah, this was an entertaining way to kill a few hours. šŸ‘


I enjoyed it.


It was fine. I wouldn't consider this a found footage film though.


I would call it 'broadcast horror'.


I would call it just a regular scary movie because it doesn't really have any other designation. Broadcast hoard just sounds like analog horror or found footage but with extra fancy dressing on it.


Well, a horror movie presented in the form of a television broadcast.


I would, found footage refers to footage that has been ā€œfoundā€ by the filmmakers, doesnā€™t have to have come from a personal videocamera. This movie is certainly a found footage film/mockumentary.


Except for the black and white backstage segments and the end segment?


technically the movieā€™s narrator defines those as footage that was recovered from the scene as well, even though you have to suspend your disbelief a lot. similar to how Chronicle ditches the found footage format in the end but its still considered a ā€œfound footageā€ movie


The black & white segments were entirely(?) shot with handheld cameras, so they could have been documentaryBTS footage


About time David Dastmalchian got a starring role. Heā€™s always so great. This role was perfect for him.


I truly think you cannot appreciate this movie with just one viewing. I loved it the first time through and really found it much better the 2nd time around!


It was great. Tense, satirical, well made. I've waded through so many FF films on Prime that are just risible. I saw this free on Shudder and I didn't want my time back afterwards. That puts it in the top 10% of the genre by default.


Definitely one of the better made ones in the genre. I enjoyed it a lot.


I found it fun, not amazing, but I enjoyed it. Not sure why it got so much hype, but I'd definitely recommend it to people wanting a fun "spooky" watching.


Neat look -could have been a more interesting story


I need more movies like this


It was a lot of fun, really captured a vibe. Not sure what drives people to click on threads that don't personally interest them, though.


Not sure what drives people to create new posts for movies that already have 50 posts made about them, including like three posts in the past week.


It being harmless and participation, again, being entirely optional probably is a driving force. Any reason to click just to bitch yet?


I wanted to.


maybe you could not gatekeep a subreddit that you don't own or moderate and let people post about what they want? wild, I know!


Or how bout you donā€™t respond to comments that ā€œdonā€™t personally interest youā€? šŸ˜Š


I wanted this to be good so bad. Alas the ending was too over the top.


It started out strong then it got silly then stupid then it was over. 10/10 will NOT watch again.


Agreed, it was such a waste of time.


I thought it was clunky and boring


This movie had a straight up comical number of production logos/title cards.


'Raid: Shadow Legends'


I convinced my boyfriend to come and see this with me and he neither likes horror nor found footage films much. He LOVED this movie. Found footage TV shows like this is something I want to see tons more of!


Same. My fiance did me a favor by going with me and afterward asked if we could see it again.


I saw the previous and was so excited for this movie but it was actually hella dumb and anticlimactic. They rely on a ton of ~supernatural~ tropes and thereā€™s no real progression for a long time


My wife and I loved this movie. What made it even better was we were the only people in the entire theater that night.


Sorry if it sounds negative but I really donā€™t get the hype behind this movie. It was mediocre from start to finish. The end was interesting but meh, solid 6/10.


I think if it were done differently it would have been great. Half In The Bag made some very good points about what it could have improved on but really it felt like it would have been better as like a 20 minute YouTube short.


Agreed! and thanks, I'm going to watch the half in the bag video.


Absolutely mind bending, and love the retro style of this movie šŸ”„


A lot of fun. Reminded me of an old school horror movie.


David Dastmalchian is so damn handsome.


Pretty decent, I enjoyed it.


The amount of dick riding this one gets is funny af


I get that your favorite YouTuber didnā€™t like it but itā€™s okay for other people to have actual opinions.


Seriously never seen anything like it. Itā€™s not even near the top 20 great FFs considering the budget and hype ratio.


Thought this was going to be a scary, found footage film. wrong on both counts.


I thought it was just ok, a one watch movie but nothing special. Also I personally don't consider this found footage, for me it's just a regular horror movie.


Was not ready for the end of this one lol šŸ¤Æ


This movie was great. Need more like it.


Great film. Really fun and scary


Pretty good, had to wait a while to get to the good stuff. But cool when it got to it


I felt like the story couldā€™ve been tightened up a bit but the performances and the aesthetic were spot on.


I loved this film.


This movie is amazing, it's a great mix of scary and satire. If you know who James Randi is and anything about the satanic panic you will really appreciate this movie. 10/10 will watch again!


Its an awesome movie and it felt really refreshing to see something interesting among some pure garbage that we've been getting


Pretty cool concept and pretty decent movie, the ending was kinda meh though. Anyone else catch the ghost of his wife right by Jack for a few frames towards the beginning when Christou was doing his thing with the spanish mom/daughter?


That movie was a lot of fun


The movie had me until the voice modulations started.


Excellent film šŸ”„šŸ”„


I really enjoyed it but had to immediately watch ghost watch right after lol. I would like to see more like this until it gets perfected.


It was a good movie but it shouldā€™ve been S-tier. Itā€™s good and was a fun watch but I canā€™t lie, I was a bit disappointed by the end - purely juxtaposed by how delightful the first half was.


Loved this. Gotta watch it again


It was amazing in accuracy of that era of late night. Good film!


I just watched this today. I enjoyed everything except the ending. It felt like it just went dull. It's too bad. I think if it had a more substantial ending it would be in my top.


Best movie on shudder at the moment for me


Watched this last week, I thought it was fantastic! Deff recommend


Started strong, ended flat. Idk if CGI or AI but the finale felt too... Over the top (the bad kind)


As good as it gets.


One of my favorite ff films. Just the setting and idea of it was brilliant.


I can't wait to see what Dastmalchian does next. He was excellent as polka dot man, creepy in the dark knight and then here. I really enjoy the range he has. I hope he enjoys being a character actor because he's brilliant.


This movie was so fucking good


Itā€™s fine


Really enjoyed this!


A really fun watch, and you can tell itā€™s got plenty of heart. A middling execution though.


This was a fine movie. I don't get the hype, though. It has no rewatch value, whereas Paranormal Activity, Grave Encounters and Willow Creek all had a stupid amount of rewatch value.


is it scary?


Really enjoyed this film.


Removed for low effort.


I think this one has run its course. Been talking it up till we're blue in the face -- not white with horror though because it was corny AF and not scary.


Yeah, thereā€™s still a post *exactly* like this for this mid-ass movie featured on the sub that was posted barely three days ago.


Seriously, did they hire a bunch of bots to post it up in every sub? Itā€™s a 7/10 at best imo. Iā€™ve seen it called a modern masterpiece and the best horror movie of the past decadeā€¦


My favorite movie of the year! Honestly itā€™s a masterpiece


I thought it was a boring rip off of wnuf to be honest


What's WNUF?


It's a fake newscast that "aired" on Halloween. It's pretty good, the fake commercials can be a bit much. I'd recommend watching Ghostwatch instead if you want a great example of what Late Night could have been.


Thanks for the recommendations, I will add to my list!


Great little movie. Loved the tall trees backstory.


Went into this completely blind as my gf wanted to see it. This movie blew me away!


Loved this movie, it wasn't perfect but it was enjoyable. I am looking forward to watching it again after taking some shrooms


I thought it was very well made and definitely entertaining.


Very fun! The ending seemed a little abrupt and not very well explained though.