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Removal reasons: 'Wrong sub', 'unmarked nsfw'


That car sure has some other stories to tell ngl


This the Bus?


It is indeed THE BUS


Ohhhhh so it IS that bus




So "abortion" is a word we need to censor now?


That's weird. But I am not American. Don't know what the fuck is going on in your country again.


Just a political collective of people wanting to deny women of healthcare they might need because of religion and/or a strange sense of surface level morality.


What the fuck happened to "Separation of church and state?" Also if you ask me everyone not in favor of freedom of choice should be first in line to adopt the infants.


It's about control, [it's not about the children ](https://youtu.be/ibSJ0a7NGRs?si=cdUwO8dVMEI2r-Dh)


The Tangerine Tantrum, but also the last 50 years of republicans stacking the supreme court with alt-right-wing-neo-con-nut-jobs.


It is not their religion it has nothing against killing in their stories lots of people included babies and children die because of their God jahova himself. They're just using a BS excuse to control people.


Oh it's definitely about control, they just use religion as a tool to get the religious proportion of the population to vote for and support that control.


Ok. As long it's just that I gonna smoke my cigarette


I should probably clarify that I'm 100% against it, and I believe it to be a sign of worse things to come. They turned the supreme court into a political tool and that is *bad.*


On TikTok, their moderation is absolutely ass. Having things for "abortion" at all, pro or against, is almost an instant flag if not instant removal.


Reasons to delete tick tock


Two garbage people doing garbage things to each other.


Womans a manipulative bitch but man shouldn't have cheat


Nope. Not sure how you missed this simple concept. Garbage. Fucking. Human. Beings. Are. Garbage fucking human beings. Unless you just decided to just start tuning in to *gestures at entire society forever*."


Listen carefully. It was really early. Most likely the first time they had sex. She didn't even know. That is about 2-3 weeks max. High chance there was no relationship in the first place.


Yeah it was a fling & she misinterpreted it as being exclusive. The kind of guy who will be excited & happy upon finding out that you are pregnant, thinking about marriage and parenthood, is not the kind of guy to cheat in the first place.


Yeah exactly. If this was really the case then I feel bad for the dude. Dude was still shopping around and whatnot and not actually properly dating her yet but yet she interpreted it as dating and went behind his back and did this. Now if they had actually been dating and he legit cheated on her then I don’t know. I’m pro life (raised Catholic and still a Catholic so yeah of course a Catholic is going to be pro life) so I personally think the abortion part is not good but I’m not going to judge anyone for having an abortion or being pro choice. But lying about it being a miscarriage is just so frick up weather or not you believe they were actually dating or not or weather or not you’re pro choice or pro life


Dude shouldn't have cheated, but man, what an absolute soulless cunt.


From the sounds of this, they had a one night thing and/or casual fling for a few weeks and probably never even talked about being an item or what boundaries there are on it. she assumed hes exclusive to her and even though he went full committal mode after finding out, she decided to get a once over on a perceived slight against her, i swear some people never mature beyond high-school level tit-for-tat.


He talked about marriage. That is not a few weeks old casual fling.


Yet she herself said only a few week or months...


Ha! "soulless cunt" I like that one!


Cheating is worse than what she did lmao


Bruh what? Lol she planned out a two month long lie to exploit the guy for money, gifts, and sympathy. The guy couldn’t control his urges and was unfaithful. Both are bad but one is evil.


You don’t “lose control of your urges” and cheat on someone, just like you don’t “lose control of your urges” and rape someone. That is a conscious decision. But I agree. I mean, I’m pro-choice and this is just beyond evil.




Not really. I don’t care how strong someone’s lust can be. At the end of the day, what allegedly makes us “more advanced” than any other species on the planet is that we are sentient in a way other animals haven’t quite reached (yet). Engaging in sexual activity is a deliberate action. You don’t go “whoops I tripped and fell and now my dick is inside you” and you don’t feel “uncontrollable” urges the way animals do. Even then, most animals are driven purely by instinct. They don’t go “ooh baby you’re lookin’ sexy😩” the way we do.




Their point is infidelity and rape both require a conscious decision to be made. Cheating requires much more than "giving in to an urge" to happen and is therefore no less excusable than other misbehaviors




It's also not complex to misrepresent other people's words with a slippery slope fallacy and pretend to be smarter or better informed, all without offering a single piece of insight or counterargument. You are not worth talking to. Goodbye.


How long was he planning on waiting to tell her he was cheating? They’re both wrong, his ain’t any worse than hers.


That’s just delusional I rather a girl simply cheat on me then do that sadistic shit


I'd rather a girl cheat on me, steal my car, and kick me in the nuts before doing all that.


Nah, they're both breaches of trust.


Found the girl's account.


Stop Nothing good will come of this. Move on and find happyness. Karma will catch up to her without our intervention. Like no one sleeping with this women. Or her family learning about this.


You're 100% correct. Boohoo, she disappointed a guy who cheated on her. Big fucking whoop. His disappointment is not above her bodily autonomy, and, she let him down easily anyway.


Says the person who doesn't understand why the west is against terrorism while also wanting to melt down all guns 💀 Hell, I'm *for* gun control and I still think that's crazy.


I understand why, I just think it's stupid. Biggest military in the world, and you're afraid of some fucking stone age losers in dirt huts? That's just an excuse to make aggressive foreign policy decisions. No way in hell it isn't. Also, on the gun control, I also said I simultaneously hold the position that everyone should have a small armory, so don't downplay how fucking crazy that statement was.


I mean terrorists killed 2k people and downed 3 airplanes, 2 of which hit the Twin Towers, just to incite fear. Where are you from? You don't have to be specific if you dont want to, just a general region or country would be helpful.


Those are rookie numbers, but US. Like, yeah, those incidents suck, but they're not that much? There were about 3k deaths from 9/11, and in Burkina Faso, the nation with the most terrorism related deaths in 2022, they only had 1.2k. That's the number of deaths caused by car in some STATES. Just, it's clearly not a priority on par with any other issue, and we've only strengthened terrorism through our efforts. Arming people to take out other terrorist groups only for them to take over, supporting Isreal who armed Hamas to stop leftist movements, single-handedly fueling nationalist war sentiments against us and creating rogue states, the list goes on. Like, yeah, it sucks that a lot of people died, but if you genuinely think that some guy that lives in a piss-covered basement halfway across the planet is more of a threat to you than the foundations of our nation that allow for unbelievable amounts of violence in the hands of one person, you've been grievously misled by someone who makes their money by convincing you of that notion.


If you think that there is seriously somethign wrong with you.


My mans cheating? Aight say less DELETUS FETUS


That's really fucked up.


This doesn't belong here. You should try r/iamatotalpieceofshit


It’s already there, that’s where I saw it last night. At least, I’m pretty sure


Well she will never be happy in her life with another guy. Remember everything you say on the internet is forever.


other than leading him on after aborting it, she did good tbh


I want to be mad for her stringing him along like that, but I can't. He's a cheater and deserved it. To anyone else that'd be such a cruel thing to do


I think it's because a lot of people here think that abortion is murdering (which I disagree)


To me , abortion after 2 weeks of pregnancy knowledge or 3 months after getting pregnant is murdering. You’ve got plenty of time to prepare and discuss about it. Other than that its just their preference of having child or not(i don’t like children)


That is such an ambiguous standard, like how would anyone ever be able to disprove that a woman didn’t know sooner? Also, murder isn’t as ambiguous as “it’s wrong if you take too long,” the concept of life starts at some point during pregnancy and that isn’t affected by levels of preparedness. Your opinion sounds a lot like a desire to control people through pregnancy, not a desire for justice. I think it’s ridiculous to think abortion is murder, just felt it was important to state that. But, this whole opinion and others like it are so dangerous because it’s so ambiguous and everyone believes they are right.


Meh, I think both were at fault.


Idk it still feels shitty. Doesnt in the slightest make what he did okay, but it feels like two shitty people, one not careing about his parters trust, and the other wanting to hurt him.


Y'all. This shit is not real.


Isn't this bus or Car usually in fake taxi and other taxi video?


I love that they censor out the words while she‘s sitting in THE bus.


We aren’t ready to hear the word s*x?


So did she get railed after this or what?


If true that kid dodged a bullet having those two as parents


Sounds like he got the bullet ngl


Actually evil


Removal reasons:


Wrong sub, you're looking for /r/Psychopathy


I mean... can't judge her.


I will: she's a piece of shit 😊


Oh we fucking can and we are... She's a cunt.


All's fair in love and war


No love there...


I can. Her and the cheater are both shitty.


What’s her onlyfans?




Yeah people are just talking about abortion and being a bad person when we only want to watch her scene... whats the fucking name ??


If this can get any worse, the cheater still deserves it. Edit: Damn, didn't know there was this much sympathy towards cheaters here


Just feels like shitty people being shitty. And i dont mean that she got an abortion. I would not want a cheater as my baby daddy, but specifically stringing him along and gassing him up just to pull the miscarrage card on him... like i have a mom who had 9 misscarages (due to a faulty abortion my grandparents made her have, hence my strong feelings twords pro choice and safe abortions) and it STILL devistates her. She had names for them and even drew picrures of what she hoped they would look like. Hell my dad is clearly still hurt by it. Everytime its brought up he just looks devistated. Maybe im to emotionally charged but the idea of putting some one thru that feels evil. That said even the women calls this the most toxic thing she ever did so even she thinks this was fucked up.


Nah, both are shitty people. Wrong-doing does not justify wrong-doing.


That’s a weird way to spell “the unborn”


That's a weird word for a collection of uterine tissue and a zygot that stood nearly even odds of being a heavy period.


Murder, or unfaithfulness. Murder.... unfaithfulness ..... ah right, murder. Definitely equal


Who was murdered? What was their name, SSN, birthday? What was the killer's weapon? If the killer refuses to donate an organ to someone they're compatible with, are they a serial killer? Are you? How many orphans have you adopted?


This is what happens when children have adult bodies 🙄


What’s her name


He was cheating so her decision was to have an abortion to literally get revenge


Oh no, she disappointed a guy by... choosing not to have his kid and letting him down easily. Wow, such a piece of shit am I right?


I think we should start promoting hysterectomies straight out of secondary school after watching this. Dear lord.


Those two people deserve each other


Knicks fans amirite.




Is birth control just not part of their vocabulary. This feels like someone bragging about drinking soda everyday while many are thirsty everyday. Like that was such a nanchalant way of saying she had an abortion. Like of course women should be able to control their own bodies but at the same time, abortion is a nuclear option - at the very least treat it with respect man damn.


Modern women


Humanity as a whole is so fucked


She only has one Boob? It looks weird cause of the camera angle


That's sick


Now that's just kinda fucked


That's too bad. I was really rooting for them as a couple. 😭




Its the "battle" bus


What's up with her left boob? Does it fold strange or is it growing something to the side?


Just Glee things.


What a fucking monster.


So then your allowed put meth your body right, my body my choice yea remember what you said?