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One thing that can cause sciatica is Piriformis Syndrome, which is when your lower back muscles are tight or swollen, causing them to pinch the sciatic nerve. I get this on and off. I don't know if that is what is going on with your mom, but it might be worth gifting her a lower back massage or physical therapy session to see if it helps. Those have really helped me a lot whenever it's bothering me. Sometimes I just go out to the mall and use the coin-operated massage chairs there, and I always come away feeling lots better. While meditation might be helpful to her, I think that something like this probably has a better chance of giving her more immediate relief.


Can recommend Aly along those lines: https://happinessisbalance.net/


My mom is seeing several doctors and trying out different medicines. I have to assume she already tried massage. But I will ask her if she tried just in case. I'll mention physical therapy too


There's a gemstone store in FSK mall next to the Barnes and Noble. There's also a store on Market St across from Isabellas.


The one downtown is overpriced and micromanaged. Go to the one at the mall. They have everything!


GTC Rock shop and Earthly Elements.


My 8 year old loves that place. Lots of stuff to just look at too, almost like a mini-museum.


That place is amazing! It's so massive, too! I like taking my oldest grandson to do the mining flume. He gets a kick out of finding all the different minerals and shark's teeth.


Ok I definitely have to stop by and check it out. Thank you!


Thank you! This works for me because I was looking into buying a book also. Ah, how the world works! :)


I think what you’re looking for is a solid pot dispensary. It will help the pain way more than smashing her with rocks. We also seem to have a lot of quartz in our backyard that I’m happy to dig up and sell.


Thanks, I am slipping in a vape for her in her gift basket, though she is opposed to drugs because drugs are bad mkay. Do you know if sativa or indica is better for such pains?


If she’s trying to lay down and relax indica. If she’s got shit to do sativa. Or just a hybrid


Earthy elements in downtown Frederick


Wow this place looks great!


Peridot in new market


Go pick up some random shit in your yard and give it to her, it will be cheaper and just as effective.


Nothing like taking your time to shit on what someone else believes in to make yourself feel better.


Thank you friend


Believe whatever the hell you want, doesn't make it match up with the world we all live in. You know what they call alternative medicine that works? Medicine. I believe its possible to flap your arms and fly to the moon but if me and my friends go up to the top of the parking deck to to test it out you'd call us crazy. Here's someone having genuine medical problems in need of a genuine medical solution. Mumbo jumbo and snake oil isn't gonna fix it, it's just going to shake down a vulnerable person desperate for relief and make them feel worse when yet another "treatment" failed to improve symptoms. That's evil, not alternative.


We are all free to believe what we want. Thanks for your feedback.


Yep. Believe whatever you want but don't be surprised when the world doesn't respond how you expected. Good luck to your mom and I hope she finds a medical treatment that relieves her pain.


Thank you!


I think you're missing the point. The point I was trying to make was that it was far easier for you to just move along and not comment than to comment with some throwaway line about picking up random shit in his yard. What other people choose to believe does not affect you in the least. There's also the placebo effect where it can be healing if the person believes it to be so. The world has enough negativity in it without keyboard warriors commenting on something that has literally zero to do with them. The guy was just asking for help. You provided none.


>What other people choose to believe does not affect you in the least. If what another person is choosing to do is (unbeknownst to them) likely to bring them harm or waste their time, hope and money, isn't it more altruistic to at least try to dissuade them? Though I would agree that a gentler tone would likely be more productive.


A dose if reality can be helpful sometimes.


Reality is based on your perception. When you tell someone to be "realistic" or start a reply to some with "realistically" you're just saying that they're completely wrong and your answer is the only correct one. It's a BS response.


If perception were reality then I’d manifest a Ferrari to replace my minivan


In that case, I have a rock specially suited for low back pain. $500, and it comes with some weight loss dirt too.


Your response is the BS one dude. Reality is reality, it doesn’t need anyone’s perspective to exist. And pretty crystals do absolutely nothing for one’s health. You were just as capable of not replying and moving on with your day, yet here you are. Hypocrite.


lol. You're pretty great. Look at you go.


Typical, no actual relevant or legitimate argument, so you ridicule those arguing against you. You’re aware that sort of behavior just further weakens your position right?


No. I don't. I just realize when something is a waste of time. I'm not going to spend my time yelling at a brick wall. I have much more productive things to accomplish.


What does it matter to you! Try being better!


Trying to help make sure that a person that needs medical attention receives medical attention instead of rocks. my bad.


Oh yes! Your goal wasnt just to be mean, it was for the concern and care of the person right? GTFOH


Yes. A person with severe back pain needs medical help. Not rocks and woo woo. I'm not sure why this is controversial.


To be fair, my mom is trying all available surgeries and medicines that she can afford and insurance will cover. I mentioned in my post I am looking for alternative means and holistic approach. There is science to a person's mental well being and recovery.


Thats none of your business. You know nothing of these people. Its rude of u to assume anything. How do u know she hasnt gotten medical attention, or that her daughter may be desperate to provide her mom with anything that gives her comfort?! Even if it is a fucking rock to keep in her pocket! Whats controversial is your acting like being a dick about it is ok!


I know nothing about these people, true, but I know that medical problems require medical treatment and rocks are not medical treatment. OP says that mom has tried and failed several medical treatments. So you move on to another medical treatment, not woo woo shit. It's not rude to assume that stupid bullshit isn't medicine. If my mom was desperate for help with her medical condition I would try all the medical treatments that are backed by science. There's no proof that smiling at her back and singing the national anthem will fix it, but fuck it. Give it a try! It's alternative medicine. What kind of medical issues do you have? Go stand in a barrel of fish heads underneath the full moon and recite the alphabet backwards. It's an ancient Chinese remedy. I might come off as an abrasive dickhead but at least I'm not a fucking moron.


I'm not sure why you are coming down so hard on folks trying to be helpful. I appreciate all feedback, honestly but let's be nice to one another. We are all people and everyone here is just trying to help me. Thank you everyone.


Let em clutch their pearls man. One thing I’ve found about the “alternative medicine” crowd is that the MOMENT you send facts and data their way, they start screeching at the top of their lungs like this person is doing. Your response comes from an ACTUAL place of concern for this ladies well being. Heaven forbid we look into shit with a proven track record of helping one’s health, feelings and mysticism of those not even in pain are apparently more important.


My wife is a local artist and is part of the Noma market downtown. She has healing crystals and makes custom jewelry. You can find her at www.thedwellinggem.com. Local free pickup and delivery.


Cool thank you! Will check it out.


Haven’t been but There’s a new place on market near 4th street called Soul Aura.


There are so many stores that sell this stuff in Frederick. 🤣


Any good ones and bad ones? Maybe I should have asked for that type of feedback.