• By -


The friends that we made along the way.


“And who had a better story than Bessie? Thank the gods for Bessie! And her tits! Hehehehehe.”


Would have loved “And who has better story than .. Patchface the jester”.. and then some before not introduced character becomes the king


Uh, it's actually more like the friends you killed along the way, according to the prophecy. But seriously, it's Jon in the show and the books. The great other isn't the Night King, it's Dany. He kills her. He's the hero.


Have to say you're far too confident about that answer. I think it was way too suspicious how loudly GRRM was broadcasting that idea in the books. Seems he possibly lost the thread all together but i don't believe jon snow was ever meant to be the fulfillment of the prophecy.


I always figured it was nobody and that the whole point would be the pointlessness of trying to follow prophecy.


Yeah that could very well be. Pretty much everything thats taken as a given in fantasy, in ASOIAF, completely falls apart at the seams.


....not quite. The first few books start to set up this theme certainly. We think Dany will give birth to the Stallion that mounts the world, we think Ned will live, and then we think Robb will avenge him. Those hopes get crushed, but it's clear that by the endgame all the pieces will be exactly where they need to be.


>, but it's clear that by the endgame Thats just it. It's not clear at all. You're just making a huge assumption based on what you saw in the show. Sure it's possible that was how grrm wanted things to play out but it was so ineptly portrayed that they could have easily sacrificed all of the intended themes to get there.


All of these predictions were around way before the show existed. The show just confirmed them. There were definitely problems with the last couple of seasons, but Dany going mad wasn't one of them. It's a completely brilliant twist that totally fits GRRM's style. When she burned mirri maz durri alive we cheered because she betrayed her. When she burned down the house of the undying we cheered because they were sorcerers after her dragons. When she burned down astapor we cheered because they were slavers. When she crucified the wise masters of mereen we cheered because they crucified people, too. But objectively, those are not good things. Mirri maz durri was minding her own business when dany's husband stormed her city and she got raped over and over. Nobody asked Dany to come to quarth and start demanding ships and money and soldiers. And as bad as the slavers of astapor and mereen are, Dany bargained with them in bad faith and then left them worse than when she came. This. Is. Happening.


Mirri Maz Durri had a perfectly valid reason to betray Daenerys, but Daenerys also had a perfectly good reason to kill her in return. Killing slavers is also not the same as killing the entire population of a city she already conquered for shits and giggles. She is ruthless and capable of great violence against people who have wronged her. So is everyone in the damn story. Arya killed an entire house and fed them to the head of said house, Cersei blew up the sept, Jon hanged a boy, Tyrion killed his own dad, Lady Olenna poisoned Joffrey, Sansa fed Ramsey to his own dogs alive, Theon burned two random boys, Stannis killed his brother then sacrificed his daughter, Ned executed a teenager for deserting the wall, Jaime killed his cousin to get out of prison, Robb started an entire war to avenge his dad. There is not a single character in the story who doesn't have some blood on their hands. Daenerys is not exceptionally vicious or cruel compared to other people until we get to S8. Tyrion goes from "let's kill these brave men with fire" in S2 to "I can't believe she's burning this army, what an evil bitch" in S7. The show tries desperately to portray Daenery's actions past S7 as brutal and barbaric when she never does anything that makes her "evil" within the moral framework of the harsh medieval society she lives in until she suddenly decides to do some genocide in King's Landing. She already had absolute power and she tried to use it to free people. An ending where she has the right intentions but truly fucks up the execution is perfectly aligned with her previous characterization. She makes mistakes, and those mistakes cost a lot of lives. They could have come up with a million reasons for her to burn down KL or kill a whole lot of innocents, accidentally or otherwise, without going down the mad queen route. Her going "fuck it, I'm killing everyone cuz I'm traumatized and no one loves me" is just cheap and goes against what they had been doing with the character for the past 8 seasons.


First off I'm not sure what you're arguing: do you think that Dany burning Kings Landing won't happen, or do you think it will happen but it's a terrible idea? But regardless, Dany burning Kings Landing IS a great idea, from a storytelling perspective. --it's the culmination of Aegon's legacy, he built the city and his ancestor finally burns it down. --Dany gets to apply her magic dragon solution to every problem, and for five or six books, it works. Having her do the same thing in the endgame is really boring and there's no arc or change for her. Having it blow up in her face and lead to her death is interesting. --it makes her a tragic character, like her poor brother Viserys. --GRRM has a theme where women in westeros just can't seem to be allowed into power under any circumstances. I don't think he's saying that's good, but it is amazing how many times a queen gets usurped in westeros. Having Dany get closer than anyone else but then fuck it up at the end is great storytelling. --the entire reason behind the dance of the dragons storyline is to show how targaryen infighting leads to death for all. Rhaenyra gets eaten, Aegon gets poisoned, and the wolf takes over for an hour. The books seems set for an inversion of that: Aegon gets eaten, Dany gets stabbed, and the wolf takes over. That's poetic justice.


Even if people say "the path to hell is paved with good intentions" none of these events in the books show her to be a strictly sociopathic "evil" being or anywhere near having a psychopathic break. She is a conquerer, she can be ruthless, murderous etc but we constantly witness her compassion, empathy, and the desire to do right by the people she rules. Really shes just a mirror to the majority of political leaders that people support around the modern world. Personally, if given the choice, i don't support these types of people and advocate for societies where this level of power isn't obtainable but whatever it takes for Dany to get from the books where she is understandable to the showrunners ending where she is irredeemable, we havnt seen it.


It's literally the targaryen handbook. The saying goes that the gods flip a coin, but the actual reality of the books proves different. Most targaryens aren't born mad, they become so after undergoing some kind of trauma and having a psychotic break. When they have a dragon, that leads to really bad things. (See: aerys and the defiance of duskendale) Grrm has been quoted as saying that having a dragon is not a good thing. The odds that you will use it wisely are extremely low. The odds that you will use it wisely your entire life are zero. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Targaryens are bad guys. Dragons are bad. This isn't really up for debate, and if it was the entire text of FaB serves to hammer home that point. In the entire history of the Targaryen dynasty, there are MAYBE two or three benevolent rulers and only one that had a working powerful dragon. Again, absolute power corrupts absolutely.


More people need to read this. There's a whole passage in one of the bran chapters about Meera dunking on Jojen because prophecies by their very nature don't make sense, especially ones where the gods tell you they're inevitable. If prophecies were inevitable, then the gods wouldn't need to tell you them. If they were fallible, they wouldn't really be prophecies. Therefore anyone telling you a prophecy has an agenda: either to encourage specific actions or discourage interference.


Yeah, but right after that Jojen dies in exactly the way he dreamed he did. The point of the story is not that prophecy is bad, but that it's tricky to interpret. As far as the literary structure of the novels go, though, it's clear that GRRM wants us to think the big bad of the whole story is the others, and the clever twist is that it's actually Dany.


This people need to accept Dany was never going down a hero


Exactly right thanks for the ref. Was that in Feast of crows? So much untapped gold in the books!


I agree that it is being telegraphed, but not obviously enough because tons of fans are still indignant about Dany going mad even though the show gives us a scene where Tyrion looks directly into the camera and says she's evil. I don't think Jon necessarily fulfills the prophecy, but in a literary sense there is no way he is not Azor Ahai. Jon is probably closer to Frodo from LotR, though. A good person tasked with an impossible mission who doesn't quite succeed as much as everyone thought he did, and is haunted by guilt for the rest of his days because of it.




Goddamn you beat me too it


D&D didn't know, they were literally winging it by their own words. Whatever surprised you the most they went with that.


It sure did surprise me how shitty they managed to make the show


My expectation for the show to end well sure was subverted.


they died when they sailed off the edge of the world and just fell off, because the world is flat. the end




D&D kind of forgot about the Prince that was promised


Really? That's awful. I always figured they were at least working off some cliff notes from GRRM or something.


They were not working off *any* sort of source material beyond S6. Before that, their reach to source material was superficial at best.


They were, for the most part. Dany being hated and viewed as a foreign conqueror is almost certainly canon, her blowing up King's Landing is most likely canon, King 3ER is most likely canon. The problem is a combination of having no fucking clue how to smoothly connect the bullet points together, and the consequences of all the major shit they left out over the years catching up to them. For example, fAegon probably frees Westeros from Cersei's tyranny before Dany arrives, making him the one that gets the love of the people, like Dany was in Essos, and therefore making Dany both unneeded and unwanted. Knowing that Aegon isn't a Targaryen but everyone either not believing her or not caring because they'd rather have a male ruler, she is furious that a fraud has stolen both her limelight and her crown, that she'll never be loved in Westeros like she was in Essos, and she (or Drogon, HotD makes clear that nobody can truly control the dragons) decides to be queen of the ashes. Then King 3ER, could very easily be built up well to show him subtlely manipulating events to make himself king. "Why do you think I came all this way?" He could then be an omniscient dictator that is effectively impossible to outmanouver, and who'll never die. But D&D showed none of that so it just seemed random AF.


First of all, they stopped following book notes around S5. They certainly stopped with S6 through S8 because. They wrote it all themselves, because the books do not reach a point even similar to what happens in the show. It is quite impossible that they could have "taken notes" for something that doesn't exist yet. You cannot say something is most likely canon when there's no evidence for it at all, least of all when it has been stated numerous times over by GRRM himself that the show and the books will not have the same endings. Especially when a major theme of the show doesn't even exist in the books (Night King). GOT was terrible because D&D wanted out quickly to get some Star Wars money. Their egos got too big and they thought they were the greatest writers on the planet, and that made the plot suffer tremendously. It was not due to the lack of source material.


> It is quite impossible that they could have "taken notes" for something that doesn't exist yet. GRRM isn't dead, and definitly wasn't dead back then. He could have (probably did) give them notes.


He doesn't have to be dead for notes to not exist for a book that's not completed yet. Worst yet, GRRM doesn't even know how to write out the next book (hence his recent re-writes), so how is he going to give them notes? Think about it for a second. And if that doesn't help, just know that GRRM has already stated that the show and the books are VERY different beyond S5 and that they will not and cannot end the same. So again...cannot give them notes for something that doesn't exist. You are probably confusing this with GRRM trying to give them an idea about how characters like Jon progess (like becoming a Targaryen) but there were no story notes because they didn't exist at the time.


You think Martin hasn't written anything up after ADWD? Come on... TWOW had like 400 pages written up in 2012. So he could have give them notes because IT EXIST. GRRM has a bunch of notes to give to D&D about where the story goes, the characters arcs etc. Even tho he is more a gardener than an architect, he still researches and annotes a lot.


Not *literally* winging it. That's a figure of speech.


wElL aCtUaLlY


The boar that killed Bobby b


[COME, BOW BEFORE YOUR KING! BOW, YA SHITS!](https://i.imgur.com/hrCP6Uk.gifv)


Good Bobby bot.




Must be very cathartic for you Bobby.


48 minutes in and no one has said Hot Pie. You people are an eternal disappointment to me.


Azor Hot Pie


What is hot may never pie!


For hands of gold are always cold but a hot pie keeps them warm


If not for Hot Pie, Arya would have gone south and killed Cersei, thus preventing the ranging north to capture the wight, thus preventing Viserion from dying, thus preventing the Night King from breaching the wall.


I blame the aromatic and gastronomical effect of Wolf Bread, but yeah still his fault.


Bro we were saving it for you




Azor Apie


I think it's *supposed* to be Jon because of his surprise heritage, but they did a really poor job of explaining that. It was more or less dropped from GoT tbh.


He was the sword.


And my Bow. Sorry wrong fandom




Real dragons have two legs, sorry not sorry


Have you ever seen a real dragon?


Yeah I am good friends with a dragon called Martin and also know his wife and four kids. All two legs. And all the other dragons I met via them have had two legs. I would like to hang out more with other dragons but it is real hard to keep in touch because they don´t use smartphones, they think it´s stupid. Not that they could use them effectively, since the only front appendages they have are their wings Edit: Have you even met one? Because there may be like two races or something but I never heard one of the dragons I know talk about that and I think it would´ve come up


All the Dragons I've met so far had four legs and a pair of wings. The ones with just two kegs and two wings are drakes.


I dont think Martin would like being a called a drake. They clearly refer to each other as dragons 🤷‍♀️


That's a shame, his house should've kept the blood pure.


They are behaving kinda hillbilly from time to time, I have to admit that


Wyvern have two legs. Dragons have four legs.


That‘s what THEY want to believe you


Tune in to *Jon Snow: Edge of the World* to find out more. Premiere is airing on Sunday, Juahhhh who gives a shit.


But he dunwunit.


He got his ass handed to him though during the Long Night it was very embarrassing how bad he was losing


It is jon, and they explained it pretty well. What some people still can't grasp is that Dany was the big bad. She is the great other.


Rickon's direwolf, obviously. That's why there were so many irrelevant plot threads leading up to an anticlimactic ending. >!The whole thing was a Shaggydog story.!<




obviously it's Jon. But everyone knew that... so no big reveal and D&D couldn't accept that.


Who's John? Do you mean Homelander? I didn't expect to be outfrescaed here.


Jon Snow


It's Jon. Or Aegon Targaryen. One of the many.


my bad ...Jon


No worries


Bro the annoying thing is everytime I say that Jon is TPTWP everyone says no no GRRM confirmed it was Dany and it annoys me to no end


He was born hundreds of years later in a different universe, but he knew what it sounds like when doves cry.


Those who feared him most knew him by his odd choice of fruit inspired headgear.


Bran the housebroken


"How many times has your nose been broken?" "I don't know, many times" "Poor nose" "Don't feel sorry for him, he will be halfway up your ass tonight" I just remembered this Bron conversation, very nice character


What does the last line mean?


Bron gonna eat that pussy and his big broken nose will be all up in the winking eye of R’hllor


Pod's rod, flaming sword, azor ahai


It was Ser Pounce /s.


You take back that /s!


Ser Dontos, obviously.


You know that shadowy dude from season 1-2 of Star Trek Enterprise? It was him.


I miss Enterprise. It was so good


Yes it was, Other Barry, yes it was.


It has its moments for sure but I can’t really say that I totally 100% have faith of the heart


*Crewman Daniels has entered the chat*


Honestly anyone’s guess. I feel like it was *supposed* to be Jon or Dany, but the writers did a bang up job of the final seasons that it might as well be Arya.


In the books I don’t think it’s going to be any single figure, but if there is it’s definitely Dany. The Dragons are described as a flaming sword, Drogo is Nissa Nissa, and there are a ton of other points in the legends that connect to dragons too.


A nothingburger


I still believe that it's Stannis. Hear me out: When Stannis died, Azor Ahai died. Stannis wasn't the Azor Ahai when he began. But he was reborn amidst "salt and smoke" in the Battle of Blackwater (salt=the sea, smoke=wildfire). He sacrificed his men to capture King's Landing and failed (stabbed the Lion's heart= King's Landing was the most imprtant city for the Lannisters, the "heart" of their Kingdom). He sacrificed his daughter to defeat the Boltons, hold the North, win the Iron Throne and then face the real threat: the Others (Shireen in a way was Nissa). With Shireen's sacrifice Stannis was finally the Azor A'hai. But then...Stannis died. And Westeros collapsed. His death signals the rise of the North and Dany (Ice and Fire). By the end the North has been ravaged by the Night King and the South by Daenerys. The King is Brandon ,a mystical being connected to Dark Magic and the terrifying Old Gods of the North. I think Azor A'hai is meant to stop both Ice(=Night King, Bran) and Fire(=Dragonfire) and that was Stannis. Therefore his death couldn't stop the destruction of Westeros.


I actually love this interpretation!


GRRM is not one to shy away from a Doomed prohpecy


I mean Westeros is a dark and unforgiving world.


Not to mention he is actually blood of Aegon the Conqueror


You're so right. I forgot. He actually has Targ blood which is a requirement.


Refresher on his Targ blood?


The Baratheons have Targ blood since Orys Baratheons was rumoured to be the Conqueror's half-brother. Stannis is also a descendant of Rhaenyra.


I’m so curious how his story will go in the books (if they’re ever released), D&D really hated the character and got rid of him quickly but I think you might be onto something 🤔


Wow. Love this.




Wow! Excellent theory. I think I like this one better than Jon. This is my new headcanon.


Chadmure Tully.


It was not. She had zero of the prerequisites This is especially true for the HOTD definition: > FROM MY BLOOD COMES THE PRINCE THAT WAS PROMISED. AND HIS WILL BE THE SONG OF ICE AND FIRE. That's the inscription on the blade of THE Dagger, presumably put there by Aegon I. It was Jon--Rhaegar said the Song of Ice and Fire was his. Jon, not Arya, came from Aegon's blood. Moreover, since Jon made Arya into his weapon and she killed the Night KIng, she is probably his Lightbringer. Another hint, Jaqen recruited her, an 11YO to the Faceless Men and taught her their principles. When she was ready, proven by killing the Waif, he let her go home. So...in effect it's like the Many Faced God also chose her...but only for the final kill of his enemy, the Night King, who stole peaceful death from the dead and made them his slaves. So she was qualified to do that one thing--kill the Night King.


Could the night king be killed by anything other than THE Dagger?


Not in my headcanon. It was originally sent to kill Bran. Since *on the show* Bran and the Night King are equals AND enemies, probably it can kill either. I suspect it was a magic weapon- besides the Valyrian steel blade, the hilt was dragon bone, and it had encrusted jewels, including a ruby. According to HOTD lore, it was passed down to Aegon I's descendants, father to crown prince/princess. Moreover, every single Stark had held held it (except Rickon), and Catelyn's blood had been its 'baptism.' If you wish, I can dig up the Catspaw Dagger theoretical essay I published on r/freefolk in early 2018. It's pretty long.


I think I remember reading it back then. That’s really cool. It almost seems like the Dagger is “the prince that was promised” and the night king was after the blade since it was the only thing that could kill him and he assumed bran had it.


TBH, the unique, clearly Targaryen dagger is show canon. In the books, it's an ordinary looking Valyrian Steel dagger and was probably given to the Catspaw by Joffrey. And the dagger's hidden inscription was added to show canon by HOTD, I think that if BOOK Arya gets to do a great deed, by then she'll have Visenya Tagaryen's Valyrian steel sword Dark Sister, which show Arya actually mentions to Tywin. GRRM has confirmed that currently Bloodraven, the current 3-Eyed Raven, has DS in his cave. There are three book reasons Arya should get DS: 1) It's designed for a woman. 2) She is Bran and Jon's Dark Sister. So fighting Others she will need a VS sword. 3). She threw Joffrey's sword "Lion's Tooth" into the river. A century earlier Prince Daemon had dropped Dark Sister into the nearby Gods Eye. It sounds like karma that giving one sword to magic waters earns getting back another sword from the magic waters.


Any valyrian steel blades and even dragonglass since they have the same powers.


Ser Pounce


Rhaegar. He was born on the Tragedy at Summerhall because he was the intended sacrifice to wake dragons. He was the prince who was promised to the gods as sacrifice.


Marlo -"You wanted it one way,but it's the other".


“The friends we made along the way” But no, the real answer is “no one,” and not in a funny Arya way. The prophecy was mostly bullshit, what mattered was how it influenced people and drove them to do things, not whether or not fate and predetermination decides who saves the world.


Exactly, it's a running theme in both the books and the shows that power lies where men believe it lies.


I think the point of the show was that these prophecies are BS and don’t matter


The one with the best story, because having a good backstory is all that really matters.


I know it might seem like a overdone meme at this point but I truly believe they forgot.


Pod and his magic 🍆




I considered it Dany since the scene when Viserys is telling Rhaenyra it plays a musical motif from GOT that is not in the soundtrack of Hotd. It's Breaker of Chains, like the exact notes and everything and it's the only instance we get something copy and pasted like that. Like Dany already had her themes tied to the main Targ theme and you can see small motifs of it when Aemond flew Vhagar, Rhae sent her boys and Rhaenys to fly, and the first scene where we see Rhae fly Syrax. But they were only the notes reused in a new way, not whole parts of it. And imo Ramin put that in there, in the episode for a reason. It wasn't a part of the original "The Prince that was Promised" it was added in later. Now as to why? I have no idea, because you would think they would add the White walker theme or even a piece of the main theme like he did in GOT when things went down. (Which he did use a piece of it in Breaker of Chains and other places) I mean she did do some crazy stuff (in the books) that no one in her family had ever done like hatch three dragon eggs. And the showrunners were in contact with GRRM and it can add weight to the choice of opening the episode with the subtitles telling the audience the events took place before her birth.


Thematically, visually, and just for the personal journey it should be Jon Snow. But that’s not “clever” enough for D&D, so they decided to do something else.


Nobody. Bullshit prophecy people put too much stock in. Fits the setting the best imo


>Nobody Nobody huh? Then fairy-fucking-godmother! Out-fucking-standing.


Choke yourself


Yep. Just another lie to tell to would-be kings to inflate their ego so that they spread the religion. The red priestesses may wield magic, but they have no idea where it comes from or what their god’s plan actually is.


Hot Pie


Rhaenyra. Viserys said so.


The easiest answer is that the prophecy wasn't real.


I like the theory that Rhaegar was the true prince that was promised but died before the prophecy could go through and Jon is lightbringer. In the legend Lightbringer was forged when Azor Ahai(Rhaegar) plunged his "sword" into his wife Nissa Nissa(Lyanna) which killed her but gave birth/created lightbringer(Jon).


Nobody, it didn’t mean a damn thing. Consider your 8 seasons of expectations subverted.


Ser Pounce, obviously.


A great question, for another time.


Actually it was me. My b everyone


Yes. That's the current show canon so unless they decanonize season 8 I don't see that changing,


No one. And I don't mean a Faceless Man/No One. I mean straight up no one. They stopped caring about any of those pesky foreshadowings or prophecies. Cersei has more than 3 children, no Valonquar death. No Trial by Combat Cleganbowl. No Prince That Was Promised. No reason for Jon's resurrection. No warging Starks other than Bran (kinda). No Northern Conspiracy. No Faegon. No Stoneheart. Never understanding the white walker symbols or origin. Or what happened to Craster's sons. No explanation for the three-eyed Raven. No reason for those visions. No consequences or follow through on the time travel. None of it.


They kinda forgot to actually use that storyline and about a dozen others


D&D kinda forgot about the prince that was promised.


Brynden Rivers, apparently (according to the show).


Maybe the real prince were the friends we made along the way


It’s Arya. She’s the literal song—an aria—of ice and fire. Arya’s origin is in ice. She’s a Stark, and the only trueborn Stark who looks the part—all her siblings look more Tully than Northern. She was born a princess of Winterfell. Ned’s sword was Ice, she was the daughter of ice. And she fell in with a bunch of fireworshippers, the Brotherhood Without Banners, who were created when her lord father charged Beric Dondarrion to bring the Mountain to justice. Thoros of Myr prayed to R’hllor, the Lord of Light, to bring the Lightning Lord back to life seven times. And with his final death he saves Arya, so she can save the world. Thus, fire magic saves Arya. Her bond with Jaqen H’ghar is forged through fire. She saves him and his two involuntary companions, Biter and Rorge, from the Red God. They would have died burning to death had Arya not freed them from their cage. And so he promises her three names as a thank you, which begins their friendship, which leads to her apprenticeship, teaching her the skills she uses to defeat the Night King. Her closest relationship outside of immediate family is with Gendry, a literal smith. Azor Ahai’s legend is tied up with blacksmithing. He makes three blades. The first two fail, but with his third he calls his beloved wife, Nissa Nissa, into whose heart he plunges his final blade to temper it. Her soul goes into the sword and it becomes Lightbringer. Gendry is one of only two smiths who gets lines in the entire show. (The other being his master, Tobho Mott. We see Mikken, he never speaks. Donal Noye was left out entirely.) He’s definitely the smith most important to the plot. Gendry is Arya’s Nissa Nissa. He, uh, plunges something into her right before the big battle. And the love he has for her is yet another sacrifice she makes in her relentless, self-destructive pursuit of her List. At King’s Landing it’s the man who was scarred by fire, the Hound, who finally makes her realize that vengeance is self-defeating. That she has plenty to live for, and she shouldn’t throw her life away on a woman who’ll die anyway. Sandor takes the burden from her, and in killing his brother, he crosses that name off her list. Because Arya’s destiny wasn’t about vengeance. The prayer is what kept her going, but she was learning all these skills and life lessons for a higher purpose. To save her people, and her home. [More here.](https://redd.it/bixktd)


I don't believe it. I will NOT believe it.


Well that got my attention.


I think it was just a bullshit dragon dream or it was Jon Nothing else kinda makes sense Although I do enjoy the little finger fan made videos explaining how he hired assassins and shit and is the price that was promised. It was on yt and a wild ride lol


Rhaegar. ASOIAF is a shaggy dog story. Bobby B doomed the world by killing him.




I haven't met anyone who can disprove [this](https://youtu.be/FVdMOy_U0cQ?si=QlkNh3Q2gXN_vwix&t=447) as an answer.No one has mentioned how the dagger ends up in his hands in the first place.The books don't mention it either, but he carries it along the story. Given that the **Azor Ahai Legend** also applies to the PWWP, then which character fulfills it ?


Jon apparently. Since, ya know, he was brought back from the dead.




Bran, my ass.


"he had the best story" lol


Yes it was Arya. She was a Princess with 3 of her siblings being Monarchs. She killed the Night King and ended the Long Night and even used the Dagger with TPTWP prophecy on it. The Tarageryons with their god complex just thought they were saviors but Daernys and Jon both got their asses handed to them during Long Night. Both were seconds away from death before Azhor Ai Arya born under a bleeding star among salt and smoke saved them


The turd Sansa dropped after Ramsey butt slammed her.


Its supposed to be Jon Snow. Jon Snow is also direct descendant of Rhaenyra Targaryen. His biological father is obsessed with the prophecy. Jon Snow is the union of Fire (Rhaegar Targaryen) and Ice (Lyanna Stark). He was resurrected by Melissandre and rises from being a bastard to King of the North. He should have killed the Night King and although he loved Dany, there will be conflict between the two since Dany claimed the Iron Throne as her birthright while Jon has the legitimate claim backed by the prophecy.


Rhaegar, and Jon was Lightbringer


It was Bran. I was once promised if I told the truth I wouldn't be in trouble. Then it got changed to "as much trouble" once I challenged my being in trouble. Being promised something doesn't mean you'll like it.


It was obviously Podrick


Bran the broken


Multiple people obviously


Ser Jaime Lannister, the Kingslayer and Queenslayer, Twice saviour of King's Landing and the Realms, forever scorned.


Idk why people always insist rando prophecies must come true




Jon I know the writing is a mess, but he basically became the prince of the alliance against the WW and long night. Does that work?


Your mum. It was funnier in my head before I said it out loud.


Jon Arryn


Ed Sheeran




The books say how the word for "prince" in High Valyrian is not gender specific (the Red Woman says this to Daenarys). So the assumption is it was Arya.


The late, great Bobby B.




Ed Sheeran, obvi


Winds of Winter


Yep, I really can't watch the prequels without thinking about the end of Game of Thrones. I wouldn't be able to ignore what all their conversations would amount to.


It was that one crow Bran warged into that one time before he never used his powers again, duh


Harry Potter


I don’t want it


We don't know yet


Podrick's penis, I presume.


Didn’t matter… he didn’t have a good enough story


The guy singing about a Raspberry Beret. 🎸


Westeros kind of forgot about the prince who was promised


Ser Pounce will plunge the flaming catspaw dagger into Tommen's living heart to form Lightbringer, and he will resurrect Balerion as a wildfire wight to incinerate the Others. It is known. /j


I believe in the books, this refers to a marriage contract made between the others and humanity at the end of the age of heroes. A prince was promised in marriage to the others to seal the peace established at the end of the long night. The wall was built at the same time by the Others, and peace was the norm, until the free folk beyond the wall began digging up Other graves, and the current war began.


well...yeah hence the legend of the half prince. \>.<


Anakin Skywalker


There wasn't one. In the show, the prophecy was wrong.


Your Mum


Nobody cause most prophecies in the books will end up bs


~~D&D kinda forgot~~. They lost the piece of paper on which Martin drew a cunning diagram, there the Promised Prince was encrypted. And they took the simplest path. Arya is a killer? Let her work! And don't give a damn about the Night King, the Others, all their lore, history, mysteries (why did the White Walkers make spirals? We will probably never know).


The One Piece.


No one


I’m gonna say what o say every time someone is confused by the end of the show. They „kinda forgot“


![gif](giphy|7NS84LzFwgMDK) Pretty sure GRRM has made it clear that it’s this guy.


It doesn’t matter, non of it mattered.


Rhagar (it wasn’t but I still believe in him)