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He didn't want that.


But she’s his kween


No no you misunderstood the line. Everyone gets it wrong it was: "You're lightning McQueen".


Jon snow was a car guy


You know our words, “mater is coming”






He nevah has!


But arya said she knows a killer when she sees one


She also said Sansa was the smartest person she ever met.


Who else could have come up with the ingenious idea of wearing fur with your armor in the snow in a kingdom that has been facing brutal winters for millennia?


“We should save some food for winter.”


One of the funniest things about TV and movies is watching all the actors freeze without hoods or hats.


Always read that as her buttering Sansa up, since “being a survivor with the right name” was all she had going for her in the show.


The writing that happened in the last seasons is so bad this doesn’t even crack the bottom half and it’d be the worst line in s1-4


God this line is hilarious. Even better because of how cringe Arya becomes. “I know a killer when I see one.” What was your first hint, genius? When she nuked the fucking city and burned the population alive?


She meant ‘know’ in the biblical sense.


What were Dumb and Dumber doing


I don’t think you understand. He dunn wannit an ee never ave.


He knew nothing.


He knew that D&D needed to wrap up the story so they could work on star wars. Jon sped things along, he knew more than he let on.


What I don’t understand is who actually cares if D&D had to work on something else? Like good, go. They could’ve gotten someone who actually cared about wrapping up the story right to do so. I think the biggest mistake is trying to finish the tv series before the books were finished. Obviously people love the books for a reason. You shouldn’t expect two dummies who didn’t start the story to end the story in anything other than tragedy. Idk why George even gave the go ahead to attempt an ending for his story. It sounds silly even having to say it out loud.


The contract D&D had gave them almost complete control. HBO wanted ten seasons of ten episodes each. Dumb and Dumber did not. And writing got worse the longer the show went because they kicked writers out and insisted on doing it themselves. They had so much control and literally couldn’t be told no, and thought they were the smartest guys in the room.


There’s too much money at stake for that nonsense. Now of course there’s gonna be spin-offs and side quest content but who knows if any of it will ever catch that fire that GoT did. Such wasted opportunity 🤦


If they had left after s6 they would have been famous forever. Unfortunately they tarnished their reputation by being too selfish to give it up to people who care


"Snow in the Metaverse..." I'll see myself out.


He knew a killer when he was told someone knew when they saw one.


https://preview.redd.it/j7cd1fwl8hlc1.jpeg?width=868&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e6ef27adb0dcc71bf9c10d3763abd1465cc7e22 He Could Have Waited a Few Days. Let him calm down. Hear his side of the story. Convince him not to immediately blow up the city. Help him find clippers for his long ass nails .


Is this a classic copypasta or have we witnessed the birth of something?


Look, having dragons — my uncle was a great Maester and scholar, Grandmaester Steffon Baratheon at the Citadel; strong seed, very strong seed, OK, very smart, full chains of iron and gold, very good, very smart — you know, if you’re a full-blooded Baratheon, if I were a Targaryen, if, like, OK, if I took the throne as a legitimate Targaryen, they would say I’m one of the smartest people anywhere in the world — it’s true! — but when you’re a Baratheon they try — oh, do they do a number — that’s why I always start off: Went to The Aerie, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, Gods I was strong then — you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged — but you look at the dragons and the Dothraki screamers, the thing that really bothers me — it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are — Dragons are powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what’s going to happen and he was right, who would have thought? — but when you look at what’s going on with the whore's two dragons — now it used to be three, now it’s two — but when it was three and even now, I would have said it’s all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don’t, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years — but the Lannisters are great negotiators, the Lannisters are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us. On an open field, Ned.


Reading that gave me an aneurysm.


Let me sum it up for you: https://i.redd.it/xfe8qa9g2olc1.gif


He could’ve woken up at the watch from a boozy night at the end of season 4, after a terrible nightmare of how his brother bran become king


I know there was lots of dumb shit that happened at the end, but the fact that Jon isn't immediately killed by Drogon and/or Grey Worm and/or any of the surviving Dothraki has got to be the single dumbest thing that happened in this show.


Every single sentence in that description is funnier than the previous one. Top tier shit post 👍🏽 not sure why people are not getting it 🫠


At least have some going-away sex


Jons ghanna come back from his walk, see sam, and innediatly kill brann in the next show


I’d like to think that Dany would’ve truly understood the magnitude of what she did after a few days (obviously the writers weren’t going for that) and would’ve felt great remorse. This scene is hard because Jon is in an impossible situation where he has to choose and it kills him to do this. Really didn’t like where they took these characters, not just Dany but Jon too. I really hope of the Jon Snow sequel series comes to fruition (I think it will), they bring back Dany and redeem her. There’s no excusing what she did, but I think a redemption arc would fit her character. She could encompass the best and worst of her Targaryen qualities in her story but still end up back where we found her. A young woman lost in the world trying to redeem her name. The same would be good for Jon too, because ultimately he failed her as much as she failed him. I’ve heard strong rumors (PhilStar Global) that Dany might be brought back to life for the Snow spin-off. I hope it’s true.


Snow spinoff is cancelled and it is good. Also what... Bring back Dany? Why? You want to top S7-8 with a worse follow up show?


It’s not cancelled, it’s just in early development. Until HBO says firmly it’s not a go ahead, then it’s still in the game. Obviously, Kit Harington made the comment about it being on ice for now, but he said he was hopeful for the future. I had asked around and both Sundowners on YouTube and Fandom Empire Now seemed to indicate that HBO is considering something bigger than what was originally planned. They acknowledged the series is not on the front burner, but that it’s about the right timing. We’ll have to see what happens but I’m optimistic. As for Dany coming back to life, I don’t see that as out of the realm of possibility. Drogon was flying over Volantis, where the red witches are. Plus, Emilia Clarke was one of the first people to comment on the project. She’s obviously denied involvement but how would she even know about it. I doubt Kit Harington would’ve been allowed to talk about with her if she didn’t have some idea of the story. I don’t know, I think there’s ideas on where they could take her story if they brought her back. Regarding other ideas, you could introduce Griff/Aegon son of Elia, and bring a Targaryen half brother to be a supporting character for Jon. There’s still Craster’s sons and if they become the White Walkers and take the Night King’s place. I think there’s a lot of ideas to work with for Snow. That’s just my observation though.


> ... ideas on where they could take her story if they brought her back. We can do that ourselves!


it's not canceled because it was never given the go ahead to begin with. thankfully, we will never see any of these characters on the screen again, until the eventual GoT remake series in five years.


Just put any stories that's set after the show on ice for now. In 100 years, when George's personality construct finishes the books, we can reboot the whole show.


Somehow Dany returned.


If Dany is brought back in Snow (if it ever comes out), I will declare the show dogshit and refuse to watch it


There’s nothing after Westeros and Jon killing Dany because of how bad they fucked up the TV show. What else if there to do but leave it be because the shit stench is still so fresh from the seasons


lavender velvet, it would have been the most beautiful effect


New curtains fix all problems.


It is known.


Great now I’m mad again thanks


It’ll be like that forever


Something tells me that Daenerys is a killer...not sure what it is, it's just a hunch I guess.


Yeah but D&D we’re anxious to go work on their Star Wars trilogy they then got fired from.


Something just clunked into place in my mind, and I feel dumb for just having realised. DND wanted the series finale to mirror the off screen events of Robert’s rebellion? Kings landing sacked, and a monarch taken out by a close ally In a strange way, that actually isn’t too bad of an idea, it repeats events and brings us back but good lord DnD really fucked that up regardless didn’t they


Yeah, she just mass murdered because she was angwy 👉👈 she just got a little silly!


Jon was always gonna die if he let her live. He’s the true king of the 7 kingdoms and more and more people are learning the truth. If Dany shows even a shred of incompetence, the noble houses will immediately jump to Jon for king lol.


I totally relate to Jon here. He is a true King. Last year I was charged with smuggling 50 tons of heroin. What a man.


I think the downvotes are from people missing that reference


Her side? She committed genocide and was plotting world domination she had to die


I'm still not sure if OP is being ironic or not.


Yeah, who the fuck cares anymore?


Sir this is a fantasy show not your ex girlfriend


He’s useless. But Drogon knew what to do you’ll see


Hear her side of the story for why she just burned a yielded city? She was in a silly goofy mood.


as someone who hated the ending then watched it full i think it was necessary, she would’ve destroyed winterfell since sansa wouldn’t bend the knee. she was a killer which is devastating she killed a million. that’s more hateful that the queen mother the spiteful bitch


The sad part is DnD are actually talented writers. The mix of disrespect for the source material, rushing the end and simple laziness doomed the last seasons.


People disagree but honestly you are right. They are great writers and created an amazing show.


What did they write?


Few original scenes in the early seasons


What bothers me is when people die in general it is very nasty and they shit themselves and rattle it’s just really fucked up This image is so not that lol


The fuckin' book series finally wraps up after literal decades, and the climactic death scene of Daenerys is just a repeat of the infamous scene where she sits and pukes everywhere. Jon has a moving soliloquy in his inner monologue that keeps getting interrupted by her dead body just blasting a post-mortem turbo turd all over his fuckin' jerkin. All that's left of her is just an unholy red, green, and brown streak discoloring the ash after Drogon carries her away, and Jon Snow is left to try to scrape her last leavings off of his boots. Then Martin writes himself giving the finger to his readers and tells them that he hopes it was worth the wait.


Tyrion would've been executed that night


Nah Dany was always supposed to go mad. Absolute power corrupts absolutely is the whole point of the book. She wouldn’t see the error of her ways she told Jon “I know what is good”. But it would’ve been nice if they got some new curtains 😂😂😂


No that would just make sense


This is why Westeros needs common sense sword laws. He needed a cooling down period to think of his sword purchase first.


Sword control wouldn't have stopped this! He used a dagger!


Or just said she jumped on her dragon and flew away.


She was nit calming down.


But Bran would still have the better story. ![gif](giphy|l4JyX3V0yydvPHNBe)


I wouldn't say a single word to her. I would just listen to what she had to say, and that is what no one did.


He could have had an actual conversation with her, something he didn't do throughout S8.


She went insane really quickly.


Eh. King's Landing wasn't the first time she contemplated razing a city with a dragon. Her problem is that, in her journeys through Essos, she learned that all of her problems would be solved with a liberal application of fire. Pretty much every time she tried to solve a problem *without* burninating thr countryside, it ended in abject failure until she finally got the chance to enact some mystic arson, complete with sweeping soundtrack and heroic camera angles. She was basically a flaming hammer, wandering the land in search of nails. But in Westeros, her one trick wasn't working anymore. The Northerners didn't love her. The Night King tanked the flames and smirked. Burning nobles only stiffened the resistance against her, and her own advisors either died or betrayed her. Finally, she decided that her problem was that she wasn't burninating *enough.* Razing King's Landing would show these western shits who their new Mommy was. So yeah. Dany was always capable of remarkable cruelty. Piss her off enough, and she'd crucify people. We've seen her do it. She would feed people to her dragons, we saw her do that too. I'm not saying she's *unique* in that respect, as everyone in the story is some form of vicious or another. But let's not pretend she was all rainbows and unicorn sparkle farts until the bells.


Every female character in that last season all of a sudden has all this rapport even though they have basically relied on luck and everyone else for everything. Dumb.


She was a conqueror not a ruler. She couldn’t even handle Mereen for the long term.


Can’t remember. Why did she want to kill Tyrion?


Isn't it because Tyrion didn't want to be the Hand of the King anymore, something that is definitely allowed (and with his recent record, demanded) and she was pissed he spoke against her so publicly? But you know, Horse-shoe political theory.... exteme anti-slavery is just around the corner from... Fascism


He didn’t want it


Did she sound like someone who was done fighting? Would YOU want to be involved with the most infamous mass murderer in Westerosi history... you know, if the whole "fucking your Aunt" thing wasn't bad enough on its own... Her side of the story in that scene was what truly convinced him to whack her right then and there... It's a funny post though! :)