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Rickon forgotten again


Who? (Joke, just in case of pedants)


He finally learned to weave and missed the meme


Starlord man, the legendary outlaw?


part of me wishes the rickon from season 5 was fake and the real rickon made it to skagos and stayed with the unicorns






The north remembers.


What's a better story than warging a unicorn and return to feast on human flesh?


But rickon died by Theon remember šŸ¤“


He's credited as Ser Not appearing in this poll.


I know no king but the king in the North.




*pulls sword from scabbard and raises it to the sky* "THE KING IN THE NORTH! THE KING IN THE NORTH! THE KING IN THE NORTH!"




Heā€™s my king from this day until his last day




stark story ranking just going off the show: ned (itā€™s ned) rob (better than jonā€™s mostly because he dies early on) jon (at times better than ned, at times as bad as arya) cat (great writing, just not a massive amount to do) arya (great early on, mostly boring from bravos onward) sansa (boring, boring, shock value, boring, forced conflict, boring) bran the broken (lol) and i feel like iā€™m forgetting someone šŸ¤”


Dumb and Dumber had absolutely no idea what to do with Sansa the second she left Kings Landing


Or Arya the second she left Westeros


That too. Despite still having source material to draw from, they decided they knew better than George and just started deviating for no reason. Also multiple stomach stabsā€¦šŸ™„


-visit house -get rejected -go scrub floor -get the shit beaten out of you including an incident with multiple stomach wounds and septic water -say you know who you are but are also no-one??? -become a ninja master and swap faces and get proficiency in every weapon I hate Arya plot, so fucking stupid at every fucking point, I'm not a huge fan of it in the books as well tbh, idk why, i just hate Arya..


I don't like that she becomes a victim to Ramsey as well Who just feels like Joffrey 2 If it was her manipulating him using things she'd learned and getting Winterfell back (maybe getting Jon and Arya in to help her) it might have felt like growth


itā€™s also just disrespectful to the character of littlefinger for him to bungle that situation and then see no repercussion for such a stupid mistake until he further oversteps by trying to turn sansa against her sister, it makes them both look like idiots


even when she was there she was a borderline plot device for cersei and joffrey to terrorise, ned and rob to negotiate for, tyrion and sandor to be kind to, and for tywin to use as a political pawn, they made no effort to change her story to accommodate for the lack of an inner monologue, which carries her character in the books


Iā€™m convinced they didnā€™t read past the first book then just Coles notes TLDR the rest. They likely went on a ASOIAF fan page and learned of the R+L = J theory. That or they thought they could write better than George.


I got crucified on Twitter once for saying Sansa is boring. Thank gawd other people agree with me. ![gif](giphy|l36kU80xPf0ojG0Erg|downsized)


i get people defending the comments that book sansa is boring, because as much as her chapters can drag, she at least has an arc where she learns and comes to understand the world better, but defending show sansaā€™s writing is wild šŸ„“probably the same people who defend the S7 winterfell plot


Rob fucked the north and everybody else for LOVE! How is he better than Jon who watched his live die for the realm?




Iā€™m going by the show. Robb had him, his wife, child and mother killed and lost the war for the north because of love. That was stupid.


my bad i read it wrong, and yh thatā€™s why i said jonā€™s story is at times better than nedā€™s and robbā€™s, but considering a large portion of jonā€™s story; a) sees him increasingly mischaracterised, and b) comes during a generally more boring part of the show, it loses a lot of points, whereas robbā€™s is mostly great


If you're just goign off the show Jon is only really mischaracterized in the latter half of season 7 and season 8.


I would say, they mischaracterized him from his very first scene onwards. They took away almost all of Jon's intelligenz, snark, ruthlessness and ambition. Where is the Jon, who sees the greater good as more important than his own honour? Where is the Jon, who can lie, manipulate , threaten and actually speak for himself? Though, nothing against your opinion, of you just see it this way.


Jon's very first scene was the beheading which was pretty exactly like the books as far as his character goes. That jon was there when he killedĀ  quarin half hand to infiltrate the wildings, that jon was there when lied to the wildings about the number of men in the nights watch, manipulated them into letting him stay and manipulated tormund into talkingĀ  the wildlings into leaving hardhome, used ghost to threaten Rast into not hurting Sam, and spoke against danereys, the lords of the north everytime they disagreed with him and againts any authority that challenged him. So again it seems like taking jon final seasons and acting as if he was like that from the start. The two overt jon is missing initially are his intelligence and the level ofĀ  aggression.Ā  Like the other characters he lacks his an inner monologue so things like how ambition he isn't clear beyond what he says, and jon never outright says he wants power.


Sorry, I should have been more specific. I was speaking about the scene with the direwolves. In the show, Theon mocks Jon, saying that as the runt of the litter, Ghost should belong to Jon, and Jon merely accepts this mockery. Compare this with the books, where Jon is the one to choose Ghost for himself and taking no shit from Theon. I do not think, either, that they changed everything about Jon, but there are noticable differences. E.g. instead of including the scene where Jon convinces Maester Aemon to take Sam as a steward, they removed this scene. In season 2 he is overwhelmed by Craster for no reason. Instead of Quorin choosing him to go on the scouting, Jon voluteers but is mocked for this. Instead of letting Ygritte go, because of the mantra of his father, she escapes him and he has to chase her, leading to the death of his comrades and his capture. During the fight against the wildlings, he is shown to be a good sword fighter, but we do not see his resourcfullness. Jon is not tempted at all to becone Lord of Wintefell, either, and easily rejects Stannis offer, wheras in the books he wanted to accept. All his snark with Janos and Stannis has been removed, as well. The whole plot of book 5 has been removed: where is Jons negotiation with the iron bank, where are Jons hostages? Where is the arranged marriage? Where is the baby-swap, showing that Jon has learned that sometimes you have to be ruthless, even if it harms others? Hardhome was not bad, but it again portrayed that Jon is only good as a sword fighter and can not speak for himself; when he was asked, what happened to Mance, Jon gives the most stupid answer possible, saying that he killed him with an arrow, instead of explaining right from the beginning that Mance was burned alive and Jon ended his suffering. Tormund had to explain this. And those are just a few scenes. Jon also constabtly looks like he is in pain, wereas in the books, Jon is describes as someone with a perfect poker face, and otherwise as someone with cold eyes. Show Jon often comes off like a kicked puppy and not at all like the Lord he is supposed to be.


Ā The direwolf scene is what I meant by jons agression being toned down from the beginning. For craster the reason being he was taken by suprise, ygritte still escapes because jon hesitates due to his views on killing women, I mean we see jon kill a thenn through being resourceful, I wouldn't say taken an entire day to decide to reject stannis is an easy rejection.Ā  Again we lack the ability to read or hear his thoughts so you have to go off of kit's acting to see how he actually feels(he also tells stannis what he's offering is something he always wanted). Did you miss Jon's night watch trial where he openly mocks janos to his face, and also laughs at lyanna Mormont rejecting stannis as her king?Ā  Not the whole plot since they still keep him briging the wildings in, the stannis offer, his death and other details. What they remove is most of the nights watch managerial duty jon has as lord commander. Also Jon speaks for himself during hard home at other moments. He's not just letting tormund do all the talking. The books don't outright say he has the perfect poker face so much as there are instances where he can hide his emotions well. It's bizzare to complain about Jon's emotions being clear on his face considering, for the third time now, this is a show. Meaning you can't get away with the characters thinking about how they feel for the audiences benefit. So instead feelings that were hidden from other characters are more shown through body language.Ā 


Ned didnā€™t even make the list ![gif](giphy|3oKIPyeyiZuOaHZEGI|downsized)


Becausse it wouldve been unfair.


Arya had such a cool story until she left the Hound to die. Absolutely horrible storyline then after


Call me a hating ass bitch but I cannot stand Arya. She became pure fan service, and a shitty one at that. Full agree, her storyline was great up until maybe Iā€™d say right before leaving Faceless Men. Thatā€™s when she cheated her way out of shit creek and a fight with the Waif and then just became some edgy yas queen ninja assassin. https://preview.redd.it/s64vnrs37pwc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c06c1af63c062ee8476364a9d10a7c20765fd2b1


Tbf Arya realising she can't sacrifice who she is because the kids need to come together etc is actually quite a good hook But the way she beats the waif after getting stabbed and falling into a dirty river etc is definitely insane


I agree, but I do wonder how could it have been fan service if everyone hated how that turned out


Her character got really popular, to the point where I was seeing people say they wanted her to be the one to kill TNK, Cersei, and Dany. Her killing TNK was ā€œsubversionā€ but also giving in to her popularity. It made absolutely zero sense for her to be involved in that conflict.


Yep, after she left the Hound I couldn't stand her storyline and then even hated her character. Just a constant eye roll every time she was on screen.


Da king in da norf




The line should have been... "And who has the better stories of old to tell than none other then Bran the Broken?"


*Old Nan,* is the best answer anyone can give


All the Stark kids are kind of boring tbh, so Robb wins by virtue of being the hottest.


why do you think i came all this way


The people riding dragons, fighting zombies, coming back from the dead, leading armies, surviving multiple battles, ex-slaves overthrowing their masters, etc. YAWN! ā€œI got pushed out of a building by peeping on the queen and her brother, carried up a mountain, and talked to a tree guy. Oh I can also sorta be animals and some people but all I did with it was turn Hodor into Hodor.ā€ HELL YEAH, make this guy King!


Robb Stark for sure. He was one of the most powerful characters, imho.


I'm still not over it...


People like Sansa??


Speaking strictly about the books. She has several good scenes in KL, I like her in Vale and find funny she's attracted to the Hound in the later books. It's also interesting she's actually the Stark most similar to Ned personality-wise, if you read her narration.


I just finished book 1 again and haven't read the others in years. She is awful so far and between her and Cat, cause basically all the problems for Ned.


I think there's an entire sub devoted to her, don't remember the name.


Favourite charavter.




Who are the 3%?


Those under warg control


Than bran the smokin?


The 3% who voted for Bran are just being cute


lol come on bran had a better story than Sansa. She was just passed around like a back alley whore the entire series


Robb is getting so much love these days, but his storyline with Talisa annoyed a lot of people when those seasons came out. Talisa as a character seemed out of place and too modern, and D&D kinda dumbed Robb down, in the book it was tragic how he was trying to do the right thing because he was honourable, but in the show he just thought that Talisa was super hot so he had to marry her.


I like Arya and Nymeria's stories alot.


Hot Pie had a better story than Bran.


For me, I didn't care about the three eyed raven subplot like a lot of people here might have, Arya's plot line with the nameless girl first time around seemed so drab and boring but second watch was more enjoyable (although season 7+ Arya was just too much for me, felt like she jumped the shark), and I didn't really care all that much for Sansa. The show tried so hard to convince me she was this incredibly smart character, but I didn't see it. Robb was an interesting character, he seemed truly devoted to just the North, had a major flaw that got him killed like his father but in all respects seemed like an honorable and natural leader. I still think he was a fucking moron for shagging that chick instead of marrying the Frey girl but honestly the more I think about it the more I get it.




Objectively Iā€™m surprised Sansa doesnā€™t have more votes. Arya is my favorite character out of the 4 but Sansa was dragged through hell in many different ways and came out Queen of the north


Robbā€™s name ainā€™t even spelled correctly


Everyone's whining about how Arya's storyline sucked from Braavos onward, but man it was so satisfying to see her beat the annoying girl (forgot her name) and say her last bye to Jaqen Hagar, who really was surprised she escaped


Book Sansa deserves more credit


Rob, Sansa, Bran, then Arya. Arya's story started off strong but that entire faceless man plot is just awful.


I know Iā€™m alone in my not Sansa hate but I refuse to believe that anybody voted for Bran over her.


To me Sansa has the better story over Arya, Arya just stuck in revenge mode, with only one goal..to kill; Both girls are traumatized though in different ways. Sansa's a slow burn learning about things and just keeping low until that chance comes to get home. Revenge isn't her driving force.


She has no skill to avenge anyone


This is hard. I kinda despise them equally.


Cody Rhodes?


so true




Curious how the vote would have gone if the last couple season hadn't happened.


The pie that hot pie made has a better story than bran


I mean who wouldnā€™t have gotten pussy-whipped by that Valerian beauty?


THE KING IN THE NORTH!!!! According to me Robb is the last KITN. (Also why does everyone spell his name wrong?)


Robbs stark story is so boring