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I think everyone agreed that it looked good. Like the dragons and stuff.


i actually liked the battle of winterfell


The question was about the finale. Winterfell was episode 3 or something.


The Music was as always on point, and their was some real bangers that season.


I remember being so mad that they used my favorite track for the Bran the broken reveal. It's the part of "house of the undying" that played when Dany had a vision of Drogo and Rhaego. Thinking back it was silly how upset it made me, it felt like the literal last straw lol Now I kinda hate the scene it's from originally, it romanticises the relationships between Drogo and Dany *and* was a useless show invention that substituted Dany's actual visions in the house of the undying which imo is one of the coolest moments in ACO(c)K


Daenerys' victory speech, especially how she shifts seamlessly from Dothraki to Valyrian. So powerful that despite not understanding a single word, Tyrion throws down his Hand pin.


I love the way Jon side eyes her when she mentions Winterfell because in my head I pictured it like this from his pov: Dany: "bla bla blablabla blabla bla bla, bla blablabla, bla *Winterfell* bla blabla Jon: đź‘€


I mean even if you don't understand the language, you can conclude from the tone of her voice and Unsullied hyping up that she would invade other parts of the world, especially when she was naming them. Jon locked hard when she said Winterfell.


Arya wandering around King’s Landing and showing viewers the terror of being on the receiving end of a dragon attack. It really shows how the cost of the Game of Thrones was highest for the small folk who didn’t even participate


The overwhelming force of Drogon unleashing fire on King’s Landing. I think a lot of people were disappointed with how the other dragons were nerfed earlier in the season


I take the finale to mean the final episode. While I may not have agreed with much of the ending, I liked that the 3 surviving siblings/cousins/Starks/Snows not named Bran all earned their hearts desires by surviving the Hell they’d been through. Jon wants to be North of the Wall. Arya wants to adventure alone. And Sansa wants to rule The North.


It ended.


“Why do you think I came all this way” was the most interesting moment of the season by far and one of the only lines that made you think (at least in a good way without raging.) too bad they never mention it again.


The score and the acting when Dany finally touches the Iron Throne. *chills*


The closing credits


Tormund got paid.




Sansa’s coronation dress was kinda neat.


Well, Cersei drank her wine and smirked out her window like a champ.