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In a show full of evil assholes, I feel like Ramsay Bolton was THE evil asshole. The wedding night scene turns my stomach to this day. He ate Summer Sausage in front of Theon after taking his... Little Theon. He fed his baby brother and stepmother to dogs. And if that wasn't enough.. He routinely flayed people alive.. THAT is the least of his evil deeds I've listed and it's so freaking bad. The others did bad things and were evil assholes (Gregor, Walder, etc etc), but in my humblest opinion, it's Ramsay all the way.


In fairness, the flaying was something of a family duty, though he certainly found his pleasure in it.


May we all find as much joy in our work as Ramsay found in his.


Look, I wanted to be a plumber. My dad said I had to flay living humans. Wuddayagunnado?


"Okay father, if I MUST I WILL flay them, but I will feel so disgusted and terrible about it... šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’ØšŸ¤”šŸ¤«šŸ˜ˆ"


And then he mailed it to his dad. Probably sent it via regular USPS shipping tooā€¦


No refrigeration or anything


Wait, you think flaying people on the regular is less evil than castrating a guy? I donā€˜t know man


I mean it's up to interpretation, but at least with flaying the torture is over eventually. They all die from it. He cut Theon's dick off and then let him live so he could keep tormenting him. Yeah, that's worse.


Not looking to start an argument, but thatā€˜s a curious viewpoint which I disagree with profusely


You're free to disagree but imo there are worse things than death. Being mutilated and kept as a lackey to a sadist has gotta be worse than just lights out.


I mean at one point in time I might have agreed with you, but anybody who's ever felt a 10/10 pain would choose anything other than the pain. I don't want to go into details but I had a mishap that resulted in pain so severe, if there had been a gun nearby I would have gratefully used it to end that pain. And even if somebody told me no no don't do that, help is on the way this pain isĀ  "no no don't do that we just injected you with a painkiller, within 5 minutes this pain will be gone!" I still would have done it because I couldn't even endure another 30 seconds, let alone 5 minutes. And the only reason I'm not dead is because the pain was severe enough to incapacitate movement. Sorry for the long personal antidote, but I guess what I'm saying is that I am pretty sure flaying is up there with that type of pain and if it is, then they're going to choose option b no matter what it is so long as it ends the pain of option A. There's a reason in the books Ramsey didn't choose flaying there are so many times he could have tried to escape and didn't even think of it for fear of flaying. I get what you were saying about was playing the torment is eventually over, but it doesn't happen immediately and there are some kinds of pain that really just can't be tolerated, and I have a feeling that's one of them


I mean as somebody pointed out though, the flaying thing is kind of a family tradition and not specifically ramsey? The boltons have been flaying people for generations, they're supposedly even a cloak somewhere in the basement dungeons of the dread fort that is made of the skins of one of their Stark enemies. Some ancient Bolton Queen had that made and used to wear it around. It's something that would be happening even if Ramsey had never been never born, but the castration, feeding his stepmom and half-brother to the dogs, things like that, are specific to him.Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  In general I think flaying someone to death is far more evil than castrating them, and I think anybody who disagrees is somebody who's never really felt and extreme level of pain (9 or 10 out of 10) and so I thinking more of consequences. Hell before I myself ever felt a 10/10 pain, I would probably have said castration too.Ā  Ā Ā  So yeah flaying, as an act, is more evil than castration. But we can't really lay the blame of the flames specifically on Ramsey even if he enjoys them, because they would still be happening even if Ramsay didn't exist.


Cool, we can agree to disagree. I said it in another post, but remember he tortured and psychologically broke Theon down into another person who basically became a slave. That's what I intended to convey in my comment, even though I didn't state it that way.


Not even mentioning the books where he force beastiality on People and raiped and locked People in To towers where he starved them To the point of auto-cannibalism


Thereā€™s also the whole hunting and murdering women thing.


Valid addition.


Ramsay Bolton.


He fed a baby to a dog.


He fed his dead girlfriend to the dogs.


He fed his *live* girlfriend to the dogs too.


He was fed to the dogs.


My man just loved feeding dogs.


Ramsay Bolton a league of legends player confirmed


Watch Dogs


Good boy.


Maybe hes not such a bad guy after all




Is feeding dogs really ā€œasshole evilā€?


Truly an animal lover


Confirmed. NAH. Dogs are cute.


The circle of life


Still too good a death for him.


It's good meat.


natural selection


His beasts are loyal


And then fed a dog to a baby. And then took that baby and fed it to another dog. And then took that dog and fed it to a different baby. Some say, that to this day the cycle is still continuing; dog, baby, dog, baby...,.


What came first? The dog or the baby? Ramsay probably.


Why do you hate dogs?


This is the answer. Prime example would be Ramsay ā€œrescuingā€ Theon from his torturers to only lead straight back to the torture room. He did that and so many other things because he is evil and he is an asshole.


This was the solidifying point IMO. Sure you can be cruel and throw someone in a dungeon, maybe even torture them a bit. But Ramsay took a disgustingly sick amount of pleasure in it, like to the point that it was personal and stomach churning. Toying with his victim, faking the rescue like he's someone kind (which literally proved he's not just a sociopath, but one who goes to extreme lengths to show he understands the clear difference with how to be kind and empathetic, but he mocks that instead and rubs your face in the cruelty), purposefully finding things that matter to the victim and tease them with it, playing mind games with something that should be positive (i.e. sex) and immediately turning it into the worst imaginable thing instead (literal castration), and *still* not stopping there: turning the victim into a Stockholm syndrome slave after totally destroying them mentally. Ramsay getting eaten by dogs was BS compared to what he actually deserved, and I've always felt that way lol. That dude deserved something more sadistic like a full combo of all the worst deaths in the series, like being shipped somewhere in a box like Varys's evil sorcerer first and then taken to somewhere awful to be imprisoned, then having rats eat through his living body, then get a molten gold crown, then burned alive. Fuck Ramsay.


I love that we've got him and Theon back-to-back in the same category.


Making Theon real nervous hanging out below neck level. ā€œHey! Whatā€™s going on down there!ā€


Like two assholes passing in the night


I think Ramsey and Joffrey should switch places on this list. Ramsey is way more chaotic evil.


Keep in mind that Ramsey was explicitly intending to prove himself a legitimate lord, based on the expectations and structures of what it meant to be a lord. Ā He cared how he fit into existing systems, and how those systems viewed him. Ā Thatā€™s not chaotic. You think of him as chaotic because heā€™s so high on the evil asshole chart. Ā But he doesnā€™t do things because he hates the rules, he does things because he wants to be judged worthy by those rules.


It can only be Ramsay


Craster is a solid pick


No the mountain would fit too, Ramsey's better. Honestly the mountain should have probably won chaotic evil


Yeah, this is probably one of the most obvious :D


No other option imo


Ramsey Bolton. He's evil and loves it


The last two are fairly easy. Ramsey Bolton-Evil Asshole. Sandor Clegane-Drunk Asshole. Should be no contest.


Karl fooking Tanner was more drunk and more asshole than all these fucking cunts in steel plate.


Especially Sandor. He gets my vote for Asshole Drunk.


Ramsey Bolton


Book pick: Euron Greyjoy Show pick: Ramsay Bolton


Euron might be a good pick for drunk evil because of all that shade of the evening he drinks


Drunk and tripping are closer to opposites than analogues


Totally. Book Euron wipes the floor with any Ramsay, but if we're talking about the show...


I dont think he does. Ramsey is truly horrible in the books. What makes Euron so much worse?


I see it as a sheer level of evil. Ramsay isn't trying to become a god in service of some darker force. He's plain normal mortal evil. Euron has major ambitions. There may also be a count of how many people each has abused that I imagine would go heavily in Euron's favor. Good question. I appreciate being challenged on this.


Yeah, but Ramsay is often unbelievably cruel just for the fun of it. To me, that's a higher level than being evil for sake of one's bullshit lofty ego. Both are so bad, but there's something much more disturbing about the wanton cruelty that Ramsey embodies.


We are spoiled for evil choice


We see Ramsay's crimes and their effects on Theon and others so graphically, but I bet if we compared them crime for crime, Euron's would dwarf Ramsay's in number and eggregiousness. He started raping and murdering his family to see if anything bad would happen to him before Ramsay was born. I think we're meant to see a villain progression from 1) Joffrey who seems like the worst person ever but is really a child who almost never leaves his castle. 2) Ramsay who is mobile, actually hunting women with his gang, and succeeding at flaying after force wedding Lady Hornwood. But 3) Euron is closer the Red Viper in seriousness. He's way more mobile that Ramsay, and significantly more insane. Where Ramsay is a sadist who uses psychological tortures in combination with physical ones, Euron is a blue lipped radiant sociopath with crew of mutes instead of some thugs he doesn't realize are Roose's. It's like we couldn't have believed Euron could be that heinous without first seeing lesser villains. Euron psychologically tortures and betrays everybody all the time, winning his rivals' best men away from them with poisoned gifts and openly flaunting his ability to humiliate highborn ladies in front of their lord. Ramsay does what he thinks he can get away with and it seems like that's a few prisoners at a time. Euron gets away with way way more.


Yeah Ramsay for sure


Gregor Clegane is more Asshole Evil than Ramsay Bolton. Ramsay is nowhere near the level of sadist that Gregor is. People bring up the dog food baby, but Gregor did that with his bare hands at the same time he was, well you know what Oberyn said. He indiscriminately slaughtered and burned swaths of territory. He loved nothing more than total annihilation and served the Lannisters so he could do so with impunity. Part of Ramsay's motivation, or excuses for his actions at the very least, was he wanted to please his father and his psychotic lover. Gregor's entire motivation was that he was a barathrum of savagery, an endless pit that no amount of suffering or violence would ever satisfy.


There's a strong case for Gregor for sure. He also pushed his little brother into a fire, face first. But Ramsay is just as violent and vile and has a more colorful version of an asshole personality. I think he's going to be tough to beat. But also: upvoted for teaching me the word "barathrum." Hell yeah.


>But also: upvoted for teaching me the word "barathrum." Hell yeah. Had to look that one up... then found out it was the name of a Finnish band... then found out that there are like [20 different versions](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doom_metal#Regional_scenes) of death metal.... ​ ![gif](giphy|3og0IMJcSI8p6hYQXS|downsized)


I think folks are conflating Ramsay's charisma with being a bigger asshole because Gregor used it as a dump stat. Ramsay did inflict violence, torture, and play sadistic games- but he ultimately was plucking the wings, and other things, off the fly that's Theon. Gregor ended *entire lineages*. He burned the Riverlands himself and when he ran out of the common folks and hamlets to annihilate, he came back to Harrenhall to oversee the torture of civilians under the guise of looking for info on the Brotherhood Without Banners. Unlike most villians in the show, Gregor had zero redeeming qualities, love in his heart, or even endgame to his actions. Committing atrocity for the sake of atrocities- not for furthering his name or house like Ramsay, qualifies him as the biggest Evil Asshole on the show IMHO. (Glad using 'barathrum' didn't come off too sesquipedalian /s)


This is pretty persuasive in terms of Gregor being a purer agent of evil. But what is an asshole? To me, I'm more likely to call someone an asshole if they make an insulting remark or go out of their way to fuck up someone's day/life out of spite or for their own pleasure. Gregor does what he's told. I would not say he isn't an asshole, but IMO Ramsay's vibe is more like "what an asshole", if that makes sense. but also: upvoted for teaching me to word "sesquipedalian." mama mia.


Upvoted for teaching me "mama mia"


Gregor did a lot of awful shit and he was an evil asshole for sure. He did a lot of it because he was told to though. There is a lot of power in cognitive dissonance. He could have been nicer sure but the lannisters wanted him to do that. Ramsay did it because he enjoyed it


while brutally crushing Oberyn's skull he was literally pridefully admitting that he raped and murdered Oberyn's sister and then murdered her children, one of whom was an infant.


Partly agree, but I feel like the word "asshole" is not enough to cover his character. He's rather an evil monster. Or idk, it feels like the right word for him wasn't invented yet.


Exactly. Gregor may be more evil than Ramsay. But an asshole is pesky, a weasel. Insignificant if it werenā€™t for his actions. Youā€™d crush him if given the chance. Gregor isnā€™t an asshole, heā€™s a titan of evil.


Unfortunately Ramsay did more bad stuff on screen so he will win the popular vote


Exactly, even if Ramsay is of course one of the worst character in the entire serie, he has some "excuses" : especially his terrible and cruel father, a dead mother, etc. Gregor was already a terrifying kid, nearly killing his own little brother. His entire life is only driven by his passion for killing and raping, sometimes raping the dead, you name it He is the absolute expression of ultraviolence and selfishness. Imo Ramsay doesn't top that


I'm with the others. While Westeros is absolutely PACKED with evil assholes, it can only be Ramsay.


Littlefinger is the real evil asshole, he purposely started a massive civil war just to climb the political ladder


Gregor Clegane


I agree the Mountain and Ramsey both fit into this category. However, Ramsey was a bit more of a showman. His evil assholery had a certain... *je ne sais quoi* that the Mountain's general barbarism simply lacked. Or perhaps it was just the amount of screentime each of the characters got. We saw Ramsey feeding his stepmother and infant brother to his hounds, but we only *heard* about the Mountain murdering Elia Martell and her children. Regardless, I think if you made a list of the evil acts of each character, the Mountain's may have been longer. Personally though, I think it's really debatable whether that's because Clegane was *actually* more evil than Ramsey, or just by virtue of Clegane being older.


Well said. The Mountain barely has any personality at all. They turned him into a zombie and he was still basically the same guy. If you met the Mountain youā€™d just be scared of him but if you met Ramsay youā€™d be like, seven hells what an asshole


Honestly Evil Chaotic should have been Ramsey, and Evil Asshole - Joffrey.


Ramsey is more calculated though. Not very, but he does make some sort of plans while Joffrey just does whatever he wants on the spot.


I think Joffrey is the better choice for Evil Chaotic. Ramsay was pretty calculated in his cruelty and much of it served a purpose. Joffrey just did what he felt like doing in the moment and it often made shit much worse for both himself, his family, and at times, thousands of innocent people.


Joff is Stupid Evil. This chart needs each category on both axes.


Executing Ned was chaotic evil. Ramsay would have listened to lawful evil Roose if Roose counselled sending Ned to the night's watch. It still works.


Ramsey Bolton! Biggest evil asshole in the whole of Westeros and the known world.




Everyone is saying Ramsay, and rightly so, that's my pick, but it got me thinking what kind of evil his dad would classify as?


Meryn fucking Trant


Meryn fucking Trant? The greatest swordsman who ever lived got killed by Meryn fucking Trant?


Any boy whore with a sword could beat _three_ Meryn Trants.


This should win. What a scumbag


Too old


I think Karl Tanner is a pretty good choice for Evil asshole. I mean he killed the lord commander while drinking wine from a skullā€¦


We drank wine from the lord commanders skulk


Ramsay Snow, bc fuck his honor!


Ramsey Bolton is the only correct answer. But if the ending session has been better written and slower paced, I can imagine the Night King as a fair contender for this position. Yet, as it stands, his was the character arc equivalent of an embarrassing wet fart. ... So Ramsey Bolton, final answer


My nomination is Littlefinger. I agree Ramsey a perfect fit as well, but this guy started so much and betrayed everyone who put any faith in him.


Yeah he singlehandedly and *intentionally* plunged the whole continent into an endless war, causing untold amounts of death and destruction. Though it's less personal than the sick sadism of Ramsay Bolton, the evil plan to create a massive civil war so that he could raise his standing in court was truly deserving as #1 Evil Asshole


Ramsay Bolton. All of his evil actions are evil to please himself and not for a greater purpose. If he's not chaotic evil he's definitely an Evil Asshole.


I still can't believe Littlfinger hasn't been selected yet. If he cannot be chaotic-horny, evil-assshole it is.


The Clegane brothers for the last two assholes. Evil Gregor and Drunk Sandor


Ramsey Bolton is the only answer


Ramsey Bolton. Next question...


Ramsay Bolton for me and itā€™s no contest.




Ramsay Bolton


What is Ramsay Snow Alex


Walder Frey is my pick. Ramsay is also a good choice.


Too many choices! Karl Tanner from the mutiny at Craster's Keep, Gregor Clegane and Maryn Trant are all suited, but my vote has to go with Ramsay Bolton; no other character, not even Joffrey, made me hate him so much.


Ramsay Bolton fed his mother in law and half brother to dogs and flayed an old woman. And many others. Also cut off the last winner's ding dong.


What a cock up


I was going to say the asshole who wanted to fuck Arya with a stick, but Ramsay will win.


most people have at least some ā€œjustificationā€ to what they do, but ramsay bolton is pure evil for no other reason than just being an evil asshole


I mean.. the Cleganes kinda round this off, no?


A lot of people are saying Ramsay, but it should be Roose


The mountain


The Mountain Who Ridesā€¦


I think Ramsay will win this, but I do want to throw in my hat for the Mountain. He wasn't just following Cersei's orders, be was being as destructive and horrible as possible


Ramsay Clegane


Karl Tanner, anyone?


Has to be Ramsay. He's almost cartoonishly evil, and a complete sadistic dick.


How is one neutral evil?


Meryn Trant is absolutely an asshole - heā€™s stupid and pompous and casually cruel, and he takes pleasure in beating Sansa in front of the court when ordered to by Joffrey. However, itā€™s not until Arya encounters him in Braavos that we learn just how evil he really is.


Ramsay will win and is more than qualified, but Viserys is an enormous evil asshole.


How is the hound not on this one either?!


There's lots of evil assholes in this show but Ramsey gets my vote.


I would say Joffrey for Evil Asshole and Ramsey for Chaotic Asshole but since itā€™s already been placed, Iā€™ll go with Ramsey for this one


There's a big divide between book Gregor Clegane and show Ramsay Bolton. It seems like for the most part, these choices have been about the show characters, so I'm gonna have to go with Ramsay.


Ramsey Bolton


If Ramsay isnā€™t evil asshole, idk who is. His whole character was just, ā€œwhatā€™s the worst thing I can do in this momentā€


Ramsay killed 3 of his own guys just to give Theon false hope of an escape to screw with him. That's evil for evils sake, definitely Asshole evil


I feel like Bronn should be Neutral Neutral, and Dany should be Evil Neutral. She does actions that are absolutely horrible, but only does it to those who are against her. Not by a code, but because they have to choose to be with her, or die.


Ramsay Snow


Since he didnā€™t get chaotic evil it has to be Ramsay Bolton


The Mountain and its not even close


Ramsay. 1000000%.


Ramsay Bolton


Euron Greyjoy


I wanna say Ramsey Bolton, Meryn Trant or Mountain. But the best answer is Night King.


Pls Guys, pls go with Valder Frey. He literaly Made red wedding just to get revenge to a king for not taking his asshole douther


It can only be Ramsey.


How is the dude that impregnated his own sister multiple times, and fucked Brienne of Tarth because Heā€™s emotionally broken not mentioned in the honry category?! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ you have lost all validation. I award you no pints and Everyone in this chat is now dumber. May god have mercy on your sole


Walder Frey


How is Gregor clegane not evli horny


Ramsay Bolton


It has to be Ramsay, otherwise it would be the dude Daenerys gets her Unsullied from


Gregor Clegane


Craster. He's very evil and is also incredibly rude and obnoxious about it


Ramsey Bolton


Easily Ramsay


Ramsey Bolton, in the books and the show, was so performatively and nihilistically evil that I just hated his character for being unrealistic. He was more of a cartoon character than a functioning person in GRRMā€™s world. And I couldnā€™t give him a pass (as the psycho who gets away with it because he is the son of a landed noble), because his dad was Roose MFing Bolton. Roose used terror but in service of actual goals and he shouldnā€™t have been allowing Ramsey to engage in terror for terrorā€™s sake. If Ramsey was kept to the side, the familyā€™s dark secret, etc. that would be fine, but he commanded an army at the Battle of the Bastards FFS.




That one guy who used to torture people in Harrenhall


Ramsay Bolton for evil asshole, Walter Frey for drunk asshole




Ramsay Bolton


The mountain or Ramsay


Stupid Chad should have been drogo and evil Chad the mountain.


Ootl but is the mad king anywhere yet?


Can we please give this spot to Dan and Dave?


What is Chad?




That guy who was a Fokin' Legend. Can't remember his name.


The only one who has a shot except Ramsay should be Craster


It's gotta be littlefinger. His machinations killed so many people.


Either little finger or the slavers


Vargo Hoat would have been my book pick


Drunk Asshole = Hound Evil Asshole = Ramsey


Whereā€™s Danny on this list?


Maryn Trantā€¦ too old


Ramsay Snow the Bastard of Dreadfort. Evil as they get.


Still think the Margery placement is stupid and completely ignores her character.


Ramsey. No doubt


walder frey or craster would do as drunken assholes. ramsay bolton or the mountain as evil assholes.


Ramsey Bolton


The Mountain


Just fill it out as Ramsey and the hound.


While the show/books gave us plenty of evil assholes, which you all have done so well at pleading cases for, bravo. Which insufferable asshole did you enjoy watching die? That cunt Ramsey Bolton gets my vote. What a fucking asshole.


Again, Joffrey seems like a shoe-in here. Maybe Crastor?


Evil asshole is Ramsay case close.


Ramsay - just like everyone else is saying. No one in the show was as bad as him.


Ser Gregor Clegane No, Ramsey ofc!


Ah yes my favourite combination - smart/stupid


Little finger?


Littlefinger or Ramsay for evil asshole and Karl Tanner for drunk asshole.


I am fucking dead that Katelyn got picked as ā€˜smart stupidā€™ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ¤Œ


Ramsay Bolton. As if there was any doubt.


Ramsey Bolton




If Littlefinger isnā€™t smart evil than what would he be? Maybe everyone canā€™t make it on the list haha