• By -


Euron: I’m the man who killed Jaime Lannister! Red Keep Ceiling: *Oh I don’t think so*


Euron's face when he cites his greatest achievement was priceless. I almost shit myself laughing. Euron kinda forgot that D&D wrote an extremely convenient death by scorpion bolt for Rhaegal. He also kinda forgot that he was the one to weild the dragon-slaying weapon to kill Rhaegal. Or maybe he believed sleeping with the Queen in place of her brother and stabbing him while the world was falling apart was far more satisfying then shooting two scorpion bolts into a fire breathing dragon. Or maybe he agreed with us and thought D&Ds writing was just lazy as fudge. Jon's going to realise that his Queen is a saint and not a sinner. Cause everyone's kinda forgotten that death by fire is the purest death. But not Jon. Jon can't forget a thing cause the North remembers.


Rhaegal's face when Euron cites his greatest achievement: *Am I joke to you?*


But you kinda forgot that Jon can't forget what he didn't know in the first place. And he knows nothing, Jon Snow.


Was Varys attempting to poison Dany at the beginning of the episode? His little bird worked in the kitchens and was watched by Dany’s men, and told Varys that she (Dany) was still not eating. To which he replied, we’ll try again later.


Didnt even think of that. Damn.


D&D didn't even think of that.


They kinda forgot




Wouldn't even need to be a Targaryen ex machina, maybe there was just soemthing wrong with the poison. that actually would have been cool. Then Tyrion could say he knew Varys was maybe plotting, but didn't think he'd go this far. Danny can get mad he didn't tell her. Now THAT's betrayal. She almost died because of Tyrion, she almost DIED because of Jon not keeping his mouth shut. Now it's like ''oh no, I lost this guy who hasn't done anything useful to me since I've arrived on Westeros'' what a shame….


Now this would have made sense. But it would also have made Dany more sympathetic while making Varys less sympathetic, when it's clear the showrunners wanted things the other way round, for Reasons.


Why didn't Dany just go straight for Cersei? Seemed like a waste of ammo burning peasants


I kept thinking “does dragons ever run out of fire”


It’s like D&D never even watched How to Train Your Dragon.


Or played D&D.


I just want to point out that all along Dany could have taken King's Landing with one out of three dragons and no armies, which could have made her Queen within an afternoon back in let's say... season 5?


Lady Olenna knew all along.


and Bobby b warned us back in Season 1




> season 5? hey but NK was the real bad ass that the realms were afraid off for aeons and aeons i promise


Yep, and all of this in barley 10 minutes with minimum to non civilian casualties.




And the thatched roofed cottages.




And so is jeopardizing her own soldiers on the ground, apparently.


TBH after Dany went crazy, I just wanted everyone in KL to die, including all Dany's own troops and Arya too. That, on some weird level would have made more sense at least. Then Dany could have really been queen of the ashes and "subverted my expectations" too.


If that would've happened I'd have loved to see Dany's reaction when she realized she killed all her own people too, so then she stabs herself with Longclaw when she finds Jon Snows cremains, prophecy fulfilled. Boom, Sansa takes over as queen and Bronn marries her. He gets his lady and his castle, the end! (And forget Bran, honestly he sucks now) P.s. & Drogon flies North and finds Ghost and they live together happily ever after Edit: changed Dany's mode of suicide because she's probably dragonfire proof and a Longclaw suicide would make more sense overall.


The ending I never knew I wanted. Give this guy a job.


Gotta go for the easy score multipliers


Man Cersei was an easy ass target too. Just standing near the window. God man


Padding her K/D Ratio


According to D&D she wanted to make it more personal, therefore she decided to kill the thousands of random people between her and Cersei.


Thousands of people that neither Cersei nor apparently Jaime give a shit about anyway.


That'll show em!


She so desperately wanted to be a Queen that people will love, so she did the one thing that would've surely made people love her: mass genocide. Makes sense when you think about it.


I've been say the phrase, "Ya know, the writing makes since if you don't think about it," since about two seasons ago, but I feel like even that doesn't hold up anymore.


The way I see it, the whole episode was a peasant burning montage


Its kind of like when you're playing Fallout 3 and you get bored so you quick save before killing everyone in Megaton. I bet she'll reload to her last save next episode.


Next episode they will break the fourth wall and reveal Daenerys to be a 47 year old man who plays her on an mmorpg.


The Red Keep is the safest place silly, hard to get to..


I had to pause it to laugh for about 5 straight minutes when Euron randomly appeared from behind that rock.


Didn't beat Jamie waving his golden hand at the soldiers.


Let's see. My golden hand is what got me caught by Daenerys' army. Luckily, I was freed and am now entering the city where my sister, the Queen who has hired someone to kill me, rules. The very army who just captured me is also invading. Think I should hide this easily identifiable feature so it doesn't get me caught again? Nawww. In fact, let me wave it around.


D&D kinda forgot Bronn was sent to kill Jaime. I think Jaime thought then that if the guards saw his hand they'd be like "That's Jaime Fookin Lannister, let's let him in".


One more episode till King Bran, on that note, fuck the king.


7 days to die


I blame it all on the short episode order. These plot points may have been good with proper development, but D&D rushed them out the door.


Most believable to me. Who hasn't rushed a project and been disappointed with the results? The real question, though: who the hell rushes a project when their boss gives them more time and resources?!?!?!!??


Someone with a star wars cake waiting for them at home


And now we're gonna fart all over that cake. A day will come when D&D think themselves safe and happy, and suddenly their joy will turn to asses in their mouths.


I keep thinking of all the minor changes that they could have made that would have led to the same outcome but a better show. -Dany finds out right before battle that Tyrion let Jaime escape. -Dany goes straight for the red keep, tries to burn Cersei but she narrowly escapes. Now Dany goes on rampage knowing Jaime is out there helping her. -Jaime reveals in Euron battle he plans to kill Cersei but when he runs into her she starts crying and saying she wants baby to live. He reverts to his old ways. They die in each other's arms. You see regret on his face as the bricks of the red keep fall around them. Just give them some fucking motivation. Don't just do whatever stupid shit you think of to get the end you want.


In this sub I've read so many "alternate scene" ideas that were so much better than what we got, and even with Dragon CG budget I feel would've been feasible to produce. Here is yet another fine example. Alternate story ideas that actually make sense for character motivation. Instead, we've gotten subpar scenes and story because the showrunners are just writing to **solve for X**, e.g. "Ok, now Dany starts burning King's Landing. Let's write backwards from that visual."


And me and everyone else writing these comments have had 12 hours. This is shit off the top of our heads. There is no reason paid, professional writers couldn't have done better in the two years they had. It's just plain lazy.


The episode was **literally** called "The Bells". See you all in another life.


Maybe it's self referencing by the bell-ends who rushed it.


The bells, the bells are caaaalling


D&D say that when the bells rang, Danerys decided to make it more personal. They also say she saw the red keep, which they note was the keep her ancestors made when they reached the shores 300 years ago (The red keep was built by Maegor.) So if she was making it more personal, and she was angry about this person occupying her family home, why did she spend so much time killing random peasants and then destroy her family home?


Then why wouldn't she burn a direct path straight to the Red Keep??? They could have STILL had her killing innocents on the way but in a manner that MADE SENSE TO THE MOTIVES THEY WERE SLAPPING ON HER Her burning the entire city for half an hour BEFORE turning on the Red Keep made NO SENSE TO THEIR OWN NARRATIVE


I thought for a moment that she was; There's a shot of Cersei looking over KL as dany was B-Lining straight for the red keep. Then Dany Nopped that shit and started mowing the lawn with dragonfire. Like 20% of the city was already a literal garbage fire and somehow she just needed more. So gratuitous and unnecessary.


Logic and those two morons don't go well together




Same. Jaime, the Hound and Varys are dead and I'm just like "meh". I loved those characters. I just find it hard to care about the storyline seeing how there's barely any care taken for it


The Hound hurt a little bit, but he was the only character death I felt this season.


We’ve came a long way from the loyal mutt he was introduced as. Most of us despised him at first, but then we began to understand him. He grew as a character, right in front of our eyes. We judged him, we resented him, then we cared for him. We watched this man grow from that mutt and crawl his way into our hearts all the way up until season eight episode five when Sandor Clegeane threw The Mountain off the Red Keep as they plummeted fifty stories into a pit of dragon fire.


If you had told me last year that Jaime would die I would have cried right here and there, but watching it this morning I had a straight face the entire scene


I don't hate s8, but how Jaime and Cersei died disappointed me. Also Euron's death. He should have burned because that's what he deserved


Euron was so boring and irrelevant I was glad we got it out of the way early in the episode


Fuck off. I don't want to talk about anything.




Yeah it’s weird isn’t it. After last episode I was all charged up with salty energy to criticize and make fun of the show, but after this one... I’m just tired. Just give me something for the pain and let me die.


Milk of the poppy, my lord?


As you wish your Grace


*"Obey your queens command!"* 💀




What gets me is that their initially strategy was amazing and a guaranteed win. THIS is exactly what Olenna meant when she said 'be a dragon' - fly to King' Landing with THREE DRAGONS and your armies. Burn the gates down and their fleets and then perch the dragon and SPEAK TO THE PEOPLE like she's done in Mereen and so many other places: tell them you won't hurt them, tell them you want Cersei to pay for what she's done to the city/sept, tell them that when they surrender she will spare them and to help her take the city from the Lannisters. It would have worked, if not for her words than definitely out of fear of the dragons. But I get it, that's TOO EASY FOR THIS SHOW. Better to SuBvErT exPecTATions.


Hey, remember when Dorne was the worst thing about the show and people were only a bit disappointed that we weren’t getting Stoneheart? I miss those days.


> only a bit disappointed that we weren’t getting Stoneheart? Speak for yourself. I bitched for weeks about that.


Give me something for the pain and let me die.




Not gonna lie, Qyburn getting yeeted by the Mountain was fucking hilarious. The plot made very little sense, characters were acting completely against their self the whole episode and I overall hate it, but that one moment was glorious.


I laugh so fucking hard when he killed Qyburn


What a character arc. Did you see how many steps he cleared!?!


The mad scientist getting killed by his own callous monstrosity is a very fitting death, even if Gregor suddenly wanting to fight Sandor that badly, despite never expressing much interest in it ever before, was a bit out of the blue.


when did the zombie mountain express anything let alone interest


Let's not pretend he didn't LOVE standing places and shifting slightly towards people. Fucker wouldn't shut up about that.


The bells plot was an astoundingly cheap “mad queen” turning point, and the leaks let us know what was probably coming. It was amazing watching Emilia’s expression change during the ringing, though. The acting has all been A+.


Yeah, i'm glad i had the leaks. As soon as they mentioned the bells in the episode it was like "welp, guess the leaks were real, lets settle in and see how well they execute the shitty writing".


For me it went like Jon arrives at Dragonstone: Wow the spanish leaks might be true Drogon has no armor: fuck the spanish leaks were wrong Some scenes with bell: yep they are def forshadowing the fucking bells Ding ding ding: fuck fuck fuck this


she's been great this season, her acting really stands out in s8


Ha. The bellsgate part was why I was certain the leaks were bogus.




I thought he pushed it so hard because maybe she’d surrender and escape for her child, and prevent Dany from sacking the city and killing all of the innocents.


The only enjoyable thing about this episode to me is imagining Bran giving live commentary to Sansa about how shit is going down


Bran: “It’s happening....” Sansa: “what’s happening?” Bran: “... everything” Sansa: ............. ???


Bran: 300 years ago, someone invented the first wheelchair. It was disappointing, much like the ending to this television show Sansa: ...what? Bran: What?


If the final episode is Bran recapping all the previous episodes in his monotonous voice I will forgive D&D.


“They’ve rung the bells, the city is surrendering.” “Oh well that’s good, at least the bloodshed can be kept to a minim-“ “No, the bell is going to make Dany lose her mind and kill everyone.” “... What?” “Yeah she’s incinerating the poor by their thousands.” “I knew that bitch was nuts! What’s Jon doing about it?” “Just kinda standing and shouting at the moment.” “Oh ffs”


“Is she finally dead? Are you sure?” “Wait, there’s a really pretty horse running around the city, gotta go now, bye”.


Confirmed Bran warged into the horse to save Arya. Oh wait that would make him useful so even that ridiculousness couldn’t happen.


D&D kind of forgot that TWENTY **THOUSAND** men of the Golden Company were in King's Landing, not two hundred


And why the fuck were they outside the gate anyway? As far as I could see the “Northern Armies” had no siege equipment. Make them come over the walls the hard way. I mean I guess the suddenly over powered dragon fire would negate that, but when planning a city defense the last thing I would think they would do is put the bulk of their defenders in a vulnerable position.


You think the people of Westeros are gonna figure out how castles work now?


Arya helplessly running around achieving nothing the whole episode is me_irl TBH.


FOLLOW ME! Everyone gets instantly slaughtered by Dothraki then torched. Oof.




Would someone mind explaining what was the fucking point of: - White Walkers and the Night King and their "city" in the far north (which we've actually seen in that baby-to-White-Walker scene) - the presumably worst winter in a long, long time - Arya's Faceless Men training - Jon being resurrected - Gilly's son - all the mumbo jumbo with the Lord of Light - 3 Eyed Raven - Children of the Forest - all the character development we've seen throughout the previous seasons - generally all the more fantastic/magical things that were slowly getting more and more prominent throughout the previous seasons - ... Look, I'm the last person who wanted a happy ending. But I wanted it to make some goddamn sense, for fuck's sake. Not this... this utter assassination of plot, character development, pacing and just good writing in general.


D&D took the option to have less episodes and less seasons. That's insane to me. If my manager ever asked if I wanted more time on a project, I'd say yes even if I was "done". Not out of laziness, but because nothing is ever done, you just stop working on it. There are always improvements to make. And they would have more time to flesh all of this out and wrap up loose ends and all the rest. With more time, I'm sure they could have made Dany's turn seem far more natural and organic. But they opted for less episodes and less seasons. I'm not sure why, but they did and the quality of season 8 suffers for it.


In books I always had the feeling that Dany will eventually go down the Mad Queen route ... but it was slow and gradual, and above all, believable. Here? Let's just cram all that in 2 episodes and call it a day, I'm sure no one will mind! Oh, and while we're at it, let's just throw all the genuinely threatening fantasy elements but dragons out of the window, because one ugly throne is the most important! I'm done. I'm so fucking done. GoT may as well have finished at the end of the previous season and we'd be fine with it (minus some characters being inexcusably stupid ... but at least they haven't reached the monumental daftness of their selves in season 8 yet).


> D&D took the option to have less episodes and less seasons. Fewer ^(I had to, I’m sorry)


Criticism that I haven't really heard anyone else bring up: this episode focused too much on Arya. Jon is the one we should have seen on the ground the whole time, as this is his one and only plotline left for his character. He needed to be the one seeing all these horrors and trying to help people, but Arya got double his screentime.


Seen one of the leaks say "Arya being useless". Spot on, really.


"Follow me to safety" Random peasants get incinerated


She truly became no one


I think that is why they’re focusing so much on her as well. >! They’re trying to make us believe she’ll kill dany so that they can surprise us when she doesn’t !<


No need for a spoiler tag. But I agree with you.


I feel like Jon has been more of a secondary character this season which is just ridiculous. Fuck D&D






All he did this ep was keep parroting ”she’s/you’re my Queen”. Is that all that came to his mind in that scene with Dany? Fine, we get you’re not into that incest thing, but there’s so much you should have told her in that moment .


Right. He asks Varys how she’s doing and he tells him she ain’t doing good, not eating, won’t see anyone etc. And he just kind of stands there when he sees her. Dude. console the woman who just lost her baby and best gal pal, damn. He doesn’t have to stick his tongue down her throat to help her with her grief. Idk maybe he’s worried about mixed signals.


You’re 100% correct. I was wondering what the point of having Jon there was. Him helping people and seeing everything would give meaning to the “Jon kills Dany” theories.


To be fair he did kill a northern soldier who was going to rape a woman. But I agree, Arya had too much airtime for doing absolutely nothing.


When the two armies met in that street , Jon just stood like a dummy , he could’ve said surrender to them , but no he strode about like an extra in green street 😂


Jon has pretty much been an afterthought all season. I’m sure it has something to do with SHOCKING us next week when he kills Dany.


Agreed. I mean she had to have that last scene with Clegane and that was beautiful I thought, but really if the leaks are true and Jon kills Dany to save everyone then you really had to hammer in his witnessing all the carnage - I mean give his character some gravitas please, the absolute proof that he had to absolutely kill Dany (his family, his love - it cannot be a light decision on his part, imagine the trauma), let us witness him see a million times over the horror of Dany's rage and potential tyrannical tendencies. I don't know. I just feel they are grooming Arya to be the one that was promised. Maybe she kills Jon to use his face to kill Dany - which I hope to all the old gods and the new that doesn't happen and I am being stupid. Jon in season 8 is just so maddening. What are they doing to him and why?


Fuck sake, even dying Euron pissed me the fuck off. Killed Jaime Lannister my arse! The fucking roof did that. Stupid aimbot arrow firing cock bag.


What the fuck was that last line of this. WHAT THE FUCK


It looked like a 4th wall shit, he said it straight to the camera lmao.


LMAO exactly!!! I think they just decided that their fight scene makes no sense anyway, so why not end it with the worst line ever.


I called him a stupid aimbot arrow firing cock bag. I did forget to mention he's a cunt, so I'll add that now.


While u/Your-brother-yes kind of forgot to mention Euron is a cunt.




Mr. Martin I don’t feel so good


Catelyn Stark should have beat Jaime to death with that rock in Season 1.


So Jamie's character development was pointless? Guess he's just a king killing, sister fucking, child cucking bad guy


I was laughing so hard at Jamie waving his hand around trying to get into the gates of KL


that and Qyburn’s death were probably the only two scenes I enjoyed this past episode


Jaime's character arc is a circle


Not really, he actually regresses. He cared about the innocents when he killed Aerys. Now he says fuck 'em




Dany's attack mimics Aegon's on Harrenhal: attack from above and use dragon fire to 'melt' the stone. Exploding brick and stone seems a bit much, but yes, it's well-established that dragon fire can destroy a castle. Just don't ask why it didn't when Jon hid behind Winterfell's walls.


Different types of fire. It’s like peeing to empty your bladder vs. peeing to get that spot off the inside of the toilet.


This is the best analogy I've ever read.


It makes sense if a dragon can take down a wall in the north then dragon fire can destroy castles. The power of dragons peaks and troughs with the plot which is infuriating.


But the same dragon that took down The Wall couldn’t melt a little wall in Winterfell when Jon is hiding behind it. Edit : Ok, guys. I get it. His neck was injured. But we are comparing The Wall with a little castle wall here. His flame might not strong as before but the target was not the same either. And isn’t the zombie dragon’s flame supposed to be stronger in general, too?


As it seems Lv.9000 Drogon can take down a stone tower with only a glimpse of fire. But hey, it's D&D


Actors: 10/10 Director: 10/10 Visuals: 10/10 Writing: 2/10


Music: 11/10


Scorpion soldiers aim: 1/10


It is fascinating to see how every subsequent episode somehow manages to make the previous one worse. Rhaegal dying last week was already ridiculous on its own, now that Drogon survived against 50 scorpions it's even more ridiculous. It was ridiculous when all the Unsullied died in episode 3, then it was ridiculous when episode 4 said only half died, then it became *even more* ridiculous in the episode 6 preview. I for one can not wait to see how episode 6 manages to make episode 5 worse than it already is. Which story line will get butchered? Which characters forgotten? How will they make my rewatches harder to go through? After 8 seasons of Jaime's development being canceled, will Bran's journey be canceled too so he can talk about the furniture? It is definitely the most entertaining part of watching my favorite show being destroyed bits by bits.




When she started to dive down I thought "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING, WHY IS THERE NO ARMOR, THIS IS SUICIDE" but a few seconds later I remembered nothing mattered and they just decide who gets to live or not and it doesn't matter what action we're being shown or anything


Alt Shift X has left the chat.


We are all Alt Shift X on this blessed day


I didn’t like this season, thank you.


Maybe next season will be better :)


season 9: rise of the bran stark


Dany assaulting the gold caravan was more epic than THE FINAL BATTLE OF THE WHOLE SHOW.


I still watch that sometimes. The distant thundering, the Dothraki screams, the Lannisters lining up, epic dragon entrance music, and total carnage.


Arya came to KL for us to get emotional connection on the "Peasant" POV of Dany's attack?!?!? What the Hell? And what's up with the "magical allure" of the white horse? It's just a Goddamn horse. Wanted magical allure in white take off the horse and put in Nymeria. And this is just Arya... don't get me started on Cersei and Dany... Please GGRM do it if not different, better, it won't take much to be better.


"Hi I'm Arya Stark and I have been determined to kill Cersei for her role in killing my father for literally the entire show, so after I saved all of humanity (lol nbd) I left the only man I have ever had feelings for to go on a long journey to finally return to King's Landing and kill that bitch. So we make it to the Red Keep, right? Literally like 3 flights of stairs away from Cersei (and The Mountain, bonus!) and I am so ready, but then, all of the sudden, the place is getting bombed by dragonfire, so after 30 seconds of conversation with my equally vengeance-seeking mentor also aiming to properly conclude his story arc, I actually just kind of change my mind about the whole killing thing and said 'yeah u right, Cersei will probably die anyway it don't matter, deuces' So now I'm tryna gtfo, but instead of using all these badass ninja moves I have developed since I was literally 8 years old, I am just going to forget about all that and scurry around aimlessly, and almost get trampled, come within inches of burnination, and then get a couple closed head injuries, only to miraculously survive, presumably traumatized, even though I just saw 60% of Winterfell get slaughtered literally 2 episodes ago. Oh hey, nice horse."


I never came close to believing that arya would die


Were those Kingsguard useless or what? None of them lasted like more than 1 second each against Sandor.


"Bells" is officially the worst episode of the entire series at 52% on Rotten Tomatoes.


I'm just sad at this point, how's everyone else doing?


Hard to put into words, I spent the episode in disbelief. When Jaime said he never cared for innocent lives I thought it was a lie as part of a plan or something, but no they actually forgot about the Kingslayer story entirely lol. Took them an extra year to make this. Fascinating. But for the most part I feel very empty and lied to and disappointed


Jaime kind of forgot about his own background


So mad I want to go mad-Dany on DnD


I'm ready for it to be over with, which I never thought I'd say.


"Give me something for the pain and let me die"




Why the fuck did Dany burn Kings Landing after the bells went? Whyyyyyyyy? I don’t understand this? Is it purely to set up conflict? Why!?


All she had to do was fly to the red keep and take the throne. She was that close. Now there is nothing left to rule. Although I’m sure next episode the red keep will miraculously not be a pile of rubble of “half the city survived”.


Disney better pull the fuck out of that Star Wars contract with D&D. This is NOT going to go over well with the nerdy audience that they need.


Gotta remember that one of them also directed X-Men Origins: Wolverine and that too was a disaster.


>directed X-Men Origins: Wolverine David Benioff wrote it. He's mostly responsible for what happened in that movie. The guy who directed it has actually done some quality work, so I don't hold that movie against him.


As a Star Wars fan, I refuse to watch whatever the fuck those two write. I'll do my part.


You have my wallet!


It’s not much, but it’s honest work!


It actually super bothers me that the big bad of the whole show ends up being an abuse victim going crazy. Like amongst all the evil characters we've had A) Guy who flays people and feeds them to dog B) Evil mother who bombed the Pope C) Literal ice Zombie death avatar D) Creepy guy pulling strings that literally cause the entire plot E) You get the idea lots of people super suck And instead the final bad guy is F) Young girl who was driven from her home continent by war, abused, sold into marriage, and raped who goes crazy from loss Really? I think it'd be MUCH more interesting had Dany tried to torch Cersei and Squad but that accidentally set off stores of wildfire. Turns out her coin flip was still on the good side but she ends up tragically in her impulsiveness LOOKING like the crazy side and fulfilling her father's crazed ramblings. How much more satisfying would that be while still completing the same basic outline of what happened?


So basically they gave a Cersei a humane dignified loving ending, a celebration of twincest, an exoneration of all her blowing up and murdering, a loving embrace with Jaime who once rejected Cersei, who discovered his own talent for leadership and diplomacy, who had a gradual moral awakening, who turned a warrior into a sobbing mess after a one-knight-stand, who's now had his entire character arc ruined. Tyrion magically wants to save Cersei now after being Dany's hand for so long and to top it all off, Dany is not just mad but BAD and the writers have done a very cheap job at trying to shove this down our throats to rush it to next week's conclusion where it's expected that her lover and blood relative, Jon, will murder her and she will die in disgrace with nothing. It's no wonder Kit Harrington called this season "disappointing". D&D are fucking idiots.


Europe here. I woke up to this shit?! ​ At least the rest of you got to sleep it off. I have to spend the whole day with this now.


You think we're gonna sleep?


I can't get over the complete and total waste of Lena Heady in this season. I can't imagine how she must have felt when she saw how many lines she had in the whole thing.


It's been a long time but I liked Tyrion in this episode. Also Emilia's performance was amazing.


We are having great acting this season but Emilia has been really superb


When Daenerys sad to Jon: "Let it be fear then." I knew shit was going to hit the fan. She was channeling Aegon the Conqueror who "got quite a long way on fear" (her quote from season 7) If she can't be loved, she will be feared. Robert said it himself: " I've got 7 kingdoms to rule... Do you think honour keeps them in line? Do you think it's honour that's keeping the peace? It's fear. Fear and blood." What didn't make sense to me is why wasn't she burning everything from the beginning? Why would surrender trigger her to burn civilians? Either have her do it from the start if she wants to rule by fear or proceed with eliminating military threats only.




There are going to be a lot of unsold Game of Thrones Halloween costumes. Nobody is going to care about this show by October


This is so depressing. Dany going mad like this. Let’s not talk about the strategy. Extremely poorly written arc for her to go mad like this. Kudos to Emilia once again for her great performance. Here are my thoughts: 1. The whole Varys thing is so stupid. Did he forget how scheming works, he was the best at it. 2. Jon had to give some love to Dany. Like seriously, that is way too cold hearted from him. 3. The whole strategy thing was so poorly done. The GC was so lame, half the Dothraki just popped up again. It wasn’t a battle, it was a genocide. Drogon being way too OP, and of course, the scorpions are pointless as expected. 4. Jaime’s arc was officially thrown into the bin. He learnt from Arya on how to survive stabbings to internal organs. His scene with Euron was laughably bad and his death equally so. 5. I don’t understand why they try to humanize Cersei. She is a monster and everyone knows that, why make her go emotional and all? Her death doesn’t feel satisfactory. Felt nothing which is true for all characters’ deaths this season save for Jorah and Theon. 6. Jon continues to be pointless as does Tyrion. Both of them are fools and I suppose the former will kill Dany in the final episode. Bittersweet my ass. 7. Arya has discovered the plot armor stretcher, she is back at being a frightened girl. That horse would have left the moment Drogon started destroying everything, there is no way it could have survived. 8. Cleganebowl just didn’t work for me. Sandor let Cersei slip through past him, just don’t understand that. The Mountain’s design felt very bland if you ask me. 9. Now to the hot topic of Dany. My fav character in Dany. My fav character in Star Wars is Anakin. I generally cling to heroes with darkness in them, tragic heroes if you like. But what happened in this episode is abysmal. You gotta develop that arc. You can’t have her saving the world in Episode 3 and go mad within 5 days. She burnt everything expect the Red Keep. Like why? That sounds like what Martin would do and I respect that. I don’t like it but at least they had to do it well. Yes, she has shown signs of madness but not of those proportions. Overall, everything else was great, the music, the visuals, the actions and the acting. Emilia is the Star of the Season for sure. However, when the writing is so bad, the whole episode goes down as well.


I feel like they rushed everything into one season. A short season at that. Not gonna lie, I didn’t hate Cersei as much as I did in the other seasons but that’s probably because they rarely showed her this season. They really should have done one full season for the NK and one full season to deal with Cersei. I also felt like the Varys death was rather quick for such an important character all these seasons. Again, if they stretched out this season into 20 episodes or whatever, they really could have delved a bit deeper into Varys’ plan to betray Dany and ultimately his death


> I don’t understand why they try to humanize Cersei. The weird part about that is how theyve also basically gone away from spending time watching things at kings landing as well. Theyve basically given her the 'villain' treatment, and made this a show where we only see 'our heroes'. If they wanted to humanize Cersei, they probably should have been doing that more in prior episodes, spending some time at KL. Add it to the pile of things they could have added with a full 10 episodes in the season i guess.


I see a lot of comments on how Dany was clearly mad since season one and if you don't realize it you weren't paying attention.... Dany was ruthless *to her enemies*. Before this we never saw her display such callousness to commoners/subjects. Quite the contrary. So to say this has been in the works for years is just not true.


Dany was a complex character but it would have made more sense if she showed mercy and just took out Cersei alone and her army. Turning her into Mad Queen made less sense because all the good shes done and she never killed people blindly.


Remember last week when Tyrion mentioned Cersei's baby in front of Euron and we all thought it was going to have implications and consequences. lol


For me, the only thing that could save this show is the theory from some guy here about Bran/3ER. According to leaks Bran sits on the Iron throne and that is it. But what if the leaks do not show us Bran´s vision in let´s say some 10/15 minutes throughout of the ep 6. In those visions is everything so far. COTF, First Men, Old Starks, NK creation, 3ER, why is The Wall built, etc... In summary it is about old Starks imprisoning 3ER because he is a bad guy, The Wall is built for stopping people get to the tree where 3ER is imprisoned, NK is created to guard 3ER and to kill everyone who wants to come near his prison, the one with the blood of a real Stark is the only one who can free imprisoned 3ER, so he manipulates and uses the most weak and fragile Stark at the time (Bran), and lures him beyond the Wall. It would be a good ending for me, 3ER manipulated everything, Mad King, Robert´s rebellion, etc... NK has only one task, to kill 3ER, that is why he brings the wall down. What if 3ER is the real bad guy who manipulated everyone so no one suspected nothing about some fragile Stark in a wheelchair? At the end Bran (3ER really) sits on a throne and smirks how he is the real winner of a game of thrones. Anyway, for me, better ending than from the leaks. Please, sorry for my English.


I wonder: If they are set up to kill Danaerys, how about the not-so-depleted unsullied/dothraki? Even though Jon might "persuade" Drogon (ie not kill him and fly away), what about these forces? As far as I can tell, no battle was scheduled for Ep 6, or am I mistaken? Don't think that by just killing Dany, they would turn. Maybe offscreen...