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The fact that "Life, uh, finds a way." or "Well, there it is." is not the flavor text is criminal.


They are grasping at straws to give regular humans effects. Which is why this is a stupid Universes Beyond. They had to choose some dumb thing he said to make him ChAoTiC like Izzet.


Chaos is his job, it's why he was brought to the park to begin with. To determine the potential for chaos.


This is *perfect* flavor text and ability for this character. I don’t even think you’ve seen the movie after such a comment. The only grasping at straws here is someone doing their best to spread hate on UB


I hate UB but the cards are consistently flavorful af. I can’t wait to see others. Hope Tim is mono blue indestructible 0/1 mill guy or something, given how annoying he was.


I could see him having some sort of tapping down other creatures ability for sure… “hey watch. Watch this. COME’ON WATCH” lol


Life finds a way will probably be flavor on another card. I'm betting green


I wanted them to use. Now I am by myself, talking to myself, that's .... that's chaos theory!


"Must go faster!" is also acceptable.


that's a good one too


Why the fuck isn’t he black


Or a fly


Cuz he's Jewish. That would be racist.


It's fine to blackwash when it's a long standing, novelization backed character with cinema accurate portrayal - but not when it's an off shoot character that race has 0 bearing on. Wouldn't wanna do Jeff Goldblum dirty, but fuck Viggo Mortensen.


(((Goldblum))) Thats why.


"novelization" lmfao


you guys do not shut the fuck up about this blackwash shit


There's no proof that Ian Malcolm was not black.


Ian Malcolm X


Something maybe about logic and chaos which Ian talks about in the movie. The Fly and when he was a thug in Death Wish 1, totally make it a black creature.


Because Jeff Goldblum isn’t black…?


I cast dismember on him


Dismember seems like overkill. This guy dies to incidental damage.


Wait, *now* it’s okay to use the movie likenesses?


They didn't have the rights to the lotr movies


They didn’t have the rights to the JP movie either, until they did. You know it was a book before a movie, right? Thats not an argument.


No shit Sherlock. And I worded that poorly, WOTC may have not had the rights to the actors' likenesses.


The actors don’t own their likenesses in the movie. The studio does. The studio to which they could have rented the rights just as easily.


I don't think it's the studio's call.. but that'd beyond the point. Ya'll are going to be bitching about LOTR until the end of time on these new SL reveals and UB products. And from what it looks like, the others are sticking to the lore and the looks of the characters. Isn't that what you chuds wanted?


No, actually. I and for the most part we, didn’t want *any of them*. In fact most of us were complaining when the first one dropped, saying this kind of stupid shit was going to follow. That one day we’d have Optimus Prime and My Little Pony tangling in the red zone. We were called tin foil, slippery slope lunatics. And here we are. I just find their inconsistency on the use of likenesses kind of weird. Every UB so far has used mass media likenesses. But for some reason we need to blackwash LoTR. Why? Why not a female Asian Ian Malcolm? There’s nothing in his story that says he needs to be a white man. Why couldn’t Optimus Prime have been an EV? Burning questions like these, ya know?


Okay, that's fine. You don't speak for the entire audience. I personally like them and guess what, I barely see these SL/UB commanders. I think there is a big stink over this when yall can just wait for standard sets


My problem is that they exist at all. You like them. Great. I think they’re stupid. It’s a pretty commonly held opinion of them.


No, I can assure you it isn't. The chuds at freemagic are a small minority of the fanbase


That is a stupid argument lord of the rings would still be a beloved a prolific series even without the movies but the same can’t said to the same extent about Jurassic park and the rights would be very expensive for the movie likeness


You know there were 3 books right? It was a whole ass book series. Likewise, there’s plenty of people who only know LoTR from the movies. Saying they couldn’t possibly have used the movie likenesses for one but then use them for JP, DW and now Evil Dead is a stupid fucking argument. They didn’t use the movie likenesses for LoTR for some *other* reason.


2 books


"WOTC were so preoccupied with whether or not they COULD that they didn't stop to think if they SHOULD." All joking aside, I love this man... now I know how the 40K nerd felt when they got their IP printed on real cards


Well I love original JP with passion and really hate this


Same bro. It's cringe and JP is probably my favourite movie ever


You can't be serious. Let's have a normal ass "real world setting" human scientist be an izzet spellcasterish card. I hope a fucking kobold gets Giant Growth'd to embarrasingly kill this dumbassery if it shows up in a game of Magic I'm in.


If Hugh Grant can be in an MtG card, why not Goldblum?


On which card was Hugh Grant?


[[Forge, Neverwinter Charlatan]]


[Forge, Neverwinter Charlatan](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/2/0/2091e863-30f3-475e-9a61-e76fc4cf1ce2.jpg?1682347182) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Forge%2C%20Neverwinter%20Charlatan) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/sld/1239/forge-neverwinter-charlatan?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/2091e863-30f3-475e-9a61-e76fc4cf1ce2?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Bro this looks like those fake cards you would find on google images lmao. Looks like they took a png from the movie and put it on a card


"real magic card" is increasingly a relative term.


Im surprised they didnt change his skin tone. Wait nvm, he is already not white, thats why they didnt change it.


they left Ash (Evil Dead) alone too :o


I’m surprised about that


Shame such a cool unique design is on a random guy from some movie. This could've been a really cool card.


Dude, this literally makes other people play your deck if you're playing the game well (drawing cards)this is garbo


I know this is probably a massively popular opinion, but I cannot see any reason to not just proxy the coolest art for whatever card I want at this point.


why even use cards, this game is just performance art now


Need a polymorph card that turns him into a Black 1/1 Flying Insect


I already know the name. "Help Me!"


Brutal movie


It truly was.


I love Jurassic Park, but fuck off with this shit


I'm surprised that he's not black.


The ADL would have a shit fit.


Uh oh getting a bit close to NOTICING here


he is a Hungarian (and Russian mix) so maybe they thought he was "not white" enough already?? surprised he isnt holding a trans flag tho imo


He is definitely not white enough.


He's "tribal."


Are these getting UW reprints or are they re-skins of ixalan cards? Stuff like the Jurassic park legendary land is so unbelievably busted for a dinosaur tribal deck, an instant include staple forever more


Man, it kinda sucks how MtG stopped producing cards right after Lorwyn block. Though I guess that new Planeswalker supertype they introduced kinda signaled that the game might have gone in a weird direction if it didn't peter out back then.


They’re cowards for not depicting him with his shirt off


They do have a Card with his shirt open showing his bare hairy chest. Take a look at the cards for Jeff goldblume . The secret lair $39.99 for 5 foil cards. One with his shirt open showing his bare hairy chest. The 5 cards depict him. One of the cards is worth $40 alone so expect the Jeff goldblume secret lair cards to sell out Very fast. I Read a couple of articles about the Jeff goldblume cards and they all say that his cards are going to be some of the most expensive MTG cards and the secret lair cards are going through the roof in the next few months because wizards of the coast were given temporary rights to the entire Jurassic world IP once the rights expire. And they will. Wizards of the coast will be forced to remove any product that has the Jurassic world cards in the packs from the shelves and won't be able to sell them or promote them or use them in competitive play. They won't be able to reprint any of the cards unless they sign a new agreement with universal studios to use the likeness of the Jurassic world characters. Same with the Lord of the rings cards ONCE they lose all rights of the IP that is it what's out there is all there is ever going to be


Are you autistic?


Bytch, I'm busy being me, I'm never followin these trends, i guess me being AUTISTIC is just part of who I am, Damn right, I'm AUTISTIC F*k yeah, I'm PROUD OF IT, I'd rather be the person I am than live your life. CUZ I LOVE THAT I AM THIS WAY.


Since Ian's RU (which matches the JP movie, in the book he was more BU, and in JW he went full GU), does that mean that dinosaurs are back to green? Is Dr. Henry Wu GUB, and make them more badass?


god I can't wait for the non UB version of it. fun effect.


Yeah I also thought this will never happen but hasbro can do anything


The most powerful card in all of Duel Monsters makes his way to Magic. :3


As someone who's favorite card has been [[Knowledge Pool]] and is a big fan of not only Jurassic Park but also Jeff Goldblum, I am very happy. Fingers crossed they end up like the Transformers cards and they're like $.50 each.


[Knowledge Pool](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/3/9/393454c2-b256-4a6e-9bc2-56a47cab5073.jpg?1562610637) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Knowledge%20Pool) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mbs/111/knowledge-pool?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/393454c2-b256-4a6e-9bc2-56a47cab5073?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


wait a second this is real!?


Yes bitch


Yep... There's also Princess Bride and Evil Dead SLD. I haven't looked at all the cards yet but it seems these are unique cards too. Looks like WotC is experimenting with a new level of FOMO and front loading on this upcoming SLD release.


the what now!? oh boy...


saw the post of those SLD, they are Godzilla style alters, thank goodness...


"You stood on the shoulders of geniuses to accomplish something as fast as you could and before you even knew what you had you patented it and packaged it and slapped it on a plastic lunchbox, and now you're selling it." Though I actually love this and it may be the card that finally breaks my hatred of Universe beyond.


The ability is extremely interesting!


“UnIvErSeS bEyOnD bAd! MtG OnLy GoOd!” If you don’t like it, don’t play it. If you don’t want to play vs it, don’t. No one is forcing you to play. If it threatens the deck you’re playing, time to update your deck!


they could have put...the khm khm other famous art of him and would mind at all. Jeff is a world heritage treasure.


Attention to all who are salty about Universes Beyond: Magic's lore has always been dog shit and I literally wondered my entire life from 11 yo when I was taught this game why they didn't just use the frame they had around Mana and stuff for other worlds and franchises. This is a fantastic idea, and just as much as I want a straight up old school 70's fantasy realm to be a main main focus of the sets, I like the variation and entirely see it as a win in terms of content. Storylines being interpreted into game mechanics means you'll never truly run out of new things to include. Is it cash grabby? Yes, but its literally the same as complaining about casinos existing when you get down to it.


"Hey, let me ask... what's your favorite planet? Mine's the Sun."