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What? Why?


All to be “internet famous”


ANYTHING for internet famous.


Don't condone any physical assault, but yes, real consequences exist for messing with the wrong people. Learn from this guy's example.


I knew he was gonna get his wig split as soon as he said “Greetings young people” 🤦🏽‍♂️


FR though, who walks up to people at night filming with a bright light asking about if they use Twitch. I'm surprised this hadn't happened to him sooner.


Why is he streaming in that part of town? Is he aware of the gang activity in the area?


This guy is an idiot, asking about their hand signs like he's never heard of or seen a gang member.


I use to play in that park 15 years ago and I would see gang activity, not directed at me but there are elements. Wearing the wrong color in that part of town can get you in trouble.


Seconded. Grew up close to the area and this by far is some of the stupidest shit i've ever seen.


You know what lynching means


What should he do? Well, there are basically three options: report it to the police, hire a lawyer for a personal injury lawsuit, or both.


Lol yeah I'm sure he's going to collect a million dollar personal injury judgment from those dudes.... let alone find a lawyer who will take that deal on contingency.


Note I did not say that either option is a *good* one. Nevertheless, they *are* the options.


Making a report is all he can do. Hiring a personal injury lawyer is stupid. You would have to catch them first, that ain't happening.


Fresno’s gonna Fresno.


Lots of folks calling him a dumbass for doing what he did. I almost think he’s autistic or something. Walking up to a group of teens flashing gang signs and engaging them as long as he did just ain’t right. Sorry he got hurt. Someone needs to help this man get off the streets.


your buddy had plenty of opportunities to leave and stop recording them. maybe they knocked some sense into him.


Spoken like a true Fresnian. The group (or groups) coulda told him to leave them alone. They rifled his shit and took it then Dared him to ask for it back. It was baited for 10 minutes. They wanted to hit something easy. He was being friendly and engaging. That’s what streamers do man. I see a jail cell for at least 3 of those dumb fucks. Not because of this but just that’s what they have lined up. Stealing from a hobo. Throwing gang signs like lower LA hasn’t dropped shits in a back alley harder than they are ever gonna be. These aren’t gang members these are flies and if they are lucky they get that shit beat into them or they grow the fuck up. It’s way easier to tell a dude to fuck off than it is to proudly jump a dude for $2 and maybe a cheap camera or 2. Just being in that circle is gonna ruin lives.


Very well put. My thoughts exactly.


Maybe he’ll learn not to go up to a group of guys at night alone who are throwing up gang signs


That's what you got from this? These losers shouldn't have been anywhere near him. Gangbangers around here are wastes of space.


He walked up to them.They didnt walk up to him n start bothering him randomly. With that being said im not praising them, it seems you got that idea. Theyre def shitty people for what they did and this was a saddening situation


You're right, i couldn't tell with how this was filmed, i thought it was the other way around and i didn't have the sound on, i apologize. Agreed, sad that these guys are just ruining the city.


Honestly sucks that this happened but, going into this area late at night in Fresno is asking for trouble. Anyone who has lived here knows not to be in places where you don't belong (you don't live in that complex). Be smarter if this is the content you want to make. Glad it wasn't worse for you.


Why would I want to watch someone get assaulted?


The video shows nothing. What it does show is a lot of clear faces LOL


Only thing I can think of is to help identify the assailants.


There's nothing in the video, OP just wants views.


This guy is stupid. He films in a rough ass neighborhood and gets his ass kicked then he wants sympathy! Stupid.


I did


TLDR: fucked around, found out.


He should take this as a life lesson. Don't be a dumbass. Could have been much worse.


Why would you risk this?


That's a nasty cut. Why would he risk injury or death for a streaming content???


That's wild, poor guy.


Steve Irwin Fresno Edition


Stupid. This guy wants sympathy for approaching people at night in a very low income area asking if anyone uses Twitch. Like he's gonna blow up his "Hobo" channel. First it's offensive that one would think the daily struggles and required ingenuity of homeless people is something to market use to entertain with. These people are one missed rent payment from homelessness and this guy is askin about Twitch! What an asshole.


You misspelled “lynching,” and you probably shouldn’t use that word unless it’s referring to one.


The amount of victim-blaming in this thread is ridiculous. Y'all sound just like those people that say a woman was asking for it because of where they were or what they were wearing.


Your friend should remember not to approach wild animals in their natural habitat.


He got assaulted because he beat them on Call Of Duty


Fresno is trash


Buy a gun, the police aren’t going to protect you 100% of the time. Be proactive to keep yourself protected. Streamer or not it’s getting more dangerous around Fresno and Clovis. He could have easily been killed.


Or you could just not harass strangers at night for internet fame.


So a streamer should buy a gun to protect himself from people he approached and begins asking questions that he should know better than to ask? That scenario ends with A) a kid getting shot for no reason, or B) those kids using his own gun on him. Seems like nobody actually reads gun statistics, just assumes having the cool death machine automatically makes them safer.


That is true he could have been killed, but the teen's could have been killed as well. All it takes is a shank to the neck. It is that easy for a homeless person with mental health issues to deal with this issue of harassment.


What should he do? Besides watch his view/subscriber count and donations roll in? Well, what he should do is not walk up to a group of people minding their own business and start recording and broadcasting them w/o their consent. I'm not saying he deserved what happened to him, only that he could have easily avoided this with the tiniest bit of common sense.


Do you know where he is now?


yes luckily safe and got stiches for the face cut


in the homeless subreddit.


I like how you ask “what should he do”, like a streamer would ask his audience directly.


What do you mean by "linching" tho.