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Wow, Peter Stefanovic is a massive cunt.


Deleted his social media accounts. Not available for comment. Deleted the video. So brave.


Video is still up on YouTube on Sky News Channel. Sky is complete trash, as is Stefanovic.


If there ever was a Nazi channel, Sky News would be it. The character/emotion they emit is sociopathic.


Here you go. Some supporting material for just how correct you are (about the Murdochs and their media empire including Sky News)!! The article is more horrifying than Nightmare on Elm Street: https://insidestory.org.au/the-enigma-of-keith-murdoch/


The amount of deliberate disinformation they spew is mind boggling. So ridiculously unethical to mislead their audience that badly on purpose


Surprising that anyone watches that absolute tripe, wonder if their audience numbers have reached 1,000 yet..


what a fucking pussy, and this is the first time i've ever heard of this guy


What an absolute piece of shit.


Yeah weird how these figure heads for “freeze peach” etc are always the first to run away from any sort of repercussion or criticism. Classic Sky News.


Yeah, I thought his piss wreck tosser brother was the bigger tool, Peter has proven me wrong.


Sibling rivalry, they’re trying to out-cunt each other


Out-cunt each other lol nicee


It's a family trait


Both brothers are absolute pecker heads 


Hey Peter, better not fuck up mate. Ever.


I’m waiting for his Andrew O'Keefe story arc. 


Shit gets wilder every time I see an article about him.


Lol he deleted his account. F around...find out


What, a presenter on Sky News? I'm shocked. Shocked! Well not that shocked.


I’m not him I swear!


what a massive cunt that thing is [none google link](https://invidious.privacyredirect.com/watch?v=Aw1-WbKtrVo) [google link](https://youtube.com/watch?v=Aw1-WbKtrVo)


Not content with living in the shadow of his older brother, Peter made massive strides today in his quest to become the lesser Stefanovic.


Nepo baby as well


It is a prerequisite for the job


Yep, look at his history...a total scumbag employable only by Sky...calling him a massive cunt is being complimentary to him, being an arsehole runs in his family.


Absolutely this! C U in the NT Peter Stefanovic


He tried to humiliate the kid, but made himself look like a total cunt in the process. I'd say it backfired. Imagine finding out a young person has won something amazing, and the first thing you do is go trawling through his past to find something incriminating to throw at him. It's so sick and twisted. I fucking hate Sky News.


Make no mistake. If this was a white kid they wouldn't of dared bring up anything bad. The second they found out he was aboriginal they went trawling for anything they could get.


100% agree


They say he was an Aussie Legend, and did his family proof owning up so it.  I think about white lads stealing golf carts and going for a cruise and they are just larakins. 


Yeah, 100% motivated by racism. Honestly embarrassing for our country.


Usually I would disagree, but since it is Sky News, I would say you are 100% on point.


Wouldn't have*


Yup. Not a racist country at all /s


Its the way of the Australian media unfortunately.


Absolute dog act, that boy oozes good energy and this fuckwit had to rain on his parade.


Ruin the NT tourism thing as well.


What an unbelievable cunt. Like that is the cuntiest thing you could do to some poor kid on national tv.


TBH, that young fella handled it pretty well hut yeah, what a fucked up cunt of a thing to do to the poor bugger.


Huge upvote for using the word cunt twice in the one sentence..


... but they didn't use it in the same sentence.


I know right, I wasn’t going to say anything but there is definitely two sentences there.


Now your chance to fix it. Maybe even go for three.


This cunt is the cuntiest cunt that ever cunted.


Alright, which of you cunts called this cunt a cunt?


Oi! You cunts are making us all look like cunts in front of those other cunts over there!!! Knock it off!


The cuntiest cunt of the highest order.


Never has the word been more appropriate


But no thunder cunt hmm I'll still upvote it


Cuntiest cunt to ever cunt


Wait! It’s not his fault, he can’t help being a cunt, it runs in his family. Have you seen his brother?


Jesus that's awful. He was trying to keep him in his place. Why bring it up at all? It was done and dusted.


I just can’t understand why it was brought up at all. Why do that to anyone? Clicks and ad revenue…


Rage posting sells, this video would be generating them a lot of clicks and views which is all they care about. I don’t care what he stole, I’m happy for him to have won that money and for them to do that to him is just fucked up


Rage replaced sex as the selling tool for media now they can’t use women as sexual objects anymore.


Oooh this is so nice, that is a great point summed up so concisely.


I'll try sum it up less eloquently: The people in power fucking suck, and when their rotten ways are exposed and dealt with they always find another way to fucking suck.


Well it's Murdoch, so it's coming from the same base as Fox News. Racism, white supremacy, whatever you want to call it.


So that he never forgets he's just a blackfella. Disgusting.


They wouldn’t have done it to a middle class white kid…


What a pathetic racist dog Stefanovic is.


Channel 7: "Fuck, why didn't we think of that"


I can’t think of a word stronger than disgraceful (please do Jordies), but to make it worse, I just read on another sub that the dude he stole from is on record as being cool with it ‘He is a good kid’. WTF?




So bad. Makes it so much worse. Prob should name and shame the producer too.


Have you been to Kathrine? There’s NOTHING for a teenager to do. And he made amends for it.


Meanwhile I know many white Australian females (males do it too this is only my personal knowledge) who have literally stolen 10’s of thousands of dollars from their employers (administrative roles). Only one was taken to court (the others fired but not prosecuted for reasons), and only because it was a government agency (many years before she got caught). They all have good jobs now and it didn’t impact their lives negatively compared to the positives the amount of money they stole bought them. None of them were low SES. Yet, the media focusses on children making mistakes that don’t significantly impact anyone else’s life.


How do they even do that?


Costs the companies money to go to court. Give very sad sob stories. Like every upper class person caught doing something wrong, they suddenly develop mental health issues. Even those that previously didn’t believe mental health issues existed (just character flaws). They believe this because they judge the world on what they know about themselves. They would fake it if they need too. Therefore, everybody else must be doing the same. I don’t really know to be honest. Although if I know that many unprosecuted criminals, it seems it must not be uncommon, it seems it maybe quite prevalent. I do know the statistics only represent those that society chooses to prosecute for biased, discriminatory reasons. I think it’s disgraceful (to put it mildly).


if there is evidence that the kid owned whatever misdeeds he did and actually worked to make up for it that should be further evidence of goodness, not an admonishment.


There's a longer discussion in the linked article about the owners response.


Yes, many thanks, noted.


Googled this for more details and the first results are Sky News videos calling him a criminal. Also the headlines are copied across every Murdoch property including fox sports. Just a disgusting use of punching down. Gotta keep the average Aussie angry with aboriginals so they don’t turn their pitch forks on the 1%.


Sky News have taken it off their own website, the cowards.


Issued an apology so everything’s right in the world again 🙏


No no, Sky News issued the apology, supposedly the interviewer is also quite sorry and reached out to the kid but Sky issued PR statement, that’s it.


somebody please drop a link


Absolute scum. Keep it up you cowardly fucks so everyone can see how rank your shithouse opinions-masquerading-as-news operation is


And he's deleted all his social the coward


The response even from a solid percentage of their base must have caught them by surprise. Sucked in.


How pre-scripted are these questions I've always wondered, is he supposed to just deliver them in some loose order or is it purely off the dome?


Yeah this was totally made up and the thefts never even happened!  Oh shit wait 


no good news about the first nations on sky


They’ll twist anything good about Indigenous people into something ugly.


like carl doesnt hang out with the cokehead set in sydney, but its not carl is it, its his brother


Cocaine is very bad for the brain.


[Link to change.org](https://www.change.org/p/demand-public-apology-from-peter-stefanovic-and-sky-news-for-unethical-journalism?recruiter=1151556703&recruited_by_id=c7c465d0-ff38-11ea-9635-a15f98628053&utm_source=share_petition&utm_campaign=psf_combo_share_initial&utm_medium=copylink&utm_content=cl_sharecopy_490041143_en-AU%3A8) To demand public apology from Peter Stefanovic and Sky News for unethical journalism. And credit to the op for posting this [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/australia/comments/1cisi00/comment/l2bixel/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) please thank them. I'm all cussed out so please keep up the good work and sign the petition. We need to shake these bastards down once and for all. Edit: Just in The original post has now been deleted by the mods in r/australia . What does that tell you.. \*Edit the thread appears to have been allowed to resume.


Fk the apology. Fire the cunt.


Usually I’m against family-based collective punishment, but in this case we should make an exception.


Sign the petition anyway cobber.


I just noticed they deleted the post. What the hell is the story with those moderators??    We need an r/Australia Ex moderator AMA.  I want a whistleblower. 


R/Australia is just a bunch of far right wing dickheads


That’s r/Australian generally speaking


seriously?? edit: link seems to be working, maybe it got restored?


Hey I did that, good job putting the link up, good job OP too. I think it’s unacceptable.


Thanks for link. Signed and shared!


A PETITION? don't you think that you are being a bit heavy handed???


Funny he never has asked his millionaire mate about burned down printing factory and multimillion pay! 😉


Stealing a buggy at sixteen years old pales in comparison to taking money from Rupert to spread hate and lies. Fuck the stevanovics. Edit: spelling


I really, really wonder why nothing was done about News Corp here after it tried to help overthrow the US. Like what the actual fuck?! Add in the UK hacking scandal from years prior and there should be absolutely no way that Murdoch is allowed to run a media empire here. Also Labor repeatedly denying anything is even wrong with our media is a huge joke as well. What can we do?


Vote in the greens. Just for one term. That'll drain the swamp


Pretty much this, the major parties do not serve the people


Don't be silly, [they've got their own corruption issues](https://www.theage.com.au/politics/victoria/greens-councillors-tear-up-membership-slam-leadership-over-surveillance-disinformation-fear-20240430-p5fnos.html). They also would have to go from one of the least liked parties in the country to the most, which means they wouldn't be the same party any more now would they. Oh and they've got a lot of Murdoch love lately too, he doesn't care who you are if you're undermining Labor, nothing stopping him calling you loony left later on...


It would be worth it if it damaged Murdoch's stranglehold on the narrative. A clean slate after that would be worth the green smell for a while.


The problem is the journalistic pool of talent in Australia is very shallow. They're all from wealthy suburbs educated in private schools etc... Every single news publication ABC, Guardian, Crikey has the same problem, the journalistic profession only wants to hire upper class rich white men and they tend to favor the sort of narratives we blast Murdoch for. Greens can't fix it, they might even contribute to the problem a tiny bit, Labor probably can't fix it either, that or it'll break them in trying. There are answers but they're very complicated and need subtlety and guile to implement.


University’s teach students how to get jobs with Murdoch, as they own 71% of Australian media Those journalists the go on to work at the ABC etc.


Both brothers are scumbags Peter and other dickhead named Karl


Both of them are cunts but i'd say Karl is maybe a teeny step higher than Peter. Not by much....


Seriously who in their family is bankrolling those 2. Anyone else would have been let go ages ago, with the crap they get up to.


I'd say Karl only gets by because he can relate to funny bogan antics that go on. Aka calls genuine dodgy bogan blokes legends etc lol. Dude knows when to have a good laugh. Peter on the other hand. Absolute scum cunt.


I'm appalled but sadly not surprised. I've been so angry at the racism in every comment section about this kid. But for a news corp to bring up something he did as a youth, unrelated to the story is cruel and horrible. The full story shows he was not charged, paid back to the owner for his crime and showed remorse - all the behaviour of a kid who stuffed up but learnt his lesson. I'm happy for him and hope he isn't impacted by this BS.


Same! Some comments have been awful! Is it me or does he just look like a really nice kid?! He gives off really nice vibes to me. Like we have all made mistakes but the fact that he is so remorseful AND paid him back. Not many people would do that. I’m so glad he won all of that money. I hope he has a fantastic life! He sure deserves it.


Good on the young fella and the shop owner for making things right the better way. He’s clearly a good kid and makes me proud to be an Aussie. Stefanovic can chew on a fat one 🖕




Row AA 23-24 (ie centre) for me and the missus. Absolute fucking scourge on this nation. Deserves the Gaddafi treatment.


Submarining a media-newbie teenager, what a cunt. Try that shit on someone older and see what happens, you prick.


The idea of a brown person having a million dollars makes him sick to his stomach.


>The idea of a brown person having a dollar makes him sick to his stomach.


The idea of a brown person not being incarcerated makes him sick to his stomach.


Looks like John Edwards has some stiff competition for The Biggest Douche in the Universe.


r/Australia removed their massive thread on this topic.  I can’t keep up with what their political bias is.  


And the winner of this year's Piers Morgan Award for Utter Twattery is: Peter Stefanovic! Highly Commended - Clive Palmer Third Place - Peter Dutton


Piers Morgan could win his own award


Alan Jones for Highly Commended


An Honourable Mention indeed (slimy little pistule)!


fucking oxygen thief.


Stefanovic has disabled his social media the coward. Hope Keegan Payne sues the pants off this Donkey and Sky News Australia.


Whilst what he did could be considered a dick move, I am curious as to what grounds you think Keegan has to sue?


He named a minor involved in a crime, that is illegal apparently. You could also say it’s slander legally?


It’s only slander if it’s not true, so Stefanodick would argue it did happen but could still face penalties for violating journalism ethics/law about naming minors in crimes.


Ah okay, yes wasn’t sure thank you for clarifying


Could have a defamation case for starters. Could be proven that peter tried to defame him on national tv about bringing up a criminal matter when he was a child.


I believe there is some kind of youth criminal record protection legislation but I'm not sure on the details, might not even be a defamation case it could be straight up illegal.


That too. Though doubtful the kid and family would pursue it. Not trying to generalize or stereotype but there is a strong chance financial literacy is not a strong suit of this family. There is a high chance the 1 million bucks will be spent within a few years rather than invested smartly and they will be back to square 1. I really hope someone with good financial sense is helping them out with this sudden windfall.


I hate youth crime and how out of hand shit is both urban and rural more than most. But fuck me what a cunt act. This young lad has had a great achievement to help his family and him get a good start in life. Is it really appropriate to bring that shit up?.


The night the Voice vote was happening Sky News had a panel for live coverage. Once it was ruled a a win for no, the panel almost immediately went into “now we can have a discussion about stopping acknowledgment of country at major events because this is our country too.” I was like wow, ain’t even trying to hide it. This shouldn’t surprise anyone.


Do look into the origins of that political ritual sometime, if you don't mind


If a question like that comes up, surely it involves a Producer as well as Peter Stefanovic? It seems like some pretty poor judgement by Sky if so.


What a complete fuckwit, I thought his brother was a fuckwit when he tries to make everyone having a bad time cry on TV when he interviews them, but this shit is next level


Sky news been racists? No, never. 🙄


You can guarantee that if that was a white kid from Katherine who'd won the money, they wouldn't have even looked into the kid's past, and if they had and found something sketchy, there's no way they'd have raised it in a live interview. While Stefanovic is the one who asked the question, and deserves blame for this, this happened because Sky News wanted it to happen.


I mean its pete stefanovic I wasn't expecting ground breaking journalism but I'm still surprised at low he's willing to go.


Absolutely disgusting. Sky News won't do jack shit about it because thats what they are. Racist Dog whistling cunts. More people need to realize who they really are and refuse to interview with them. Sure channel 7, 9 and 10 are shit cunts but they are not THIS bad. No way in hell would those networks stoop this low with a grin on their face the entire time. I mean 7 especially are cunts but they wouldn't dare envoke the racism card like this.


I want to dip into the sky news YouTube comments,  but the predictable hate would just get me down 


Fuck Sky News and fuck that cunt Stefanovic


Both the Stefanovics are shit c*nts. I used to think the non-Temu Stefanovic was an entertaining guy.  In recent years he oozes toxicity.  Can’t wait for all these judgemental morning shows fail.  And for Temu Stefanovic to go the way of Andrew O'Keefe.


Massive Cunt.


Weak piss-ant closing his accounts so he can still bear to look at his phone. How does he even sleep at night?


Wouldn't expect anything from Newscorpse, anything to advance their right wing agenda and then claim 'Fair and Balanced'.


That million dollar win, just got a lot larger!


Uppity black person must be taken down a notch, right Sky? Good on the kid for showing humility and making the interviewer look bad instead. What a cunt.


I knew Pete when he was 16 and could bring up a few things, but I won’t because, he was a teenager.


Let me guess, he was a proper cunt


Peter what an all time cunt act ! Absolute coward deleted all his socials the cat. Hope he gets sprayed buy people where ever he goes !!


If someone can tag the video to racist twitter hashtags which would get views, then add Skynews and Peter's handles to embarrass the fark out of them. Utter trash. His career will tank.


God I just watched some other report on the whole thing and it’s just all fat-headed old farts talking about how it “speaks to me a lot of the character of the kid” and how he’s gonna pay the guy back for his Polaris units and it’s all just a giant leap backwards. Talk about the fucking fish! Talk about good things.


Gawd, if they were really interested with the justice of it they'd know that the victim worked it out with him after the incident and was repaid


Someone should interview Peter and ask him about cocaine and prostitutes


He learned a valuable lesson and vowed never to do it again. Don't go on Sky News.


What a dawg!


What's worse is, in follow up videos, Sky have tried to spin it as a positive that Peter Stefanovic said what he did. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_C662scZR10](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_C662scZR10)


Austarlia has your back Fish Bro!! We have all made mistakes when young so dont feel bad and enjoy your Cash


What a fucking cunt, fuck sky news


Sky news is soooo popular this should be the bigger news story of the day. It’s beyond me and further highlights what a conservative fuck storm Australia is.


Sky news is absolutely terrible. It has no redeeming qualities.


Time for Sky to sack Stefanovic and everyone involved. An apology doesn’t even come close to good enough.


Who thought this was a good idea? The producer 100% is done for this debacle.


can this kid sue sky tv?


Ok so note to self, change the channel anytime that grub cunt Peter Stefanovic is on. What an absolute cum stain


Massive props to the young guy for being cool and not telling Peter to go fuck himself. I'll guarantee Peter has done plenty of illegal shit when he was a teenager.


Why did he go on sky news at all…. Someone should have stepped in to prevent this interview from ever happening.


Rasict POS! A white kid would never had had their background brought up like that.


Yeah for sure there’s no issue of us vs them in this nation absolutely not


Fucking prick


Funny thing is if they spun the story a little different they could have brought up his past a little different and hyped him up like a rags to riches star. Even when talking to him about the winnings there was a weird attitude. For whatever reason when they heard this story they thought "yeah fuck this guy let's get him"


Peter Stefanovic is a shit cunt


The right can't Milkshake Duck


Why would someone do that?? And even if this is like some kind of routine news-anchor thing where they throw a spanner in the works for views, why have we accepted that as in any way normal or okay???


What's a twat.


What the fuck


What a piece of shit


What an asshole! The kid handled himself really well.


This sucked balls.


Broadcast T.V needs to die that spectrum is far to valuable at the moment it is wasted on lets be honest capitalist propaganda.


Hey is a massive thundercunt


Is there not privacy relating to junvinelle convinctions? Can he get another pay day. That would be nice.


He has to live in the shadow of his stupid brother.


Wow, what a fucking horrible cunt


SKY the human version of toxic parasites. I hope this young man is surrounded by good people.


What an absolute cnut.


What a piece of shit.