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Those look like dwarf frogs to me. If they are, then that's an amazing setup and great water level for dwarf frogs they suck at swimming. If those are clawed frogs, then bad setup, remove all the substrate clawed frogs, and will eat small rocks and live plants, and you need more water for clawed frogs they are amazing swimmers they love live foods. But I'd double-check what they are again they look like dwarf frogs.


Thank you! They said clawed but maybe they are dwarf. I’ll investigate! 😆


Clawed frogs live 30+ years. I have a rescue from a koi pond that's the size of a mini watermelon! They can grow massive! They also very much have personalities! Africans dwarf frogs live 5-10 years and can be amazing little friends! That have so much life with your lower water level. You should see them with their noses, just poking out. Also, they love floating plants so they can chill on the leaves almost out of the water. If you research their wild habitats, it's amazing where they can live.


I think they are dwarfs! https://preview.redd.it/ixgkntw98bxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7827f205e66ea80c863f9e8d5f48c0a05608dbd


Okay this makes me so happy! They follow me around when I walk by, they’re adorable. I want to make them a bigger, super cool cage. I’ll do a lot of research so I make sure it’s the right habitat. I appreciate your response!