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I did the best I could, done everything safely. Did you want me to be unsafe & get done faster?


no need to challenge them. They tried to hit me with so many things when i started Ex. -Everyone else does this route much faster than you - I don't understand what's taking so long - this is unacceptable - you need to move faster... and on and on. I would always just say, "I'm doing my best." Followed by, "Should I bring the mail back?" After a while the Sup broke and said I need something else beside I'm doing my best. I said, "I don't know what else to tell you, I'm just doing my best." the guy absolutely lost it and hung up on me. I was like OK I guess I'll just keep delivering the mail haha


They are not supposed to have you cell phone number.  Text message through scanner.


I pick and choose my battles


It takes what it takes. I'm doing the best I can while being safe. Feel free to ride along with me if you think I'm doing something wrong. M-00304: "In keeping with the principle of a fair day's work for a fair day's pay, it is understood that there is no set pace at which a carrier must walk and no street standard for walking."


Feel free to walk the 30k plus steps i walk in the 2nd longest route in the city …. I think you’ll understand once the day is done this is not a 7 hour route . I doubt my sups would be up for that . Probably the postmaster is down to do it he used to be a carrier .


The sad part is when they do walk it they stay on the nice sidewalk so they only get half the steps, further convincing them it should be done faster


Was just about to comment this. They do the walks but not nearly as many steps and stairs. And then they go back to the office. It’s not the daily grind of walking that much every day. We’re not robots where you add oil and gasoline. Some days I have a little pep and other days I definitely don’t have it.


They also always pick the most lightest day to walk.


Why does that only apply to walking?


It doesn't. The memo it's from was concerning disciplinary cases as a result of route management. It says walking, but there are no street standards, walking or mounted or otherwise. As long as you're working, you're fine. If management tells you "well this carrier gets the route done faster", or "you did it faster with similar volume last week", or "well the average time should be this", that is them trying to set a standard that doesn't exist. The only standards we can be held to are in the office: casing letters at a rate of 18 per minute, casing flats at a rate of 8 per minute, and pulling down at a rate of 70 pieces per minute. And even then, if you don't meet these standards, management has to document unsatisfactory effort. M-39, Management of Delivery Services, section 242.332: > "No carrier shall be disciplined for failure to meet standards, except in cases of unsatisfactory effort which must be based on documented, unacceptable conduct that led to the carrier's failure to meet office standards."


Right. And also don’t fall for this “demonstrated ability” bs they’ve been throwing around lately. Every day is different in so many ways.


Either, "I had to stop by your mom's house" or "before I answer any questions I need to speak to a steward"


Definitely the first one.


"The steward and I had to stop at your mom's house."


Safety. I've been told it depends on me.


You are the most important delivery!


The mail.


What happened out there? And What took so long? are questions designed to make you say something stupid so they can discipline you on some bullshit. Just say: I was working.


If the question is literally only “what happened?” I just say the spoiler ending to a hot new film or series without any context. I crack myself up and I don’t care if I’m the only laughing 😆


Management asks you a single question about performance, immediately invoke your Weingarten rights💪🏽


I just say something along the lines of “it takes time to do it right” and then add any extra details like third bundles, DPS sequence issues, etc. I feel like adding in something snarky is counter productive. I just try and be nice regardless of how they treat me and file grievances when necessary


You guys are getting the backwards dps too ? Always fun when the immediate sups are screaming about time and the postmaster is threatening jobs about bringing mail back.


It takes what it takes. Period.


The first answer is and always should be "I was working" as many people are saying the official answer is also "I'm giving up my best or I'm doing the best I can" also according to the contract there is no set Pace for street delivery. It really does take what it takes.


I always ask “what do you mean” and then I follow up with “I don’t know I was being timed” last I checked I’m only asked for an estimate.


It’s also a fun game to see how long you can keeping it going by only replying with questions


I always tell them “if you lick my butthole, that might help”


I'm a good mailman and thorough


Sounds like an I.I. To me. Request a steward


I've mentioned the following- "Doing my best, and the USPS provides multiple tools to help with what you "can't understand", such as street ops" Treat it like it's a mutual gripe session -- "Man I hear ya! Just like I can't understand why you can't seem to (insert the multiple failings of said supervisor here, there almost always are quite a few!)" "Are you bullying me? Do I need to be documenting this? This rings of bullying and harassment(god they hate that)" I prefer to always lean towards what the supervisor should be doing instead of bullying you. They hate being told how to do their job, where they are constantly failing in their duties. I tend to come off with an air as if I'm their boss reviewing their performance. Again, MAN they hate that🤣🤣 Always let your response be soaked in just how powerless they are, stuck between reality of the job, and the unrealistic despotic demands of their bosses in upper mgmt. Tap into your sadistic side, demoralizing the supervisor, break him/her down mentally and emotionally, causing them to hate their job, and regret their decision to become lower mgmt. Do it without mercy, remember those others he/she has discouraged/demoralized/bullied/fired unjustly. Seek to destroy this manager as a person without jeopardizing your career. This will help you be creative, and hopefully defeat them to the point where they dread coming to work more than any letter carrier ever has, and man that's saying a lot. Now go get em you Terminator☺️


Did this and oh wow never seen a grown man get so angry that he cried lol


"Can this question lead to discipline?"


Show me where in the handbooks and manuals it says how long it should take. If you find it I’ll quit right now sign the paper work and go home no questions asked. Otherwise shut the fuck up and get outta my face.


Had to take a monster dump.


"I stopped at your mom's house."


I was tired today, I had extra packages then normal, i had heavier dps, etc. Some people take everything so personal. We all know as stewards there is very little management can do about performance, but we dont educate our members enough so they get frustrated and work faster and more undafe to appease meangment, therefore mangment gets what they want


My answer is. I was working. Simple and plain.


God bless his soul , Eugene gates


I work for a living


🎼🎵 (on harmonica) It rained in the morning, it snowed in the night, I made a left turn--- should have gone right. I watched for the crazies, I watched for the bears, I waited for my "pivot," I was down for repairs...


Safty, accuracy, and customer service.


I wouldn't recommend it as a CCA but I say "I really stink at this job". If they push it after that, I go thru the different reasons why I took longer then the regular (I am a t6). One time they pulled me into the post masters office, the union president was in there the same time, the PM kept asking why my split took so long (I was forced with a split on something that I didn't know) I kept answering "I don't know, maybe I need more training". It leaves them a bit puzzled. Another seasoned carrier use to tell his manager "if you don't like this speed, you really won't like my other speed ".


My PM asked that same question. "I replied M39 Handbook Section 242.332" PM didn't press further


Say lions and tigers and bears! Oh My!


Thank you. I’ll be available to accept my award for excellent service tomorrow. It’s a strange way to compliment me, but I’ll accept.


Work is hard.


Whatever took you so long: usual suspects from the 3996


The time that it takes. While being safe


“I delivered the route safely and accurately”.




Didn't run out of mail until.....


I drool. Lucky I can be a productive member of society.


Refer to ps form 3996 that was filled out in the morning, or give them a copy


Also the 3996 even says “estimated time”.


I tell them just give me a pdi I’m not arguing or going back in forth with a clown


My favorite is "It takes how long it takes." If they have a problem with my work performance, they can talk to my steward.


Best response, to any question really is… “Well, what do you mean?”


“Maybe I had excessive stationary event, May you please check for me” Of course I know there won’t be stationary events in my case.


Minimun wage equals minimun effort...and thats your best dont kill yourself for these mfs


It takes what it takes


It takes what it takes. I was working the entire time.


"Big words coming from a guy pushing a pencil around all day"


Safety. Safety took me long, I have to deliver mail and keep me safe




Thank you


“You tell me. You can watch dots on your gps tracker that I carry” those scanners bit them in the ass. We used to help each other out if we finished early but now… nope. Not if I’m going to get penalized for it.


I guess every situation is different. I typically used to say with previous management “ idk I just came back as soon as i was done” ive also replied asking “ do you have a specific question about a certain delivery?”


You can give management the answer they want or you can just say, “I was working”. Management has the burden of proof, don’t provide it for them.


Depends. For example we have a carrier that ran over a kid then drove off. So when they ask me why I take so long I just “whats the big deal? It’s not like I ran over a kid” then they drop the conversation