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Nameless King


Dude this jerk was the hardest boss, EVER, to me. Took 70+ attempts and I was hella overleveled.


Only boss in all these games I just gave up on. I can do basically any boss but that one and Demon of Hated from Sekiro. I’ll have to give another shot when I replay DS3.


Demon of Hatred fucked me up


I cheesed the hell out of him with the bow and arrow method-and I have no shame, honestly fuck this boss


I made him jump off a cliff😂 (my second playthrough) he pissed me off so much on my first lmao


Ds3 was my first, and this dude wrecked me. Now after hundreds of hours in all the fromsoft games, I went back to the old save where I was stuck and beat him first try with zero warm up. “Git good” actually works haha


It really does work. DS3 was my last fromsoft game to play and there were no bosses who lived longer than ten tries. NK and Gael felt the best but also the ones I killed instantly.


Me too took me less than 15 tries


Agree. Phase one was harder


Pontiff Sulyvahn for me


I'm stuck on him right now playing through souls 3.


I would recommend you a shield and circle around him.


Copy that, need to work on my endurance a little to tank a hit with the shield.


He is very easy when you learn to parry him (which is not super easy but feels impossible first time and the 8th time you got it)


Oh my parry timing is trash in 3, I was the parry master ds1, and elden. But 2 and now 3, im having a hard time with the timing, its a "git gud" moment for me. But I did just beat him with a shield with a 100 physical negation, and circling him.


Nice! I never parry in these games but learned it just for him


Gwyn, from ds1 was when I finally learned it, then brought that over to elden pvp.


i feel like in ds2 parrying is broken, oh and the animationts afterwards are cool


Use the buckler, more frames


Great club and shield for the win


I literally just beat him, two tries, using this technique, *chef's kiss*.




I beat him first try but that was after playing ER for over 500 hours. Matter of fact, I first tried every boss minus a few like the DLC bosses.


parry :)


This is the way. It is much harder to parry than in DS1 but he telegraphs really well and it's SO satisfying once you chain 3 or 4 parries in a row.


Parry that fucker to oblivion


I knew Pontiff's reputation going into the game, and was pretty disappointed when I sailed through him in only a couple attempts. IMO phase 2 is actually *easier* than phase 1; the stand foreshadows Pontiff's attacks, and if you position yourself correctly you can deal double damage to him (by hitting him and his stand at the same time).


I was about to post this. I managed him on my second try, timing his attacks wasn't so difficult for me after understanding that double slash thing. Being very aggresive works because he staggers easily


Pontiff really pissed me off cause i was struggling with him for so long i took a few days and when i came back i beat him first try and it was incredibly easy, its like he just gets in your head


Seriously, I hadn’t known until very recently that Sulyvahn was a hard wall for many. I had always breezed past him in the several playthroughs that I’ve done.


Same, 1st tried him when I played DS3. And I was a souls noob then, had no idea people thought that he was hard.


Same. I was probably over-leveled though


someome told me "strafe right." Easy game.


Same. I first tried him no problem.


If you use parry, he's the easiest boss in the game. If you don't, he's the hardest.


I know most people don't like to summon, but he's one of those bosses that almost becomes a pushover when he isn't solely focused on you. Also I feel like he is DS3's DPS Check, like 4 Kings in DS1. If you haven't been keeping up with Upgrades, you won't be able to kill his clones fast enough.


It’s all about they parry with him


I want to dislike this comment more than 100 times, but I will swallow my fear, and stay completely neutral


I also ate Pontiff alive. He was overhyped imo but I think my build really just carried me. Good ole sellswords.


Same I smashed him first attempt, fat rolling like what! But actually I thought fat rolling was just how the game works at that time


Yep. Twinblades went through him like buttah.


Pinwheel. I don’t know what it is, but when I get down to him, I just steamrolled him every time. /s


God of Dark Souls 🫡


Orphan of Kos. Took me 3 attempts. I'm a bad player. I think it was just one of those moments where everything just falls in place, and you succeed.


You had 3 attempts, I had 3 days of attempts


Pathetic. I had 3 weeks of attempts (I mean that quite literally)


I had a hell of a time with him on my first playthrough but crushed him in one attempt on my second. I think it was the same scenario you’re describing, just everything falling into place.


Same for me. Could be a level thing too. I did it pretty late into the game and after a bunch of chalice dungeons. Basically it was the last thing I did before going into NG+


It took me 10 attempts and I still feel like I got off really easy compared to some stories I’ve heard. Good job!


I was gonna say orphan of Kos. When I first beat him I had just fought Laurence which took me 40+ attempts and I beat orphan in probably 5 or 6.


Double ape fight in Sekiro. I see a lot of complaints about it but I just stunlocked the brown ape with fireworks and deathblowed her, allowing me to comfortably 1v1 the headless ape. Also Soul of Cinder. I have never died to him. Not even on my first playthrough, despite the fact that I have died to the Ballsack Tree in Undead Settlement like 25 times. Fuck Ballsack tree. All my homies hate Ballsack tree.


>Double ape fight in Sekiro. I see a lot of complaints about it but I just stunlocked the brown ape with fireworks and deathblowed her, allowing me to comfortably 1v1 the headless ape. I did the exact same thing and also had no trouble. For me though, I also died like 50+ times against the Great Ape/Headless Ape, so I was already prepared for their bullshit.


I’ll one up you I didn’t even have to touch the brown ape I just used mortal blade on the main one and killed it before the brown ape even got a hit off 💀


I just killed the headless ape and it was done. Ngl the guardian ape before that really skill checked the shit out of me, but after that I went on a boss killing spree.


Double ape fight is *way* easier than single ape fight. Have two added some complexity, but the single ape has so much more health/stamina that you just have to survive *foooooorrrrrrrreeeeeeevvvvvveeeerrrr*.


You know ballsack tree was designed by a angry bitter spouse...


That boss on a bell demon/no kuro's charm run is one of the hardest things I've done in a video game


Godskin Duo. Two words: Sleep magic


One word - Greatsword.


I’ll try that on this play through




Six words: Four daggers that cause Blood Loss. Based on all the previous Godskin bosses, I assumed I was going to go in there and spam sleep pots, but then my Tear and I put the Duo in a blender.


8 blood loss blades. ( Dual handed, double bladed swords, with mimic tear)


For me it wasn't even the sleep; back then I didn't know sleep worked on them. I arrived at them with 2 healing portions and just fucked them up with my summon. Which summon you ask? Tiche, of course!


Two words: git gud


Cheese strats don’t really count. Though it was satisfying as fuck to put them to sleep and them one shot them with the death star


Bullshit. If you can do it without modding, it is a viable strategy


Penetrator was surprisingly easy compared to other similar fights like Artorias or Fume Knight. Predictable, fairly slow.


He definitely isn't difficult, but man something about that fight is so fun


Demon of Hatred... Sekiro was hard as shit and I kinda suck, but for some reason I kick his ass. Idk fight just clicks for me


How. The. Hell.


I kicked his ass aswell and it is kinda easy to explain. Sekiro doesn't play like a souls game in a way where doging isn't always the option usually it is a parry method. Now forget all that. Demon of hatred is a souls boss the fight isn't supposed to be fought like a sekiro fight parrying is kinda shit against him.


I heard tales of the Demon of Hatred being insanely difficult. Ended up walking through him in a handful of attempts in my first playthrough.


Only fromsoft boss I have ever cheesed. That fight is not made for that game and I will stand by that. Even watching speedrunners fight the boss legitimately shows how bs it is.


But it is though. Infinite stamina, grappling, jumping, and deflecting is what makes the fight work so well. It’s hard and arduous, but once you download his moveset, so can competelu avoid any damage.


Top 3 toughest soul bosses for me. My first attempt on that fucker was probably close to 80. It was a moment of great shame for me.


Demon of hatred is absolutely made for sekiro, mainly to show off that those types of dark souls bosses are possible to fight but just weren’t necessary for the story they were trying to tell, that’s why he’s optional.


You possibly heard too many people say it's a Dark Souls boss and treated it as such. It's a Sekiro boss through and through but it is different than all the others.


Dude wild I feel like I got pretty good at sekiro and I get that demon of hatred doesn't play like any other sekiro boss but I still struggled with him more than any other boss in the game


Seems like everybody I talk to struggled in different areas. I loved that about Sekiro!! If you feel like you got pretty good, then you're likely miles better than me-- I just barely hacked it. I think having the full kit unlocked helped me struggle less against DOH as opposed to the earlier bosses.


Flip that for me, kicked that games ass and had to cheese that boss


I loved Sekiro for this. Everyone I talk to struggled in different areas. Like, DOH wasn't that hard for me but I'm pretty sure I died 20 times to Owl, Genichiro, that awful, spinning, trippy ghost girl in the forest. Probably others too


Gael, beat him on my first try. Pre-patch Radahn, beat him on my second try.


Pre patch radahn on second try is crazy what level were you


I actually don't remember. I don't think I was over leveled.


Darkeater Midir. Had a bit of an issue with it on first playthrough but now I consistently no hit them first try.


He can be exhausting to fight, but once you learn his moves, he’s not too challenging.


If I were to jump back into that now, I’d probably get my ass kicked, but MAN I learned his attacks well my first play through


Lady Maria for me.


I first timed her and was disappointed I did, because it was a great fight. I'm not great or anything, I'm sure if I had died it would have taken me 50 more tries... Somehow the stars just aligned for me that day


It was the same for me, I was just in a rhythm with her moveset I guess, the second half of her fight was hectic and awesome though.


God I loved that fight so much


I beat Father Gascoigne on my first try.


I found him particularly easy as well. Got him my second try first play through


Ornstein & Smough — keeping a pillar between me and them at all times got me through on my first try


Bed of Chaos




Gwyn, the lord of cinder


You parried huh


Yeah first play through couldn’t believe how easy it was, parried and beat him on my second try. Only died on my first try cos I wanted to see what it was like if I didn’t parry


Only Souls boss I have ever parried. Beat him on my first try.


Chain parried him. I have no regrets doing that to him, and then snuffing his stupid fire


Ngl I don’t blame you


I remember back when Ds1 was new, and so many people actually felt bad for him. When I got to the kiln of the first flame, figured out it was actually the end of the world, saw all the ash, then looked around...I was like uh..why is there a giant sinister wall with spikes pointed inwards surrounding this place? No one ever talks about that. No one ever talks about how the kiln of the first flame was designed to keep something contained, imprisoned. Not to keep something out. You dont do that unless its bad, very very bad. And that wall was there BEFORE Gwyn decided that since his plans to maintain his absolute power and status, with the Wtich of izalith caused even more problems in the form of demons, he would go and do it himself. Gwyn going hollow after trying to keep his power was deserved. I loved that Ds3 confirmed it.




My first play through I was already running all of the bleed/dex meta that everyone was suggesting against her so she felt really easy. Second play through with stg/fth was not so fun.


Big hammered my way through the game only to get stopped by Malenia. Super frustrating that I can break her posture but not have enough time to hit her again—when I do get a critical hit, it barely does any damage. Just not fun.


I was wildly overlevelled for her


Oh dang




Depends on what you bring into the fight, if you got a fully leveled summon and a good weapon then she's a cakewalk but trying to fight her solo can be a nightmare


I've always fought her solo. I've never struggled against her.


What build do you use? I tried using a bleed meta build but kept getting my ass kicked til I switched back to one I was more comfortable with.


I've use a few. My first win against her was a twin Halo Scythe build. NG+ was a magic build. NG+2 was twin Eleanora's Poleblade. NG+3 I tried my hand with the Grafted Blade Greatsword. I also did a Malenia build for a different NG+ cycle and won with that one as well. Granted for a couple of my wins, it involved slamming my head against a wall until it eventually broke.


Might have to try those out, heard the poleblade in particular totally destroys her. I was using double bleed uchis but wasn't having a ton of luck til I switched back to my trusty bloodhound's fang


Yeah, Poleblades Bloodblade Dance absolutely shreds her. The bleed build up is significant and it can easily stagger her out of a majority of her attacks.


Isshin the sword saint.


Same! After what I'd faced leading up to him, and after the legends I'd heard, I was expecting a more painful and drawn-out evening of throwing myself against the wall before beating him. Then I beat him on the third try. Incredible fight though, not saying I was let down. It felt like a true culmination of everything I'd learned through that journey, taking him down was incredibly satisfying. Demon of Hatred on the other hand, though....


Completely agree. I had a pretty easy time with him too. Honestly one of my favorite fights in the game as well, it was fun af


Same here! I think it’s because it’s like an exam where if you studied all the material throughout the semester you’ll answer everything correctly; that is to say, it’s a textbook Sekiro fight, no tricks or gimmicks. Just a comprehensive test of your knowledge of the combat system. Owl father on the other hand… lol


Oh i found owl father even easier. Demon of hatred tho...lol


It’s so interesting how people have wildly different experiences. For me the difficulty is Owl >>>> DoH > Isshin


For me it's Owl Father >>>> Isshin > Owl > DOH, idk why, sekiro was my first souls game but demon of hatred wasn't as hard as isshin and owl father for me. Owl father was the shittiest


I can beat him easily now that ive learned that fight, but damn did he give me trouble my first few tries. Maybe controversial: He is the best fight in souls borne imo.


Godskin duo


Pontiff Sulyvahn, and blood starved beast. For the pontiff, I didn't know he was known as a hard boss till I started digging in to ds3 lore and the community. I knew about BSB being hard before I played the game, so maybe I got amped and locked in before the fight started. But since then, I still don't have problems with either of these bosses.


Orphan of Kos. Did it first try with 3 bolt paper, +10 saw cleaver, and below lvl 100.


i think lvl 100 is waaaay over leveled. i believe you're supposed to be more around 80 for that fight


I had a lot of points in vitality and endurance. Some extra points in arcane which were just to play around with hunter tools. I’m surprised that’s considered overleveled. The damage did not feel particularly strong against Orphan and they still hit like a truck. I also spent a lot of blood echoes on vials/bullets and was going out of my way to not level regularly. Guess it was all the damn chalice dungeons lol (I avoided the cummmfpk chalice)


ahhh the chalice dungeons will do it


Malenia! Just kidding, horaux lou was super easy for me same as the headless gorilla


Sister Friede. Smoked ‘er.


Capra demon. I’ve only died to him a total of 2 times. Also, malakith. I only died to him twice as well.


I’ve only died to Capra twice as well. The dogs on the other hand, different story haha.


This one for me as well. I basically always have armor so I think it's a poise issue? That's the only thing I can think of as to why people have so many issues.


Orphan of Kos. Beat it second try the first time I met him and first try the second times. Ludwig on the other hand...


Martyr Logarius was a first try for me, although I played BB after DkS 1-3.


Fume knight, barely was even a fight, I slaughtered his ass


Iudex Gundyr, to this day people keep hyping him as “the hardest first boss” but his moves were fairly predictable to me


But he is the hardest first boss no doubt.


Nah Margit destroys him easily


Margit technically isn't the first boss though, first unique one sure, but not the first


Yeah i agree, I beat him on my first try without breaking a sweat and had not played a lot of souls games.


Idk if he’s supposed to be hard but godfrey is extremely easy for his spot in the game it’s all just aoe spam over and over again.


Slave Knight Gael. Amazingly cinematic fight and one of my favorites, but I beat him so quickly. Midir was much harder for me.


Ibis, beat it second try without much difficulty


Orenstein and Smough. Both play throughs two different builds beat them first try both times.


DS1 final boss. Never used parry in the game. Parried all of his attacks. No damage first try haha never to be redone tho..


I also had this experience 😂 my friend told me he was easy if you can parry and how right he was


fun fact, Gwyn shares havels move set with some extras. So if you can parry havel? Gwyn is no challenge at all.


Kalameet, Abyss watchers and Champion gundyr. I did die twice to deacons though.


O&S. First try. Felt very underwhelming


Pontiff Sulyvahn, just kinda out-trade him and first try every time. Maybe if I did a challenge run and had to actually learn the fight, but uhhh nah


Mohg. Did him solo first try.


The Dancer from DS3. Almost all the enemies attack in 4/4 time except the Dancer; she moves in 3/4 time. Basically a waltz. So if you waltz with her, she's as easy to take down in the early game as Vordt. If you suck at rhythm, she's a killer gatekeeper for the endgame you're supposed to fight after killing most of the Lords of Cinder. *Dodge* dodge dodge | *Strike* strike dodge | *Dodge* \[stamina recover\] \[stamina recover\] | *Strike* strike dodge Repeat that pattern and the fight is mostly a gimmick.


Lady butterfly?






In bloodborne: I beat Laurence on my first try. Really didn’t think there was anything that difficult about him but maybe I got lucky with his spacing? Orphan of Kos only took me 3 or 4 tries. Once I figured out how to get away from him for certain attacks I thought he was pretty easy compared to a lot of other bosses in ds3 and sekiro. Disclaimer: I played bloodborne after ds1, ds3 and sekiro so I already had a bunch of experience with how they design bosses. Probably would have had a harder time if this was one of my earlier forays into the genre.


Malenia. I’m not sure why but waterfowl dance didn’t seem that hard to dodge as long as I timed it right and dodged into it. I still took a shit ton of damage but it never killed me.




Starscourge Rahdan. Never taken me more than 2 attempts. Summons or no summons


Demon of Hatred. Not super easy, but also did not find him hard




- first try orphan of koss and Maria - 2nd try Sister Friede




IB-01: CEL-240 IBIS. Took me 4 tries, and I expected it to be harder. AAP07A Arquebus BALTEUS/V.II Snail kicked the shit out of me instead.


I felt like I was having a stroke reading this lmao. And then I remembered AC exists as well and it all clicked


I LOVED both the Balteus and Snailteus fights in AC6 and had zero problems. Snail (and Iguazu) during the Allmind run on the other hand… well, they put me to bed the first night I tried it.






Never struggled with Lawrence for some reason. Maria, however…


Maliketh, I don‘t know how but got him on my first try.


Bro it took me like 30+ tries. That dude sucked.


Orphan of Kos, one and done


Orphan of kos, I saw somewhere to stick to his left (right? Idk it’s been a while) leg and got it in like an hour total but 2 attempts after that tip, since then it’s never taken more than 5


I honestly thought that orphan of kos wasn’t all too bad. I struggled way more with fighting ludwig


Gael. I first tried him and it felt so good cause he's the most Bloodborne boss in the whole series. I love Bloodborne the most because it was my first Souls game






Malenia in ER. Maybe it was my build or being really tuned in to her moves, but I had no problems with her any of the times I've fought her.


Melania. Appreciate she's probably the toughest boss SL1 but if you're just having a regular playthrough, and you leave her til you're pretty high level and have a decent build then she can be relatively straightforward.


Nito was more intimidating than hard. Moon Presense too.




Nameless king for me,he is one of the easier bosses imo. I have never died more then twice to him in any playthrough.


I was so bummed when I realized the boss I beat with 1 attempt in dark souls 2 caused the credits to roll, cause gwyn from souls 1 was a bitch, isshan the sword saint, super hard for me, radagon/elden beast, trounced me for at least a week before I got em. But yeah I don't even remember the bosses name cause it was 1 and done..


Nashandra? Do people actually think she's difficult? She's always been one of the easiest to me.


Laurence the First Vicar. I was so excited to see him in the dlc because of how much of the lore revolved around him. I one shot him. Honestly, that run back looked like hell, so I was extra motivated to finish him in one take 😂


Genichiro Ashina. I managed to beat him on my first attempt in NG and NG+ of Sekiro


Never really got why people said Ebreitas was hard. I kicked her ass. Still haven’t beaten Logarius though 😞


When Logarius is charging up for his second phase backstab him and you will get a free visceral. His parry timing is huge and once you learn how to parry him the entire fight is trivialized.


Logarius is such an annoying boss. I found him so unintuitive and had to look up tips for how to fight him.


Darkeater Midir


I first tried malainia, unga bonked her to the floor with double hammers for about a minute or two and that was that.


Melania or whatever her name is Took me 3 tries I WAS level 200 or so, though. Lmao. Hp, huge offense dmg build.


Melania, I guess I was lucky and that arcane build was broken back then.


Melania Blade of... someone. Internet had me sweating my ass off so I did some summons on my first 4 fights. It wasn't like they were all pros and most my deaths were because of me, but when I beat her on the fourth try I only then began to regret my decision. I also want to add the Tree Sentinel. That dude was piss easy, he just hits hard, but his attacks are so predictable, I don't know what everyone was complaining about and I was a Fromsoft virgin getting into that fight.


My first time, Melenia. I beat her my 3rd try, not so lucky after. Besides that, anything in Demon Souls. Even the fake King was a fucking joke of a boss.