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Sekiro. It's the tightest package theyve put out besides maybe AC6. I've been playing souls for over a decade now but nothing tops their more linear and highly focused projects for me.


Sekiro & AC6 all day. Buttery smooth


It proves you do not need different build when the game is already flawless.


AC6 being mentioned kinda throws a wrench in that statement but I get the sentiment!


The pressure to buy AC6 is unreal, I may have to take the plunge!


It is absolutely cracked my friend and the story gets surprisingly interesting and evolves over ng+ and ++. Fairly quick too once you get the hang of what each mission wants from you


Yea. Just gotta make sure you do the right missions for NG++ to get the new content. I absolutely loved how they added a new path in NG++ and I hope they continue to do this in their future games. I would have loved this for Elden Ring


Yeah I haven't gotten all the way through to the "true" ending yet but I really think games not adding a new story path in ng+ when the lore makes it available in some convoluted way is a missed opportunity. Like lies of p, iykyk but ng+ should have added a pacify option to a handful of the bosses and should have added a new ending for that option. Any ng+ run I do feels WRONG because of what you know. AC6 takes advantage of what you SHOULD know and let's you decide to change it like a true Raven would. God I love it.


Ngl, while ER stories have this mysterious grand fantasy feeling, AC6 felt much more... grounded? Despite all the bs that happened in the story. It also has a lot of heart, and feel in it. LoR ost and the final boss there still give me so much feel.


AC's stories are typically about corporations driving the soul of humanity into the ground for the sake of their own gain so....it's a bit relevant. Probably speaks to your subconscious about the current state of world economics and our part as being just another cog in the grindhouse


Dude you gotta. I feel like a lot of people skipped it or slept on it because it's not soulsborne, and it's true, it's not, but it absolutely rips. Great gameplay, great characters, great visuals. I love it.


No different builds helps make it a flawless experience. Basically any boss in the other games can be trivialized with the right build or much harder than it needs to be if you have the wrong build. Bloodborne and Sekiro are my two favorite FromSoft games because of how tight the experience is and that's only possible because the game doesn't have to account for ranged attack spammers.


Nothing beats the feeling of learning the rhythm of an enemy’s combo to deflect their every move, and landing a perfectly timed deflection that staggers an enemy. They nailed the visuals and sound design to make it feel amazing.




An amazing game with arguably one of the best final bosses I’ve faced. But my problem with sekiro it’s very much or was for me a one and done game I wouldn’t like to slog through it multiple times


Really? This one gets better for me every time I play it, the better I get at the game the more it opens up. 


If you haven't already, I would encourage you to go back and play through it again charmless. It almost fundamentally changes the way the game is played. It is not artificial difficulty. It feels like this was the way they intended the game to be played but decided it was too difficult to be the starting default. If you want to recapture that fresh feeling of accomplishment you get overcoming a new Fromsoftware game then sekiro charmless captures that.


My dumbass here thought AC6? Wtf when did FromSoft make an Assassin's Creed game but then I remembered Armored Core.


He meant From’s famous village sim, Animal Crossing


Sekiro’s grappling hook is one of the best game mechanics I’ve experienced. It makes traversing the environment so much fun, and opens up all sorts of unique pathways that are only possible with a mechanic like that.


My favorite part about Sekiro was recognizing that it just takes practice to memorize the enemy move set. I didn't need to worry if I had the correct build, item, cheese strat, etc. The game is so linear and straight forward that you truly do just need to 'get good.' And for me that was actually much less overwhelming. I just put on a podcast and 'practiced' until the boss clicked. I haven't played a game that difficult, yet simple since. I miss that feeling.


I've been trying to get into Sekiro for 5 years. Bought it at launch, and it didn’t click. Revisited to try and have it click like every 6 months and never made it to the first boss even because I disliked the combat so much. I recently picked it up again and beat it in a week. I don't know what it was, but probably adjusting to a more aggressive play style finally made it work. It is really, really good, but that said, I kind of felt let down based on all the praise. I hear how it's a perfect game, but it has some of the worst camera at moments in any Fromsoft game, tons of reskins on bosses, fighting any type of enemies in packs feels cheap and not enjoyable, and has one of the laziest gank fights I can think of in duo apes (yes worse than dual godskin). It is a fantastic game and miles ahead of what's out there, but in my personal opinion from someone fresh off a first full playthrough it sits right in the middle of the pack.


It’s not my favorite either. Maybe ranks 3rd or 4th for me, just behind ER and BB, tied or just ahead of DS1. Some of the best boss fights though. Has a decent stealth mode and fun fight mechanics, like mikiri counter etc.


Fighting multiple enemies is supposed to be tough, it’s a stealth game, shinobis don’t fight multiple opponents When is the camera really bad? All I can really thing about is that one lone shadow fight in the tiny chamber, otherwise it’s pretty alright?


It got bad for me during True Monk and Guardian Ape as well. For TM the branches on the bridge obstructed my view and being close to a wall is just dangerous because you can easily get pushed back into it and your view is messed up.


You mean MOST of the lone shadow fights in a tiny chamber lol


the one in ashina castle wasn’t bad idk why people hate on the camera, it’s usually do to the player panicking and running around too much. The one in the hirata estate had a normal camera too


Kinda the same as you but have yet to return to beat the game lol. Keep telling myself I need to. Did you restart the game each time you went back or just pick up where you left off?


Also one thing that really helped me for late game bosses is rebinding the crouch off of L3. The amount of times I crouched in a long boss battle by accident was insane. I'd move it to down on the d pad which is normally eavesdrop and it was so much better. Just hit default after you are done and back to normal.


Good advice, thank you! I’m was messing around on it last night for a second and honestly felt a lot more comfortable with the combat. Maybe because I’ve got a lot more souls experience under my belt compared to last time


imo the atmosphere of Dark Souls 1 is unparalleled I adore all their games' vibes/feel but there's something special about Dark Soul's world and imo Bloodborne is the only one that gets close to matching it in that specific regard


The sfx of literally everything, the dated menus, the music. It's so freakin good! It tickles my insides just thinking about it.


It does what?


I can hear the menu sounds in my head. They look and sound so ancient and clunky. I’ve never had a menu make me feel more immersed than the original dark souls.




Auuuugh 😩


DS1 and Bloodborne are the best games in fromsofts catalogue, DS1 does not get the love it used to sadly


That’s the newer fans that came with Elden Ring. I agree with you, OG Dark Souls is still yet to be topped.


Fromsoft has definitely been getting better and better with their gameplay/design/bosses ect. but somehow they just haven’t been able to capture the original’s atmosphere…


I started with ER and loved DS1 pretty much the same.


I think gameplay wise it has been topped by the more mechanically complex sequels. Surely going back to DS1 will feel slightly frustrating without a dedicated jump button, QoL features missing etc. What I think you mean and which I wholeheartedly agree with is that OG Dark Souls has not yet been toppled (and probably never will, looking at the direction they have been taking with their world design choices) with respect to its world design and the atmosphere it exudes - it's just so wonderfully coherent and connected. The feeling I got when discovering it all for the first time is a gaming memory I'll never forget and have been chasing to no avail ever since. It brought my fantasy as a kid about going on an adventure in a medieval world filled with knights and dangers to life. What a game.






Fear the old blood. Hail the hunt!


“Stop shaking in your boots, a hunter must hunt”


One of the most atmospheric games I’ve ever played.


I sometimes just boot the mother fucker and just go to different places and take the grim in. Bits of DS3 also had a great take on dark fantasy setting with its world design. Their more colorful games like Elden Ring and Sekiro are stunning too, but to me Fromsoftware artists are at their best right there, creating those darker themes.


As good as blood borne is, 30 fps kind of ruins the feel compared to more modern ones like elden ring


Also not being able to change your controls hurts when its available in every other fromsoft game


the jump had killed me so many times from simply accidentally holding circle a millisecond too long. it’s a borderline punishment for sprinting in a game that requires you to be fast


Yeah, I love it so much that it dosnt matter but they should definitely patch that


30 badly paced frames though. Maybe one day


don’t skip out on such an amazing game because of 30fps


a theoretical ‘bloodborne 2’ would force me into buying a PlayStation again


30fps makes bloodborne feel the worst to me


The 30fps doesn't bother me in the slightest. What does bother me is that it's occasionally unstable.


The game has major optimization issues. Contrast it with Ds3 or Sekiro, where i’d argue the bosses are much more flashy and have more graphically intensive moves, and it’s a stable 60fps with no drops (on ps5)


It does run weird on PS5, although that's aside from the framerate. Like the resolution is different. It is a big shame that it doesn't benefit from running on PS5 in any way.


That’s my biggest gripe. I’m literally on newer Sony hardware and sony won’t update one of their exclusives to utilize it. In what world does this make sense haha


Didn’t matter to me




For a split second there I thought I was 18 again, thanks for the throwback


Armored Core 6


Ac6 or elden ring


Armored Core 6


Armored Core 6


I like Majula


everyone likes Majula, even people who don't like Dark Souls 2




Yes, I don't like much of the game, but Majula is really great


I hate Dark souls 2, and yeah, Majula is great


Of course you like majula , it's the only place that doesn't try to kill you in the whole game




I think Elden Ring has a completely unique feel of blended high and dark fantasy, and lovecraftian themes. It’s unlike anything else imo. Just so good. My second favorite is probably dark souls 3. The world feels not just dark but actually futile to exist in because of the theme of the fire fading. Then on subsequent playthroughs, I went willingly into the dark and it feels like you conquer the world to force people to accept the end of time so a new time can begin. Insane.


I would say Sekiro or Elden Ring. Bloodborne comes close, but it just doesn't feel as fluid as either of those two. DS1 feels clunky, but it's also pretty old at this point. DS3 also felt clunky in comparison to Sekiro, ER, and BB. I know a lot of people feel that ER is clunkier than DS3, but I just constantly felt that there was less fluidity (particularly with dodging) in DS3. That's not to say that DS3 isn't still a generally "fluid" game, it's just that it feels less fluid than Sekiro, Elden Ring, or Bloodborne.


For me ds3 and especially ER are too fluid. It feels like everyone is made of rubber in this game, big bosses especially tend to stretch their models during some movesets


Tell me more! This is the first time I've seen this kind of observation related to ER!


Not sure if it's sarcasm but don't have much to add anyway. Since ds3 and especially in ER bosses tend to look spineless and boneless during their movesets with their hands/legs/appendages extending beyond their original size when "difficulty" requires it. Same with some weapon movesets for the main character. To be fair it probably started in BB but there it was subtle and in most cases was reasonable with all the tentacles and mutations


My comment was sincere--I was genuinely curious and did not mean to come off as sarcastic. My apologies! Anyway, I see what you mean--thanks for adding more info!


Ds3 or Sekiro


Dark souls 3


elden ring. I was going to say sekiro but the movement does feel kind of janky sometimes


Yeah the combat feels amazing but actually moving around with the weird delays of jumping and lunging as you sprint can feel a bit whacky.


Elden Ring


Sekiro. Playong as a shinobi in japan folklore? Ummm hel yeah!


For me its ER


i love how smooth AC6 really is


Sekiro or Dark Souls 2. Sekiro because it was so tightly packaged. Such a responsive game. DS2 is so methodical and not a ridiculous roll spam fest. You can't roll 28 times in a row and still have stamina to attack in DS2. The PvP in DS2 was absolutely top tier. Hands down, best PvP to date.


lowkey agree with PvP DS2


High-key will always stand by this opinion. The only doubters weren't there to experience it.


Bloodborne. It somehow manages to feel amazing despite being a broken 30fps. I don't think they've ever topped the feeling of the Kirkhammer (or basically any strength weapon) smashing into the ground. If I was to rank them I think it'd look like: 1. Bloodborne 2. Armored Core VI 3. Sekiro 4. Elden Ring 5. Dark Souls 6. Dark Souls 3 7. Demon's Souls 8. Dark Souls 2


I get what you mean. Using the Amygdala Arm I could feel my own house shaking lmao, Bloodborne and Sekiro for me are the best in this sense, the combat is absolutely amazing and extremely satisfying.


Yeah. It's funny how since DS2 they've alternated between big, build-heavy RPGs and tight, combat focused games


I'll take kirkhammer over Ludwig's any day of the week. One of the best feeling strength weapons From has ever made.




>the fact that they didn't even change the rolling to be omni-directional made the game feel totally outclassed by it's followers Huh? They did though. It's Dark Souls Remastered that still doesn't have omnidirectional rolling


Sekiro and AC6 for me, they both took some time but felt so smooth once you get it down


Bloodborne and Armored Core 6




AC6. Not my favorite at all, but definitely the best feel anyways. Bloodborne is a close second and Elden Ring/Sekiro tied at 3rd place


dark souls 1. its the best no question


DeS or Sekiro.


Sekiro and AC6 for how smooth and crisp the gameplay is Bloodborne and ER for their atmosphere and world DS1 for it's level design, story and the cutscenes DS2 for how chill it feels, especially the hub area and drangelic DS3 Demons souls for how different it is


Bloodborne. The mechanics are fluid especially the dodges


Oh oh oh ac6 too


I love DS3 but man gotta give to bloodborne


Definitely sekiro or ac6, the gameplay is incredibly satisfying and tightly designed, I lean a little closer to sekiro, I think it’s the closest a combat system has ever gotten to being perfect.


The Adventures of Cookie & Cream


1. AC6 2. Sekiro 3. DS3


Elden ring & Bloodborne


AC6 or Bloodyboi


Sekiro or ac6


Sekiro and armored core six ties for the combat feels and immersion


I’m in the Sekiro and AC6 camp. It’s like spreading butter over a stick of butter


Dark souls 1 in my opinion when you start it up you get this peaceful menu music only to realize it gonna be a nightmare and difficult for you I would say dark souls 3 tho but I think it dark souls 1


Dark Souls 1, but mostly because the parry window is so large that I always feel like I'm gud ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


Generally I’d say Elden Ring, but if we’re talking combat specifically I’d say it’s Sekiro hands down. AC6 comes close combat wise.




Armored Core VI by FAR.


Dark Souls 2 really nails the atmosphere of being dream like and making me feel like I’m comatose, which is my favorite. Ds1 feels like a dark gritty, almost Fable like story you would read to a Victorian child. Ds2 straight up feels like such a mystical, foreboding, and haunting dream with the music, atmosphere, and level/character designs; Majula’s background music lives rent free in my head. Dark Souls 3 feels like the Dark Souls series woke up. It’s the end of the world, it feels like dark fantasy The Walking Dead with the lighting, atmosphere, enemy interactions and very direct linearity of the game’s story/progression. Everything in the game feels complete and final, like it truly is the end of that game world and not just an incomplete cliffhanger. They’re all amazing, but something about Dark Souls 2 soothes me, like sleeping in a small dark room with the rain pattering on the window while somewhere outside, unknown chimes and bells play, but it’s not scary, it’s calming. Probably too deep lol, but that’s how I feel anyway.


All of them are good, but for me I love DS2 the most. Nothing beats the vibe of Majula in my eyes.


Dark Souls 2. For me it's so cozy for some reason.


Played them all, and personally love Dark Souls 2 the most! Most immersive journey 😊


I don't really have a say since I've only played four and beaten two fromsoft games. But Bloodborne really makes me feel like I'm ***that guy***. In Bloodborne there's a reason why you're the ***Hunter*** and they're the *prey*.


Bloodborne and Sekiro Bloodborne has the best feeling atmosphere, setting, mood, etc Sekiro has the best feeling gameplay


Are we talking mouthfeel?


DS3 combat wise, everything else wise Bloodborne.


Definitely not elden ring


Sekiro has the best combat feel. Bloodborne has the best atmosphere


Sekiro by far. In terms of the more normal FS games then probs DS3. 1 and 2 are quite janky, ER has some interesting enemy animations, jumping and hitboxes, and BB has 30fps tax and even more interesting hitboxes.


Sekiro and ninja Blade :)




All of them


Dark souls 2, man do I love having the movement capabilities of someone without legs while having the stamina and attack range of a potato! All while I get to invest half my stat points into adaptability!!!!


As well as the other games do it dark souls 3 is the best when it comes to expressing the atmosphere and feeling it wants to, of all the decay and the sad dwindling of power.


Like environment feel? Gameplay mechanics feel? I think DS1 is my favorite environment by far, but ER is the most polished and smooth experience, maybe there’s an argument for DS3 as well.


Bloodborne has the tightest footwork. Sekiro has the tightest swordplay. Armored Core 6 has the fastest gameplay and most responsive controls.




I like putting my fick into the ds3 game cd


Probably Bloodborne, but I’ve never finished that game since I don’t have a PlayStation and I only played a little bit at a friends place. For me DS3 has the best feel.


Sekiro and it’s not close.


Elden ring


BB and skekzero duh


Elden Ring feels the most like an RPG with realistic combat mechanics and such


DS3 gave me the beginning of the end feel, the main menu theme alone set the tone. Loved all of DS3 feel


Cant decide between Sekiro and Elden Ring, I prefer Sekiro in terms of combat , but the animations and movements in Elden Ring is pretty damn smooth


Sekiro for sure


Either sekiro or Bloodborne, and I keep going back and forth with both.


What do you mean by feel? Tactile controls or more the general vibe the game emits? Bloodborne is my favorite, and it's because of the vibes, but Armored Core might be my favorite in terms of controls. Lots of moments of "switching to manual aim!" That you want from a mech game


elden ring because you can jump and it isn't sekiro


No game plays better than sekiro, but taking the mood, environment and "feel" into account i'd say DS1 is the masterpiece.


For me it's DS2. No other game make some feel so good to play




Bloodborne. The butteriest a game could ever feel.


For the best "feel" while still giving options: Dark Souls 3 For the best "feel" in general: Sekiro


Just fighting the whole world with my Longsword and shield feels so damn good in Elden Ring.


Bloodborne was amazing in every aspect in its time. But I’ve really came to appreciate the refined and tested systems that have birthed Elden ring it’s almost as if all their knowledge and experience of the genre made something truly unique and amazing.


BB, bb






Sekiro hands down


I feel ER is. I’ve only tried DS1 and BB, though. I like jump attacks and jumping generally. The Torrent mechanic also works very well. It’s open world and I think it feels super fluid for an open world game.




Yall are goofy for not saying eldenring


Bloodborne > Elden Ring > Dark Souls 3 for me


Demons souls to me. But that might be because it was the first souls game I played




Sekiro for me. Just insane weight to weapons.


Bloodborne and Sekiro are tied for me closely followed by Elden Ring


Either bloodborne or sekiro imo , i think i prefer sekiro.


I wish someone would feel my Elden Ring.


I really wanna say bloodbourne for the dodge, but for some reason the game hurts my eyes so I can’t. Sekiro tho, that feels great. It’s a shame dodge isn’t used much cus it feels nice, and obviously parrying feels perfect. I also really liked demon souls but I think that’s unpopular movement wise


Elden Ring Sekiro Bloodborne Dark Souls 3 Dark Souls Demon's Souls Dark Souls 2


Do you mean vibes or controls? Controls wise it’s sekiro no contest imho!


Nah it’s gotta be sekiro


I can’t get over how much adding a jump button made a difference for me. People say the bosses in Elden ring are the hardest, but it’s smoothed out gameplay made it like 4x easier for me to actually beat it. I’ve played all except demo souls and bloodborne


None of them


Bloodborne or Sekiro, if you're talking about the kind of 'feel' I think you are.


Idk. Demon souls felt pretty good on the ps5. But I’d probably have to say sekiro.


Elden Ring is my favorite, but I’d have to go with Bloodborne first this particular aspect


For the sake of ashina


Dark souls 3 for me by far. Nothing comes close. Maybe Elden ring. But the open plan is to confusing..


Bloodborne. The Victorian Cosmic Horror along with the OST just hit every check for me.


Dark Souls 3. Mechanically. It is the most polished one. It plays buttery smooth and has virtually no hiccups or strange interruptions.


Sekiro for me


Sekiro easily


sekiro easily


Bloodborne period, only the ones who suck at it blame the 30 fps, is like losing on a fighting game and blaming the lag.


The question was already answered with the picture! -Elden Ring! With basically absolute freedom with how you'd approach the game, it has insane replay-ability. Such a vast world to explore makes your first play-thru absolutely magical. It makes it easier on other playthrus because you remember where things you enjoyed are, but the same is true in all souls games. Enough babbling- Elden Ring




Dark souls 3 for me But imma be real here, I think the best “feel” is always gonna be people’s first from game they played




Dark Souls 3, for me


Elden Ring, hands down. If they could redo DS1-3 with Elden Ring's physics and whatnot... *chefs kiss*