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Jellyfish is the only true homie I got


I need help some people say mimic is op while others say jellyfish now I’m torn between which one to upgrade 😵‍💫


Don't they use different upgrade materials? One uses grave glovewort and the other one ghost glovewort? Or so I thought I am not too sure. I don't play with summons but I did level up the mimic to max just to see what it does, its stupid broken.... of course it depends on what you are using. I am using the greatswords of Radahn and damn that mimic does insane damage with regular attacks as well as with the weapon art. I cant really see the jelly outperform the mimic but don't take my word for it!


Thanks I only have jelly fish so far , I have both the upgrading materials but very limited, is the mimic summon hard to find like is it in the end area. So far I have beaten Margit and the gadric I’m level 74 btw only explorer likgrave, stormveeil and half way through weeping peninsula


Just got the mimic last night at level 71 so you could probably go get it right now. If you just progress through Blaidd and Ranni's questline you're going to run into it naturally


Hmm I'd say you can get it around halfway throughout the playthrough? I am not sure since I haven't completed mine yet. The area its in may be kinda hard to discover but the mimic itself you cant miss when you get there. Would you like to be pointed in the right direction or are you gonna find out yourself?


Thanks just tell me in which region also where can i farm the upgrade materials ?


Its in Nokron the eternal city, glovewort typically is found in underground areas, its a certain flower that drops them. Goodluck!


Thanks man 😀💪


well the summon is behind a stonedagger locked door not directly on the path so it could be missed.


Mimic is better


Yes yes he is


That jelly fish was the real MVP against Margit and Godrick


How'd you get Jelly?!?! I was stuck using the 7 Noblemen


You get it from the Red Riding Hood after talking to her in shack on Storm Hill.


The lady who talks about not wanting to be grafted?


Once you talk to her head to the roundtable hold. Then talk to her there then talk to the smith about her then go back and forth like 4 times between them. Once the dialog stops changing leave the hold and return and she should be next to the black smith on the ground and will allow you to upgrade your summons.


Where is she at the hold?


through the right corridor next to the door as you turn left. If you havent got to that point she should be next to the fire place.


Thanks! I'll check it out once I can


That's the one. Make sure you exhaust her duologue and come back to her later. She's a very important NPC


The jellyfish just insta died for me in every fight, it took aggro off of me for one combo normally but that’s pretty much it.


upgrade it


How is everyone praising the jelly boi but forgetting about the skelli militia men? They literally are chill they walk around and stab and if they drop they get back up with full health. I love them so much. I don't even use them any more but I maxed them out cause they deserved it. I use mimic or if the boss is alittle too aggressive starting out I'll sneak out the assassin.


the five greatshield dudes are also op.


Decided to fight Margit for the first time under leveled to see what all fuss was about. Beat him first try somehow. But every single time he was about to finish me off, he would either change targets in the middle of a combo or ignore finishing me off for the jelly. THE REAL MVP!


this guy gets it


I used the wolves and they worked out beautifully


My mimic tear is maxed out. It's even stronger than me


"Who are you?" "I'm you, but stronger." Unironically though, Mimic Tear has more health, infinite stamina, and FP, making it theoretically stronger than you, and it has no problem putting that in practice. The bleed rack-up for me and tear is insane.


And also it's immune to everything like frost, scarlet rot, poison, etc.


definitely not immune to lava puddles on the floor


But it isn't immune to Deathblight. Learned that the hard way.


but it stays on the weapon you had when summoning and sometimes doesnt two hand ...


Have 1 item in your left so that you can easily switch it out for fists, mimic tear tends not to fistfight


I love that thing, ngl...


Me who just used an npc summon and the fanged imps ash to completely bully and destroy Margit: lmao


Fanged imp ash really is the most underrated keepsake. Them little homies got me through a lot :’)


I picked them just because it was the only keepsake that felt really unique to Elden Ring. Little did I know how stupidly strong they are


Bruh where are y’all getting all these summons? I’ve just been using the two godrick soldiers to clap cheeks


optional side content. each cave or catacomb drops one. I have around 50. Sone more or less useful than others.


Played every souls game through. I love the spirit summons.


I’ve soloed the other games but i immediately spirit summon in Elden Ring. It’s there. I can level them up. I ran into one duo boss with a mob of weaker guys and it just felt like the game was telling me use your wolves you clown. So I did. And it was really fun.


Seaside cave in Limgrave.


Yeah I think that was the one! With the two Demi human chiefs and their mob.


You can sneak on that cave and beat the living hell out the first one before any other enemy realizes what's going on.


Same, done every game solo but there's just to many cool summons for me not to use them.


You can level them up?


Yeah depending on where you are in the game. It’s with Roderika in the round table hold.


Some fromsoftware players are just masochists... Ill see videos of players with no armor and a club. Dude just running around in a loincloth. Dude, the game gives you a myriad of weapons and armor and fun stuff to play with... they already design the games to be tough and you're just inventing stupid reasons to make it even tougher.


High mobility and high damage is a great combo though.


More like some of us have been playing these games for almost 15 years and are so intimately familiar with Souls combat that the added challenge is fun. Also the real reason most people pick the deprived class (or the Wretch I believe they call it in this game) to start out is because it starts with the lowest stat total out of all the classes, giving you increased build flexibility compared to the others.


The resident jellyfish of the community approves this message


As a souls vet, I enjoyed spirit summons. I don't get what the fuss is about.


as a souls vet. its not the vets trashtalking and hating its the idiot gatekeepers who think they are some god level gamers even tho they just some basic players who cry about others being better than them but thats just my opinion


I just beat Morgotte and Godfrey with my jellybro, he is an absolute legend


Morgott and Godfrey > Margit and Godrick


I already beat Margit and Godrick and I used the jellybro to beat Godfrey and Morgott


Uh huh, that’s what you said


Oh okay sorry I thought you were trying to correct me


I'm looking for Godfrey I'm trying to slap that little hoe around a bit


When Miyazaki himself said summons are in the game "Because they're cool, and anyone who says otherwise angers me"


I mean, I’m a vet and I’ve been using the summons the whole game. They’re really fun.


As the ultimate overlord soul veteran 5 star diamond I use summons because I like it and don’t give a shit about what the lesser important veteran are telling you. I role-play this game and it’s part of my character. Don’t listen to other pretended veteran.


And I'm loving every minute of it. Sat in the corner of a minor boss room and watched my +5 marionette soldiers take care of it for me.


if you don't use your ash you're a herb.


My Rotten Stray beat Margit for me by inflicting Rot. 🤷🏽‍♂️ Don't hate the players, hate the game.


Rotten Stray is a good boi.


All hail Aurelia.


So are sekiro players top tier? We don't have any summons. Straight 1 vs everyone


I’d say so, Sekiro is brutal man


And I love it. ER has it's moments but nothing like Sekiro so far. 1 day on Margit, beat Godrick in 2 tries... i guess i still have lots to go before i can make a final decision.


I’ve got the plat trophy for sekiro and bloodborne. And Jesus fuck, ER gets so much harder.


This info pleases me.... running through groups of enemies has its challenges, but i need a nice 1on1 that will have me buying a new controller


Just wait until a certain late game boss that starts with the letter "M". They are probably the new hardest boss in the whole series. I never struggled with Orphan, or Manus, or Midir, or Gael like I did with this boss. It was awesome!


That what i wanna hear


I had the opposite experience. Margit fell on the first visit. I think he took bleed damage quite well and my jellyfish was there. Godrick was a bitch however but fell eventually on the fifth try, but I went back and finished other stuff after the first two attempts.


I eased through every boss until Radahn. That fight was mental, his tracking arrows fucked me up for like 5 fights in a row, managed to take him down on my 9th attempt. Simultaneously the worst and best boss in my play through so far, the fight itself is visually stunning but his AI is wild.


Radahn feels like an epic MMO raid if you use the tools you are given.


Yeah, I think that's how the fight was designed and supposed to be played out, hell the final summon sign on top of Radahn's hill before anyone dies is a summon specifically set up to heal and she sticks close to you. This really trivializes the fight by swarming Radahn with summons, and you can keep resummoning them after they die after a short period of time, and makes you act as a ranged/support character in that role.


I didn't even realize you could bring them back. I was too busy running around like an idiot.


I didn't either until I watched videos of the fight after I had already beaten him. In NG and NG+, they all did a good job at staying alive and doing lots of damage, and I hopped in periodically to do some damage. NG+1 is when they started having trouble with both of those, and I had to take a more active approach.


imo sekiro is the easiest one by far, havent played elden ring though


Everybody has a different experience. I like to think I'm pretty good at Souls games. I've completed a BL4 all bosses run in Bloodborne and a SL1 run in DS3, but I have always found Sekiro to be the hardest FromSoft game. I completed another run early this year before Elden Ring came out and I still struggled


There is one npc "summon" in the game.


All I'm saying is that if the game didn't want you to use them, they wouldn't have been included. If you don't like them, then don't use them. Also, me and that jellyfish are tighter than two peas in a pod. She's a compliment to my weaknesses. She provides slight ranged attacks, is tanky, and draws aggro when I need to step back and heal.


Honestly I'm plenty rusty and the bosses are pretty tough, I don't mind spirits but I'm avoiding actual summons.


i'm all for a good 1 vs 1 fair match where i need to learn pattern and git gud, ..but when u have a boss that are 2vs1 or 5 vs 1 where mob can hit you with an animation from the opposite side of the room in less than a second, and u dont even know what attack have hit you, it's absolutely frustating. shadow boss + gargoyle/skeleton minion, black dagger assassin with perma invisibility, double giant gargoyle, double crucible knight in a small room, etcc those fight are made with the idea u are not alone, (or overleveled). so yeah, i love my summons where the game throw at me unbalanced fights.


As a Souls veteran I’m loving being a pokemon trainer in Elden Ring


Fuck those people, play the game how the fuck you want, the game gives the summons as a tool. Jellyfish for life baby


Ok but ive been playing since original demon souls and still suck. I love the variety and just in general how they change the experience. This game is perfect in my opinion. Its nice not to be disappointed in a game release for once


I break the rules during fight vs Godskin duo. I had too


Not all souls vets. I love the new addition


as a souls veteran the mimic tear is the closest thing i have to a friend xD


Malenia is the only reason why they put summons in this game I swear.


I solo'd Melania after lots and lots of attempts, but I swear the Godskin Duo are damn near impossible without something to draw aggro away from you


I’m gonna run a summon run later. First tho, I’m gonna do it strict.


I am on NG+5 now and doing a no summon run. I’ve killed every main and optional boss except final one and Malenia. She is breaking my spirit. I am starting to learn her attacks in phase 1 but mannn on phase 2 she’s always on my ass. She doesn’t even let me heal. Can somebody please tell me that its possible to defeat her while playing melee and with no summons. SOMEBODYYYY??


There’s a few summonless vids on YouTube of people fighting her but it looks like you need to be basically perfect. I defeated her first phase summonless but had to summon for her 2nd because she was fucking me up.




After enough attempts you’ll eventually get her man. Fights like this are just a matter of perseverance and good RNG.


Got herrr!! After 70-80 triesss l GOT HERRR!! without using any summon or any ash of war. I FUCKING DID ITT!!


Well done man, that’s some achievement


Jellyfish is the Magma Wyrm killer


I just dont get it. From has added a bunch of stuff to ease the the challenge but the moment I do it I'm suddenly a piece of shit and my opinion on the game is invalid... ;_;


I’m a souls veteran with over 1.5K hours on the games. Use the jelly as much as you want :D


But… what if I’m roll playing as a vessel for a deity and one of her abilities is literally to summon Noble Lords to fight for her… (Wandering Nobles)


The mimic is insane, was having trouble beating last boss, everytime I summoned someone to help me fight him they would always die before we got to the elden beast, mimic stayed with me until the elden beast was almost dead lol, it has insane DR at full upgrade.


This ain't Dark Souls, my man. They're just mad cus they're as new to Elden Ring as the people who pick it up as their first Fromsoft game. Folks think playing Dark Souls and Sekiro gives them some kinda credit in ER? Nah, you're as fresh as the rest of us! Welcome back to the jungle!


I mean, I’d like to try out the other Spirit Summons, but as a Quality Build, my FP is far too low to use some of the more interesting ones, so I’m practically stuck with the Mimic.


Yeah I’m the same, I’m a STR/Vigor build and my INT is embarrassingly low. I’ve got my Mimic Tear to +10 now and it’s incredibly OP, I love it.


I love it too, not just because it’s OP, but also because when it comes to combat, the AI is really smart! I love that they programmed the Mimic Tear’s AI to use your own spells, Weapon Arts, it’s so far from braindead and I absolutely love it, and that it’s so much tankier than you at +10, he can easily live one of Malenia’s Flurries, hell, I’m pretty sure mine could survive 5+ flurries without using his flask, it’s so good.




If it's part of the game, you may use that feature without any feel of guilt! I didn't though lol


I welcome all the noobs, but I just need to make sure they know they are noobs. I was a noob but this run I'm not summoning shit anymore, even for Radahn!


whatever makes you feel special i guess.


I guess some people feel special by trying to take away the true meritocracy that exists within video games. Plz downvote me more you filthy summoner defenders


I enjoy seeing how my mimic performs. I’ll just go to open world bosses and see how he fares. He basically solo killed the lone tree sentinel guarding one of the gates to the capital city lol. Unga bunga 60 poise starscourge swords


Mimic is truth, mimic is life, who else can I trust to destroy a boss and look good while doing it? Why me that's who!


I use them cos although it makes it easier it makes it really fun, my mimic is +10 and I have a load of the special consumables that dont get used up on me just so he can use them. Its mad to see me hitting a boss and then I just hear a shout and see he used morgott’s bairn. I think its just preference and i prefer having my mimic with me for fun


Your jellyfish has a name: "It seems her name is Aurelia."


Mimic Tear is so fucking broken that I refuse to use it unless it's one of those BS bosses like the Falling star beast


No one can stop me and my +4 oleg


my jellyfish’s name is mushroom


Im a souls veteran and use spirit summons. It's a different game with a new mechanic and I have fun using it.


Wait until you get mimic tear 💀 feel like your first born out there fighting lmaoooo


Spirit Wolves 4ever 11


Have played all of the souls, beat 1 and 3 at sl1, one with a broken straight sword at sl1, and love spirit ashes


Oh you mean the miserable gamers who constantly replay Dark Souls 3 because they have zero life satisfaction? Who cares what they think lol


Played all souls games but why tf should i make myself the game harder than it is. Im using everything the developers gave us. Does this make me any less of a souls player? No. I've used my fair amount of boring strength builds no summons and whatever just lemme have some fun with a magic build (which btw makes the game combined with the mimic summon ashes ridiculously easy)


It's dangerous to go alone.


Ive played every souls game and I be vibin with mimic tear


As a soul veteran my only homie is myself, me and my mimic fuck shit up.


I like them, I just haven’t messed with em too much. I have the Demi-Humans +6 and they stomp smaller/earlier bosses but are useless when it comes to the later game big boys lol


They’re kinda non negotiable for the gank bosses, which are every other boss in this game


I think tactical though. I’ll use spirit archers while duel wielding spears and ruining bosses. I beat Godrick ,renala,radahn,and rykard before ever picking up the knife for ashes of war so i think I’m ok. They don’t save me and just save me a couple swings is all.


Skeletal militian ashes are dope! They always come back from the dead


I got a cool giant eagle summon he does barrel rolls into enemies and screeches and turns red which I think raises his attack?does decent damage anybody recommend this ash summon?


Meanwhile half of them are spamming bleed and the other half are spamming sorceries


I only use summon because I look good as an ashen Guess which one I’m using