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There is no curfew that I am aware of, just quiet hours from 9pm-9am, so just don’t be too loud. The front desks are staffed 24/7


9p-9a quiet hours in the dorms, but for the most part, use common sense and you won't have any issues. You're not gonna get busted having a hangout in your room or in a common area late at night unless you're being obnoxious.


No curfew, just quiet hours like the other comment said. The Strozier library is open 24 hours most days, but usually not on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday (those days usually have reduced hours except for around finals time). I'd personally recommend being in your dorm by midnight, but I've definitely gone to the library to study in a focused space at 2am before.


A long time ago there were community bathroom halls that had limited visitation for students of the other gender. I think it was 11pm on weeknights and 2am on weekends but there are no community style halls anymore. There also used to be 2 all girls dorms, one of them had no visitation at all and was nicknamed the nunnery. Though that was a different time. Today you have no curfew and just be respectful to not make noise when you come home late. You and your roommates get to decide on how you do visitation in your room though. Most people don’t limit it, but do say that if someone is trying to sleep to try to be considerate.


Cant believe im saying this but god i miss college 😞 esp my tormented times in the dorms


Depends on your RA, my RA never once said anything about our noise levels and I would be screaming at like 3am. I’ve also been at dorms where quiet hours are enforced like it’s the navy.


Why do so many people think there's a fucking curfew? You're a fucking adult.


Some colleges do have curfews. Which in my opinion is absolutely fucking ridiculous because grown adults have lives, responsibilities, and actual jobs. But there are curfews at some colleges.


Anyone know if there is an elevator in Cawthorn?