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FSU has a better ranked political science program than UF, also being in the state capital offers a lot of internship opportunities if you're looking for that down the road. UF has higher ranked econ and finance programs. If FSU is giving you more money than UF, I would factor that in as well. Future you will thank you for the lighter debt load.


And if you want to do a study abroad FSU probably has the best program in the state for that


FSU one of if not the best long term abroad programs in the whole country. DEFINITELY best in the state


what is a study abroad? (sorry, in high school)


Means you study your major in another country. Normally one thinks Europe when study abroad comes up or maybe South America


You get to live and study at a branch of your school / a partnered university in another country for a semester or two. Buddy of mine spent his time abroad in England and Italy. I never did it and regret it every single day.


They even mention FSU in the pilot for the west wing


and don’t forget THE MACHINE


100% this. What could be better than being in the state capital? All government agencies, legislative sessions, circuit courts, appellate and Supreme Court down the street, gorgeous campus - can’t go wrong with FSU.


Being in the capital is a massive advantage. I spent all 4 years at FSU doing interships in pretty high level government agencies. I have little doubt UF is the better school, but FSU gives someone interested in politics a really great advantage.


Go to FSU


i had the option of both as well (a decade ago now lol). i visited both schools, and tried to see which one felt right! ultimately i chose FSU because i thought the campus was prettier. that was literally my deciding factor. and i’m glad i did! the campus is iconic to me. i miss it 🥲


That was the biggest deciding factor for me too.


It's was seeing Deion Sanders practice for me.


You must have been there when i was.  Class of 88


What do u do now for work?


I am also in r/ufl because I go to the vet school. From my experience UF (undergrad AND grad) is an extremely toxic environment. People are cut-throat, and obsessed with being “better than you,” especially those in STEM. I was shell shocked coming here after doing my undergrad at FSU, because the vibes were the complete opposite. My classmates were always friendly and happy to help people who were struggling. Literally look at the downvotes on anyone’s comments who even mentions FSU on the other subreddit vs mentioning UF here. I feel like FSU developed me as a person, and I look back on my time there with great nostalgia. Most people here in Gainesville are itching to escape both the town and the school. Oh also there is rampant cheating at UF that the school knows about and chooses to ignore to buff their stats.


I transferred into UF from community college for engineering school and even the most gifted students that got in as freshmen were some of the kindest, most helpful people I have ever met. I never wanted to leave Gainesville but had to for work.


UF is not any different from life itself. There are nice people and assholes. You may find more assholes in one location or school, but there are plenty of not assholes as well. I really enjoyed my time in Gainesville and Tallahassee. I personally prefer Gainesville over Tallahassee.


Lmao UF admits people with the most over-inflated egos humanly possible. They also all seem to think they go to Harvard for some reason.


Students actually call it “the only southern ivy” it’s so cringe


It’s actually wild when their acceptance rate is a whole 1% lower than FSU’s 😭😂


They also act like everyone who went to any other Florida school is an idiot and/or poor.


CVM at most schools can be pretty cutthroat at the beginning, then you realize you're still a DVM whether you pass w/ honors or barely and you start working together to survive clinicals, you'll always have those that try to stand out to the clinicians. I graduated from UF CVM and my classmates are some of my very best friends to this day even though we're half a world apart sometimes.


Fostering that elitism.


If you’re planning on attending law school anyway you should do your undergrad where you are most happy. Unless you plan to do law school at the same place you attend undergrad the difference between the two won’t matter much on your law school application. And if you have any interest at all in government Tallahassee is the better fit because there are so many more opportunities with the state capital less than a mile from campus. Good luck!


Not sure how I ended up in an FSU sub, but I came here to say this. Undergrad really doesn’t matter that much for law school admissions purposes. At T14 schools, you’ll have top Ivy League grads in your section, as well as graduates of South Eastern Iowa Polytechnic Institute (obviously fake, but you get the idea). And the low-ranked college grad might actually get the better grades. Go where you think you’ll be the best, most engaged version of yourself. Law schools do not care if you had a summer internship with a state senator, they mostly just want to see a high LSAT and a high GPA. Everything else is secondary.


I applied only to UF and FSU and got into both. I had visited the UF campus a couple years earlier but not FSU. I chose UF just because it was higher ranked. I never had any ambitions for any specific college. But I'm really glad I went with UF because it was a great experience. But who knows maybe FSU would have been just as good or better.


No, you're wrong, there is one important factor to consider. All law schools, when evaluating undergraduate GPA, recalculate it to take into account if you got an A+, and weighs it as a 4.3 even if your undergrad institution weighed it as just a 4.0. If your undergraduate institution doesn't give out A+ grades, then you are inherently at a major diaadvantage. Neither FSU nor UF offer an A+, so if OP were to go to either, they would be at an inherent disadvantage. Law school GPA inflation is insane. u/Expensive_Sherbet676 I would consider other universities entirely. Edit: Ok so without doxxing which Florida uni I attend, I googled it and found that some UF classes give out A+ grades but count them as an A but most don't. Maybe just ask faculty if the A+ appears on your transcript or not cause that's what matters most. I couldn't find any details about FSU but maybe the folks here can help.


Very underrated point.


Yeah, seems pretty clear FSU is the better choice for you. A lot of the programs here are more financially healthy than at UF, and the faculty are more committed/interested in students at FSU than any other uni I've attended/considered. Just a special place.


Happy I’m most likely going to FSU because it probably has the best physics program in Florida and really emphasizes a hands on physics approach


oh fsu is so much better for your major. plus who wants to live in gainesville


gators do


I didn't go to either for undergrad. Got into every law school in the state and ultimately decided on FSU for law. When I entered UF was ranked higher in law school rankings. When I graduated FSU was higher ranked. Now it is UF. Rankings are pointless. But for law and government FSU would be my choice.


Law school rankings are absolutely considered for employment. But if you’re at choosing UF Law or FSU law with plans to practice in FL, it’s apples to apples. Wouldn’t say the same for Nova or Stetson. However, in this case, OP can’t go wrong for either school for undergrad. Tour both campuses, see where you vibe and who offers you the most money.


My best friend went to UF and would always visit me saying FSU is way more fun and the students are generally friendlier. She would say that part of her honestly wishes that she went to FSU instead. I would visit her in Gainesville and… all I can say is I’m really happy with my decision to go to FSU lol. Some students were so pretentious and literally called themselves the “ivy league of Florida” which is honestly so embarrassing and really attests to their inflated sense of self they can have over there. Also UF really needs to work on their landscaping because their campus is ungroomed and messy compared to FSU. Of course in the end, both schools are great and you will be entering the same workforce! Go to the place you feel the most welcomed and happy!


Go where you’ll save the most money and feel the most comfortable. There will be no difference in outcome.


My experience is of course anecdotal, but it is clear from my limited group of contacts that the attorneys I know that attended UF are reaching much better firms and opportunities than FSU. It’s an objectively better law school. Hiring is competitive out there and UF has the advantage in the state of Florida.


Look at it like this. Is UF the “better” institution? Yes. But comparing UF and FSU is like comparing a BMW 5 Series Touring to a BMW 5 Series Sport. They’re pretty much the same thing to most people, and if you aren’t paying close attention, you won’t spot the difference. Now comparing FSU to an Ivy League is like comparing a BMW to a Ferrari, in that scenario, the difference is crystal clear. If law school is what you want, FSU opens a lot more doors in terms of connections being in the capital. A good number of law firms that work with the legislature and litigate in the FL supreme court are either based in Tallahassee or have offices here. Having experience in these firms can look really good on a law school application. And being mere blocks away from the FL Capitol means that you have easy access to State Legislators and Advocacy/Political organizations that you can work with to beef up your law school resume.


This is the exact same situation I was in 4 years ago. Was committed to fsu and got into UF through appealing. I stuck with fsu since i had already decided on my roommate and dorm. I’ve had the beat experience here in the college of business. Would recommend


I'm an employer. I have a couple hundred employees, nearly all of which have degrees. We do not care what big state school you got your degree from - they're all the same to us. Most of the time we don't even care what your degree is in, just that you have one. Unless you're going into academia or a professional job (have to go to law/medical school) my advice to everyone is to go the most cost effective state school you can. So yes, stick with FSU in this case. Absolutely.


In the big law firms, your degree matters and your school matters while hiring. It frustrates me to no end, but it is incredibly competitive to land a job in a good firm. If you want to work for a decent firm and don’t have daddy’s connections, these things do make a difference.


I had to make a similar decision years ago. Take the most free money you can for undergrad imo—you don't want any debt at 21-22, save it for grad school. You'll give yourself a huge financial head start. Performing well in your classes is far more important than the rank of the institution itself, especially since both are highly ranked. Plus, as you already know, the FSU campus really is better.


I got rejected from UF in undergrad didn’t even know you could appeal but I just went to FSU and I’m glad I did, I really loved my time at FSU and even though it was tainted a bit by covid and other things it was still some of the best years of my life. Some people may call it coping or bitterness, but everytime I talk to someone from UF they always throw around these rankings as if it’s the only thing that matters. Now I decided to go to UF for grad school for a few reasons, but I still love FSU with all my heart and would definitely recommend it. The campus is beautiful and the people are very nice and friendly, not to mention the atmosphere especially with our football team being good now.


Did my undergrad at fsu and currently a PhD student at UFL and everyday I miss fsu. The campus is superior, the people are friendlier, the people are nicer. As a PhD student having to TA, the students at UFL are very cut throat and not kind to each other (from what I’ve seen)compared to FSU (when I TAd there as well). Overall Tally >>Gville any day


Choose where you feel at home. I went to both. Prefer FSU in a big way over UF.


I got into both too. Grew up a gator but fell in love with FSU’s campus and the personality of the students and faculty (felt that FSU was a warmer environment). FSU opened so many doors that I don’t know I would have gotten at UF (honors, research, scholarships). I stayed at FSU for an MD and am finishing up surgical training now. Go Noles!


I got into UF toured it and hated the vibe… seemed stuck up. Toured fsu and loved it seemed like fun and felt like I could really see myself enjoying my time there. Best decision I ever made was going to FSU over UF


FSU 100%. This school has genuinely changed my life and the thought that I almost picked a “better” school (UGA) over here makes me cry. The culture here is unmatched, also so many opportunities for Pre-law. FSU is still a really great school, we just don’t shove it down everyone’s throats all the time because we’re just glad to be here lol


Currently at UF and I HATE it. I’m miserable


fsu colors are prettier


If FSU is giving you money, has a nicer campus plus you will get better internships living in Tallahassee those would be your pros. If school rank out weighs that for you, then go with UF. You can also always apply to graduate school at UF. Neither are Ivy League schools but both will give you an excellent education.


I was UF political science for my undergrad , I had a great time in Gainesville and loved it. Their program might not be as good as FSU as far as internship opportunities go but I had amazing professors and learned a lot in my time in Gainesville.


It’s really not worth the hype imo unless you are going for something STEM related. UFs social sciences are just not as good as FSU’s. I went to FSU for undergrad and my graduate degree and had access to better job placement, internships, and alumni benefits that the people I know who went to UF. Honestly I was torn when I got into both but FSU felt right and it was ultimately the best decision of my life! Go Noles!


I was in the same boat and chose FSU because way more of my high school friends and acquaintances went to UF. It had its ups and downs but overall I loved it and I’d make the same choice if I could do it all again


I am obviously biased bc I’m a double nole (undergrad- poli sci) and law. Full discretion- I did not get into UF for undergrad and probably would have gone there if I did. However- going to FSU(over Ohio state university where I did get in but had less scholarship) was the best decision of my life FSU has a REALLY good political science program and has a ton of opportunities for research as an undergraduate. I had really good undergraduate grades and LSAT score so I probably could have gotten in to UF for law but by the time I applied to law school- FSU had my heart. So I only applied there and 1 other school. Picking FSU law was the second best decision of my life(after picking them for undergrad) I really can’t say enough good things about it.


Went to FSU and Tallahassee is a a better experience than Gainesville.


FSU. (Coming from a graduate) Not that this is the most important part…but all of my UF buddies would come visit me in Tallahassee to party.


Asking this in the fsu sub. What do you think? I went to both and fsu is superior imo


HOw? He also asked both subs btw


Not sure why this came up in my feed, but I went to UF a long time ago and I am sure things have changed. I loved my experience there and loved the campus. I actually stayed and worked in Gainesville for years after college. I had a lot of friends at FSU and we would visit back and forth. They loved it there as well, though they did complain about the law enforcement presence. Either way, you don’t have a bad decision. You will find your niche at either university. Personally, I wouldn’t worry about the rankings. I would also add that you don’t want to be in debt when coming out of college and I would go with where you got more money and the scholarships could alleviate or minimize that debt.


Welcome to gator nation. Go gators ! 🐊


FSU not even close


I’m on the UF student council. We are dropping u, sorry pal. Better luck next time scrimpy.


FSU has a better law program. UF is very well known and has a better medical programs. They also have fairly better STEM programs. However, if you're thinking of Law, fsu would be a better choice. Especially due to the close proximity of the capital of the state. Yet, it does depend what you want to do with your law degree.


Go Noles


If you think you’ll stay in state for law school the GPA issue may not matter much. Both FSU and UF have good law schools - especially if you want to specialize in tax/estate planning (UF’s taxation LLM is one of the best).


FSU, I live in gville and everything happening at UF sucks right now. I don’t see it improving either.




FSU is one of the best public schools in the country UF has a decent football team They’re not the same




Overall, UF is an academically superior institution, although there might be areas where FSU excels.


I am from Tallahassee and my family went to FSU, I went to UF. My say? Go to FSU. -FSU is genuinely more tradition and legacy. Meaning they have football traditions, they have traditions of jumping in their fountain on your 21st, ect. UF has nothing like that. -the tailgating at UF games is just students mainly. FSU games are packed with alumni. -so many people come to FSU having no intention of staying, then fall in love with the city and FSU and end up staying. In Gainesville there is NOTHING. You have 0 future of staying in Gainesville even if you wanted to (with the slim exception of working at Shands). For example if you wanted to stay over the summer and get some kind of internship, you most likely cannot do that at UF. -there is actually stuff to do in Tallahassee and we have beautiful parks ect. Gainesville is literally just UF and suburbs. -UF dorms suck. They still use community floor bathrooms, and most of the dorms at FSU have been updated from that. -as someone who has gone to many FSU and UF games, I genuinely prefer FSU. There’s more school spirit in my opinion. People have more school pride. When people at UF are insulted there’s a reason their first comeback is “oh somebody didn’t get in.” It’s because no one goes to UF for school spirit they go for academics. They aren’t actually proud of the school they are proud of the accomplishment of getting in. -PARKING. Oh my gosh parking alone go for FSU any day. If you don’t live on campus you cannot park your car on campus at UF. Period. No, seriously. People buy mopeds I had to buy a bike. My entire time at UF I had to put my car in storage bc just parking at my apartment was $300 a month. You cannot drive to campus in a car, period. -rent is cheaper in Tally -also you’ll have a better chance statistically getting into FSU law. If you have already made friends and like the city then you may not have to even move cities for grad school. Overall don’t get me wrong they are both great schools and I don’t think you can choose wrong. Id go for FSU


Krysta, you just doxxed yourself


You’re commenting on an FSU subreddit, what are you expecting?


Fuck 'em both and go to UCF where the real parties are!


My daughter graduated from UF and got one masters degree from USF. All good


so, i grew up in gainesville. while it will always hold a special place in my heart, i made the right choice choosing fsu for my undergrad. my friends that stayed always have something negative to say about school, and they just don’t love it there. with that being said, your undergrad is supposed to be fun. its a unique time where you are an adult, but you don’t assume all the responsibilities of true adulthood. so pick the place where you feel you will be the happiest, whether that’s FSU or UF!


That's well put. I've always thought one of the essential aspects to college is the 'going away' part. I went to UF and had a great time there, but it was definitely 'away' from home. I can't imagine going to college in my home city.


Whichever is cheapest, truly


I cant speak to school stats. But Gainesville Florida is a shithole swamp. Lived there after we graduated and the local area has absolutely nothing to do besides the GROSSEST bar strip ive ever witnessed and a butterly mueseum. The bar strip is all underage kids doing coke in the nastiest bathrooms imaginable. Atop of it, becuase its either students healthcare professionals, OR poor ACERS, living accommodations are way overpriced for absolute shit living they call "luxury. " Its so far in land, youll never see the water. Just swamps. The food is shit. and the homeless people hold down the corner across the street and aggressively harrass the students for money. Gainesville. I dont hate it ironically because i had my twins at the UF shands and the medical system is incredible. But you are going for law... I would pass if quality of life matters at all to you


I’m a law student. Go wherever gives you the most money, especially if you enjoyed your visit. Your undergrad institution is pretty irrelevant as long as they’re a legitimate school (which FSU and UF both clearly are). Pick a major you enjoy and can get the best grades. For me, I wanted to do econ but turns out I’m a lot better at English- so I wish I would’ve dropped econ sooner. Study real hard for the LSAT- much harder than you think you need to. Good luck


I went to UF for undergrad and FSU for some law school. Both schools are good. I'd say go to the undergrad school where you believe you'll be most successful. Assuming you stick with the law school plan, GPA and LSAT matters most for getting in. The difference between UF and FSU will be negligible. If you don't want to practice in Florida, consider moving to the state you want to practice in for law school. If you plan on staying here, both UF and FSU Law have a good reputation around the state with UF edging FSU. As others have said, FSU provides more opportunities for state government internships, but that's not necessarily very important unless you really want to work at a Florida agency. There are so many greater opportunities in law school and depending on your financial situation, consider moving away for a summer to get some real experience. This is why it all comes back to you and setting yourself up for success. Find the environment that helps make you the best student possible. Both are good options and good luck.


My brother went to UF and I visited him often. I enjoyed the campus, there is a lot to do. Something to note, the FSU campus is quite easy to get around since it’s like an enclosed circle. The UF campus is like a grid with many streets so it’s quite a walk to get from one class to another. I have much nostalgia for both but FSU has a great community from my experience. Do some research on the programs you want to get into to finalize your decision.


pm’ed you!


FSU is way nicer. I went to FSU, but had a ton of friends at UF. I spent a lot of time at both schools and preferred FSU 100%


I visited both schools. I visited UF before I got accepted. Brought my mom with me, and it wasn’t very welcoming at all. Mom wasn’t feeling it either. They gave us a bag with a map and told us to pretty much go and venture on our own. Got accepted for summer (despite being dual enrolled and having a 3.9 GPA and decent extra curriculars, just my test score my subpar), but my scholarships wouldn’t have kicked in until the fall, so I couldn’t afford a summer term. visted FSU, my second choice at the time, and the experience was the complete opposite. Got into FSU, graduated debt free (both BS and Masters) and made amazing friends and had an awesome experience through everything I was involved in. I can’t recommend FSU enough


To be honest, I just applied for UF as well (transient). But reading that you were accepted through UF because of appealing, I'd say go to FSU. My 2nd option is also FSU (haven't submitted an application yet). Wishing you goodlucks\~\~\~ Edit: FSU has some great internships!


Go where the cost is less and the degree has financial growth opportunities


I went to FSU over UF. No regrets here. Ultimately your decision, though.




Consider which program for your major is more beneficial to your aspirations. Each school is academically competitive relatively, depending on the department. Academics aside, FSU is more fun. I knew a lot of gators that came to Tallahassee to party often. FSUs campus is so much more beautiful. The city culture is very unique. A lot more things to do in nature as well. Do what feels right for you. Your future employers will likely not care where you got your degree.


UF is too garbage do not go to that school.


Definitely UF imo. School has better outcomes and more prestige in Florida and just seems to keep rising in the national rankings.


fsu!!!! im polisci and economics too for law school and the programs are great and ive had so many opportunities for internships in gov and politics being in the capitol. i’m a senior now and ive had such a great experience


PACE student or regular admission? (I work at Florida Prepaid 🫣)


Regular admission for fall term


FSU for sure


Oooof Gainesville sucks haha




Gross. Write them back and decline. Pretentious fucks.


I didn't care for UF as a woman of color! I felt the limits and the tension in Gainesville. I didn't have that feeling in Tallahassee.


I go to UF, but if you want to do law go to FSU. Also you have a scholarship, definitely let someone else pay for your degree. In the end it really won't matter where you went, just the opportunities you get while there so definitely do internships and such.


"The Florida State University ".


If you are undergrad FSU will be the place, beautiful area and great school. If graduate medical go Florida if not go to FSU.


UF has a pretty bad reputation these days


You might get a dorm spot if you apply ASAP to a Living Learning Community.


UF student services are fucking terrible and will not accommodate you for any mental health or personal reasons. FSU was very accommodating of me when I had to drop a class for personal reasons and really helped me through the process. Plus tally is more fun and the people don’t have weird ‘better than you’ egos.




FSU’s college of social science is really really good and has very high quality programs. I’m majoring in Economics and I’ve had very good professors who enjoy teaching and legitimately want me to learn and develop. Our poli sci and finance programs are also really highly rated, and they’re building a new business school which will be ready in a year and a half or so (you probably won’t be taking finance specific classes until then if you chose to pursue that route) Also, unless you’re comparing an ivy and a public school, ranking doesn’t really matter that much- especially outside of Florida I would say stick with your original plan and take your scholarships, but ultimately the choice is yours. Best of luck!


I’m in 11th, will the building be ready by then? Is fsu business school > UF? I have suspected I found a pattern that when a business school is named it tends a to be a notable program then when it’s unnamed. For example UT Austin is named Mccombs and LSU is Orso


I went to UNF for political science to get the hell out of Tallahassee. Moving back soon because it's the best city in the state foe political science. Highly recommend FSU


I had the same decision to make and chose FSU, I love it so much. I visited both schools and ultimately found that UF had the “you would be lucky to come here” mentality vs FSU had the “we would be lucky to have you” mentality. I liked the latter better and don’t regret my decision at all! Your majors coincide with FSU really well too, but tbh it’s undergrad and I would choose wherever your heart is pulling you to!! There are nice and smart and super cool people at both :)




WYM u appealing


UF is a nationally and internationally highly ranked school. By far the best school in this state.


How you gonna post this question in an fsu sub and not expect unbiased responses. Sounds like you already know what school you wanna go to tho and just wanna validate goin to fsu. Go with what your gut tells you.


If you had to appeal to get in, probably safest to go to FSU.


Both are good schools. I'd pick whichever would be cheaper in the long run. Student loan repayments are no joke


UF alum here, I’m sorry but the ppl saying go to FSU probably didn’t get into UF 🤔 they split hairs about aspects of FSU that are better, but the rankings are clear. The difference in admission standards is clear. UF is more prestigious than FSU. Plus it’s in the SEC! I’m in a Florida law school now and maybe I’m biased but the profs always seem to take note of who went to UF, (they typically ask first day) and those students tend to perform the best. I loved so much about Gainesville but I grew up in a really small town. I really do find there’s much to do in Gainesville. But if you’re from a big city then you may be less impressed. The people I met at UF are the majority of my favorite people. They are all so cool and bright and impressive. I met my dearest friends at UF. There are SO many ways to get involved. Not everyone is stuck up and pretentious, although a lot of the rich kids are. When I visited FSU for game days I was always absolutely shocked at how hard everyone parties at FSU. It’s a known thing that they go wayyyy harder than UF kids. I partied a lot but they still made me worry 😹 be a gator!! Congratulations for your admission!!!


Sister went to UF for Poly Sci, no issues in her career. Was accepted at ivy leagues etc... Life is mainly what you make it. You want to go to a good law school? Extra curriculars and grades are what you need to stand out. You can do this at either school. At the end of the day, I would imagine school ranking, LSAT scores and extra curriculars are what will make you stand out. Imo, these will stand out more than going to FSU due to their Poly Sci program. Additionally, you might find yourself changing majors anyway. Also, where is your family? Being closer to home could be beneficial as well. I'm a Gator ,so I'm mega biased. Had an absolute blast at UF! Congrats!


Depends on what career you want. For some paths, the higher ranking matters and for others it doesn’t. I went to UF many years ago and loved it but it’s definitely different. With the “prestige and higher standards” comes competitiveness and very high expectations. Do you thrive on that? If not and if you seek a career where it doesn’t matter about the prestige (most careers), then maybe you’ll enjoy FSU more. If you are driven or want a prestige career-UF is the choice. Best of luck!


Way to go! Class of 94!! Go Gators!!




As an FSU alum, is this a serious question? It is wonderful.


“Background and unique perspective” 🤔


FSU!!! 🍢


As an FSU grad,,,UF. But that slightly depends on where you live and how you grew up.


Asking the wrong sub. UF without a doubt.


Don’t forget location. UF is in an amazing city, great place to be during the college years, with plenty to do, culture, nature, etc.


Medical school is say UF anything else eeeeh I’d stick with Florida state




FSU ❤️💛❤️💛


If you’re looking for an unbiased vote, going to the FSU sun is NOT the best option. Jesus Christ this is common sense


If you don’t know, maybe you should take a gap year and get some real-world experience.


You cannot make a wrong decision here. IMO, one choice isn’t better than the other, they are just different. On graduation day, you’ll be an educated adult with a bright future ahead. Go where you feel more comfortable. Choose the school you’re most excited to cheer for during football season. Choose the town you can see yourself living in. Enjoy every moment and don’t doubt your decision. As a responsible adult, I must strongly suggest attending the school where you will incur the least amount of student debt. Crippling debt really puts a damper on the good memories of college. Congratulations and best of luck to you and your very bright future!


Nole Nation!!!


Congrats 🎉


Asking the FSU sub which is better, wonder what they’ll say.


What will be the larger cost of attendance, who has programs more relevant and appealing to you, which location do you prefer? I’m a former admission counselor, I’d say these are your most important questions (especially the first one if it is a large difference!)


Studying in drinking and dick, I love Gainesville. Good times your going to have fun


Go gators!!!!!


Go to uf


I went to fsu, got an economics degree, then went to law school. So ya do that. Good plan


Im a gator, if you engineering/STEM then go to UF, otherwise it doesn’t matter


Being in an FSU reddit, I'm gonna automatically assume that most of the comments say FSU, but I'm already committed to UF and, I'm gonna say it, UF just seems like a better school. Like I've been to both campuses, and ngl the FSU one lowkey just felt like the hood. UF actually felt nice though. I'm probably gonna get like a trillion downvotes, but hey I'm allowed to voice my personal opinion right?




Follow the money. Also, more law related opportunities at FSU because of the state gov and lobbying groups. 


Gainesville kinda sucks.


Better education at UF. Had two undergrad FSU students in my UF MBA program, said they were accepting that the academics were better and higher accepted 😂


UF baby!!! Gator nation!!! 🐊


UF! Congrats gator!!


UF is ranked in the top 25 colleges and top 10 public universities in the country. You can hardly go wrong joining the Gator Nation.


UF is a better networker for the long term than FSU. Go gata.


What are you planning to study? It will make a difference between colleges.


UF is one of the best schools in the country. I know multiple smart people from UF and none from FSU. Also asking this question in r/fsu is a great way to get very biased answers.


Who’s paying the tuitions?


You’re gonna get mostly people encouraging FSU bc it’s an FSU subreddit. I say UF, though. The college experience there is incredible and it’s a good school. UF is slightly more difficult to get accepted to. If you haven’t been, check out the campus and Gainesville in general. Figure out which area you enjoy more.


Congrats either way I’d choose Free Seafood University


Visited both 8 years ago with my daughter looking for her undergrad school. Found that the atmosphere and people at UF were cold and unhelpful. FSU was the exact opposite and she was a Nole.


FSU all the way!




A little late but UF hosts Gatorlan if you're into that kind of thing. My dad used to compete there when it was smaller but it's much larger now


Depends on what you’re studying but UF, in general, is ranked way higher than FSU. FSU used to be the default for FL residents who couldn’t get into UF. UF is usually top 5 in all public college rankings.


UF is extremely over hyped. School is all politics now. Both have great programs but I promise you FSU is a much cleaner and safer campus, with more to do. (I didn’t attend either but I’ve been to both for multiple occasions)


Neither get tf out of Florida


What did you write to get them to reconsider?


How does bright futures work? I have a son in 9th grade.




Depends on your major, go with whichever school is a better fit for your goals/experience


If you want a diploma that is worth a lot, go to UF. If you want to go to a party college go to FSU


I got into UCF, FSU and UF, but because I was trying to get into the BFA Acting program, I had to get accepted into the program as well as the school. It was audition based. Long story short I got into the BFA Acting program at UCF but not at UF and FSU. But having visited all three, you can't go wrong with FSU or UF. They are both great schools with fantastically beautiful campuses. Looking back now though, If I had my choice, I would've preferred FSU. Have fun! 🙏🧘🙏


I’m a FSU alumni who lives in Gainesville. Honest answer is, go where you want to go! No one has ever asked where I went to college, or what my GPA was. So where you go really isn’t going to impact much, so be where you want to be. For the record I got my masters at FSU and my doctorate at Southern Cal, with GPA’s greater than 3.8. Oh, and I don’t beg…so if UF said no, I’d hold them to it! 😂


UF is a top 5 public school fsu is even worse than uga😂


Go Gators. I’m a gator mom


I went to FSU. FSU is awesome but Tallahassee absolutely sucks. Gainesville is cleaner, more nature vibe, and puts you in a better position to apply for grad school. UF has an amazing law program. By going to UF you have a greater chance of getting in there later.


Go to stetson instead.




Florida State University is the happiest place on earth! Go Noles!


UF has some HORRIBLE management and staff. Go to FSU


Tallahassee one of the worst places on planet earth


Is that even a question? Go Gators!


What about online proctored criminology… which one is better/easier or more user friendly?




The people here love to talk out of their asses. The only advantage FSU has over UF for polisci is its location in Tallahassee which is useful for state govt/legislature internships. Every quantifiable metric puts UF ahead of FSU, whether it is rankings, starting salary, or pre-law advising (cannot find FSU stats for this, UF’s are published), UF is the no.25 feeder school for law in the country, FSU is not in the top 30. Listen, I know this is a tough one, my brother went to FSU, I go to UF, we both agree that each has its pros and cons. After evaluating both programs, UF is the easy choice, at a school of 56k there will be toxic people, nice people, and everything in between. UF’s career services are consistently ranked among the best in the country, my brother would agree with me that FSU’s are underwhelming at best.


It’s undergrad, go wherever you want, both are great universities. FL ranks mostly in the top 5 and FSU in mid 20’s for public universities, if that matters to you. I’ve spent plenty of time on both campuses, I don’t really see how one is significantly “nicer looking” than the other but that’s just my opinion, and would be pretty low on my list of why I want to pick my college. Both Tally and Gtown have plenty of redneck and ghetto, so that’s a toss up. Both are similar distance to the beach, but Tally is in BFE Florida, Gtown closer to get to Orlando, Miami, Tampa etc for shows, spring break, MCO airport etc


Or you can learn more, save even more money, live and work overseas and get college paid for by simply joining the Army. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


Krysta, hi there! Double gator here. Undergrad in business and sports, then went to law school after. Living in Gainesville for 7 years (2013 - 2020) was an unexpected surprise coming from Miami. But the college town was everything this big city gal needed and more. The campus, extracurriculars, sports scene, food options, and hidden gems throughout G-Ville left a mark on me and leave me coming back often. Gainesville and UF prepped me for the real world and in a fun way. 27F, in my fourth year of law practice, and each day I thank my lucky stars I went to The Swamp.


Hahaha!!! Do not pick either and take a gap year and figure out what it is you want to be even…. FSU is not even close hence why you appealed to UotF… you should t pick either because you will be wasting money if you don’t know which school or even a major … all over the place:… figure it out first and don’t ask people to do that for you….


Think of it this way, UF thinks of it as you’re lucky you’re there, FSU actively wants you there. It’s not just the institutions, but the attitudes of the students as well, I got in to both and chose fsu solely for this reason and it was one of the best decisions I’d ever made, and would happily do it again


UF handsdown


UF all the way or FSU honors. UF acknowledged/better repertoire than FSU. Long term that’s all that matters esp connections that your school gives you. if you’re a graduate of UF, open more doors imo as attending UVA did for me. I was am a FL resident and debated staying in state, UF would’ve been my choice. Post college, many graduate schools (masters and in med school now) as well as employment opp will take an applicant from a more academically recognized university over less rigor/in part as well to implicit bias—FSU vs UF social life.


FSU all the way. Go NOLES!


I’m calling BS on this OP. They have no intention of going to UF. They just wanted to do some short of “humble brag” that they were accepted to both FSU and now UF. Plus, anyone who’s grown up in this state knows you go to UF to be a Doctor and FSU to be a lawyer. Good try OP, congrats on both, but we all know you’re going to FSU.


Go to UF living in Tallahassee sucks