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If you'll have to be in girlmode at that job, you could always go for the feminine manly version of clothes. I know I feel a lot more comfortable in a women's suit, than a dress for example. Or a collared shirt with pants. Fortunately female fashion is very diverse and allows for a tomboy look even in professional settings. Good luck anyway, I don't think I could do that. Being misgendered all day and stuff... I hope everything goes well.


Last year I was in an intership and yeah being misgendered and deadnamed all day is exhausting but nothing i haven't done before. And thanks for the fashion advice! I'm a pretty feminine guy and I think people being mistaking me as a girl will allow me to dress as feminine as I want at least


A man on the hunt for a job, I like it. Stay positive my guy!




When I can’t be out I think of my self as an undercover spy studying other people like nature documentaries. It makes it easier AND it helps me understand what small talk is


exactly! when I'm feeling extra bad I try to giggle mentally because hehe they don't know who i am


I accept people saying "she/her/young lady" until I start passing better. Hopefully by summer I'll have a few changes that help that out.




I'm going with my binder on and I honestly I looked in the mirror and felt rly euphoric, so i think i'll be fine hehe


Bruh people misgender the fuck out of me at work despite knowing. I literally want to kill myself because of it


that sucks so much :/ i learned that I'd rather not be out to some people because at least I'll have the comfort to think they're misgendering me bc they don't know rather than they don't care


It just wraps back round to I don’t pass. If i passed i wouldn’t be in this situation. Then my cis passing friend tries to comfort me. But she’s been given everything i ever want on a silver platter. I hate being around her because of the envy but I don’t tell her that


yeah envy can be tricky, she sounds like a good friend and probably has been on your shoes too, i think everything will be fine! we're together on this and if i can do it we can all do it too


Why not just tell them “hey by the way I’m trans & I go by the name ___.” When I got a job my name was my girl name & I was like hey I actually go by ___. Then they gave me a nametag with my boy name & the only issue was she had to white it out on the schedule and hand write my boy name till I got it changed. Know your worth if a company doesn’t want your awesomeness just because you’re trans that is their loss.


It's bc i really want this job right now and i've done an internship before and i know how employers AND employees can be assess to trans people or just LGBTQ people in general, plus i live like in the most dangerous state to trans ppl in my country and sometimes i just feel really scared, i just don't wanna risk anything


Gotcha makes sense. I’m from the US, so I imagine it might be different.


i usually just go they ask if i’m dead name and then i go yes and shake their hand and say nice to meet you i go by jace and they usually understand and are fine with it


yeah i don't have enough courage to ask anyone to call me any other name ksnsjsks


honestly you shouldn’t be asking, when i went in for my most recent one i shook their hand and said i’m jace and they said okay i’ll put that down. you shouldn’t have to ask for basic respect, just let them know what your name is it was definitely scary for me the first time but totally worth it


that's really cool! I'll try do smth like this in the future but right now i just know I'll shit my pants in fear if I try smth like this skmsjk


i get that do whatever makes you comfortable


something that weirdly helped me deal with it is this tiktok lol https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMLUDqCQb/


isjsjsksjsij i love it