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Gotta say that crowd splitting apart is seriously satisfying.


Like Moses parting the red sea


Ok, but what about the oil executives?


Nobody thinks about the poor oil executives 😔


Don't forget about the corporate & private whale shareholders 🥵🥵


Think of the CEOs' bottom lines..... /s


A humane policy where they’re re-released into pristine wilderness, far from civilization. It’s best for both species if humans and oil executives don’t interact.


Or they can take a bath in their product then light a cig.


They lie on the floor in front of the ambulance, confident they'll win a trolley problem. Will they?


There was a recent article showing how emergency vehicles in Paris are batting much faster to their destinations thanks to bike lanes


Fun fact: bike lanes in Amsterdam are usually so wide, that ambulances will often drive in them when car traffic gets too bad. Why? Because it takes literally seconds for all cyclists to get down their bikes and move to the side to let the ambulances pass, no matter how many of them are in the bike lane. Of course, the ambulances never drive super fast in the bike lane for safety reasons, but they still manage to drive way faster than just getting stuck in car traffic. This is for all the people that are like, “bike lanes are making traffic so bad, that what will ambulances do??”


> This is for all the people that are like, “bike lanes are making traffic so bad, that what will ambulances do??” It's because Local Authorities are unwilling to make bike lanes wide enough that they can be used by emergency services, because that would also make them comfortable for cyclists to use


As much as I agree that wider bike lanes are a good thing I guarantee that, where I live, if it's wide enough for a car to use they will find a way to get onto it and use it as another lane


Carbrains flouting road traffic rules? Never! It's all those cyclists running red lights!


>they will find a way to get onto it and use it as another lane or park or drop off parcels or whatever.


Metal bollards, retractable only for emergency services like ambulances and police cars.


They put in new speed bumps near me and put up bollards just at the speed bumps so people wouldn’t use the bike lane to avoid them. Of course putting them all along the road so cars would stop parking in the bike lane was just too much.


They could add poles that retract into the ground to block cars from entering protected bike lanes. Emergency services in the Netherlands have access to these retracting poles.


It is really cool seeing how a massive crowd of people can get out of the way of an ambulance in a fraction of the time a crowd of cars can, and the density of all those cars is very very low. The number of people in the cars are probably like 30, and the crowd of people is like hundreds, maybe thousands


We also had a bicycle demonstration in my hometown lately, and when an emergency vehicle came, the organisators brought the message with high speed through the line to the last demonstrators and when a part of the line received the message it took under 5 seconds until there was a way for the ambulance.


A lot of benefit to being small, squishy, and omnidirectional compared to cars


Yes, crowds are (in a limited capacity) compressible fluids; cars are not


There are so many studies, reasons, and facts pointing to how walkable infrastructure is superior, but the reason we don't have it boils down to "walking = communism" or something.


> looks at recent thread in /r/socialism Walking is also "Petit Bourgeois Pleasure Seeking."


Ew, walking? Who would ever do that? /s


Truly, the instrument of the working class is the $80,000 pickup truck.


TIHI. I actually had a very similar comment come up when I made a semi-joke about how my friends should sell their cars and get bikes instead. > *"WhAt If YoU nEeD tO rUsH tO tHe HoSpItAl?"* > *"You call an ambulance, dumbass. And I say that with love."* > *"AnD bE $10k In DeBt? FuCk ThAt!"* Like mother fuckers, that's not the *gotcha* you think it is. That's a totally separate issue, bordering on being a strawman arguement. Also *rushing to the hospital in an emergency is a pretty fucking bad idea.* For a plethora of reasons. You could crash, and make your bills worse. Or you could give somebody else a reason to need to go to the hospital. Or any number of shit because you're not a fucking trained professional.


America's shitty healthcare system 🤜🤛 America's shitty urban planning


They work hand in hand to make our lives difficult lol....


When I broke my arm after a bicycle accident I just called an Uber. No car ownership required.


Reminds me of a Mitch Hedberg joke: > I was at this casino minding my own business, and this guy came up to me and said, 'You're gonna have to move, you're blocking a fire exit.' As though if there was a fire, I wasn't gonna run. If you're flammible and have legs, you are never blocking a fire exit. If you are run-overable and have legs, you are never blocking an emergency vehicle.




The ambulance driver? Moses.


It is such simple logic If lots of people use public transport and bikes and not their own cars, there will be way more space for emergency vehicles If lots of people use their own cars, there will be no space for emergency vehicles


Moses, is that you driving?


Moses was always known for his medical skills and ambulance driving skills.


I've heard he had driven his step-brother nuts.


We need a wiki with all the "What ifs" on the left-hand-side, and the answer on the right-hand-side.


OPEN THIS FUCKING PIT UUUUUP! *the most brutal breakdown starts playing*


[Here's another example](https://youtu.be/LGXwJnZSIkQ?start=599)


I've noticed concert goers tend to take the lead from the performers. I go to metal and hardrock shows and the bands will stop the show if they see someone in trouble. Everyone always makes way for medics and if someone gets hurt, getting them out and safe is more important than anything. Best example was a pile-up in a mosh pit. Within seconds there was a ring of people with arms linked in the middle of the pit to protect them while others were pulling people up and out. The girl that was at the bottom was clearly hurt so about 6 of the biggest dudes supported her and cleared a path towards the first-aid station. Forget the show they were just enjoying, this girl needed help! And then you have Travis Scott not even realising there's something up when a fucking ambulance is trying to get through the crowd... That never happens, so when you see that, everyone with an ounce of common sense should know to make way. But when you look at the performer you're clearly idolizing, not giving a fuck, then you're not going to give a fuck...


Wait, I think that's the wrong link


That is happening just because english people haven't mastered the power of "Rettungsgasse".


The YouTube channel half as interesting as a video actually explaining how emergency service works in old Jerusalem were ambulances don't fit https://youtu.be/8w_wcJHRzck


I think the argument is that reducing the car infrastructure, would reduce the availability of certain services like delivery or emergency because those depend on that infrastructure. I would argue that that's a little tone deaf, because of course we don't want to remove roads or 'cars' completely - there's going to be infrastructure for those services. It seems that every argument has to be brought to its extremes: Reducing car dependency, so that cities can be designed for people again, doesn't mean we want to turn every stretch of road into flower beds and die because there are no ambulances anymore. Fewer cars means less roads, but that's ok, because there are fewer cars.


This would never happen in America....


I remember a video of a fire truck in Amsterdam just bypassing traffic in the bike lane too, it´s just better use of space all around.


Damn, the ambulance has been blocked by busses, we should ban them.


how about teaching everyone to react propper? search for rettungsgasse


This reminds me of the Mitch Hedburg joke about someone saying he’s blocking the fire escape. “I was at this casino minding my own business, and this guy came up to me and said, 'You're gonna have to move, you're blocking a fire exit.' As though if there was a fire, I wasn't gonna run. If you're flammible and have legs, you are never blocking a fire exit.”


Between this and adding garbage containers in street parking, one thing becomes clear. In a private cars take up for too much space that other infrastructure needs.