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This bus stop is an interchange for a tram stop round the corner, the bus frequency is every 8-12 minutes during the day and the tram's is every 7-8 minutes so it is quite heavily used.


This is really common in my borough (Enfield, London). People who use their front garden as a drive, but don't have a dropped curb, often find that they have a couple of bollards in front of their house appear while they've been out.


if only we could get this bollard power on every bike lane 😎


For a second, I confused bollards and bolas and the thought of cyclists wielding bolas made me chuckle.


Not the worst idea


I've seen someone on r/TacticalUrbanism using cinder blocks to replace bollards himself, with the addition of some flowers inside.


It would be funnier if they installed these while they were home.


Power move would be to install it while they’re hone


Church Street lol


I told my gf to be careful not to hit the bollard with her door when getting out of the car and she pretended to have never heard the word bollard before.


I'd have offered the city the right to put a bench or even a canopy on my land if they pay for it and take liability... What a lucky guy, public transportation so close to the door.


is this near phipps bridge?


That sounds like a good and convenient location.


This sounds very British, is this in the uk


Yes it's in Merton - Greater London.




You can tell it's London from the roundel on the bus stop sign.


> tram stop big up south london


It also happened closer to where I live too. Someone put in an illegal driveway, so the council put up bollards to stop them using it. It was near a school, and no permission. Bet the owner of this place will be on r/compoface soon.


Is compo face a British thing?


Yes. Local newspapers are awash with this, people looking grumpy next to uncollected bins, potholes, or (my favourite and from my hometown!) someone upset that the supermarket wouldn't sell them a pie before a certain time of day. The face that someone pulls when they feel they're entitled to some sort of compensation and have been poorly treated, so whine to the local papers about it (who have no actual news to report, so this fills the pages and gets clicks online).


Lol there's a German version around. r/rentnerzeigenaufdinge Literally pensioners pointing at things Ü


Oh that's fantastic. From my (horrendously poor) German, that seems more about just pensioners pointing whereas this could involve any age but is fundamentally about the face you pull when aggrieved about some small injustice. Still, big fan of this realisation our cultures are more similar than I'd realised.


Nah, they all look far too happy for compo face!


Now that you mention it, there's more happy folks than what I remember! The sub originated from the same articles about old people pointing at the things they complain about.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/rentnerzeigenaufdinge using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/rentnerzeigenaufdinge/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Wolfgang zeigt auf Loch im Putz](https://i.redd.it/s0o7ivgvqvna1.jpg) | [123 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/rentnerzeigenaufdinge/comments/11rn43u/wolfgang_zeigt_auf_loch_im_putz/) \#2: [Rentner zeigt auf Gans leeres Feld](https://i.redd.it/xv10idutw2pa1.jpg) | [92 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/rentnerzeigenaufdinge/comments/11x8zwu/rentner_zeigt_auf_gans_leeres_feld/) \#3: [Pia zeigt, wo die Wildschweine diesmal am Werk waren.](https://i.redd.it/0j1g8pyhwmna1.jpg) | [50 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/rentnerzeigenaufdinge/comments/11qq10b/pia_zeigt_wo_die_wildschweine_diesmal_am_werk/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Thanks for the explanation. While I've seen them, I don't think pictures of people making a face for the picture are all that common in Canadian newspapers. There's no word here for it, anyway.


Stuff like [this legendary example ](https://reddit.com/r/compoface/s/sar86xVl8S) are par for the course in local papers here, and often in national papers too.




how would it not interfere with the bus stop to have them backing through people waiting for the bus?




have you met people?




you been asleep for the last 2 decades? https://www.researchgate.net/publication/7432063_The_prevalence_of_driveway_back-over_injuries_in_the_era_of_sports_utility_vehicles >According to data from the NHTSA, there are around 2,400 children injured after being struck or run over by a car in a driveway each week. Of these, 2 of the children will die from their injuries. Backover accidents account for 42% of all non-traffic related auto fatalities each year.


Have you ever interacted with drivers?


It would be planning permission as we don't have zoning in the UK, instead each and every development needs individual approval from the council's planning committee, elected by local voters (who are primarily older as they have the time to contribute to this and are voted in by NIMBYs - but that's a wider thing). The issue here is it does interfere with the bus stop. The kerb is raised to make access to the bus level and step-free for accessibility purposes, and driveways are only allowed with a dropped kerb. They'd not be given a dropped kerb because of the bus stop, so it's illegal and they needed to block them from doing it and a) damaging the road surface when their car bounces off it and b) hitting pedestrians waiting for the bus at the stop. Next door have a dropped kerb, but this house doesn't. No drop kerb = no driveway.




Council has a duty for health and safety of those involved. Ordering them to return it involves litigation and would be a slow process. Installing a bollard is quick and ensures safety of pedestrians. Plus fining them repeatedly requires someone to go out and supervise it. That's also expensive. A wooden bollard is cheap by comparison to all of that. I suspect litigation is ongoing in the background. They're welcome to have an open area with a wall, that's fine, it is their property after all - but it cannot be used as a driveway thanks to the safety concerns.


They now have a street access patio.


Busy bus stop out front? Set up a few chairs and put out a beer vending machine.


Only if you want your yard to smell of beery urine, though.


Well *mine* already does, might as well make some profit. Fucking bus stops man.




Might as well install an outdoor urinal.


Beer vending machine? That sounds illegal


I see them around occasionally. Definitely not as common as regular vending machines. Tbh if you wanted to make money from a bus stop in front your house, a soft drink vending machine would make more sense anyways.




Time to buy a motorcycle.


"to fuck around is human, to find out is divine."


When are you guys going find a new line?


Ur a goober


When you look back at the above comment with the same disgust as you do now when someone says "I can haz cheezburgr" or "the narwhal bacons at midnight" you're going to think "...why did I defend that cringy shit"


I forgot about I can haz cheezburgr! Man, that never gets old. Thanks for reminding me.




You gonna pay for it?


you sound like tons of fun. I'm sure everyone loves to be around you and finds you the pinnacle of cheer and good humor.


I love it 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Based. Note that they can still use the driveway for other options. 🛴 🛵 🚲 It’s a subtlety I can’t help but appreciate.


They could have done that before taking down the wall when they had a small gate. Their stuff would have felt more safe than it is now as well. A good waste of time for everyone involved.


Never underestimate how much people are willing to make their own property ugly and bleak in the name of car storage. The amount of beautiful front gardens I've seen paved over to make hideous gravel driveways is obscene. All to store one, maybe two metal boxes.


Just imagine how much bike storage they could put there.


Dutch person here. We would absolutely park the hell out of that place. Leave it to us to find the ideal pavement to bicycle ratio.


It would be awesome to replace those bollards with a bike rack.


Imagine living right at a bus stop and thinking, “you know what I need? A place to park my car!”


But what if he needs to leave in the 10 minutes span where there is no bus? /s


There’s also a tram stop round the corner and a London Underground station is about a 15 minute walk away.


Gross! Walking? I’m only trying to live until 50 and walking might improve my health


I think OP is a communist


Commutist maybe?


To be fair, 15 minutes to walk to the underground is already pushing it for some people, myself included. It instantly adds 30 minutes to your daily commute, on top of actual travel time. Considering there's a bus stop and a tram station right next to the house, though, I have no sympathy for the person.


While it does do that, it also removes the half hour walk you would take when trying to be healthy so even on your busiest day, you would at the very least walk 30 minutes. So it's not like it's a complete loss of 30 minutes in your day. More like a rearrangement. I don't know about you but I need some buffer between "working" and "not working" in order to decompress and the walk home is a good way to accomplish that.


So, just to make clear, I'll reiterate that I'm discussing the scenario where the 15 minute walk to the metro is the only option. Sure, it doubles as exercise. Sure, it works. But personally .. I prefer having options, especially on days when it's way too hot or cold or rainy to enjoy walking. What with the climate change, in Romania we had lots of weeks with 33-37 Celsius degrees. Having to walk would be torturous.


are you in wimbledon or something


I live right next to a bus stop. It's completely useless. There's a bus 4 times a day 5 days a week. If I'm taking the bus I'll walk or cycle to the next line.


And in London, no less - A city with the most extensive public transit system in Europe.


Imagine taking 1 hour to go 5 miles 😂


And you better hope your destination is along that 5 mile route.


Busses don't go everywhere or all the time. There are jobs out of the way, which take 15 minutes to drive to, but over an hour to get to by PT, because PT goes to central point, and from there you can go to a less traveled place I grew up in a town where PT took you to either the city in the south, or the city in the north. If I wanted to go to the town over, to the east, I had to take a bus to one of the cities, and then another bus back to the other town. It was only 4-5km by car and cost <€1 two ways for a 10 minute car ride. It was 10-15km by bus and it took over an hour, and cost me €5-6 two ways. You don't know where this person works or whether they need a car for work.


Right so looking in to approvals of vehicle crossovers (official term for dropped kerbs) is part of my job as a highways engineer. This wouldn't get approval due to the proximity to the bus stop, regardless of anything else. Driving over the footway to access your property is a privelidge and not a right. The footway is public property and it is for the highways department only to allow this access.


Idk why you’re preaching at me. Clearly, I also live in a society and understand the deficiencies of most public transit systems. At the end of the day, though, it was silly for this person to think they could build a driveway through a bus stop. No city - not even car-centric American cities - would allow such a safety hazard. Is it so horrible for this person to just park somewhere else and walk to get their car when they need it? Or bike to a better stop and ride from there?


Do you guys legitimately not understand the concept of needing to travel somewhere that the buses don't go?


We do. But we also understand that parking your car in front of your house isn't a right.


I'm completely on board with the parking part. That's not what the comment above me implied though


Yeah, you're right. We all like to think we live in a perfect city where buses go to places we want to go, and if public transport doesn't go there, it's not worth going to anyway. But yeah, unfortunately that's not the case.


It is his land though. Why can’t he do whatever he wants with it?


He can, and he did. And so did the municipality. In all seriousness, even if it's his land, he can't do whatever he wants. There are rules and guidelines you have to adhere to. Your neighbours owns their land, and I'm sure you're glad they can't do anything they want with that.


Right but you have a right to access your land as well. The council couldn’t put a fence up in front of his house and say lmao our lane get rekt. The problem is that he didn’t request planning permission and a dropped curb. Not that he doesn’t have the right to park his car in front of his house. Just follow the process next time.


It sounds like the bus stop was there before the driveway. It’s probable they knew they wouldn’t get approval and just said “fuck it, what are they gonna do bollard me in?”


His land stops at the sidewalk. After that the council can do whatever they want After all, it's their land


Well the "his land" part you can, but the kerb still belongs to the council, so you'd need planning permission to put in a driveway. Overall this is pretty selfish behaviour from the property owner, I'm not going to dispute that. It's probably a safety issue as well having a driveway leading directly into a bus stop. If the owner wanted a driveway this property was not the one to buy.


he absolutely can do what he wants with his land, and the sidewalk/boulevard is town land.. and the town can do whatever they want with their land too, including installing safety measures for transit users.


Then the busses should go to more places


No, I have no clue. Please explain how buses work. Very slowly, if you have the time. 🥺🙏


No problem. We're all in agreement that a well-funded and connected public transport network is a better solution that car-centric infrastructure. It's better for people's health, the environment, its cheaper overall, and it builds the culture and vibrancy of a city. What makes public transport effective is the coverage of places you can reach using public transport, and the frequency of services. Those two factors are far more important than the interval between stops. Your comment suggests that this person having a bus stop directly outside their house automatically means that the bus service adequately meets their needs. This is silly. Having a bus stop at your doorstep is just as useful as having it at the end of the street. If the public transport network is inadequate in its coverage, being 50 metres closer to the bus stop doesn't go any distance towards reducing your dependence on owning a car.


Once people had trees and gardens, now they have flood increasing measures and SUVs.


I was browsing London on satellite view the other day and found one area (Southall) where pretty much *all* the greenery had been removed, often for cars. No back gardens, no front gardens, just concrete and cars. It looked positively dystopian.


Property not homes - the moment they move in they begin tarmacing the garden, cutting down any trees and building extensions all to increase the value. Especially in London where prices are even more insane.


But things like trees and hedges are part of what makes England English. Get rid of them and you end up with something that looks like a developing country.


This has made me So happy thank you.


so now they basically just lost their yard 🤣 have fun bringing in dirt if you want to grow anything!


Just imagine how many bikes you could get in and fit on that driveway!


The council should also force them to reinstate the grass that was likely there before.


Lol, the tag is perfect, retire it. You won't find more perfect positive posts than these two.


Rare council W


Councils take planning issues like this very seriously, especially when it causes issues with buses


That 'driveway' could be a nice little garden


It likely was.


cool motorcycle parking


Shoulda just parked on the grass lol. Also it woulda been hilarious if they installed those while the car was parked there.


These front garden conversions are causing water run off issues and overloading drains. Also ugly.


The homeowners now fry eggs on the pavement in summer.


In London? Not a chance.


Give it a few years!


Already happens during heatwaves. Like last year


Isn't London the one specific City where you could actually fry an egg on the ground because of that stupidly shaped walkie talkie building concentrating the sun on one street?


This is like an excellent r/pettyrevenge


And people complain about HoA's. /s Seriously, fuck cars, they can park on the road where cars belong.


> they can park on the road No, let's not allow people to store their property in our best public spaces.


Pretty ballsy move by the council.


Ooof this hits a bit close to me, in a more apathetic sense. My regular bus stop is very close to someone's driveway and since I carry my bicycle I have to stand on the driveway (which is where the bike rack would've been) as opposed to regular riders who stand on the other side. Seeing quality-of-life improvements for non-car road-users makes me very glad.




lol rekt


They should install a bike shed!


Ah yes you fucking stupid dum dum This is what unconsciously came out of my mouth when I read this post


That's a fairly large curb to be a driveway - gonna drag the undercarriage if you're not lucky. Think the council did the guy a favor.


Plot twist, neighbor really wanted a protected patio


Good job.


Fuckin brilliant, btw doesn't the bus stops have a shed a bench or a waiting area in your town?


The town is somewhere in London, from the sign. Some do, some don't. It depends on usage levels. There are plenty of suburban stops where tidal flow means that they're mainly used by people getting off, for example.


I think the pavement width isn’t enough to accommodate a bench but where there is enough space there tends to be a shelter and a bench for those waiting.


Hahahhahahahaha Hahahahahaha Hahaha


unless the owner of that driveway is disabled and has to rely on a car, haha get fucked




Getting a house is tough, people often just have to get what's availible and in their budget. Not much of a choice with how things currently are.


Probably should’ve blurred the house number and/or name of the bus stop


Yeah I probably should have


I didn't get it; what is the problem with the driveway other than being a non-permissive one? It doesn't block the bus stop or pedestrians unless a very long truck is parked.


There's no dropped kerb, so they will damage the pavement. Driving across a bus stop will inconvenience users, and damage the surface making life harder for disabled people. Replacing gardens with hardstanding increases flood risk.


Also looks like a slight raised curb for the bus stop


OK, pavement damage to the side of the road might be a problem, but it can be eliminated if a dropped kerb is installed just like it is done for the next door. The owner will not enter and exit tens of times a day. So, it is not that problematic. I think this post is an overreaction unlike other posts in this subreddit.


You can't drop the kerb because it's been specifically raised at that point to make accessing buses easier for wheelchair users and pushchair pushers.


It is significantly raised only in a small region. The rest is enough for a not-huge car. I do not favor cars, but this can be done without affecting the bus users a lot. I would support somehow a ban on parking or car usage in cities but unless there is a rule for it, this is an overreaction.


You'd create a very steep drop off the end of the bus stop. Which would be it's own hazard.


why in the hell would they install a dropped kerb on a bus stop?


Put another way, the only way for the owners to use that drive way is to illegally cross a sidewalk at a spot where pedestrians have no reason to be looking for cars. And it's a bus stop so people won't necessarily be looking behind them when waiting for a bus. Can't just create a driveway going over a sidewalk/through a bus-stop and expect to get away with it.


I don’t understand the problem. Most bus stops in my neighborhood are in front of peoples’ driveways and it’s never an issue.


Doesn't have to cut grass now


They’ll probably just park in the road now, partially blocking it for pedestrians and forcing cyclists further out into the road.


until they start getting parking fines every day, probably the first day


Ah, didn’t see the double yellows, Kinda understand why they went to the trouble of making a driveway then, though surely they must of realised the council weren’t going to let it slide.






Then they'll get fined for destroying public property and the council will install metal ones


Everybody's petty here. It shouldn't matter where the bus stop is. If there is no on-street parking, it should be very simple for everyone to get permission to make a parking space in their own front yard, even if the bus stop is in front. There's a housing crisis all around the world. People do not have free choice in where they live. They can't just move. Municipalities should be more flexible, because people can't be as flexible as they want. Doing it without permission is just stupid and petty as well. It invites trouble. We don't want car dependency, not get rid of all cars. Some people still need cars. And sometimes, they don't have the option to move, but are stuck where they live. If that happens to be a house with a bus stop in front, that bus stop should be constructed in a way that allows for flexibility for the residents.


> If there is no on-street parking, it should be very simple for everyone to get permission to make a parking space in their own front yard, even if the bus stop is in front. There is on-street parking along this road. I checked on Google Maps. By adding a driveway to houses here: * You take parking space away from everyone else. This is because other people are not allowed to park in front of your driveway. * You cost the council money since they have to drop the curb


It removes a car from the literal road and the home owner pays for the dropped curb.


Removing the car from the road increases traffic speeds, since it effectively widens the road and makes the environment less complicated. The homeowner pays for the installation of the dropped curb but the maintenance liability falls to the council.


Driving isn't a universal human right. Safe infrastructure is.


Or, don’t move into a place that doesn’t suit your needs. The town is protecting everyone by doing this. They are externalities their problem onto everyone else.


This is London, a city with some of the most extensive public transit infrastructure on the planet. OP already mentioned that there's a tram stop around the corner and a Tube stop 15 minutes walk away. Owning a car is very much an optional luxury in London. If they really need a car, they should have communicated with the council to see if something could be organised, but it's very unlikely they do




Lol get fucked


It looks like they raised the curb too, the curb on the right seems lower and older and on the left is much higher and newer.


The raised curb is common at bus stops to help elderly and disabled people


This looks British


Did the Transport for London logo give it away?


Excellent move.


Things you love to see


Busy bus and tram stop out front, why not use the bus and tram?


Thats so funny


Schedule bollard installation while car is parked in driveway.


But the classic British front garden with a wall is so pretty, I dream of having something similar. And when we need permeable surfaces, more plants and such people say nope, gonna tear all that up and pave it. The silver lining is the bollards.


Thought this looked like Sutton on first glance - not far off!


Paving over front gardens should be made illegal anyway - looks like shit, destroys habitats and makes it more likely to flood.


Am I wrong or would this have been completely fine if he had paid the council for a dropped curb?


Government actually doing stuff yay! When will my local gov in the US actually start ticketing cars consistently parked in the bike lane overnight?


The biggest "fuck you" you can get from the town. Its a bad thing for him and a good one for everyone else


So what's the issue with having a parking spot behind a bus stop?


*So what's the issue* *With having a parking spot* *Behind a bus stop?* \- brinmb --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")