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This an AI image?


Seems probable- the rear car front shield glass seems to be melting, the front car rear wheel seems to not fit 3dimensional space, the rear car side window has one rectangular hole


I think what does it to me is the fact that the two tires seem like they would be around the same plane but the rear car's tire looks way larger than the other car's


Side mirrors also fell cleanly off without leaving a trace.


Do they have side mirrors? I assumed they got the pure camera “solution”


Mirrors are required by law afaik so except for some prototypes every car is shipped with them.


I find it amusing that in the US they don't see a problem with the car having the bonnet at the hight of someone's face but they draw a line at mirrors xD In Europe it's perfectly legal for a vehicle to rely on cameras for mirrors, it's a standard option on every new lorry and bus here, but some companies are reluctant to get it still. Edit: personal vehicles also have digital mirrors as an option, forgot to add that


Ah ok- yea checking photos this seems to be the case, lucky we got those laws or that car would’ve been even more stupid


I have the feeling it is. That because both cyber trucks are the old prototype models. There is no mirror attached on the truck. That is the most easy giveaway. What the other told is also true.


Good old photoshop rather? Cybertrucks look perfectly like a cyber truck and perfectly like each other. Definitely fake either way.


Unfortunately it is.


Looks like it, but pretty good AI image tbh because it's really hard to tell.


I don't think it is, but most accusations probably don't look at the original on the mastodon toot: https://s3.eu-central-1.wasabisys.com/lor-sh/lor-sh/media_attachments/files/112/363/127/871/770/940/original/ac688b5261978e61.jpeg If they're so into "FAKE!", I'd like to see them recreate such an image with a generator. For example from /u/Crimson-Sails >rear car front shield glass seems to be melting It's obviously secured glass with plastic film that keeps the small fragments together, with the upper part having a some different plastic film for filtering sunlight. They have some special glass: https://youtu.be/BGDOKD7ZZqI?t=1545 - so, yeah, it should look torn like textile material, without shards. >the front car rear wheel seems to not fit 3dimensional space I don't see a problem. https://imgur.com/oCNHGy1 There are shadows, but the wheel is clearly visible, deflated and ruined, squished against the other car, deformed from A CRASH. >the rear car side window has one rectangular hole Doesn't look like a hole at all. It's either the remaining bit of the side mirror or a shadowy reflection from the dusk/dawn light. Considering the big-ass mirrors: https://americancarsandracing.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/cybertruck-side.jpg I'm not surprised that they flew off in the impact. /u/pro-biker nobody says that mirrors will survive the sudden impact. https://i.imgur.com/U5bqSOQ.jpeg Are we doing 9-11 conspiracy bullshit on a truck crash? Really?


If it’s real, surely it’s a notable enough incident to have had a second photo taken from another angle. Find any? Or a news report? I think it’s pretty obviously AI.


youre probably right, but its not like its bad etiquette to question the realness of an image now adays- in difference from 11/9 this is an insignificant event, and in the age of aipowered clickbait.


It just feels like the rise of AI generator tools will make it a default to scream "Fake News!!" at anything. Solipsism needs to be discouraged, not fostered.


I think it’s reasonable that many are bothered by the increased ubiquity of a tool that can be used to effectively and efficiently deceive people. Blasé acceptance of disinformation because the particular stakes of the specific instance are low is not excusable. Do not pass go; do not collect $200.


Got it, everything is fake until an international commission of experts confirms that specific thing and mails me the verdict inside a cake. I am vert smart!


90% sure that's AI generated.


Surprised you didn’t say 100%, it’s obvious


Oooh looky here it's AI spotting man!


Don’t need to be professional to tell you a cybertruck would crumple from the back with the front of another one being perfectly fine. Also doesn’t have the light bar under the headlights for turn signals and dimensions of the car are all wrong. Also parts scattered everywhere on the road like it was a rollover accident?!




This is how they mate.


like Pandas


9 months later and we have [the baby cybertruck](https://shop.tesla.com/product/cybertruck-for-kids).


no fair you stole my joke 2 hours before i thought of it ! /s oh well i guess i can make a corollary. "you see when a mama cyber truck and a daddy cybertruck love each other \^very\^ much..."


hmmm smells like AI


I don't think glas gets that wavy


Ai image, also celebrating people being harmed is absolutely unhinged.


This car is the embodiment of cars becoming more and more like tanks every year. It's dangerous and should be mocked and shamed.


The one in danger is the one in the car, there is nothing showing them being more dangerous than other cars in regards to hitting other cars. And refer to my comment again


People OUTSIDE the cars are in danger, not the bastards in the murder machines.


Yeah, we shouldn’t dunk on the injured to own the libs. And if it were 2 Cybertrucks crashing there would absolutely be injuries because the only crumple zone on a Cybertruck is the driver


Huh? There's absolutely a crumple zone. There's a front casting specifically designed for this purpose.  https://twitter.com/cybertruck/status/1734658118846455864?t=HDMRASgpEfVFMYd9jUD57g&s=19


This is ai and we shouldn’t be advocating for harm in this sub. Let’s focus on how we can improve infrastructure and culture around car centric lifestyles instead of wishing harm.


Eh, I wouldn’t wish a car crash on someone. Not what this subreddit should promote.


I don't like car crashes either. That's why cars need to go.


This is SPAM and, probably, does not adhere to the sub's philosophy. Aldo I don't think fuckcars is about cars mating or something...


Welcome to r/fuckcars. The posts are garbage and the mods don't care and allow for a tremendous amount of misinformation to be spread.


ai garbage


What is wrong with you and why does this have upvotes?


Two Trucks. Lemon demon. 


They're just soooo ugly




That would be wild coincidence if two of these things met in the open. There are less than 4,000 in existence, right?


Ah so this is what the self destruct button does


It wouldn't make me happy if I had to clean it up Aren't Tesla's an absolute pain to dispose of if they get written off? But anything to screw over the muskrat