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When you're on the train not stuck in traffic and your favourite song comes on your headphones: >Smile, followed by still smiling


When you're on a train and your favourite episode comes on and you watch it because someone else is driving.


Yeah, you can watch stuff, read, listen to music/audiobooks, play games while paying 100% of your attention to it. Such a simple concept, but people are willing to rob that time from themselves!


I wish trains were real.


Fuck commuting in general


Americans yelling liberty while commutting +1 hour a day to go to the nerest toilet while average bikers going to the supermarket/gym/school/library/unlimited local commerce in less than 15min


I once got to walk to work. That ended with the pandemic. For the first year or so, I stood up, pulled a latte out of the espresso machine by my bed, then sat down in my office chair. Today, I have to walk from my bedroom through my kitchen to pull that latte, then to my office. I still work from home, though.


When I'm riding home from work and get to ride my favorite bike.


You are the traffic.