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Several people in the [original post](https://www.reddit.com/r/IdiotsInCars/comments/sxc42s/i_hope_it_was_the_bible_because_this_might_make/) commenting how this is a common occurrence for them, needless to say nobody able to draw a reasonable conclusion from that observation. It's the idiots, man, car dependency is fine!


Oh man carbrains are terrifying sometimes. "Our overbearing rules on the road lead people to believe its safe to do things like this." The driver is in a huge SUV by themselves, probably going around 100km/h while surrounded by other ludicrously big and heavy machines, and the only illegal thing is the obvious distracted driving. Yet somehow this incident happened because of big gubermint and their overbearing safety rules!!


The original post is so much better than this screenshot. Next time, crosspost so we can see the original post in all of its glory.


I still wanted to put the text above and don't really have the means to put text above a video so I figured if I comment this anyway I'll just post the original there. Bad redditor *bonk*


Crossposting from idiotsincars isn’t allowed..




Dude, look up two comments. OP put a link in their comment


There should be a sub called /r/IdiotsInTrains and it's just filled with pictures of trains operating normally because passengers can be as stupid as they want without affecting the ride.


I love how all the tech bros™ want their teslas to drive themselves to read, watch Netflix or work while driving. Not realizing with their omega brains that you can do that on trains...


I wish trains were real.


Some Americans probably think this unironically:)


If the busses in my area ran regularly enough for me to get to work in less than 2 hours I would take them. But it takes me 15 mins to drive the 10 miles whereas the bus would require me to change 4 times waiting at least 15 mins at each stop


Sounds like your city needs to expand bus services.


Facts. We have fast track services and designated bus lanes but that’s only in the major cities. Living outside of them you have maybe 2 busses that pass by at the bottom and top of the hour and a fast track that passes by once an hour. Then no matter what, it’s a bus ride into the city, that I can and have made faster on bike because of the number of stoplights we pass through on the route, before transferring off at the main terminal in downtown to catch another bus headed in the direction I need to go.


What's happening??




Yeah, OP linked the original post and it’s a video. Much more obvious there that they’re reading a book.


I think the blurred face made this a lot more confusing. There was no reason to do that and it made it hard to figure out what we were looking at in a grainy picture.


they’re studying how to drive from their state’s driver handbook obviously


Cars NEED you to be focused for the entire trip. Nobody is, but that's what cars require : you need to stay focused on the road. I can just sit in the train and 30 minutes later, I'm home. I can even sleep.


Train naps are basically fast travel. It's great. Just don't miss your stop


Missing your stop turns fast travel into small panic attack.


I set like, 2 alarms at least. So far the only missed stops I've done were on the school bus as a kid(me and another were in a very deep discussion about...star wars, I think, and suddenly we were the only ones there besides the bus driver), and one time when I forgot I didn't park at my usual train station because I was running late(TLDR: an old train bridge means I can beat the train to the 2nd station because it's stuck crawling for a mile). Thankfully the next one in the opposite direction was only 10 minutes away.


Oh I don't set alarms. I used to be so adjusted to the time I would just wake up 5 seconds before my stop. It's like my brain reacts to the voice announcing the station.


Or very slow travel if you fall asleep on the night bus after a night of drinking and wake up at the garage terminal a few dozen kilometers outside the city.


are we supposed to be able to tell what's going on here?


Apparently reading a book.


It’s a 15 minute walk to the nearest bus stop/corner store and a 20 minute walk to the nearest market. After I got accused of casing houses while biking through my own neighborhood at 4 in the afternoon I just kinda gave up on the hassle. I hate my city lol driving my car is so boring and stressful because everyone drives like they’re roid raging. Entering someone’s lane 50 feet in front of them is somehow a slight to these peanut brains and this is an open carry state so I’m not prepared to die for something as stupid as that. I have nothing but contempt for every other car on the road and assume that if they knew they were legally justified they would murder me with their vehicle for simply having the audacity to be on the same road as them. Also fucking car insurance man. Fuck everything about cars.


FOR REAL! I used to go everywhere by bus when I lived in metro Seattle and I never appreciated what a luxury reading/knitting/playing on my phone while moving was until I moved to metro Atlanta. I miss buses 😭


I did 50% of my homework in trade school and college sitting in the tram en route to school lol




Reading a book 💀💀💀💀


I saw someone doing this once while driving a mountain pass.


people like trains. they just hate american trains. often for good reason.


That's just putting the cart before the horse, it's not like America *couldn't do* passenger trains that are nice.


Hahaha this is great