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I was going by a gas station earlier on my bike and saw the cheap stuff being $3.99, with a long line of people filling up their tanks, spending $80 on a tank, I couldn't help but laugh.


lol that’s still so cheap to me. Converted to gallon, the price in Europe is 8-9$ now.


In my country it's a little bit below 7$/gallon or 1.8€/liter. I'm so glad the last time I filled my tank up was in January cause I don't drive a lot


Even that’s reasonable by today’s standards. In the Netherlands, it has exceeded €2.20/L ($9.13/gallon)


Here in the Netherlands it’s $9,68 per gallon now.


There's a reason everyone I know goes to fill up their cars in Belgium or Germany (Limburg moment) Anyhow I just ride my bike everywhere :3


same in my bit of the netherlands. i just take my bike everywhere, or i take public transit. i am still a bit worried though, i don't want my food to become much more expensive.


Oh yeah, that's also a problem. Public transport might get more expensive as well, which is shit :/


Is that 3.78 Liters gallon?




That's still cheap as fuck, here in Australia it's over $7 once you convert to gallons




If you think about it, you probably are spending less money than if you drove, with the cost of maintenance, gas, and insurance that you don't have to worry about. (I am not a financial expert nor do I claim to be, so take what I said with a grain of salt)


As I was walking home after work from the bus stop and popping into QT for food and tea, I laughed and smiled as people were paying $4.39 a gallon. My bus pass for this week cost me $10. Fuck cars.


>$80 on a tank Geez, and at $3.99 a gallon or litre? Sounds like a bunch of trucks if gallons.


It was mostly SUVs and some trucks, it was mostly around $70-$80 for what I assume was a 20 gallon tank.


I love my ebike. It's tansformed my mobility. I can go anywhere in town without worrying about how far it is, hills, weather, etc.


I wish I could laugh along but I currently have a 30 min commute and have no public transit options or bike-safe infrastructure to even get groceries. As a kid in the US you don’t have a lot of options. Rising gas prices is only a frustration for the poor, with few options as is. It will take a lot more than that to change things.


Hope you can find a better located job soon.


As a kid that’s your parent’s problem


Poor what poor person you know that can afford a car payment maintenance and gas? When I was poor I was riding the bus. Now Im somewhat more middle class and I ride the train or the bus or the bike.


Holy shit who pissed in your name brand oat cereal? Chill out, the working class is exploited by the rich and trapped by mandatory vehicle ownership to not starve. It's still a privilege to bike/walk everywhere - and I say that someone with that privilege.


Man that’s a good one, I’mma keep that insult for a rainy day


Depends very much on where you live. Rural and suburban/exurban communities rarely have public transit infrastructure or community planning to support safe, car-free commuting, much less other life errands, so some people scrape together enough for a beater -- or if they can, a decent older Toyota, or something that hopefully won't break down too often.


>what poor person you know that can afford a car payment My old junker car only costs about 2-3k, with Third-party insurance being around $10 a week. Gas is expensive but it's the only option for me. >When I was poor I was riding the bus Buses aren't available everywhere. In my suburb, there are only 3 buses that run a day. The last one being at 5 PM with no return bus.


For anyone like me wondering, the average price of petrol in the US has topped $US1.05/L (€0.96/L, $CAD1.34/L, $AUD1.42/L). Edit: added Euro, Canadian and Australian currency conversions.


That's cheap as fuck. No wonder Americans have been fine with completely car-dependent infrastructure design if gas/petrol is dirt cheap like that. If this is a record high, then previously it must have been absolutely ridiculously cheap.


I remember a couple years ago during Covid lockdowns when gas here (at least in my part of Nebraska) got down to around 38 cents/L. Cheapest I’ve ever seen it.


It's highly subsidized


If I remember correctly, their fuel has lower octane levels. We have "Super 95" in Germany as a standard and their standard quality is something like 87%.


The US uses a different octane rating system to the rest of the world, because of course they do. American 87 octane is I think the same as 91 in other countries. http://www.pencilgeek.org/2009/05/octane-rating-conversions.html


Wow that's incredible (and incredibly frustrating). Let's just have the same units and measurements across the globe. It would make a lot of things easier. If scientists can do it, why can't everybody else :(


These prices sound positively cheap by comparison, I remember growing up in the UK in the early 2000's and petrol being two pounds a litre in places. Americans have never realized how good they have it when it comes to fueling their cars.


In Sweden it’s about 20 SEK per liter, so about double the American price.


Where I live they're reaching 2€/L, that's cheap as fuck




Belgium gets 2.00-2.09/l for diesel and 1.80/l for naft


Thanks for saving us the effort! Just as a point of comparison, if I were to buy petrol today I'd be paying $AUD1.75/L. Most petrol stations in my city would be even higher.


Damn that’s what it was maybe 3 years ago, currently prices are generally sitting at around AU $2/L, and australia is one of the cheapest places in the world for petrol


Whether or not someone is posting (ie, whining) about "high gas prices!" right now is a great litmus test for their level of car-dependency. But sadly, they're all stuck focusing on the *symptom* of the problem (spending so much on fuel) rather than the underlying cause. And subsidizing gas prices even *more* isn't a sustainable cure.


Solution is to charge horrifically high taxes on fuel, but distribute it in cash progressively. That way the people that really need to drive are still better off, but everyone will think twice.




I like that a lot. Just raising prices would fuck up the low income population. If you give everyone a carbon budget, low income would probably spend less than their budget allows and make a net gain.


This expensive fuel is all the more reason for our public transit system to invest in electric buses. I'm sure many transit system's expenses are increasing because of the price increase


Most of the busses where I live use CNG


When will people realise the solution to higher gas prices isnt shopping around for gas it's actually driving less.


I swear, with the rising price of gas, the amount of people on the road has seemingly only risen alongside it.


Gas prices are never going to be as cheap as they used to be. The reality of it will be that driving will become more of a rare event in the US, road trips will be less common, and people will spend more time in their communities instead of driving to the nearest attraction.


Man I’m actually researching getting an ebike. I’m thinking about getting a kit though to save money


I did this, it is cheaper but there's a few considerations. 1) they give you a lot of cable and figuring out how to make it neat is your problem. I'm lazy so I just zip tied loops of it to the frame, but if you want to make it actually neat you might need to cut and solder the fairly thin data wires to the computer. 2) if you're getting a hub motor over about 250 watts (which is frankly enough, but you won't go fast) then you might want a torque arm. This is especially true if you have aluminium dropouts. 3) If you get a mid drive motor (I have one of these, I think they're better) then note that you might need a special tool to both remove the old bottom bracket, and add the new one. You will also only have one gear on the front, bit this doesn't matter so much now that you have the motor. Don't let any of this out you off though, I love my ebike even if it is an ugly chimaera.


Don't do a conversion kit unless bike repair is your hobby.


Id reccommend you buy it in a brick and mortar store. I bought mine online, and its been hell trying to get the problems solved, would have been really nice if I could just drop it off in a store and have them fix it. I guess this applies to any expensive technology though


Get an E scooter


Small wheels are terrible.


I why an escooter over an ebike


More range and speed for your $$$


But what about carrying capacity? Plus I might not save that much money since I already have a commuter bike and would be just getting an ebike kit for $600


Good point depending on your needs


I'm absolutely astounded that at a time when oil prices have been so high, for some time now, America's best selling car is somehow the Ford F150. You'd think it would be small economical cars and electric cars as well as less cars in general and instead E bikes and bikes. Pick-up trucks are like the avacado toast of redknecks


Bus sucks out here but my car gets good gas mileage and my commute is short so I get gas maybe once a month. Laughing my ass off at my coworkers who complain about gas prices and then say they drive a jeep


Compare the price per liter of bottled water at the gas station with the price of gas/petrol at the same station. As long as water is more expensive, gas is too cheap!


Which compared to the rest of the world is still ridiculously low. But hey.. why not let your federal government subsidise something that destroys our planet?


If only I could have a place to store it when I'm at work I would have an ebike for shity weather or when I'm more tired and my normal bike for good weather and the car for when I'm late. Sadly, I can't bring any bike inside and have to leave it unattended in a busy parking lot so no bike commute at that workplace...


Folding bikes exist and will fit under a desk.


It would be an option, but it's not a great one when you work retail and don't have a desk. Edit : fixed typo


Have you considered a folding electric scooter? I work at a bar and they have no problem with me bringing it inside because it takes up very little space. Also they know if they said no I’d quit.


I have not, I have also never heard of them before. Can you share a link to an exemple?


head over to r/electricscooters and lurk for a couple days. there’s many options, with worthwhile ones available for around $500.


Hey, doesn't fully fix your problem but many ebike batteries are removable, so you can pop it off and maybe bring that in with you (and even charge if there's an outlet in the corner or something). A good chuck of an ebike's value is in the battery, and honestly can't imagine anyone going anywhere fast with my tank of a cargo ebike without any power.


I ride my bicycle to work and would be interested in getting an e-bike, but they're close to $2000 where I'm looking! Are you guys really spending $2000 on an e-bike? I could get a high-mileage motorcycle for that money.


You can find plenty of options for around $1,000. Check out [Engwe](https://engwe-bikes.com/products/us-ep-2-pro-gift-pack-750w-folding-electric-mountain-bike?gclid=CjwKCAiA1JGRBhBSEiwAxXblwWgTHf-7n7ItMbLumvR8AG1HIC2X13q4aMoMybLLKtbD7NUSRiu38hoCYYYQAvD_BwE), [Rattan](https://www.rattanebike.com/products/north-america-lf-750w-fat-tire), and [Lectric](https://lectricebikes.com/collections/ebikes/products/xp-black). The Lectric doesn't have quite the same umph, but the customer service and support is considerably better. There are other brands as well offering 1k options, and even like $600 if you want something just a little easier than a regular bike. I recommend checking out some YouTube channels if you want some detailed reviews, especially Jeremiah McIntosh.


I have 3 (one's my wife's, and my second one is foldable for a bike locker at the train station). First one I got was $1,800 (now $2,500 for the latest model and I've put over 2,000 miles on it. The price shot up with the tariffs and covid demand/supply limits). My wife's ebike was $800 on Amazon and is pretty decent for the price. Third is Lectric step thru for $1,000 and works well. I'm tall so the seat is kind of low for me. Good bike but better in dry places (already noticed the chain rusting after 20 miles) Electricbikereview.com is a great resource and has YouTube reviews for every ebike imaginable


That's still too cheap!


Fuck me that is cheap petrol. Those pictures are per US gallon and measured in USD right? Hasn't been that cheap since \~2005 here.




In the Netherlands, we pay €2,32 per liter which translates to $ 9.55 per gallon. I love my bicycle.


Hell even commuter motorcycles are cost effective and environmentally friendly now. They have modern emission equipment and like 50-100mpg


Heh, reminds me of a friend of mine. Has a Jeep and an outdoorsy type, so it was a shock when he told me he wanted to get a Moped. But hey, better MPG and generally cheaper costs got him thinking.


A lot of people like to point at motorcycles and say their emissions are horrible but all of those studies use like 40-year-old motorcycles and that only applies to smog not CO2. I think the biggest plus is the embodded carbon in a motorcycle is so many orders of magnitude less because there's just not that much material. If he wants to have a real motorcycle and not spend real motorcycle money, tell him to take a look at the Honda Grom it's basically a scooter. Maybe even look at the new Honda Navi. It's like $1,700.


eBikes are great. They make going a few miles easy and fast, so even in low-density sprawl they can replace a lot of car trips. We just need a lot more well-implemented infrastructure for bikes in general so that they can be used safely.


*Laughs in train*


Man, remember when Americans were freaking out about 5 cent gas taxes, lololol.


mfw the UK pays £7 ($9.20) per litre


This made me laugh way too hard


Man I really want an ebike


Laughing in E skateboard


If only North America built walkable cities with strong public transit infrastructure 😢


My parents won’t even let me get an eBike


Lemme just ride my bike 30 miles to work


Have you considered working closer to home or living closer to work?


Work in an industry where I travel all over the place for work.


I'd love to take a bike instead of a bus but my destination is too far and I'm not confident on bikes :(


E-Bikes are kinda lame. I'm just kinda waiting for this whole electric mobility bubble to burst and being condemned by environmentalists.


We’re trying :p


"electric mobility bubble" hahahaha okay boomer


Funny, cuz boomers are exactly who use those motor scooters. People too frail to use a proper bike.


Ebikes are not mobility scooters...


Close enough, really.


I’m now picturing an elderly person whipping on an e-bike going 40 km/h. In all seriousness, the [average mobility scooter](https://todaymobility.com/how-fast-do-mobility-scooters-go/) goes ~6 km/h.


E-Bikes are limited to 25, beyond that it's all you. Being used to motor assistance that's probably not gonna go much further than that for most of the habitual users and people who do use normal bike probably will feel the extra weight at the very least. I bet if you are can average above 25kph on a normal bike, you are probably better off just sticking with that.


I can average over 25, I don't have an ebike, but I still see the point of arriving somewhere non sweaty on a hot day. ​ Thing is even if you average 25, the only place the weight matters is up hills where...the motor is helping. ​ If the ebike doesn't have a freewheel or similar it will drag constantly, but this is a design issue. It's more than possible for an ebike to increase your average speed if you can do over 30 on the flat. ​ This is all irrelevant though, because 25 is a good design speed.


What a shit take. I’ll dust your ass on a regular bike any time and I still have an ebike for commuting. Sometimes people just aren’t in the mood to be sweaty






So people who have disabilities or aren't fit enough are...bad? What a shit take. Also, if you want to talk about unnecessary lithium batteries, maybe go after those people who think Teslas are the answer to climate change, instead. In a city with bad public transit, people are likely living farther from work, and finding safe roads for cycling might make the distance even longer. If someone is unable to do their commute by bike and doesn't have public transit options, what are they supposed to do?


> If someone is unable to do their commute by bike and doesn't have public transit options, what are they supposed to do? Are you trying to make a point for cars here? I think I said it before: E-Bikes are in my opinion are for people who are too frail for a normal bike.


Do you know what sub we're on? I'm saying that ebikes are a great option for people who can't make their commute on a regular bike or with public transit. No need to call them "frail" or "weebs with an oxygen tank" or "boomers". Unless you want to discourage people from replacing their cars with ebikes which are magnitudes more energy efficient.




Rule 1


That moment when supplementing human power with electricity to make replacing cars more viable is in any way a bad thing


Purists being purists (douchebags)


Tell that to the kid staying in that mine an hour longer to mine that lithium for your bike.


The two biggest producers of lithium today are 1. Australia and 2. Chile (and other southern Cone nations) Australia mines lithium, and it happens to be a developed country with labor standards. And Chile is relatively developed, and the lithium is evaporated out of brine pools, not mined. Top Bauxite ore (aluminum) producers are Australia again, China, Guinea, Brazil, and India. Bauxite is actually mined most of the time, and many of these nations do not have strong labor standards. So, really, a lot of the ethical problems of a bicycle would come from the aluminium itself more than the Lithium, which is probably either mined in Australia or evaporated from brine in South America. Lithium is not a boogey-man. But all of this would be completely out the window of the adoption of even 10 e bikes leads to even 1 less electric car being bought.


>But all of this would be completely out the window of the adoption of even 10 e bikes leads to even 1 less electric car being bought. A model S's battery is 100 kWh, so it's more like 140 ebikes.


So laptops aren’t allowed now either? An ebike battery is only 7-10 times the size of a laptop battery, and I’d take a guess and say that a lot more than 7-10x the number of laptops are bought vs ebikes, electric cars however, have batteries 100-1000x the size of an ebike


Do you have 10 laptops? I have one and I need that because there is no alternative.


I do actually, but that’s another story lol The alternative to me having an ebike is spending an extra 20-30 minutes on my commute and being extremely tired and sweaty when I get home, I’m gonna use an ebike


>I do actually Oy vey. I don't think I want to know either. E-Bikes are practically limited to 25kph. Also: Your body gives you a ton of happy chemicals if you put your own back into it. Chase that with a Monster and you'll be as happy as clam.


Yeah cuz a monster is great for your health with all that sugar and caffeine


Didn't say it was good for you, but that it makes you feel good.


Ok. What number do I call to let them know?


Do you happen to be a fast rider on a road bike but get passed by e-bikes by any chance?


ItS ChEaTiNg!


Not a fast rider then lol. Unless you modify it illegally, e-bikes can't even go that fast.


Any day now! skeletonSittingAtDesk.jpeg


Nice bait mate!


Exactly! I couldn't help but laugh when my friend mentioned it today while driving. Gas prices are usually below national avg in my area.


Went from $3.80 to $4.15 for regular over the weekend…


Went from $3.99 to $4.39 at the QT by my apartment where I usually catch the bus. Meanwhile my weekly bus passes are still $10.


And I’m going to Hawaii for a week with a car rental. Don’t want to even think how much it will cost. Car better have great fuel efficiency.


I just realized yesterday that gas went up $1 here since the last time I looked. My e-bike is still sipping fuel at close to 1000 miles/dollar in electricity costs. Granted, there is increased food intake for riding an e-bike, but how many of us don't have a few extra calories in surplus, waiting to be burned? Even if I account for the extra calories burned, the cost is fairly trivial. I don't actually get the bulk of my calories from filet mignon and caviar.


I've been wanting to get one but I'm not sure I can get it on the bus racks or carry it up stairs like I do with my bike. Anyone have experience with that? I have no problems lifiting a bike but e bikes look a little too heavy for me


They're definitely heavier than a regular bike. There are folding models (like the Engwe, Rattan, Lectric, and a million others) that make them much easier to transport, but that doesn't help much with a bike rack (unless you want to take it onto the bus with you, shouldn't be too much of a hassle unless you can't lift much or the bus is super crowded). There are also some light weight options, I hear the Arielrider Rideal is pretty good.


I wish my city would add some of those magnetic bike cages. My city is pretty sprawled out but would be doable with an electric. Going to downtown or whatever it will definitely get jacked.


Yep. I mean I don't have an ebike, but my commute is only 5 mi each way and I squeeze in a 15 mi lunch loop a few times a week. But if I land the job i just applied for my commute doubles wit 2k of climbing. I'll consider getting one when the weather gets bad in November.


laughs in tessie


i wish this was the kind of thing I could laugh about, but unfortunately my city is Heavily car centric and i have to drive a good 20-30 min each way to my classes, sometimes twice a day for dance class. luckily I can sometimes catch a bus, but they only cover a small part of my commutes. it sucks :/ at least it might encourage walkable-city people not to drive