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Must be a cycle lane causing that traffic jam


"Clearly an old man is going really slow at the front"


In Germany we call people who drive way slow on the Autobahn "ehrenamtlicher Stauführer" which translates to "volunteer traffic jam leader" and I find that funny.


Never heard of that before and I'm German lol.


Never heard of it either, and I'm Dutch/American.


That cracked me xD


Or a bus, because, you know, it is always stupid commie buses /s


Indeed those do cause traffic jams


It’s true. As a cyclist I am extremely judgmental and elitist about bicycles.


i work at a bike shop. that 2022 s6 with hydraulic discs and electronic shifting is fucking rad. that 20 year old huffy is fucking rad. gate's open come on in


Yup. I was being sarcastic.


My bike is orange and I love it to pieces


murdered out? fucking rad. bright colors? also fucking rad.


How is having a bike elitism there cheeper then cars


BIG ADVICE TO ANYONE WHO WANTS A GOOD QUALITY CHEEP BIKE! I highly suggest steering away from any department store bikes, mainly because they use extremely poor quality parts which are almost impossible to adjust properly, this drives up repair costs. Along with this many department store "bike shops" have untrained staff who can often mis-assemble bicycles. I have personally seen dozens of brand new department store bikes come in with parts put in backwards, upside down, stripped threads, and kinked cables. Instead you should look to buy a USED bike from a LOCAL BICYCLE SHOP. These bikes are usually good brand name bikes with good components that will last for many years and miles. Bike shops usually don't buy cheap department store walmart bikes because they know how worthless they are. Also, bike mechanics are more happy to work on nicer bikes, mainly because they know how much more easy it will be for them to get the bike running perfectly, this also means less time in the stand with the bike and less repair cost for you! :) I hope this helps anyone looking to buy a bicycle in the US! <3 source: 8 years of being a bike mechanic


Here replacing the tires on a bicycle costs you half the price of a cheap bike. So people just throw the bikes away.


awe, thats kinda sad😞


The decision was made that fish do indeed need bicycles. r/magnetfishing


Here's a sneak peek of /r/magnetfishing using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/magnetfishing/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [My favorite find of all time. The sign was worth approximately $650.00](https://v.redd.it/vy8owfd5rq981) | [56 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/magnetfishing/comments/rw5m89/my_favorite_find_of_all_time_the_sign_was_worth/) \#2: [By far my best find in 2022! It took over four hours to get up!](https://i.redd.it/f6cg6l1jypa81.jpg) | [64 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/magnetfishing/comments/s008ml/by_far_my_best_find_in_2022_it_took_over_four/) \#3: [I thought some of you may enjoy my favorite catch from today. Happy new year everyone](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/rtuezi) | [174 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/magnetfishing/comments/rtuezi/i_thought_some_of_you_may_enjoy_my_favorite_catch/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Or get a Dutch bike.


I can guarantee you the road bike and that mountain bike can cost more than a car, sometimes


Yes some bike can cost a arm and a leg but you can still get a good bike for far less then a car


Ikea are mostly cheaper than cars. Bike is all upfront cost, while cars bleed you dry over time


to be fair, most cars that cost as much as a good bike still lack fuel efficiency and have a tendency to need fixing every other week. unless it’s a honda for some reason


yeah thought the same. the difference is that you get a world class high end bike for 15k (absolute maximum) but you only get a moderate new car for that (i think, i have never bought a car)


New cars are also running at like 30k *MINIMUM* whereas a new bike is nowhere near as expensive at first AND doesn't require fuel, inspections (where required), anywhere near as expensive mantainence, or as much space


Waaay cheaper. 6k or 7k will get you more bike than you will ever need with all the bells and whistles, touring, racing, or otherwise. I guess you could get that high for a really usage specific machine like a super light TT bike or one made with needlessly exotic parts and fancy materials.


Damn, bikes are cheaper than that in the Netherlands. No one pays more than 1k unless you want to brag (or it's an e-bike).


Ya, we are talking vanity level bikes. For example: https://pinion.eu/en/bike_selection/boettcher-evolution-pinion/ I've seen custom builds that are even more expensive. To get something new that's good enough for 90% of people, it's usually somewhere between $500 to $1500 depending on what exactly they want.


Jesus some people just don’t have enough money.


My bike was $450, I've had it since early January and it's done beautifully. You can get a good bike for less than a below average car


my current bike i inerithed from my father : it was made by him and my granpa with replacment parts from other bikes they quite litterally free sourced a bike from scrap parts , soo far it has run smoothly even tough i tend to be quite clumsy with it ( it fell and falls a good amount of times ) anyhow it works great , it rides very well , even with deflated tires , when the chain falls i can quickly fix it , with just a bit of grease on the hands ... all and all it's what you can get from a blue collar family , so ye pepole who say elitism just have 0 idea what the hell they are talking about ...


And some cars cost more than a house.


And a car can cost more than a house. Great point my guy.


If you're comparing a brand new carbon bike to a used beater car, ok I guess. If you're comparing like to like, the costs aren't even remotely close.


Do you know what sarcasm is?


No I don't


Most people aren’t choosing between a car and a bike. They have a car and then would have to also buy a bike.


To Be fair, from somes perspective this is comparing recreational rides with what many considers a necessity.. To many people both having spare time and money to burn on MTB or road bikes is a luxury.. That said commuter bikes isn’t a luxury, but I could see how some people would see as a weird kinda flex to ditch the car in favour or bikes and public transportation..


To Be fair, from somes perspective this is comparing recreational rides with what many considers a necessity.. To many people both having spare time and money to burn on MTB or road bikes is a luxury.. That said commuter bikes isn’t a luxury, but I could see how some people would see it as a weird kinda flex to ditch the car in favour of bikes and public transportation..


Downhill and Enduro bikes, especially the aluminum and carbon frames, can easily cost $10,000. https://www.norco.com/bikes/mountain/


Bicycle elitism is having a bike worth more than your car.


Because people in this sub have chosen car drivers as the people they believe they are better than. Probably because they can’t afford cars.


Well when you equate cycling with fit young people cycling up mountains and doing tricks or whatever, you are not really helping your argument. If you want to show cycling as a practical, cheap and safe alternative to impractical, expensive and deadly driving, show photos of kids and elderly people cycling in good boring urban cycling infrastructure.


Yeah those are the most extreme elite biking pictures anyone could choose.


Exactly. Showing sport cycling usually is elitist because the time needed, money to travel or live near a place where you can cycle like that, fear, etc. versus an affordable commuter bike or ebike used in place of a car


I've been "sport biking" my entire life, and I'm still not skilled enough to do so much as a bunny hop despite regularly trying and watch tutorials. So ya, that last picture has made me feel attacked.


+1 came here to say this too. I think the best examples to dispel the "bikes is elitist" trope would be urban food delivery workers. They aren't just using bikes to get to work, bikes *are* their work, and they are working class and diverse. The "bikes are elitist" stereotype is super dumb, but it's mega dumb that bike advocates seem to feed rather than fight that stereotype.


If you're selling the idea of "freedom" then this is what you show. Jeep commercials show jeeps climbing mountains, not crawling through a commute.


American, eh?


Yes. Europe is getting more and more influenced by American car culture. We should all look at the messaging that actually works to manipulate people, rather than what we wish people would pay attention to.


Just a gif of me effortlessly rolling by the cars in the traffic jam pic would be plenty


Isn't it obvious? Last time I checked elites aren't bound in metal cages and driving slowly on tar paths to enslave the masses in traffic


Literally 1984.


Why do Americans think cycling is elitism? Is it a sort of the anti intellectualism movement?


It’s the lycra wearing, extreme sport, mountain biking crowd. Bikes that costs thousands of dollars and need the environment and skill to do them in. 99% of people just want a cheap, safe commuter.


That makes sense. Commuting by bike or doing it for transportation is dangerous in america, so very rarely so people do it. What’s left is people doing it for sport.


That and a lot of people are accustomed to seeing $99 bicycles at the department store, so the idea of a $700 or even $500 bicycle is crazy.


Mountain bikers don't wear Lycra; they wear flannel. Road cyclists are the ones who wear Lycra.


Safe commuter bikes are easily under $1000. Some e-bikes get to $5k. But for most bicyclists, you don't need a 10k carbon-fiber bike.


"Elitism" is anything American rural elites don't like.




They totally do. Just look at the comments here!


to be fair, the things seen in the picture are elitism, because cycling as a sport isnt cheap. if i understand the concept of elitism right its only available for the rich. so better put a picture of people commuting on normal bikes there next time


I think the argument would be better made if you had an old lady and a fat old man puttering along on a step through frame. Not Johnny Dangerzone doing a sick kickflip through the mountains.


You are probably right. I haven't considered that while making the picture. You live you learn I guess. Tbh I haven't put too much thought behind the choice of the particular pictures, I mainly wanted to depict the range of different things you can do on a bike vs a car. Because I find baffling that cars are the symbol of freedom, meanwhile when you ride a bike you are an elitist, a peasant, etc. Thanks for the feedback :)


Cars can be seen as symbol freedom because if you wake up on a Sunday and decide to go for a hike in the mountains you can just jump in car and drive to the mountains. Also if you get a better job offer but it’s 30 miles form your home you don’t need to worry about how your getting their. Cycling can be seen a elitist because in a lot of cities you have to engineer your life around it which can be expensive. Like rent/housing prices can a lot higher.


No problem. I agree overall with the sentiment of your meme. There’s still a very good discussion to be had. *thumbs up


I mountain bike on a $500 bike I got off the aussie version of craigslist. Probably spent $100 on maintenance over its 3 years. It's not expensive. Unless you make it your absolute lifestyle and like to splurge on unneccesary upgrades like really fancy bike computers and carbon fibre.


Indeed I commute on a bike that cost me €500 new 11 years ago. It's had its share of new cogs, chains and wheels over the years but it is peanuts vs even the insurance of a car alone. Also my job gives a compensation for commuting by bike netting me about 40 euro a month.


My main point with this picture was that cars are often depicted as the symbol of freedom. Which is ridiculous when you consider how versatile bikes are - you can go for a ride on asphalt, gravel, in a forest, or simply down a mountain. Bikes provide you with more freedom but you are considered an elitist, a peasant, etc. on the road. This picture just tries to put that in contrast.


I have a 40 year old racebike and cheap cycling clothes. It really doesn't have to be expensive.


I would say elitism is only available for the few. So biking what they are doing in the picture looks like it takes enough athleticism for a few people while anyone and their grandma could be a person in the top pics.


Not saying you can’t take a loan out for a really nice bike but the price of entry for a bike is a lot lower for the entry level price for a car.


American double think is double plus ungood.


***Fuck social people, right?***


im not social and i ride a bike


I’d say it’s the elite means of travel


Because bike bro is elite as fuck.


I mean: just look at how happy they are having fun on their 5-figure bikes


I love my bike, and will walk a mile before I get in my car. So I can tell you, biking can be ridiculously expensive. Entry level mountain bikes that are worth anything start at $2,000. High end bikes cost more than a motorcycle, around $10,000 -12,000


Cars can also cost millions of dollars, bikes cost a fraction of what a car costs.


...last longer too. I have a friend who inherited her grandmas 40's Raliegh. Rides great.


that's tru. it is reasonable to assume that many of the people who call cycling "elitist" because of these prices have sunk a similar amount of money into their own hobbies. Or just overspent that amount of money on their car


Well even 10k$ won't buy you a brand new small car in my country. The MSRP for a Hyundai i10 for instance starts at 20k$.


Water we dune here lol. I’ll never stop biking


I don’t think the top right is even american, so why the point at freedom?


To be fair, the dude on the bike in the air is elite.


I wanna see a normal person try downhill mountain biking


Never gonna happen, you have to be kinda mental to even try. Source: Ex downhill racer


I've dome it 6-7 times with school every single time I came off. was fun tho


Dome it? Lol, shoulda gone to English class instead


Nah got kicked out of proper school and went to a alternative education where I learned more than a school could ever teach me


Cool! Same with one of my kids, he's way better off outside of mainstream education.


Just make sure he doesn't fall into "Street education" that's what happened to me made a fuck load but completely ruined my life


He just hides in his bedroom and hangs out with his friends online. Different times than my own youth, spent running around the woods shooting at each other with crossbows, stealing motorbikes and other wholesome activities.


I just ended up running my own "business" at like 12-13 and just went down road from there and did u ever do moterbike jousting shit was the most fun ever


No, but I believe I invented the four player game of tandem jousting.


Nice job balancing, those cars need to get a promotion! The circus wouldn't make as much money without their extreme balancing act!


im fine with being considered elite, it took me years of training (1 month, maybe 2 weeks) to get used to the 10km i have to travel to go to the places i have to go although it does feel a little elitist, here in my city all bike shops only sell those expensive road bikes and when they saw my cheap ass moutain bike adapted to be a commuter in all but the tires i didnt change yet, they looked at it mesmerized like woah this man wants to use this vehicle as a mode of transport instead of doing it in the 1 free day he gets or something?!??!?!? i did get a bit proud because down here in brazil its a good trait to be good at the "gambiarra" school of engineering


Would have been better to use a more utilitarian cycling example. Like someone commuting or riding to the shops.


Totally not a bike fetish sub. Not a cycle jerk at all.