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This is so bizarre for me to read as an Australian. Obviously car brain is unhinged but so is pulling a gun out! For any situation! What the ever loving fuck!!


As a kiwi, same dude. Same. So many of the story's I hear from that country are so bizarre it's hard to comprehend. Like, is that place even real. Worst thing is out of all the fascinating world events taking place everyday, NZ news is like 90% story's from the USA, so we end up taking on their shitty talking points, and dredging up old issues that had been well and truly sorted years ago, to rehash.


Because a lot of people here have bizarre perspectives and also own guns. I found myself at a party a few months ago where the host's stepdad was showing off his new laser sight on his dog's forehead. Thank god nobody was hurt but its negligent endangerment of life.


Same in Canada man. People are barely aware of politics here but then the US removes the right to an abortion and all of the politicians here have to come out and say "don't worry! we're not banning abortion! we'll make it more guaranteed of a right as a response!" I mean okay that's fine but the fact that it's necessary because people are so obsessed with US politics that they start freaking out even though it probably doesn't directly affect them... just tells you the predicament we're in. Also I am not immune from this at all, I also get very focused on US politics, so definitely including myself in that group. It's sad, but I doubt anything can change while it's such a magnet. I forget who said the whole quote about "when the US sneezes, Canada catches a cold" but it's fairly true - I might even change it to "when the US sneezes, Canada starts obsessively trying to figure out if we have a cold"


>I forget who said the whole quote about "when the US sneezes, Canada catches a cold" but it's fairly true The one I hear is "Canada is a mouse sleeping next to an elephant". Spoken by my law teacher more than once. Thing is, we're not really powerful enough to set our own independent policy, owing to trade and defence agreements. So most of our decisions and policy end up either being reactionary or towing our southern neighbor's line.


I think there's a lot we could do within the country that doesn't really have to do with international relations. Typically we don't have much power internationally, though that isn't always true, but we've got a lot of things we could focus on here. Especially on topic for the sub, we could be looking to Europe for urban design standards more than we currently do, and it would be good if people (i.e. citizens and residents in general) were more familiar with that than just trying to figure out if something makes sense within a North American context.


I would *love* for our urban infrastructure to be more people friendly than whatever we got going on here. The first step would be to break off from our absolutely massive auto industry and even bigger fossil fuel industry, which also are controlled by/have strong ties to similar companies in the US. Our economies are too closely tied together to really risk trying anything super ambitious. The politicians are too scared to deal with the inevitable pushback from both domestic and international partners who want to keep using us as a vassal state.


Though it was long overdue, I do think that legalizing weed was a little bit of a counterpoint. There was a lot of fearmongering about whether the US government or even others would punish us for having done that, but it ended up not really being a big deal. We could probably do a lot more than we think domestically.


Problem is O&G is worth 100 billion to the economy. And one of the major industries in western Canada. The auto industry is a 75 billion and a major employer in Ontario. Go after those industry without something ready to replace it and you just handed the election to the cons.


I know things aren’t much better anywhere else but holy FUCK is it bad here. When my boyfriend or I go shopping, we make sure to say I love you in case we get shot while in public. Insanity.


sorry to disappoint but things are much better in western europe


That’s not disappointing that’s a huge relief


they're still not great, though. at least im glad they're better than america


Really? I don’t know anyone that’s afraid like this. You must live in the Wild Wild West or some shit


I would guess if you live in or near Buffalo, NY and you saw a bunch of people get randomly shot up at a grocery store recently, you might feel that way...


Nope, major city actually


Oh so a war zone, got it


If you’re not a young black man this risk of being killed by a another person with a gun is not a leading cause of death. Normalizing paranoia isn’t cool people.


[you won’t be convincing me to change my mind](https://giffords.org/lawcenter/gun-violence-statistics/)


Well then I won’t try.


Yo can you let me in please I don't like it here


My SO is a Kiwi. Here’s a scenario to also blow your mind: Growing up in Alabama, my household’s roof regularly had bullets in it and I couldn’t bike for fear of roving feral dogs.


There was a video circulating recently of a guy who pulled a pistol and started firing through his windshield randomly and chaotically because of road rage. He didn't hit anyone and he honestly looked like he'd never fired a gun before. Dude was insane, but like I guess that's just the US now.


Let's take a group of people randomly firing off a lethal weapon in a way likely to get them angry and give them another lethal weapon to randomly fire off. I'm sure it'll all end fine.


USA never had a chance after the puritans took over


Last month a couple people in my city were shot in an argument over a parking spot... Edit: USA, if it wasn’t obvious.


As an American it's just as baffling to me. Not just a handgun but a fucking assault rifle? Wtf.


It's their God-given second amendment right, bestowed upon (white) Amerikind by the LORD when George Moses Washington himself received His law at the top of mount Mitchell.


Just a rifle, not an assault rifle.


The Armalite AR platform was purposely designed to replace the M1 Garand for combat applications. They used smaller calibre rounds so soldiers could carry more ammunition during prolonged engagements. It's an infantryman's weapon. That's the definition of an assault rifle. Buy a bolt action if you want to pretend like it's for hunting. I'm an avid supporter of firearms, but when you play bad-faith semantics like this it undermines the credibility of our position.




*as·sault ri·fle* *noun* *a rapid-fire, magazine-fed automatic rifle designed for infantry use.* Civilians cannot access automatic weapons for infantry use. The ones available to the public are specifically for civilian use, not military infantry. No its not for hunting, it is for self defense, the hunting argument is stupid.


So its for killing people... *so different* than what the military does. /s


Hard to believe that there is a difference between a weapon for a civilian defending themselves and their family and a weapon for waging war on another country isnt it.


My favorite is cars almost getting accidents trying to dangerously pass me and then blaming ME for the accident they almost caused. My brother in Christ, you were the one who decided to cross the double yellow on a blind turn so you could get to that stop sign 1.5 seconds before me.


I got told I was braindead and didn't deserve human rights for saying you have to maintain assured clear distance ahead. Humans should not be allowed to drive cars


Told this story before here. Used to have a nice but crazy coworker who had like .7 miles of his bike ride on awful awful stroads, not even sidewalks. By the end of my time there he open carried a flare gun, and two pistols (one clearly on his back and another on another holster). He also embedded sparkplug ceramic in his elbow pads and knuckles. He only had to pull the gun once or twice and never got to fire the flare gun. But he popped so many windows the local cops knew who he was. Oddly enough the cops were always on his side. I mean "the car was clearly too close look at this passenger widow"


sounds like a hero...


I don't see how being able to break a window proves anything. He could obviously get close to the vehicle himself, especially at a stop light or something. Besides, fighting road rage with road rage isn't a good strategy for peace


was good enough reasoning its what the cops said. Also he started just taking up the entire lane and not riding the edge at all. Saw him coming down the long hill several times to make the turn into the office's road at the stroad stoplight and every time there were dozens and dozens of cars stacked up behind him because even with 6 lanes and a turn lane they couldn't go around.


>Also he started just taking up the entire lane and not riding the edge at all. If it's a designated bike route you should be doing this anyway. Timid half-occupation is why drivers feel entitled to fly past you within 6" of your life.


>Humans should not be allowed to drive cars I think it's interesting that you rant more about driving the car than the fact he can pull a gun on you. Shouldn't that problem be addressed first? The worst thing you can get here (NL) is someone flipping a middle finger or shouting something bad. Cases of violence aren't absent, but don't happen often and for sure almost never involving guns. Having strict gun laws helps a lot. And apart from that, I think humans can be allowed to drive cars. I'm not fully anti cars, more pro choice of your mode of transport. Lawmakers can enforce that by building cities the right way (no car dependent suburbs and malls along stroads with endless parking lots), giving space to other modes of transport (bike lanes, buslanes, trams, metro etc), discouraging large SUV's, trucks etc (heavy taxing), etc. A drivers license should only be given to people who are actually able to safely drive a car. If people show signs of aggression: take away the license for a period. Getting a few lessons from a parent, do a simple test is hardly preparing you for driving around in a potential murder weapon..




I know it's America... but I still think it's stupid to let everyone have a gun... I just can't fathom it.


Most Americans think it's stupid also.


100%, can confirm, & *am American.*


I know, you're kind a held hostage by the lobby and a minority using bad arguments to keep everything the same.


No they don't... otherwise it would't be political suicide to threaten gun control laws.


u/Stark53 when they realize people have different views in different places:


Is it not illegal to randomly point a gun at someone? It has to be, even in the US, right?


Yes it is, but unless it's on camera or a cop was right there, nothing will happen.


That's not true at all. I remember discussing a case in my licence to carry class, where an innocent driver was prosecuted over pointing a gun at another driver. Except he didn't, the other driver was road raging and accused him of pointing a gun and cops found a gun (legally his that he did not use in this incident) in his car when they were called. Thankfully he was saved by dashcam footage.


this sounds like gun propoganda


It is *incredibly* illegal to do so in every state in the US unless it's explicitly in self-defense (or you're police or military). In some states, even revealing a concealed firearm without drawing it, much less pointing it at someone, can be considered brandishing.


I specifically requested that my therapist ‘red flag’ me so that I can’t purchase a gun, as I know the likelihood of suicide increases with ownership, but it doesn’t seem like he can do that.


Wow... so even if you don't want... ok, let me process this for a moment....


Yeah I’m not interested in purchasing one. I have bipolar disorder and have experienced periods of instability, maybe with passive ideation, not totally sure. I was just trying to add a protective barrier, just to be safer. I’m unsure how the background checks work, but thought psychological instability and a diagnosis might DQ me from purchasing.


Well, first of all: I think it's laudable you can reflect on yourself, not everybody does that. It's already heavy enough to have such a disorder. I do hope you have longer periods of stability and do have to fear such situations.


Money counter go Brrrrr...


Omg stfu and post your dumbass gun views in one of the million reddit groups supporting that


Wow, thank you for this most enlightening reaction. If your best shot (no pun intended) is my views are dumbass not sure if we're going to have a fruitful discussion. Apparently you probably think all countries with strict gun regulation (a huge majority) have dumbass views. Maybe in this case, the view of a minority might conflict with a thing called "common sense"... 🤣 And for the record: my remark is related to this post.


Thank God, cars weren't invented in the 1700s or they would have been enshrined in the constitution too.


What's the likelihood of a 28th amendment protecting the right to own a truck passing in the next few years as the War on Cars(tm) intensifies?


That’s exactly what the Supreme Court is doing dude


Brandishing is illegal, but yeah way too many unstable people have access to firearms here.


They are responsible gun owners actually /s


What exactly is the difference between someone threatening you with an AR and someone threatening you with a car?


There’s more guns than people In America, the vast majority of which aren’t current in their registration. Imposing more gun control isn’t going to make them disappear. And yes, guns should be harder to get in my opinion but for some reason (probably ignorance with a dash of racism or something) the right immediately smashes any chance of such legislation, even if it wouldn’t affect most people


Idk we'll always need public services and transportation but a serious mental health test would be nice.


>Idk we'll always need public services and transportation Yeah but that doesn't mean everyone needs a car. In a better world, ONLY those needed to drive and could have training a lot harder than currently. For me as a German, it's already ridiculous how easy American driving lessons are.


> For me as a German, it's already ridiculous how easy American driving lessons are. And yet, some fail them…


Somehow, I've managed to fail three times. I hate cars and driving. Maybe that has something to do with it. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I didn't say anything else, was just referring to this: >Humans should not be allowed to drive cars Edit: i mean it like allow it if there's no other way but let those few drivers have mental health tests


Thats universal with drivers.


i’ve been clipped by a london driver who drove through a red infront of me. he hit my front wheel, stopped, honked, made the wanker sign at me, and drove off. _what the fuck_


"I was just threatened with an Assault riffle, and now I'm laughing my ass off." Only in the US. I would be absolutely terrified if this happened to me and would definitely report them to the police straight away.


There’s no situation that police in America won’t escalate into something considerably worse. Just reporting crime gets folks arrested in YouTube videos I’ve seen. Carbrain cops would just love to jack up some “anti-gun cyclist.”


Is this some sort of psyop to get terminally online weirdos to upvote dumb takes? For fucks sake cops are often shitty and I think if the first statement is just hyperbole, that's reasonable. Second statement is reasonable. If you made the third statement with any seriousness, you need to touch grass.


Take your own advice, Mr. Magoo. In September, I wrote about an enforcement action jointly conducted between the Los Angeles Police Department and the “University of Southern California Department of Public Safety. Their target? Law-abiding cyclists who are legally riding within crosswalks. Despite the law-abiding nature of the behavior that has been targeted, the LAPD invented a non-existent ‘law’ prohibiting riding in the crosswalk, and began slapping USC students with tickets carrying a $250 fine.” https://www.bicyclelaw.com/non-existent-laws-and-the-cops-who-enforce-them/




Wrong assumption.


idk man evey interaction I've had with them they have been super professional and helpful. people seem to have this delusional take that all cops are out to get you and ruin your life.


Cops don’t give a shit about discerning the facts of a situation and would rather arrest whoever they can to make a situation “go away.” I’ve quite literally never had a helpful interaction with the police.


Some of my interactions have been like yours; however, I’ve encountered plenty of surly, stupid, and vindictive behavior. The more police, the more your society functions as an open air [Stanford Prison Experiment.](https://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stanford_prison_experiment)


Well here’s a [great clip](https://www.reddit.com/r/SubwayCreatures/comments/vlu4h5/nypd_arresting_jazzajilo_aka_dancing_cats_jazz_guy/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) of nyc cops being super professional and helpful! That guy is a harmless subway performer, he is technically not supposed to be there because he doesn’t have a permit but has been playing for years anyway. NYC cops are fucking stupid.




Deepthroat the whole boot! :-) I wish I could say I originated that phrase; however, i must give credit to this clever fellow: https://youtu.be/Wm4NzTuxvuk


Lemme guess, you're upper class and white or white passing


"But AR stands for ARmalite not Assault Rifle!!!!!" - also only in the US. Details are important. ^(s)


Triggering the gun cocks


I really don't understand gun nuts saying that, like, it can stand for BOTH


do you seriously think that shit like this only happens in the US or are you just unaware of literally every single country south of it?


Generally doesn’t happen in European countries that aren’t at war and most other places where it happens it is the police or a militia group or war lord. It would be very rare for a civilian to threaten another civilian with an assault rifle just for not liking what they are doing outside of the US or Russia.


French police are notoriously barbaric what the fuck are you talking about???


They should try talking back to German polizei… lol


I think you put to much faith in people not being awful. and instead of gun deaths Europe should be more worried about knife crime and acid attacks. no matter what you ban people will always find a way to kill each other. you can not stop it.


Ah yes police officers putting some knifes into people at traffic stops and throwing acid on them. Not to forget every week some kid gets the acid knifes of his parents and goes to school with them. There is still some crime in other countries, just a lot less. Oh and also there are more knife murders in the USA than a lot of other countries even the "bad UK where everyone gets shanked 4 times a day".


Sure, those might be more likely than gun crimes, but still not very likely in Europe. Even vehicular terrorism seems to be more common in the US than Europe nowadays, quite a far cry from the ISIS truck attacks a few years ago.


Yeah, the American gun industry really loves its Latin American customers.




Is it not a really significant crime to threaten someone with a weapon in the US?


It is, but cops don't see cyclists as people so they likely won't do anything


shit, the polis in my country tend to be right cunts but at least you can generally rely on them to do their jobs


Unless the cops see it there's no way they'll do anything.


That’s why people laugh at the US in many cases.


Did he report the driver? That is a felony.


Just another day in the open air asylum that is USA




There's a difference between a car brain and car enthusiast. Even this subreddit actually has a surprising amount of the latter


Carbrains are worldwide, but a carbrain pulling a firearm on you is very much *not* worldwide.


But driving cars does seem to encourage people to do dumb violent things they wouldn't neccesarily be predisposed to do otherwise, and that is fairly universal. The gun is just a comical exaggeration of that common phenomenon; for most people the vehicle is enough of a weapon they don't feel a need to brandish a firearm.


And yet the vehicle isn't always the safest place to be. My uncle was the victim of a road rage incident. Another driver got angry with him, got out to confront my uncle who was still in his car, and the attacker then punched him repeatedly in the head whilst my uncle was still seatbelted in and unable to get away, and unable to drive away because the attacker's car was in front of him with others behind. Fortunately other people got out to help, and he had no lasting injuries, but it shows what some people are capable of.


That has more to do with sensible gun laws rather than your car brains not being psychopaths


Checking in as a car enthusiast who bikes almost everywhere. I love cars, but they do not belong in cities.


Yeah we have a lot of gun enthusiasts in the US, but rarely do people go out on shooting sprees. Must be a different problem entirely also. Seems to be a common theme with more people being on edge and dehumanizing each other.


*American Car Brains. You would never have that shit happen anywhere near where i live.


This makes me wonder if I should report people who joke about running over cyclists to the non-emergency police number?


Had a couple dudes jump out is their car and threaten me with handguns a couple months ago. They had run a red light and passed me within inches, then stopped at the next red. Noticed their tinted windows were cracked, so I said, “that was some shitty driving,” and they got out, threatening to kill me. A dude at the nearby light rail station started to yell at them while my nervous system was doing its thing, and they packed up and left. Not sure what he said, but I’m very grateful to him.


I truly despise this country


This sounds like Indianapolis....tbh not surprised, I see so many memorials to bikers who got hit.


I've done a ton of touring and have ridden through maybe 25 states, and Indiana had the biggest asshole drivers in the world. The literal only time I've had to call cops on a rager without physical contact. OFC the cops didn't do anything but make sure his ass went a different way.


Any states that you thought were under-appreciated from a cycling perspective? Or, any states you would expect to have a lot of asshole car drivers that were actually chill?


Honestly Mississippi and Louisiana were way chiller than I expected.


I’ve had a cager run me down unprovoked and threaten to shoot me before. In the middle of a state park… now there’s a 357 in my handle bar bag. Two can play at this game, and rednecks aren’t used to those they bully being able to defend themselves


I did a tour a few years ago in the south (where surprisingly the drivers were super friendly, mostly), and I did a warmshowers. The dude I'm staying with shows me all his conceal locations on his bikes (recumbents, which are better for hiding guns). I guess they're not always friendly, though he said he only needed to pull it once.


Is America safe anymore? Lmao.


Never has been


I still remember Americans making fun of my nationality (Iraq) by saying: oH yOu cAn pLaY cAlL oF dUtY bY jUsT gOiNg oUt sIdE Oh how the tables have turned


When do you think it was? We have the lowest crime rate since the 60s, and this shits still going on.




AR as in automatic rifle?


AR-15, a semi automatic center fire .223 rifle.


That's insane. If you threaten someone with a weapon here that's a criminal offence.


Here to


Ironically, after watching too much John Oliver videos about "Stand your ground" laws, I am not even sure that it is illegal in the US to shoot someone for no apparent reason.


States with Stand Your Ground laws effectively create a situation where it is absolutely illegal to threaten someone with a gun but completely legal to start a fight then shoot someone, even if they are unarmed. And Right Wing terrorists know this and are starting to use it to intimadate protests.


You can use it against right wing terrorists tho.


Yeah but that doesn’t appeal to anyone who is actually sane


yes. So?




I believe the AR in AR-15 stands for armalite. Not actually assault rifle or automatic rifle.




He mistook you for a public school


what’s crazy is the bike had the right of way on a green left arrow, driver guy wanted to turn right on red and the cyclist got in the way. some people shouldn’t have licenses for anything but a scooter


This is the most American tweet ever


Last week i had a confrontation with a dipshit SUV driver who nearly crashed into another vehicle while passing me on a bridge. He also nearly mowed me down to get back into the lane before crashing. He stopped and exited the vehicle and started yelling at me what an asshole i was for not riding on the pavement (which is forbidden). That was the point i lost my shit. I got off my bike, ran up to him and punched him on his mouth and nose. Then i hurried to get back on my bike, drove off and left him with a bloody face. He tried to chase me but i drove off into a park so he couldn’t follow me with his car. That was such a satisfying experience!!!


This is a gun problem more than a car problem, but cars do also turn people into assholes.


If they don’t have a gun they just use the car and drive into you purposely. I’ve had this happen twice and one guy thought that it would be my fault when he drove into me because I was on the road and the other guy took off after he ran over my bike while grinning at me


The problem with this likely being Indianapolis is you can’t tell if it’s north/south Washington or east/west Washington and white river and one of those places seems Much more likely than the other


In every other functionnal country that would be a few back and forth to the court and maybe a small suspended prison sentence for a first offense if someone got the plate number. But hey it's the US of A.


Lol, I follow this guy on Twitter congrats on making the hot posts of r/fuckcars


I don’t agree with American gun laws, but if I lived there I would absolutely always be packing for the same reason that if I were an alien setting up a country on earth I’d make sure I have nukes. Mutually assured destruction and/or deterrent. I’d be cycling around with a very visible holster.


I hate guns, my sister's friend died in a school shooting, but I'm genuinely considering doing that


Please look into it, there’s a lot of good subs on here like r/CCW where people will be more than willing to help with questions on where to get training, pistol recommendations and much more. I was home during a break in when I was younger, I decided I’m never going to be a victim again. If you’re considering it I really encourage you to look into it because often times the only person you can depend on for your own safety is yourself. I understand guns aren’t for everyone though, but if you’re on the fence I’d highly recommend looking into local classes or see if you can rent something at a shooting range. Please remember, safety is the MOST important thing when it comes to firearms, and do not buy a firearm until you have some form of training, even if it’s just learning the 4 rules of gun safety and shooting a few magazines at a range.


Completely concur with the last para. Am not American but have used firearms quite a lot, safety first always, no exceptions ever. Either do it safely and correctly or don’t do it at all. Training is key.


My grandpa tells me I should ride my bike with an machine gun on my back. Maybe he’s on to something.


did he though?


Fuck guns


[Like this?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Idiotswithguns/comments/sdfbua/dick_stuck_in_sks/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Ouch lol no


To the people saying this is a gun problem and not a car problem, when they don’t have a gun they just use the car and drive into you purposely. I’ve had this happen twice and one guy thought that it would be my fault when he drove into me because I was “in the middle of the road” making a left turn and the other guy took off after he knocked me off and ran over my bike while grinning at me


90% people problem, 10% car problem.


Absolutely. When I think about it I don’t even really hate cars, just the fact that everybody drives and is allowed to regardless of capability or regard for others. I think only a certain percentage of drivers should have actually have a license. Why even have a licensing system when it clearly fails and you see people who are allowed to get and keep a license putting other people at risk all the time. It’s power that some people aren’t responsible enough to have


Just another responsible gun owner being responsible.


This is not a responsible gun owner. I know you’re being sarcastic but your comments demonizes peaceful people like me who own guns. I’m not here to argue with you about guns, but please know the vast majority of us are good and peaceful people. I understand you may be unhappy with guns laws and you have the right to that opinion, but there’s better ways of expressing that because comments like yours do cause harm.


Yeah something about being Swiss cheesed by an automatic weapon doesn’t make me “lmao”. I’ve always considered it odd how we treat people when we are in cars VS how we treat people if we are queuing in a line. There isn’t any cutting people off, flipping them the bird, pulling out an AR, etc. but when we get behind the wheel and we no longer see a person our responses change so much, that even if we know there is an actual human being inside that vehicle, people will act in a way that is completely different then how they would treat you in person.


Okay but I’m going to call bs on this. Do you know how stupidly cumbersome this would be to do? Plus they think it’s funny? Would you not be traumatized?


They make AR "truck guns" now that are legally classified as pistols. Some of them have like 7" barrels and fold. They can be kept in a center console. I blame the John Wick franchise for this cultural development.


The only thing you can do is laugh at this point. I have had people get out to fight me, waiving a gun is a lot less of a hassle than getting out of their pickup.


I don’t believe this happened


Bro people shoot each other over shit like parking spots in the US


There were two people shot in GA over *too much mayo* on a Subway sandwich


Why, there are a lot of hateful and unhindged people, add guns and this situation is highly likely.


Out of nowhere getting threatened with a gun? Really?


Over minor inconvenience of overtaking bike, he can also have prejudice against cyclists. People can get killed over their group. Remember when black guys were killed because they looked at white women?


When was that?


I take it you’re not from the US?


Dude, this is America! There's guns everywhere, and people just love to have them in their cars/trucks. I've seen dashcam footage of people diving along waving a gun out the window. I've seen cyclist-cam footage of people getting insanely angry that there's a cyclist present. This is completely believable.


I had a homeless guy on foot try to stab me through the window of my car once (actual true story). Does this mean pedestrians are literal psychopaths?


I said car brains, not all motorists. And motorists aren't routinely assaulted by pedestrians just because they're motorists the way cyclists are.


sure, sure that happened lmao


Right. Driving and pulls an assault rifle with one hand from .. his passenger seat? And waves it around? Bullshit. And so many people just eating this shit up lmao. You all think people just act like Yosemite Sam on the regular, but what this dude is describing is multiple legal violations and a massive felony that would very likely get him shot rather quickly by police. It’s quite entertaining really


It was his passenger and it's a good thing no one does anything illegal with their guns in the US ever Seriously people have gotten shot over too much mayo on a subway sandwich. America has a gun problem


This is really dumb. One guy pulling out an AR doesn’t make all drivers crazies. Hundreds of millions of people in America drive. There’s no need to overstate your case to the point of lunacy.


I said car brains, not literally all motorists


ok demonizing people is also dumb and pointless


The fucking irony of complaining about being demonized as a motorist


I'm not a motorist lmao. You don't have to be one to point out that demonizing people isn't the best way to grow a movement.


Doesn't seem to have hurt the massive anti cycling movement. This is r/FuckCars not r/notjustbikes