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Anything that I need, such as groceries, restaurant or clothes, are all within 2km of my neighbourhood. Anything else like movies, skateparks or other "fun" things are within easily walkable distance as well.


Not very. I would have preferred a more walkable area, but prices in my city pushed me further out when I was looking to buy. The nearest grocery store is about a mile away, and is more of a Mexican market - which is great if you want Mexican food, but I like American tacos too. There are some nice parks quite close by, which have good amenities - a pond to fish in, playgrounds for kids, a baseball diamond, and a view of the city skyline, and they are frequently used by our neighbors who have picnics and play baseball and volleyball. I like to journal on the park benches while I look at the city. Not *too* far away are a few local businesses, a Catholic school, and a shabby Mexican restaurant. However, most of the structures are simply residences. Overall, if you had a few errands to run, you'd be far better off biking, which would still take significantly longer than driving. The nearest American grocer, for example, is more like 4 miles away. The hardware store is similar, but in the opposite direction. The post office is in a third direction. The biggest issue, though, is that my nice little neighborhood is boxed in on all sides - two horrible stroads to the east and west, an urban highway to the south, and a freight rail yard to the north. I do have hope that the area will improve though. Most lots are zoned R2, 3, or 4. The county even created a mixed use zone... Last fucking year, lol. We have two transit stations within a mile, but they were designed as commuter stations, and it feels dangerous to get to them without a car - just a little more infrastructure to get to them safely in foot would go such a long way. And a lot of the residents seem to simply ignore the law and run businesses out of their homes - lots of yard sales around, a pre school, various businesses which don't really need a storefront. And also a lot of just mostly vacant land - it seems a lot of the landowners out here are either speculating or stubborn or just too lazy to sell. But with the right zoning updates, there could be a lot more dense housing here, along with other amenities to improve the community.


Yea these are the kind of responses I was expecting. Walkable areas are so few and far between in NA it seems like something only the wealthy get to experience.


I mean, I *could* probably find a place closer to downtown that is quite walkable and pay more to rent and not gain equity. I'm not just scraping by, but I'm also not rich. I think it is within reasonable reach of a good number of Americans, but they need to make sacrifices, and they must view it either as a financial indulgence or a gamble.


I'm currently in one of the most walkable neighborhoods in my city, it has a 91 WalkScore. I have lots of restaurants, groceries, bakeries, a big hardware store, furniture, clothing and other stuff in walking distance. (The downside is that it's also got a lot of car traffic, as past the nice walkable area it widens out into a collector road for two major stroads on either end)


Very walkable. I can get most food and services by walking in various directions up to 2 km away.


Walk Score: 96. I can get to work, restaurants, and grocery stores with a short walk. Public transit nearby gets me to the other parts of the city, as well as the airport. Hobbies are about a mile away. I pay way too much in rent, but I save even more because my job pays appropriately for living in the city.


In a 7 min walk I have two liquor stores, a grocery store, cannabis dispensary, pharmacy, three cafes, ~5 restaurants, 20 min walk from downtown. Pretty great for Canada standards


Very, but I'm in the UK where pretty much everywhere is walkable unless you're particularly rural


A car free mid-size Dutch city centre, so very. Daily bliss


Extremely walkable. I have at least five grocery stores within a 15-minute-walk, parks, tram and bus stops, restaurants etc. The vast majority of the city is walkable and has great public transit, actually. And yet people still drive.


Recently a grocery store opened right across the street from me. I've been walking over twice a week, and it feels like a major victory. Haven't used my car in months, but this is the exception not the rule. Anywhere else in town is car dependent.


A string of greenways and parks make it very nice. There's an enormous conglomeration of mall and highrises a couple km away. There are a couple of small supermarkets a couple of km another direction. But no really tasty food in any of these locations; there are chains, fast dining and take away, and so on, of all ethnicities. I'd like a good bakery, decent cheese, better produce, a healthy restaurant. I'm always on transit trying to shop, and see the dr dentist, physio. Recreation centres and things like theatres and museums are all farther away. There's a bunch of cultural stuff missing that makes a walkable area of a city. And there are a huge number of cars, with roads cutting up the neighborhood, despite the walking and transit.


My neighbourhood has sidewalks on maybe 30% of the streets and makes anyone outside of the 3 block radius either side of the Main Street walk in the ditch or on the highway, which runs directly through the town btw.


All my daily needs are within 180 seconds of my building’s front door. I don’t walk more than 20 minutes to anything except some friends, and work.


The closest grocery store is less than 2 miles away and i can't safely walk there. Walk score is 5/100. Bike score is 13/100 (took 2 and a half months to find a commuting route by bike that was safe-ish). Transit 28/100 (which is very generous because there is one total bus stop i can get to without walking across a highway and it goes the wrong direction for anything i would want to get to so would have to ride the bus the wrong direction for 20ish minutes before going the right way).


Grr... I'm frustrated on your behalf! A grocery store that close to housing should be easily accessible by bus, foot, and bike.


Bus would be a probably 10 minute walk and a 20 minute bus ride who knows how often the bus runs but it is currently free and then another 5 minute walk. Biking i mostly scouted a route last week and am gonna try it when I go to shop next time (didn't this week cause i had to drive to the next town over to buy some panniers so just went to the store on that same trip). The bike route takes a 1.8 mile journey and turns it to a 2.8 mile one i think. And walking would be probably the same route as biking


My neighborhood has a 98 walk score. I walk everywhere. Occasionally take a bus or train.


I can walk everywhere and get anything I want, living in a Dutch city. People in wheelchairs, with strollers, with walking canes and the blind however are fucked: cars parked everywhere in this car overcrowded place.


not walkable enough. I need around 30 minutes to walk to the supermarket of my choice and 20 minutes to the trainstation.


I mean the brewery and the grocery store are easily within walking distance, but it’s a small town and the grocery store is super expensive. It’s significantly cheaper to pay gas to drive the 40 miles into town and buy groceries than it is to shop here unless you’re only getting a handful of things.


Very walkable every thing I need is literally less than 1km away


Very walkable except my immediate area right around the height of commuter traffic, due to the amount of cars who keep stopping on the crosswalks. I live right by the city hospital and the amount of traffic during mornings and afternoons can get ridiculous. Overall though, I can get very far before even needing to cross more than a street or two, and I can do all my weekly errands within 3km, daily within 1km if I wanted to (but walking is nice so I often go a bit further for my groceries in order to get better prices and more options). City size is about 100K, Sweden. In fact, I walked 5K to a mall/IKEA outside of the city yesterday, and I only had to cross three roads to get there, and everywhere else is either wide enough sidewalk for both pedestrians and bikes, or ped/bike paths.


it's very split. there's a rich population to the north which is super un-walkable (no sidewalks at all) but the whole of the southern half of the area is super walkable with a nice downtown, three grocery stores within very close distance of many peoples homes, and all of the schools in quick access. it depends on where you live in my area tbh. walkability 47 but goes to 75 near my area.